HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/17/1916 l H FC 281
Kent , l`o sh. ,. Apr i.1 17 I 916 .
Regular meetinG of trie Couiicil ; -::,'Ayor Shinn and Council-
men , -Berlin , Hatt , Look , Overlock , Teicby and We—It. COu.iicil.rfi_n �claii>an
coming in later.
Records of April %;" v ere read
Upon 1[10-ion the netition of 1,,r . P,otrren for r'eabtes for 'v"fat�r was
ro iected.
Upon motion the amity Clerk v'a,; ordered t0 cut t.re ,rater Off from
the residence of Tex . Ch,.lrchill , if his de;_i _ci.lerit ivater relit in iict:
paid ilinnediately.
Ulaim of P. S. E. Ry. Co . for li;=;1it , amour tin; to $ III .63 , V!,1 ,
re,;.d and ordered -,)a id.
Claim of T . H. Lairson for 8 5 . 00 reabte rind P. S . E. Ry. Co . for
labor in c-).re of tracks for rel)u,:ir Of setF,rer , ware refered to tile, Fin-
ance Com,littee .
Ordinance # 382 ,rep ilating trig use of motor vehicles Di tree Ci ty
of Kent ), was read and tipor motion 7�1F:tced iipon its final pa^rake and
carried una.ninously.
Ordinance # 3 a3 , def ini.nZ 0ert,t iT, iid sdem-anors and f ixiri4; i)enalty
was read and upon inOtion placed l;, ;on its fimil ')a.ssa� e t Bid carried
un,-:.i.n i mou s ly.
The following R,?soluti-on # I48 declaring intention of improvin
Madison Ave. by -'rading and E;ravelin� was read and carried:
IT IS RESOLVFJ) b,r the City Council Of tl(ie City of Kent , in i.i_ng
County , state of }'1a ,hin 'ton , that it do aiid it does hereby declare
its intention of improving !�,ttdison 1,venue , tiierein , from its inter-
section with Meeker Street to its intersection with Shinn Street by
bringing the sa.iue to grade for a wicitri of forty feet alonb the cen-t-
er thereof ,, crowned to a hei,;hth of six inc.--.es in the center , acid
plat cil_g thereon a strip of gravel of t le vv i dth of twelve -feet alOn
t.e center Of the street , of the depth 01' one 1'00t ; said gave 1
t0 be free from rocks of ii',ore t�,an t'JO iilcnes diameter ) .'and to have
sufficient clay aid sand to -1'orm a binder only ; and aoil;� such other
o } o o. , c; �. e o„e �,
work in connection t _ r �l ith a. ,r.all i; _ li. .... s:ary , all in ac, �rda:ce
with plans and s-,r)ecif i c(,.iti0ns to be i�rep,-ired b the City Rnee ineer .
All persons whO iiiy de ,ire to Oh jest to s a,id Bits r0 ,reineiit are 1
hereby notified t0 ap;�ea.r an(I present such objections , at the itleet-
i.n of t;le City Council of tree said City to be held at the Crnincil
Cha.rtibers in the City Hall of said. City c;r Kent , at 8 O 'clock P.I,,j. nn
t;., I��� day Of J'' ay I<j rT e s e y o I
P Ili , ti.hicb tile, a—d lac i h_ r b fixed for
the hearing of all. ii tters relating; t0 id iiimroveicent , and all i
obV,cti0ns thereto ,-ilid for the metll0d. 0f payiiielit for
said imir•ovni ent .
That the City Clerk is directed to si,bmdt to the City Colzncil
i' at or prior to slid d,ite , all d%ta :d inrorin;, tior: rewired by to
s bc, so sub rr,itted.
Teat t''_e cost 'iild exi-nse of be borne by
and s's9sr;ed s s , -rt lil-bl� dial°�C/lr i� pr - V av�l.
a � . . . r,tJ�)in .t t, p_-op . l y �, � _ � � _ ovld. d b„ l i
The follmving Resolution # I49 , ii-'oxviding for the il:rrplrovq-
merit of the youth side of Gowe Str'-et by si d-walking t]'1e s'i me ,. �
,eras read and carried:
PE' IT RESOLVED by the City Cotin ci l. of the City of Kent , viJ 1 ;,h-
inL;ton t:,at it does :Hereby declare t:.c;t ti_e ?)libl.ic a-ety a,-d
CCnVPTLj?nce regllire tl,L t the sideWLilk Oil the South aide of Gowe
Street compencing at the west line of the lots herein described
and running thence east to the east line thereof , 104 feet and
m7hichl$hefollowing property ipmediately abuts , torit ; Lots
Eleven , Yelve and Thirteen , Block Seven of the WavhinLton Cen-
tral Improvement Companya First Addition to toe town , now City
of .relit , Washin,tcn , be renewed.
The kind of sidewalk required is a wooden sidewalk as per
standard specifications ao provided in ordiLhcp # 40 of the City of
Kent ; the total cost of tree same is %bout $ 55 -00 aLd if tKe Owner
or owners of the property irmediately abuttinL Wereon Shall neglect
or refusq- to rebuild said sidewalk w1thin twenty days front the SWUM
of the notice , the City shall cause 0aid work to Le done aLd tne coots
and expenses thereof shall to assesced OoOinSt the property abu4inL-y
the same.
The following Resolution # 15D , providin, for renewal of side-
walk on past side of Fussell St . was r?aa and .carried:
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent , that
it Oops h-reby declare that the DUbliC Mfety aLd COnV9niMC? re-
quire that the sidewalk on the east site Of Futrell Street , COR211-
encing at the S . W. Cor . of Lot 13 , Block 4 of the OriZi.nal Plat
of the Town of Kent , now Cito of Kent , Washin,ton , aka running
tnonce North to a distance of Forty feet , PnA on wnich the foll-
owing property ihmadiately abuts , towit ; Lot Thirteen , Block 4
of the Original plat of the Town, now City of Kent , Washington ,
be renewed ,
The Rind of sidewalk required is a wooden PQ-walk an per
standard specifications as provided in Ordinance # 40 of the City
of Kent ; the total cost of the same is about 8 25 . 00 and If the
owner or owners of the property irTpaiatnly abutting thereon oAvll
neglect or refuse to renew slid SiARWali within twenty Ms from
the service of the notice , the City sinji cwuse s4il work to be done
and the costs and exp-nnes tyPrPW QP11 be w7ses7ld w0inst the
property abutting the sqps -
I-Tatter of boot-blacking stand bvin, allowed to locate on
First Ave . by Mr. Merrifields store was rP?er9d_ to the Street
Natter - Q drnjn : water from the reservoir on Ri . RabUMIS
place , and the eliminatingpf tLy garde , ewas ref feed to tAe Water
Connittpe .
No further business appearing the Council , upon motion
did then adjourn ,
- city Clerk.