HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/01/1916 I x1fVC
7e,�..'ZI, - v 11legl- inL� of th'? cclmcil ji'll urld
.,,. 'k (I Y
Council,l-ell cole1!,L111 'Iatt , Look Over-! LI.,ld Vj
Pe COr(IF, 01' AVI-i 1 17+i-I - ','Tel"El
Yont111y r9l,xi2-ts of t1le Cie"' ',"Cl r E` 1—[1 d a i,d
ord9rd filed.
The -)treeit Cr)mifjj.tt ee p"-pnrt ed jri.t1L L,-Uht r�d penid IS Sioll f�)r
a s1 'tlld Oli 1"i I'St A.Vel-LlZe 0.y Mr 1"Ierrif-i -ld's Store
LICA-101a 01' the ti,trPPt Committee was a-();"roved
(13 1r.,i ms were r!,ad al-ld orderd Pr i ci a ,Lovlc,
C . A . R9-iton , Pan,
1-Lnit Trndin!), C(D Pa T.,-1, 'S,i,
P. 5.17,.Ry. Co . Lj`,]Aili6
cra lie Cc . Siz"n Vor VWAt? S s7 t . 5 .61E
LowynLtn & 1 Ta r fo r,11
]'I Sup . 2 , 00
11. Zbin(Jpn Auto Ce
T. Tf. 11"a t p-r p e to
p. 7Y.Olo . (l'S e,,7!9r 7xi) . 9.PO
F. A. P i.cha r d. o n
J. P.
A . T . honk ,a1 75 P
L o t, D,,,t,,T i s Sal •
-').3 .75
TTUZ I P.0 I --e _)c,l 40. 00
13 u 1(11,(.-)i i Sal .Oct 1 t
76 - 50
C 710 .,f Ilan S)a 1 15 .00
L . Sal . c,)0 ci 0 1,,,x p
E. Price ,�' )4. 09
C)I a s Hattaili Labor 5 . 00
W. Lobdpil or Go ne
F. J. or 53 .35
J01111 Rot t 1,1 n I,
J. R. Rott 1,O.L, 36 .60
GPo . Tanner La )or 0
Ed. crow L a t)
Cn,kiie 'Noodworth E."troot Cleallin
85 .0c)
Crane Wo o& r th T ea nii i i.,�
C-i t j, T r i-,F,-,I- erg
7,�a s t side L11:uLer Co .
-mia)er 3 4. go
Kent Advertiser PriiltinL 26 - 45
T - iz mh e i- Co .
( e t,4u L Du 1[1)el, 6 .IX5
Tjio q F 1 a I AU t e rV i(1 0 2 .-5()
Jr 2" 111 d e 2 .50
A recoinendatioll from 1*,ylg reg,L)estinL thLit the City
purci"ias,e lots 10-i.r-12 First A 1, I o 0 X.( j t 1. n t -nt
Was read; also - re-olutJI(Al £.,jj,[Jjo .1� Ild 1
-ri Zill ,
to purchase 4_1-o -ni-Opel-ty r-ad t-til-d. to
J��'ry by f0110Vil-,E; Vote ; Councilican Cclnioj o,,l,".L,I c: alA Lirol,, Arotijj,
"Aye" , and COUIlCilfiell, Tlatt , r11iifby C-D
T','?s011.1ti011 Ero . 151 , decl,-iriri�� intention to illlprov�, cqrt,,:1i21
stn?gts) b U )inc ,,,,ao read as fo! n,,"rs alld U o, mo . )n
a, r �nTry
adopted by t'le j'oljj11oj )t Vote ; COLl]1,�j I lv?n C(.)l?11r, TT&t t
Over-Loc1c , Tillb (c WEct v otIj� t . lid y CnimciliriLi Look
► vot1ng,11,Tay,, .
