HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/01/1915 242 Kent , Via sh. , 11arch V' , 11)15 . Regular m-etin�; of the Counci eserlt I�,t�tyor 11ar J,v and C01?r1Cil11e21 Chitteridell , Look: , I,uderl , Overlock :zl:d 'iaylor. I1,110.1teo of February 1511 were read alid approved. Clel,h ls , avilLrsrial 's alyd Iiealtil Officer 's reports fOr F-b- ruary were read al.d u11on Motion placed on file. Upon rnotioli the unu;ed portion of tale M. }!. hyhra Liquor Li cerise was ordered tralisfered to Earl CttttillL upon the filing; of the proper bonds. ,Chiles were read and ordered paid as `follows : Ker+t Advertiser Printing 5 12 .1�1 Beebe Pharitacy H. 0. supplies ' I.So Agee:Ker Ave. Livery Livery , Police services 7. pp J. R. r�rartin 'i'reasurer 33 .35 Lot Davis Attorney 33 .35 A. T. Cook h1ar s te al l5 • QO hazel Price Off i ce 215 . 00 Dr. C . B. Ho.ffIriall 11. 0 , 15 L. E . Price Clerk , Wxp. Phone I0I.32 Jno . Hayward :street clea:ll.ng 9. �i0 Chas . 11attaini Via tcr1IcrJ" 9 9.50 H. W. Lobdell Labor CIO EO. 00 F. J. TUev^lell v 0.30 JnO. ROtt a 5 . ,-) Blaine Bouldron 1anJineer 00 IO. 00 I J. R. 114artin , Treas . Irlt , on sewer bonds 576 .41� Trick & Murray Hotchni ss ti1)taples 1.05 City Transfer Gurbage I 75 I1. ]:.11dv<<in Fuel - 1 .55 The following re ,oltltion , declarirq� intention tc lay water 11ains , ira.s read and upon ;jotion adopted: IT Is RR'SOLVED BY TIM, CITY COUNCIL Of the City of Kent , t}la t i t do and it dges hereby declare its illterltion 01, lay�n ; grid con- structil16 trunk water llr--:ins in, along alld upon trle follov»irlg named lilies and colzrses , and ddbin6 Just- Oti-r woric in ConlieCt- ien jrlerevxrith as be '.. cessL�ry to the cor1)letiorl of tine same for 1aractical Use --t.0 a ci.l't Oi, t;;e City 's V!ctter system all 1rr �lccOrdallce W'th i l�Lnc, a.,'1d gpecificaticlls to be e 'nr. pared by the City ralEilleer; alld to i'Orlfl a local iS:'9sC;1ri�'r!t (�1StI'1Ct li Cllld- ing the property specially benefitted by said improveraellt and all property to wrlich ti�rater, r«zy di ,�tributed fr'crll sticrl trunk t,rater Ii�tilis through la.tera.l service and (Ii .,tribution 1(nills . The s�t.1d lines and cOUrses are Lis Begirmi.rlt-�, at t.}ie colil:ectioll with trle :Reservoir's at block 13 Of' the �'Vashington Central. I11n)rovel ant crr:7 arly 's Knob Hill Add- ition t0 Kent , ill KirI6 County , tcn', run t}"fence w-r-t along ar-id a.S hear as practi cable to the exi ti:i;_ rlia lri ti'1ar11{ 1'!a ter Pipe of the said City of Kent tc, all intersection with Railroad Avenue , laying arid constructir alone, said line �t 111,4 trunkwl.ter line Of steel or cast iron Of a diallleter 01, 11C r , exceed FIxtaell in- ches , and of sufficient s t2,e,14;tt1 un(l weight t0 with stand any pres- sure it riny be called upon to support at a.ny and all points and to insure perlllanency , with a reasonable rlr. rgin of strength arid weight for safety ; frolrl trle said 1u,;t 11cI�ied point COrlt] riUe Est along Willis a t Street to an intersection With First Avenue , laying therein a steel or oast iron pipe Of riot to e�tceed 12 in^,tees diarlletr-,r , Of eUlzal strength z^Ilt}1 tr1E' 011 ? a.bUve desCr'ibed; also roll r.ort:rl from the int �i„s,c_t,ion o ' Wil; is ',3treet alld Railroad AvenLle v714L,,11 a ZVOOd st,-1ve i)i.pe Of riot t0 exceecl 12 inMes 243 of such strength as to residt an preusure at the Nints where laid with a sufficient safety nar;,;in for all eraergencies; also run notth a.lOn_ First Avenue fron its inter Mction with Willis Street with a wood stave pipe not tore tLan 12 inches in, dia- meter , of Such VIVYn6th as to r�siat ahY pr�r;Ure at Any poillt alid a sufficient MrLin for sa.j'?ty it", any en1'r •'ency , each of �J ...--- said V10nd stave pl ;)W t.:0 reuCrr t0 '.11tlic tiitl."het and COIlIIeCt � with the new wAter pain laid in said l?<`.11 lrcad and ?First Ave- nues at the time the Street P%vina was 141 d therein to the north of said Titus Street . All of said Win trunk water pipe t0 be fitted 'v'./ith any and all such c0!iuectiont , vAlvpt , bates s lutOl. s and such Other �aPP OL ce ' e ,es . 3 �_id appurtenances as ohall be Penessary and propel for the Dractic''ble use and installation of the Salrle . Ally. and all p-rsons w4p may d9sire to object to slid iluprove- meent , 'ar2l hereby nctiPied t0 appear and present their Object- Uns at a Leetln6 of the City Couhail of the Said city to be held- in the council shatter of the City Mall , in the City of Keats :'ia8nin,ton Oh the j" dLy of Vnri l 1I j al the hour 0=1, 8 o 'clock P. M. , wKich time ahi place is kyreby fixed for the aearina of all Natters pertail ihL to tie uroposed colistruct- , ....ion of saki-water again, the f orhLtion of ti id local abbess cent district , and all ObjYMOns tleretO4 aAd for detoradning tale Dethod pf--payla nt for said improvehaht . - -- The City Cleric is hereby directed to furnish ana subadt to the City Cluncil prior to said last named Cale all data and "" fin- I,CM1L1ti011 re�;ulred Uy law t0 be so :>l. Ovd i tPd , And an e;- tiMte of the cost and expel son op such iluprovealerlt . nut the cost aha expenses Oz iIilp ovem;ent 011 411 'Cif.' assessed- upon And against Ue PrOPOrty liable trier of cre as Provided by law ) innQdQd, yitgiV a district w2ose boudd-alias will be fixed and establisned �y ardinnvice hereafter to be p=used by the City council . No further business app gaging the Uounci 1. , upon h,tiOn , did then adjourn , 'itY Clerk.