HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/05/1916 .1 xlfFc
P,e;-,'-tilar npetin�- of t--:e "i-vor I nn ',ii
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J. F,, Hayw it d 0 . 0 0 1C. T. 10 - 0 C, Ail--n `Clank ,
PP6 00 ; Craiii Cn;�-all 210 . 1,10 ,
Tlei,b .. 33,z 1dV7 n 00 oo. U C)i I o
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in-Int roll for LooLi 149 , for t A 7[,t,
1""ellt o f G r)V"9 t r t bs build-1.11L;' 1'�)r L—t t�-q oc)11.1'�]'i ""i J�?
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Vrle 'Cliefk be -';n(l is Ii,,reby (1.* 1'e;,-,t-0 to tiip
WsaY)eff � it n' T'
1 ' a r .rcr-p . Cl 'o pd
by iuv'[ '—id t-q
Resolution s 'X� I 15 5 , 156 ';i (i 157 `,"'ere 1'KtC1 '1i.Lk1 'UpCh Itl0tiO11
adopted by 11hUliiII10113 Vote Of all tlie Councilmen pr9sent .
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent , Wash-
ington , tilat it does hereby declare that the public safety and con-
- re that the siclewallk oil tne east side of State street
venience reclat ,
commencin6 at the S.W.. Corner of Lot I on Titus Street and in Plock
7 , Mshineton Central Iiiproveijjeiit Comj)Lny ' s Addit'LMIL to the Tovin,n
now City of Kent '. Washiil�toll ' alld runl'inz-; tilence lioi-tli to tile
Corner of Lot 21 131k-- 7 , of csLtid i-dclitiorl; and 01-L Which the follow-
int; prop--rty ii,,injediately abuts , towit ; Lots , One and two , 231k. 7 ,
of the ilia shin,,ton Central I11pfOVe11l':?i.t CGhi1Lkliy 'S' J'LdClition to the t1ovin ,
11ow City of Kent , WashillL;ton , by builctiii� the wooden sidevralk th-rgen
and in front of said lots.
r"he Rind of sidev;L11c reqluired Is a wooden oidevialk , as per
standard -,pecificzations as 1,,rovi(led Ili Ordillance # 40 Of the City
�' I I - - ? d J-1, t1la
0" ]Sent ; -1--P to'-al cost Of tl'-e s-iae is t)(;Ut 0 'L3 . -5 al
v,,1'j e 1, Or owners of t-rle prop-Ifty 'Ljlljoec'.-Jcitely abuttin6' "11-reon "'N"11
leCat C'1' i Y-itilin, tvien, f rom
thp ':'Prvi (Cq of t,,.e c']Lty "'o b^
costs "�11)�d qxpens�-i ',',.qa-er$fL be
Ll Iiie.
1-7,."CLUTICIN ff 155 -
DE IT 77")(,TtX7:) 1)y ti!t, City cf trite city of Kent ,
it J:�,reby 'L'-'It the public Safety '111(1
r9quire t:,aL tile ni lie of ',',tate �;tl-�'?t
:,, t W. Corl'�-"' Of Lot 5 , Plh - 7 , of UP W'! '
to thEl t(DIP11 ( 1107T
ltj' C V K-r-t
C 0 f 10, 1 t
(1 0-1 "1yAc-11 tjl'i-
""-I, j.4- j
-t r)
7 ,
Town ( 2-01'T 'J'I 'V ) -t ITT,, y
of Kent ; the t,t, l Opt cf top vahp is 40 . 90 , 7nI If M'
owner onown-ro nf too pfop-pty irnedYtyly NbUtUng tnnrpon spoil
ne"Inct or Muse to Mij Vnid 3&y7wnh witnin typnty Mys froll]
the service of too ncticp, the City spoil Msp said Wirt to 0.
,,,, ,, ,, ,,t, ,d p,jehsps thprpof to npre7y-d nuaihs't
the DvhDvjty' nbMn, tP- MOO.
