HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/20/1916I X1441C 30Y Kent , Washinc toll , Vovember 20, 1 )16 . I,:'e:�111l1r lf.'90tifls" oI' the COU11(:11; JJ)fesellt XXX COU.11cillfk111 Derlill, Coleifll.11, Tlatt , dLoo1c, OVerToc1: �; T11IIG)y, COUilcillf,Lln Overlock actiNt_. hICIV01'. T'v1inuteS of Voveia),,?r 6 , r:'a(i a)1d apprwed as read. A:1 Oi'f3r fl" )lfl D1'. 3. T1pl'.C'1li`Ii t0 buy tr1'' St"cillCill1�; tilnk)er ill K9I19beCE AVe11Ue, baCx of tile Etivnrd. A(iditiou, was react; lio action taicll. ;Pvver 'oi[ul,ittee r�comeiide(l t;�lat T�. 11. Par.-eLS and A. McDonald, oil south side of J,leexer Ave. be allowed to 1)ut in a 1211 box drain in front of tliear rlro�iferty, utider trl_e Sll] erViSi011 O1 tt1? City Pll beer. Upoil I[1oti0ll the r-("oltlei'l- (lation of tn.e era:; adopted. Clailks read 1111d Crain Wood""forth Sr. T . 1). `i'uc)t-r I. P . Ca lhoull C. Jor ;ell. ell Kent ;.fall AsSll. L,owifkill & IIf_,nford lr: L. Jalfies loary Field Inez Lalo:;:,ier A. S. Lef"),3x' `i' . 1A. Tlarli T� . C. 11P cIC C. C. Corlleliu 1)ellie Ramsay L . U . Vi strt.111d 1,111ma Wood;xort:rl ;arail '.Ciwbey A. T;. Rrotci)i. John Tia.rn E. A. Estes J. J. Crow L. I;. `.C110i11pson Rubie A liri6iit Lucy C. Sol'vn Vera L. Selln order(i pai(t as follomrs: L�lectioil bootils "C 1..00 Collsta0le Polli '&� pi) jce 5.00 Polliri6 place 5.00 Po ! lily; nlace .00 1 bot. i111: 1.35 Li e:;tio11 2loa1,d 2.50 E c Li J l 1 ij u Lt. 1 d 20 L;leCt:i J1i �SC�11'd 2.50 L1.ectio11 <oanl 2.50 i-ltiCti01l B LL.Cd 2.50 i 1e("tioiI J_.', oa.rd . 50 ls'leCtiOu Ltioard 2.5o 1)1,lecti011 hoard 2.50 i;l?Ct Loll L)oar(1 T,1,?ction board ' .50 1,1eCtioll J3oUrd 2. 0 Lle Lion Oard 2.50 i',,leCti 1, (1 2.150 11'c:ti ill 13oai'd ? �0 . ElPCtioll 1'-oar d 2 `50 "lect:.on 1.3oard 2.50 P,le0t:ioil Board 2.50 Rlection Hoard .50 1"_1ectIoll Pouj-d 2 50 50 Ordinance ho. 336, Auti,ori:,inE hoed iocue, L.I.P. ilo. 1.)J8, V,Ias react 'llid upoll laotioll placed upon its final and <;ar'rled by tale UriaIlilllOus bole of a i I of tile, -oil l7(;111f!P11 presAllt. The follovilag resolution, settiliu tilue for the riearin� oil USSeSSltleilt roll , Pl St. 15 vva,; 1'`'a.(i alld ad(toj)tgd as f ollows: IT IS RESOLVED BY T1 tE UI'i'Y c;OUJJGlh OF 'i'-iIE CI'1'Y O1+ KEia T : ` na, t trie 4th. day oi' Decelfiber, lylb, at the -)_our of �S 01clocn P.AL. , at the Council Ci1L1J[J)e1-' -0 in the City Eia.l1_, at lent, :'�il:(Y11n��LOn, be and tide Sillfie ] . f iXed as tile tiII19 :111(1 place for hearing; on the a .oeSSillent roll ?'or Local Imp. Dist. R-0. 159, by builctillL si(iewall, oil the ea;;t side of Clark St. lash `Gnat the City Clem be 'And i.� 1?ereby directed to pub _ in the City oi' 'icial llewSt)aper pi' tide City of Cent rlJtice thereof as required by la"'i alld the O1'd1n lice:; ol, t.11- ('aid City. Election Boards the c�erler.,l City election. on 1), Stil.rlext, 4,'91'e. �ipointed aS 1'oI_-L0v!S: Precillctrl 1vU. 1. J. J. CrOW, IliSPeCtOr; IV1rS. R1lk)ie A Writ.ht and iv;rs. L. 1,. Tilol[ip:,oll, JUJ,,-S; 1Jiis.�, V�,,ra „ellS alld JAISs Ruth Bown, C1'?rks. Precinct Ido. 2. E. L. Lrotclli, l,ispector; E.P;stes and ivu s. Eiulna d�oodvrortn, Judges; Jollli Hani alid Mrs. Sarah) Ti:,iby c;l'�ricS. Precinct 1Jo. 3. 1ti. C. 1'�Ck, Inspector; `i'. 1), i'UC.tC9r alid lairs. Elizaoettj lgrovTn, JuclGes; ur':�"lilipl alid Geo. Doll; Clerk,. llr; CillCt 1'�v • ��. 13. ]�' ColPl[lull, lu, pector; A. ti. Le�peY• iLl CK'? r , JU dLe s ; I'Ar s . L . Jet. me S alld 14ia T'y Wield, .Cl��rits. Upon 1[lotioli the Oi'i*iCe:1"S bollas) viere or'Ejered divided netWe811 l';1r. B. !i. Boviell alld 1111'. 2. 'Oil. }a,;� , aS 11F'ar E'411- el as� I1raybe, Without dividijlg tlloilsa)ias. 110 f',lrther business appeariljg, till Co,tnril, upon motion, did adjourn. Ci ,y Cler. i:. K