HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/15/1916 XWC K�11-t washington' my 15 , 19T6 coqncilmen Berlin , Cnienan , Hatt , LOOK , OV91100 , r2ghly and Wort . 111,]-utes of hay Ju were feud Qd &! Yuv"d. Conmunication from Ine Fire Boys , 01so pstinste for in- stalling a fire aaar, was _:Pad and r-fYYPd to tne Finance covidttee . The Hpalth 01nidttPe reported , reconoanding that tnP PnO posed Milk ordinance b? not paysea. POPOVt was adopted. claims Ware r9ac Ono bllow?d as follows * Kent Luther Co .. Luther. Knag,r, W. U . GUSI Pt 1 .57 .S.Pubhpr Co . Rusnu7sen A Scno Tools r-YnIrP 6 . Io Kent Li.vary Auto hire P3 .00 morrifield udrq. Co . Btl SUD. P56 . 29 of 10 .30 Trick ", Durray Office sup . Ordinance # 384 , proviNint for the 11f-fovp0put of Naalson. Ave., was read and upon motion pinned upon Its final ra=99 "2rr1qa unanIno"NY , The following re solution resdin4ing a ct ion of the Coqncll at the last DpetjLt , was read and auOyted*- WEREAS , On tne First day of hay , 1916 , the City Council Qhe City of Kent , sushinjon , by feSODAtiOn # IJT , declared its intention of maiin, public inTrovement , towit ; of IRTrolvN9 Q6 Meeker Avenue , Railroad Avenue ,. First Street , Titus 5tr--t atnd COwe Stre-t ; and i!ftj"1,?a s I it did on the first any oi, j,aiy , 1)16 , declare intention of taking public UTIOVeMeht , towit , by improving First Btrept and Smith Street ; and ,hsr6as ' the City Council of the city of Kent , Washin6ton , has decided to mike a OLUI"e in Ln? hnq W d amount Of t0j"6 to be used on said streets and has oeterhAnnd to rescind its action in the passW Of said r9solutinns ; . Tnerefore , be it resolved, Wat ine City Council Of the City of Kent , Washin,ton , dopy Qreby rpscin, said rpnolutiOnS yuhbored 151 & 152 . Resolutions # I51A & 152A , providin, for toe improv-pant 0 cortain stroets by P�Vin" ' were road �Ld Inrried as follows : IT is re "Dived bj th- City Con noil of the City or Kant , Q , Kih, Co unty , State of Anshin,ton , tLat it do , and it does h9rP- by q-clarp its iptontion of ihTfC)vUL n—Yer Avenue bytv--n the MUSUPurtinal line of tne ri,ht of MY OC tnP PUNt Bound Eloct- pICIR%ilway CouTany and the west nDrQhYl line of Rallrand Ave; Railroad Avenue b-twppn the rarth Hvr -jnwl line of Sr h Sty--t and the south mar6inal line of Titus Stroot ; Titus Strpgt b-two011 We r-st natgInal jine of Railroad AvpruP and the PySt nOMM1 line of First Stzont ; Gowe Street b9tr9en the h9st narLinal line of railroad AVqnue wnd toe Past 11or6inkl ' UP Of Pirst WrP-t ; ,and pitst Street between the South Lorginyl line of Titus StrYPt and UP south Marginal line of M-eker Avenue. Fy tppping the same -1th a two inch coating of BiUMNOus CcucrPte , also brick , when necessary , as shown on the plans and npgotVications , PxaPpt that portion of Mpeopr Avonue , we and Titus wrpyts ly1n6 botwePr, the •rails of the Lortnern POOKIC Railway COWMand the City 019rk is hereby ornPrOd and dire-ted to pr-13cp krd 0010t 288 and doing such otter Tort as WY be Leo-PWYY in Wnhylti= therewith , all in nanardinCe with Plhhr and PPOCifiMtinns to be pfopured by thn City En inper . That all persons who nny lovi rg to object to the said iw- proveynat are hereby notified to appo%r OLI pf-s9nt anch obinct- !ohs at u.nneting of the City Council to b- F-Id in tn9 Acunall ChnBT?r , 1i the Cit, Hall , W thq City rf K-U , at 9 o ' clock P . T. , an Monday the 19" -day of June 1916 , which We and r0qe is ­rp- by fixed for the h2arint of all hatters relating to F%id InTrovp- nant , vhd all objections tnereto , wal Ur A-torninin6 the notho(i of paylent Car the saW 1hTfoveWnt . That tnp City Cl-rk is directed to submit to the City Unnicil as or prior to said ante , all data nad Worhation rnQVY-d h�, law to be so subultLqd. That We cost :and exp-nsp of salm UT2ov-nv"t Pool! be borne by and assessed OLD inst the prop-rty linble therefore Pc Dravideft by law. Ordinance 152 A IT is resolved by the City Cuhvchl of tay City or Kent , in King County , State of vashin,toni thHt It do •anI it does 49reby declare its int-ntiOn of IRDroving First SOW betrPen the UorUl narginal line- of Yppher Avenue UnO W Turtn hurainal lih- of Sadth StrPet extended westwardlY , n2 a ptualyLt line to an Inter- poction with the west line of First Wrnpt ; aLd Smith Street be- tween the west narginal line of Pailrold Avenue , and the east mar- ginal line of First StrPet , except t4at -purtiOn of Smith Street lying between the rails of the Nartnern Pacific Pail-ay CanpNny , by bringing the same to Lrude and puttinL in Concrete curbing and placing thereon a fou&%tion of concrete and a topping of Bitum- inous Concrete two inches in thickness , nod the City Clerk Is Pare- by ordered and directed to prepate una submit such - Wa. as Is by law required. And doing such oth9r work US nay be n9c-onarY In connection LhOrewith , all in ancorahnce with plops end sp9cificat- ions to be prepar0d. Q the Cit; Enainpqr . That all persons who nay apsire to object to the Mid W_ provpnent are hereby notified to app-ar nni prosent such objgct- ions at a meeting of the City Wuncil to be held in the Council Chanter , in the City Hall , in the Cit; of K-nt , at 8 o ' clocklP.M. , on Pan day the Iqu day of June W16 , which tinp a"d place Is hereby fixed for tne hparinb of all hatters relbting to said inTravament , ana all objections Wr4o , aLd for Utprydnina the method of pay- ment for said impravqnn"I . That the 31ty Clark ,is directed to pubmit to the *City Council at or prior to said date , all data nLd lufnryation required by law to be so subvitted . TDat We east PLn expense Of said improveh&nt shall be borne by ond assessed a,ainst the prop-rty toprefore as proylapd b; law . No further basmess aplearing the C"uncil , upon vntioq , did then adjourn , 7i Clerk .