It is reSOIV-d by the City "MA v licil of the City ()fj� 11t
JI i� ton , - 1) e
— , that it do and it does Pen,.:)by declare its intqjjt _r)rj
Of il1l([)rOV--D16 2991:e1' A-,renue, betwecill the east line 0', the
t-0 f-W�137 Of PIS et 7>01121d E'l E ct r i C',t I,,a Y C o I f 1p al I T a11.d
the WeS+' lf1E1r"1il-'1' 1 lil!P Of AVei.,Ue ; '-ind Tlailroad AveltUp
b Etlr! el I the 801-1th iurar filial linEl 01' Titus Street c,ljd the '10rt11
line of Stceet ; all(I Tit its, Street betwqtgli
9,-' C,t 1,UrL;ilibl of First jivel-jue b11(t viest lillp of
R%_i _1r,)ad ANrerjue ; Lind Fiy-,,,,t st.L,( P,b ()etvp--let! the c,,mith
line of Titm,,, ;)t:r,eqt aj-j(j the c,,c)utjq
Dillc 11 line of :'lecher
Aveime ; 'and Go,,,,,re 3TC-?Pt tj,,e e4-,,1t LLtI,L.��L I"',, I 11-rie of Fjj-Ct
Street and the W"It ljbr,,;ij)al 15-t1P Of Avenu- , by 1,17.linrl
Col-' Ic
and 1)lnc4 ;,j6 t.,iereon a 1;ji,dP2, of brol,-
1,001" and alld
YUC 285
C, ih ;
weariii-, surface tvio i n in iic ?s of A,,j aitum, barrel j te
Bituiini.-, surface , Lund aoinL such nt-,,er wor:, in congotion t"Ier—
win a,- m13Y -oe i''-eceosctry , all in a0,(,cr(V1iice vlit'tl the plans ai-d
" - a-te.c to I)- 1)re1)L(re(1 bw he 101it\
v p9cif I -atio,ils hel- L
, T.Mit cill p ,,DJ7. Who jj;ay Cle"I,I re to r)j) J,"Ct to t KI e Oia i
rOvQll "I-t
ire 'rIefebY 110tifie(i t(-,, ,,-p7),?ar '�nd t1ieir obj�lct--
S at a 1Y
o I' t,r le i t o 1' t 11 1' )f K-it ,
ii"L';toll , to be 11pid in tt'— Cite Hall
tide s( id City of Kent , Washili,-),toli , at ,� (D(,-Loch p . w. r".11 t"rp �try
day of June , 1916 , mricf-, tim- lall`l pl,"ce is 11-rebv C-IN:ed. 11"or
if.i). o jr
Of all llkltt9 �-S, tc, S'-! ','
`(i to Prel)are all 9still�TY10 CitY C,'Ie-T'!: 1S `---bY Cllil90'
of the CO-St L111d Of Clloil." , t`,q p1'opnrtlof�11'e
part of the s'- 111� tc, 'r- born bv ti", o-r)"`nl,ty vr V(Iill �Uhe 11)1-o11)os?(1
4- t e t iie a LL.r 9 L�,u t E, a 9
assessli!"Ilt (Ustr-i ct 'a r-j
v,,ilm,;ktion Of tyl- r-alestjte , PXC1.1ariVP of tr- ji;p,)rovqwqj,.ts 1-1her,?-
I e ra I
01-t to 1�-Ist plu(,—d 1-line or F,-I
aXation, tCL V!itr,. a dial -1
t r _�ra-m or plat , sliovring tl',, r-o!l 1
1(,'4L,q L-CaCtS <111(1 'r&rCE?lF, Of 1;. ticl r,r ot,-.9-r property vrlaich will
be qi)-CiLtllY elie G e S t 1. t e of ';he cast I-IJ
expense that is to he r)orn by each 1 t , tract or o t 1,e r I a r c p
of it lid or other prol)erty w)-ii-ch i11 -()e cm)ecially
I 21S, 01. JL, 9 e
The co st ,lAld ?- x1) In - " I J--' 10. i 11�71)20v Ill 'It r 1, 1
born by d assPosa(i a�'_Li1"l t tfln p -r) i,,--,ty �-Jrerefor , as rqc:ii1red.
by lave
1),-soluti oil NN 0 de clarinL i]lt ellt 011 to inmrove First A v-r il I
betw?,?1I p1 1e,?3zer Street aii(l Smith Street ind SlAth lstrpeol- from
First Avejjjjq to Ruill'OLL(I AVelLlle , vjac, 11-,poll motion ad.o-pt-
ect -o„T the ullanillious vote of all of t,11- 'aI.