FEnOLUTION # 196 . J
FF IT RES Y IM T-1) 1 ' *I.-,N
E CitS Council cf tp- City of K-M , MSM,
Ington , that it aces n9reby d9olare Unt the PUMA snfetY nnl
Vonience require that tne OV Pei IK 0a !LP "t "P Of S"" st"t ,
,,pmvhhjng at the p, W. Corner of Lot 6 , TM 7 , in tne Mshingt011
Central Improve.'1-21-A � Gnjwhy 13 1",00tion to toe Town ( hcw City ) Of
Kent , Wlshin,yu , wLn runvInL Ui-hcP ho�tL tO tnc Y. W- Ucrlwr 01'
Lot 7 ih oald addition , Ohd On Mich thn jolinw.1n, propPrty Me-
diatuly abuts , toed it : moat's 6 v"d 7 ; Pit - 7 01 tne
1,roverynt Coy,ny ' s Adqition to toe TOM now CAY ) Of 1...90 , 4".
by building a n"w P11=010 Q 1'1 nut Of snAd 10ts -
The hind of HUPYLlk MuMd is u "Od" siopwalk no ;er
Ftandard specific%tinly 00 Provided in ordinance # 40 of the City
oC Kont ; the total cuOt Of tuP s" " is "nut $ SIM; nnj if tne
M1t-lyabutting tnrPon 4011
anner or awngrs of tne PrOMY ju
to hullo said side' aly MUM tw9uty dWyn kohlt- P Y-rvioe of ton Lotice , the City snoll oause W%ja surz to b-
&onp nLa the costo and expvapes P 1 Cia&Ust tte PrQ-
-rty atutttnE the MAO .
07 .
BE IT R75CMD b! tree City COMPil Of " City Of K" ,
ington , that It does horeby ReoinrP tPut LM Public safetY " cu"
Venjence rQuirP tha the sidPwalh " " " YOrth side of Will' s
Itrp-t and on Me Test side Of 5 " MMUP , 00"On"M ot the 2 'T'
Corne2 of Lot 2 , PIR. pj of y-Sl9r ' s FivoL Adnitinn to thq To7ii
( now City ) ny 7-nt , Tnznin.tcn nLn rU1U' KZ UMnP PnSt V 511
Ave. , and on Ave . ochwPMM at Willis 2t , "d run"" "nce
7ortn to the N. E- COMM Of M13 LOt 2 , "i-ch tap follow"
rropArty immediately abuts , towit : Lot P , p1h. PT, yvwl-rls Firn'1,
AdHition to toe Town ( now City ) Of E9M , In0hinit" , VY hn" .
tnpreon a now roodpn sidewalk.
The hind of njogy%ly rpqairea in a wooapL slaepalk Lo zm�'
ptandard, SP201fications ny provi-And in prainkoce # 40 of toe MQ
V Kent ; the tMl cost Of tiro s"P is "Out t J!' " "M 1f Vne
owner or owners of to? oroperty WaVatelY �buttQ6 UnrMn sn"I'l
ueject or Muse to build Mid 019"ik within tv?nty Jays fro"
tLp service rf the notice , ton SAY =11 na"sP Mid wOrk try be
Mne and tne Cnsts and expenses th?f?Cf - Y? Ul1 to assessed ngnins'',
tne proD-rty ab n uttina te .sane.
Resolution # 153 wys rMered tip tLe I""
Claims were r?ad and crdpred pviA q7 FcUurv :
C . A . MtOn pnry Uphoeij 3 6 .00
Unt nd-vertiser printin�� 46 . 5P
C . Toodwortl". Drnybge 6 . 00
K?nt Li vary Otable Auto Me 11 . 0('
B. Rouldron salary I heQp 34 . 25
Son fowl S I r-P5iv 18 6-7�,;
Kont Lubber Co - hunbor
onas . Mnttnini Ta t Ch h al., 5 CC
Loba?ll o. n
F. J. Newell
U0 . POO 29. 40
x h FIC Aazj JL
Geo - Tanner Lubor
70 CrOYT ON 55 . A
11 .
T. CONK 13 -35
Lot Davis , I ntate It. J5 . 00
D. TfWam.-I u104 . 44
L. E- PA00 7 -55
Merrifield H17e - CO . st 7 -WE-)
Aty Tranofer
W� Sun Coy 7. S .50
pppbe Pha r w Q,' 4 . 00
Thor . FlaMiLn 5 .50
LuMer 31 .65
cup!a 69 . 0()
2ons i - 79
ce mlyl
St . WON.
DiceA Cnble 0 11 PIP . 75
jj,ntIn6 111 . 75
P . S. E. Ry. CO . USPA) 4.25
B"ech 10befts ALre 5 .00
Harry zbihiell GmqlLa hivwd Ave . P5 .00
LarOUS011 SUPPAPS P7 .65
, Vonforct
a : , ,I -al P2 . 00
Lot Davis P price cost of APP' ',
Upon aotion u warrant TRW ONSIed drawn it "Or of
Lot Davis fOr S Y2 . 00 to covor qbst in case ) city of K ent ,
VS v. W. Garrett .
Vo further bUsingsB aQ9""A &- upon hotiM,
did then a.djourh'
C i t.y