HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/20/1915PVC 2'71 Kent ,. Washington. Dec.. 20" , 1915. Regular meeting of the Council; present Mayor hardy and Cdiin.cilmen Berlin, Chittenden, Look, Madison,, Naden and Overlock.. Tdinutes of the 1n2etin8 of November 6" were read and approved. Claims were read andordered paid as follows: J. R. Martin Int. on bonds 425..00 Lomikin & Hanford office Supplies 12.55 VWater Dept.- Water for hydrants 1755•.00 N. C. Peck. Election Board 2.50 Nir s . Maude Boyker 2.50 r.,trq . Elizabeth Brown 2.50 4 MISS Charlotte Ramsay„ 2.50 Frank Jewell 2.50 Mary Palmer " 2.50 J. J. Crow 2 . `-i0 Ethel M. Crow It 2.50 C . W. Casey 2.50 „ J. F . Gibson 2.50 Shaffer &. Co.. Polling place 5.00 A. 0. Jeffries Election Board 2.50 A. E. DeWolf to 2.50 Harriet Blanchard (Price) " er Polling Place 7.50 Mrs. Bessie Conover " 2.50 Mrs. R. Tucker " 2.50 Jno . Harn " 2.50 Jeannette Snell 2.50 Alda Becker 2.50 C. A1[. �ia.rding " 2.50 .N. B. Mullins" 2.50 Fastside Lubber Co.. Polling"Place 5.00 Upon motion the Clerk wLts instructed to give !�iL `i�icf,er }lip; note for delinquent water rent upon his sibnirlg a re- ceipt for his services as police for the year 1915. Ordinance # 377, approving assessment roll for Local I111prov9 ment District # I47, was read and upon motion placed upon its final passage and carried by the unanimous vote of all of the Councilmen present. ordinance # 378, defining certain misdemeanors, was read and refered to Courrcilnlen Berlin,, Overlock and Look for fur- ther consideration. The following resolution, declaring the result of the City Election, was read and adopted: `VHE� REAS, on this the 20" day of December, I915, the Council iC1 regular ,,essioll opened al -id canvassed the returns of the City Election, held in the City of Kent oil the 7" da.V of December, Iq15 , alid on such (,anvass find treat the follov ing named persons were elected to the offices and for the respective,, terlus of office following, towit: Tlayor ,.. W. J Shinn, for a ter 1l1 of one v ear , Clerk, L . E. Price,, for a term of one Year, Treasurer, J. R. Martin, for a terra of one year, Attorney, Lot Davis, for a terra Of o11e year, Councilnan at Lar6e,. B. E. West,, for a term of one year, Councilmn,. D. T. ColellkArl, for a terin of three years, Councillcran, James Hatt, for a t-rrn 01, three years, Council-'s1n, S. J. TemLy, 'or a terra of three years, FUR'2II'FiR RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is % ereby directed to issue ar:d deliver to the several offi(,ers a' -3(,t , 3�OV? it"j 1np(j , nerti.f icall—s of t,iej-r e l_e(',t .o71. 272 jsr.. Raybuck came b0 ore trle Council in reguard to leakage from tile reservoir damaging his lend, requesting tihat the City arrange to carry off the surplus. Vie it"tter was refered to the Finance Colmaittee for investig,:tion- Upon motion the City Attorney Was instructed to take such action as is Iieeessary to have Mr. Rotter remove tine fence fr.otn accross the Old Cernetary road. Resolution , setting time for hearing oii aroll # 146, was read avid adopted as, 1'01_1_ows: IT I.S RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TFi:E CITY OF KENT : That the 3" day of January I /,16 , at tihe hour of B o' clock P. M. , at the Council Chamber in the City Ball, at Kent,'Washing;ton, be acid the same is fixed as the tune and place for theari.ng on the assessment roll_ for Local Ir,iproveiuent District # 146. That the City Clerk be and is hereby diredted to publish in the• o`f'icial ahewspaper of tile City of Kent, nl oticet iereof. as re— quired by lady and tY19 ordinances of to J,do furtiher busine;;:, aP'Pearirig ti.e Council, upon motion, did then adjourn,. City 01e11K«