HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/05/1915 245 hnllt , Viaoi.in6ton, Agri 1 5 , 1915 . Re6ular ireetin6 of the Council ; present Mayor Hardy ai!d Coun- cilnaen Berlin , T,e)o-K , LI,1(ii ^c,r.l ) i':,dPai , Ov i 10[,k L,l.ci 'Co,ylnr. Ccurloil- iran Chitt.eiiden comii,,� Li, L) ter. biLinutes of Mar . 1511 were r -d and ar)Y)roved. Petition. to drain tide Tuortn- PL,rk Addition , was read aiid ul of motion refeied to the Drainage Cominitt. ,e. en el o nee o + Te e ^ �r Aft _. �n....t b_ tv� n t� � City 01' Ker:t and the .1 l._i)izoiie �0 . was read and refered ,to t:.e City AttOrney . Request for dairkibe of Mrs . Coffer v,as read and refered to the Finai,oe COiiriidttee . Clerk '.; , Tr<N� ,urAr and ar ,iial ' ., reports for M�irch were rend alid ?)laced u� o;ii. rile. Coiur:!ittee Of the v,rlriole Council , t0 mioI[i was refered tYie iit-ttgr O cutt.iig out liFi>ts , reported as follows : 1111T;T',i',AS it has -been determined by the City COl.ulcil_ Of the City Of Kel"it , tYlat it is I1eCe :;dry t0 take out ca, lame perCe Iitci.�e of t:-.e StrP:'t iiht.3 Oi 'tile said "lay, CJ ?C z1lSe O the limited c l iOU.lit of fur?ds atrailable for li�ilti2l` the City ; aild at a meetiii) of the City Council Or: t;rie 15" clay of harch 11)155 ti.e matter of deterl.:ii-i- ing t.ie exact; dumber gild io: zatioi. of` li6nts to be taken out , eras refered' to a comiuittee of the whole Couiic;il with power to act in trle T)reI['1Ses; now therefore at a 01' the s�,id..coi:iuittee..of the vihole , oi, this 221, day Of i+iarCY 7y15 , the comiAttee h�tvinL duly h Mild ,;a:refully canvassed tiie Batter acid fully -advised irl the prelia, ec do ; R"S0LV:ED: That the foll.owiLL. li.�,ts 'be taken out and Substitutions . iikiae as follORTS , towit : A:1 liLhts having; a current consui;ptive of 250 watts per hcjur., Shall be removed acid replaced with li i_t:i Oi' IOC' watts ca'T)acity . Fxiotin-, li6Y.ts of 100 Mitts capacity shall be ta.Y.eii. out a;. fol)_- One cii First Avenue , between TituS aiul GoVie StreetS. on!? 011 Puilroad AV9 ue , between M"eker aiid S.rith Streets. One o2[ Central Avenue , between l,ieeker and 'Smith Smtreets.. One on Meeker Street, at about the paint �vl,lere Third Avenue would ji,itersect if produced north. One on 11Peker Street , a.t' a PoiIrt a.17( ut v-;,,ere Fifth Avenue would I)-itersect if procuced north. Existing liE�Yits of 60 watts, caPaci. ty ,,Yiall be traI out a, f 01lcvus One between the nort, end of Lincoln .Av—l.ue a.id its ili.t.E'rsect- ion wjth Shinn �=,treet . CAI?a :pit the Vest :Side 01' -110CR 3 Oi AlIrCr'dS CeriiC lei_ i1ts. .0li. S% en'i'd" t'1aY. ' One at the south end of State Street oil id Alvords �Icellic. Ireiehts. ,�._. . One at the corner 0f Central Avel.ue and -Diorton street . One in front Of tYle Of A . 0 . Jef.l'ries oil First AvPillle. One in frontof the residerice Of Fra.iit: Field Of Second Avenue. OI:e a t tYie corner of TI ird Ave. slid Willis :;t . One at tr_e south end o1 the alley ill block 3 Of Yea.lerS First Add. 02?c at the corner of Second Ave . aiid (13uar St . ' ore on Shinn Street at the poillt v,i.ere Avel.ue produced north 4Fnli.lf intersect . One ill front of the Pa C. Cst . Cond. Y, ilk Co 'S. M.kra.