f o 11"')w s,
It is resolved by the City Council of t')e City of Dent ,
Washington , that it do , aiid it (I.o�,1*1-S h,2i'Eaby declare its inten-
tion. of ilj,,1-)1-,ovin6 First jvvelme b-tw9-11 the 1-ortrl ling
of Avenue valid t,[,!- 1!nrtil lille of Smith
extelil-?'I oil a -,trui 'lit acid the rij-it-n-1—
,,vay Of the Nort,"iern Pacific D-ailvia"Y1 Ric-,Yit of `Way to
tj,,p west itor�;iiial line of First acid Smith Street bet"'l-
eell the east lial-Lilial line of FJ.rst J>vefule and grip vre—; t j i a r i j i,'L
co . 1�T-f9 rl El
of Railroad AvelIlle , eX('e,1-)t ttheft "-IflC,1`-? I of (I )IV t'
tracks of the 3�forUiern Pacific COIL q7l(1IIY , by
t,-jq fi(a.Ille to grade aii(i L.11p1- 07, a, r"o i i r,re t e t)a s e a n d- �!i)rb-
jji�, �in�t a binder culirlse , of at ieu5t one inch 'of crushed.
rocy, wl(l asphaltum, ana coveriliE-, t-,Ie sable with a 4^F-ar!11L) surf",lce ,
at -east two ijjcyiPp, ili Ljcj-r,`-,ss , (711' Pitlier as-phaltum, Warl-eli-
ite or a bitulitic :mrfacP , all iii accordance i-,ith tW plLI,3irs
'a,(A 'C"!)ecificat- ir"lls iiergafter to --e pr,?-pared by tlj- (11'�
1. -
'Chat all -persons thotji;�vv to o'bJect to "')ai(I
ment are hereby 1jr-tifig( -prepgnt th ir objectir�nr-,
�1 to appear L E?
at a of t119 City courcil t(�, be held in the coui-icil Miarflw-
b-ars , in the Cit;r MUll 01' till of Kent , WashinC�ton , at, 8
olcloc,R 1) .m. on the Fifth (lay of T-,j111?- 1 -1-910 , whicl-I tulle aml
-1 (-�f all vattq- 11 tin r) t
,e is j-ip_-ek)y fixed for I -al,j iit3 F, re ri,
'-"[Mrovell?efit , "ind- all 01) in ct j . j - for �leterl'11-
inin6 the method of ]r�jAhigrit 1'01' i'i-r,1'()Ve Me'It
The City Clerk Is liefl?bY Pl-,PPare
of the cost and expense of (jr.)J)I;)* ,,j (i '5Tnr-j.- L�-iA the
to be ril by t j-, t (I i ,,t r i n t d. a
(is e sed 7,,,kluation of the r-,,l st,�it
of said. propo'-Iqcil '11 strict of 1-11,9
t1e 1,r) `on , accordinL to fl
vlritf) Ia diaLra.-ii or print t!19
lots , tracts a i i d r cel s of lci i A Or ot'liel' prol),?rty , 1,111!icll u'r A II
be F,,)ecially benefited thereby , a-110 ti-, estillotbed cost - lld 9 x Tp-
Of -U0 -,jjj,j:,(DVejjt-j-It V�!j-IiCyi ,Till J)e -r,,, , j)\r , C], 1 t , t , t ),1�. i� p — rn et I o ra 2 r r
parcel of 1,1-,I il , or ogler p r o p e 1,tJ, .
It is ordered that t'nis .resolution be publ-3-shed as re( aired.
1)37 law.
Tl,.,e cost and ex,)E'ii.t;e of t!.,e Sa1d o v e i i ine t s jl a.I 1 1)C,r i j
by -tn(l assessed a;_Ltji"jst 11 9 liobl- t-11q1.,P1,Gr T).-Covj-
An urdinunce raLulating and liconsinL dhirys was read and
rpArnd to the Health Committeg .
Upon motion tne Myor was inTowerPd to purchase such
supplies for the Fire DepartPent , as In his judLevent might
be necessary'No Furtizer business appearii, the Council , upon motion
did tnpn adjourn.
City Clerk.