HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/04/1916 ;ienit , izishiliE tol-i eceii,b4r 4 1.y16 . Re�,,.:lar meeltin6 of trl:' Council ; preti;Nnt IAayor sir ill and Courl- cimlelr Berlin , Coleman , Matt , and Tiiifoy; Coun- cilr:ra.ri West coiliirig iii later . IUnUtea of Nvoveimer 19 , read an(i _,)Proved , as read. 1 - LiLr:t Corrliriittee ordered clew li�rlts irj a.s follows : Corner of Titus and Third Street::. 1 Corner of Prospect and `i'eiilperallce Struts 1 Harrison Street , by Greed Hol.ise 1 Corner of Third Ave . and tinker Street 1 Alpine Nay , clear steps to reservoir 1 Claims read and allovred as follov,�s : John, Englund Ailto ,ii re p 3 .00 Ilerb Baldwin Street work 5 ,?5 Kent Advertiser Pr1.1ItIlgg 38 .80 Dr. (11. h. Hoi'i'lLarl II. 0. l�xp. � . j0 11. P . Rasilussen & Sol1„ Tn01.S c ,ep . 12 .?0 East ide Lumber Co . Lullibei, 17.45 C . Woodworth Strut Clearliii�; 5C5. .0000 A . -L k J a . Cook .1 ry v � J • J. R. k'artill Sc'; iU.r•y 55 . 0C Dr . C . 13. Iloi'1'llan '>LLlary E.71..Idaden /v Lot Davis ;salary 33 •35 L . R . Price �,a.lary �� Imp . l--2 -73 11. 13ou.l drorl ,3a�ury 75 . 00 Beebe Phar•rr><tcy }[. u. ; rzp��lie., 1 . 50 blerrefi-ld Hdwe . Co. supplies 2 . 75 Cavanauth & Son;; U1) ies iI.US P. ;. }',. Ry. Co . I,j.('! il,f 119. 53 ^" Chas. }'iiatt;a.illi 'lratctli[i�lri 5 .00 Geo. Tanner Latter 60. 0o John 1'1cLaut�hlirl La,t>or 22 . 50 John Reed Labor 5 . 00 John Rott Labor- 1 . 90 City Transfer Frei�;ht & ].)rg• 6 .50 Indust . Ills. Cola. Ind. Irl_, . 3 .65 C. E . Giziber.,on , 1) . }vi. PostElge 10 . 5t1 Dalton Adding: Iviacizine Co . Rep. « Uph-ep Cont . 10 .63 City Water Syst . water for }sire Hyd. 1860 .o0 C. Vinodworth St . WOrK 3 .60 Allen Clark Auto "Eire 7. 50 Upon motion ti-ie Wasliiri,:;tori Paving Co ' ,j . cl.ainl wars ordered. paid after deductiliE the Hayward claims , and after the Com a had deposited with the City Clerk , check to cover the balalice of time claims :tiled, arriountirl.b to 876 . 12 ; leaving a balarlc® due the Company of 85170. 86 . Upon )notion the Street Colrurrittee was authorized to ru.rchase the rock left by the Wasi-iiljgtorl Paving Co , If it could be got at a reasonable price. Ordinance No . 317 , aptnrovil-16 assessirielit roll for I, . I.D. 1?O . 159 , ,us read and uporl Motion placed ul)Or; its filial passage and carried by ttrQ una.ili-wous vote of all of t,ile Colu.lrcilmen present . .aids to do the city pririti.l�g for all,. --r:s1ri11g year v; ern Op�n- ed aiid read as follows : Kelit Joi.1rli'il , 20�, for 1st . irlsel'tioll Ltlld 04) for s1.lbsecluelit , K..l!t Advertiser , _O�, for lot . if j , it If upon lrotion the contract was awrder. to 119 .E,ellt Jo[1rnal . ]JO further busilie:;s file Col.lnci_l ,uliorl luotion ,d.id ri`eli ou rri. _ __----