�;e , oii First Ave ,. Orie i.il il'Orit Of the Robert Rallt:laY ts<::ra ,E' , nil First Ave. Qn� at First Ave . and Cloudy St . One at Second Ave . and Cole St . One at Second Ave . and Wi1111er St . - One at Titus_ Street alld Third Ave . one Saar Street ' ,,d Fo .11urtrl AVE', One C11 Gowe Street acid Fourth AV'e • n o A 1iY'OC'..t1Ced t0 One on Harri scn Street , ��t a poil;t 1 1 if th 1kv. . t A -I,:rth Would int�','sect . at file south ezld of 11i.ftrl AveLue Ohs a; t,,e corner Of Fifth atici 't'i tus - 01:� �1t Iiadell Street 1:,idVr�,y between i�i 1-1 is lid l�,�eel~er St . n on, ,street at the sol2tYi end of Li.rir!oln Ave . One a.t the llortr', elid of Central Ave. , �Qn� OI1 ('elitrcil Ave. ll] Cti1 1Uet4J' 'Tl Pioneei' cJlil'� J tlileS itre`'t: . One oil Central Aveliue , ii,idway between .li-Itr.. wlld Pio1i per treet,�. i tl,e east end of Viard Street • Ol1e at tile corner of. Nc:,"ill_in St . aiid e Rite e o1i Titus Street iri fron of the IliJh Scrool ,uildi ilk. O r1 Or_. at tree east etld of Si:_i th :*ltr�,?t , L�jf11J,''i�t2.ii�'� St One at ti.e Corner of Alvord Ave. and T 1 o i.t t1,e Corner of Ii"1l-e1 Ave. and 'L?h1P0fLL'.Ce� C>t One 017 the north Of Ilazel :AvellUe 1,11'Od>>C"d 1i01'th- 011? £j.t the north end Of PrOSp ct Aveime. 01ie .It the corner of TelCiperance Street a11d 1�T'O.,p`'Ct Ave One at the corner of Jason Ave . ,and dCdda�a t.ouli `,'la One on SI: th Street at th soutjl Y Ont, near the n0rtY1 end of Titus treat . One at -thy (Jorller of Clark , Ave . and Teli;perai_ce Stt�. That this .rgj,,oval of lrehts tale place at once alid the li jlts nalled. herein be striclten frow the list of street lights frUIn and after the I e t . d,;Ly of Pdiay 19I5 . That the ofty Clerk of tYle City of FCent , be ai_d is hereby directed to dive ilnnlediate licti.ve to tree Pu6et E'>owlci I-,lectric railway Co . of this Qection of the City Of Kent , with t:.e 1'ec4uest tr•_at the 11�,,'.ts pereill ncotied be reTrd)ved , al-id striC;.E 11 from t,ile It1011t111y cl tilo Of tlY.e collet ny froin. and-aftAr tr.e d�jte last above l.a.iu�'d. LInOn l:lotiori the above report was ulizi.ilac,usly ratified by tl:e Council. C1CA,ilciS Vrere read cali.d ordered pL-i(i 'As i'o11��°:�S : <<.Gnt Adverb ser . Print in; � 7•46 C . Woodworth 3 del- to reservoir 4•50 ^aatside Lubber Co . Luitber Folice acid St . Sui>. 8F0 T)ierri.field Hdv1P. Co . . 72 & Sons Tools avid T s :its. Ft . 5, Dl'L. 69.00 ' City Irau.�f_ r y .CO Rice P: Coble rba�;e B. EOuldron I:;llt,?-near . 75 II. Fell 4 Carsrocs; IOO. 00 P. S . r. P !. Co . I ilti 161.31 ?I. w. Lobdell L :.bor 6().00 F . J. T1eviell if3 .GO 5 .00 t Watc I���� �wini - � r. jnc . Rott Labor T:IcPol;ald3 . IO A. .00 Gus . Carlson Geo . Tanner 3 .75 � Ra I(::;aY Tern Johnson '.t'atcllnll for fire 3 .00 3 . 00 Franz JpV-ell 7 , 00 T'• a e FOund. CO . . .� . Sup . ' a��11. Pipe & 67 ,e7 Cr�lna "a . 75 .00 A . T . Cook T�ta r s I1a.l C . B. �iof.flikill Ii. 0 . 15. 00 �T. R. martin `Creasurer �- Lot Davis Ar,torl),?�- 25 . � Ilazel Price 0:ffice 25 . 00� �L. F. Price ClerR L p, IOI�•00 L. E. Prise Ft . on IC'0 yds . travel 33 . 0C. l X I(FC 247 J. F. Hayward St . clea.IIJ118 ;9 . 5C) J. F. Reed ;�l. Sta�� . 4.5o .Y. 71. Gridley I?�als f'cz pri: orlers 2:25 n-ebe Phamr ice F . D. Sup . 1 .50 11. !,,alctvain Gravel 3 .00 .._, J. R. Hc.tyward G&r-bL,.,e 6 .00 Qr dIna:ice # 367 , Gr'de?'ir6 iifl roveclent of Water st"Ill, was read Liiid upon motion )lriced -opo l its t'iilc+1 parwclj�e aild C Ix1'rj.ed urlalli 1t1ously . Upon 7l,ntion the T,,ayor atla Cleric viere autli`iriZPd a ,,d direct 'd t0 sign tI1P witi-, t11e PIIOht' CO. , ill 2'ei 1k11'd t0 Police AlarICl ;;y oteli.. .Iutter of (ibnatinL $ 7 .00 ii 'r month , for' the suiciter , {'Or tl"le intheep of PLirl:s , wav refered to t.'1" PL,rk 1',oard. ITO further bu.sil_ess tr e coulicil � upon It�Otion� d.i d then adjourn. City cl-r :.