HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/01/1915 26. Kent , 1.11achington , Nov. 10 , 1915 . Regular meeting of the Council; present Councilmen Berlin Look , Madison, Naden, Overlock and Taylor; Councilmn Madison acting Mayor . Minutes of October 10" were read and approved. Clerk 's report for October was read and upon motion filed. Light Committee recormaeiided six new lights to be installed as follows: Central Avenue , near Air. Phipps; Gowe & Fifth; in alley back of Guiberson Blk ; one near Zeke Dodges place , oiie in North Park Addition and one near A+tr. Overlocks place.. Upon motimn the same was ordered p Claims were read and ordered paid as follows: A. E.. Hansell Park upkeep 6 .00 Kent Advertiser Printing 9. 73 Blaine Bouldron Engineer 6.50 0. G. Cavaiiaugh Spec. police 2 .50 Chas . Thoitipson to If: 2 .50 Clinton O 'Neil of If 2 .50 Win. F . Thoday of If 2 .50 A. M. Playford Tools & Repairs 5 . 70 City Transfer Street work 12 .00 J. R. Martin Salary 33 .35 Lot Davis ( Mrs.- Harper ) if 33 .35 Hazel Price If 40. 00 t Dr.. C . B. Hoffman if 15 !00 A. T . Cook of75 . 00 L. E. Price If. & Exp. I04. 10 Chas. Mattaini Watchman, 5 . 00 II. W. Lobdell Labor 60.00 Geo. Tanner of 6 .25 T. C . Sheehan " 17.50 Jno .. Rott " 7.50 F. J. Newell " 7.50 J. N. Waters " II.25 Fred Thompson " 2 .50 F. J. Francisco Street cleaning 58.50 Kent Lumber Co .. Lumber 27..56 II. E. McKinney City Jail 2 .50 Lowman & Hanford Office Supplies I. I0 Blaine Bouldron Building sidewalk 52 .50 J. A. Hagadorn Impounding horse 5.00 Trick. & Murray Election Supplies 31 .65 P. S. E . Ry. Co. Light I0I.480 The following resolution setting time for hearing on assessic,ent roll , District # 147 , was read and upon motion adopted: IT IS RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT : That the 6"• day of December 1915 , at the hour of 8 o 'clock P.M. , at the Council Chamber in the City Hall , at Kent , Washington, be and the same is fixed as the time andplace for hearing on the assessment roll for Local Improvement District # 147 , for side- walk on the south side of Meeker Street from Naden Avenue to the point Ili the south marginal line of Meeker Street 161.25 feet east of the east line of Naden Aveiiue. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to publish in the official newspaper of thepity of Kent , notice thereof as required by law and the ordinances of the said City. Election Boards were appointed as follows : Precinct # I ,. Inspector ,. Chas. Thompson; Judges ,. lutes . Madigan and T. C . Sheehan; Clerks , Mrs. Palmer and Mrs . Ed. Crow. 268 Precinct # 2 , Inspector , A. J. smarts; Judges , will. Combs and Mrs . Woodworth; Clerks , Jno . Reed and E. L. Brotchi ; Precinct # 3 , Inspector Blaine Bouldron; Judges , E . I. DeWolf and lied Gnuber; Clerks , Mrs. Sessions and Mrs. Vistrand. Precinct # 4,, Inspector , P. Madsen; Judges , Mrs . James and J . Q,. Latta.; . Clerks,. Tars. Tout Crow and Oscar Lee . No' further business appearing the Council , upon motion, did then adjourn, City Clerk