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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/01/1915 240
Kent , Wash. Feb . I" , 1915 .
Regular meetin6 of the Council; Present Councilmen
Look , Madison , Naden , Overlock and, Ta.Xlor. Ccuriciliran
Madison acting Mayor.
Minutes of January I811 were read and approved.
Clerk 's report for the year I')_T4 acid January 1915 ,
and the Marshal 's reports were read and pl�.ced oil file .
The Finance Co7midttee reported tliat, they had e:raiidned
tge Clerk 's annual report and found tiie salve correct .
Claim, were react aria ordered paid as follows :
City Treasurer Int . on bonds 1050.00
" to S . W. Bonds 5 & 6 2000.00
Kent Luiiber Co . Lui(ber 5 . 17
City Transfer Jail &- Freiont I . 00
H. Baldwin C o a 1 U: St . Work 20. 00 4
Eastside Lumber Co . Luiiber 9.20
Kent Journal Priiltilij; 4. 5o
P. S. E. ,Ry. Co . St . Libhting 161 . Io
H. W. Lobdell Labor 6o.00
F. J. Newell If 23 .50
Jno . Rott it 13 . 50
Dr . J. Soule Lost Wa.rran,t I .60
L. E. Price Sal. « Exp. 105 . 73
J. R. martin " 33 .35
A. T. Cook 75 . 00
11 . F. Conover " 65 .00
C . B. 11offiian " 15 . 00
Hazel Price " 25 .00 -
Lot Davis 19.35
if en ►► 14.00
W. H. Knagts Rebate on water( vacancy ) 3 . 75
Kent Advertiser Printii,e 5 . 85
A . T. Cook Ideals for prisoners .50
Mission Grill ° " I .25
J. W. Cavanaugh Police ".Alp. .40
Upon motion the Far7uers Ea:thill Viater Co. was allowed
water at the rate of # 2 .25 Per thousand feet for the water
actually passing throubh the rueter alid no minimm rate be
No further business arq)earing, upon motion , the Council
did then adjourn ,