HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/05/1915 1 X I(FC L� s Kent , Ydcl Srli tlE t 0I1, CJ,=,n. '5"> 1915 • , First ilieetink; of tr.e Coul'('il ; Present 'mayor lar,4y and Councilnien perli.n, Uibk ) A,Iadison , N��den, Overlock and Taylor . A,Iinute,s of January 411 were read and approved. ClL�.im of Seattle National Bank i'or daiiages , on accourl.t ' of bursted pipes , was read acid rei'-red to the City Attorney. The Mayor riizde the followin; sta.�ding CO"al ttee appoitIt-- inc,_.t s for the year : Finance- Overlocr, Look , p,,ladison; Police and Licen;e- I`,aden, Chittenden, Taylor ; Street- Cliittenden, Naden , Taylor; Water- ?4a.dison , Naderi, Berlin; LiL"pit- Tierlin , Madison , Chitten- den; Building ez Plut'min�- Taylor , Overlock , Look; H,?alth ,Sev-,'aE e & Drainage- Look , B?rlin, Ove"locn. Park Board- Dr. 0 . Taylor , R. J. Arney and H. IA. Shaffer. Member on Library Board- Mrs . H. B. Mll tdi sore. Oi'fjeers were appointed by t1�e Diayor aid appoiriti[ieiIts confirmed by the Council as i'olloVrs : Marshal- A. T. Cook; Police Judge- W. Greerili.e:r ; Pluifb- inr; Inspector- C . C . Cornelius ; F. ;ineer- Blaine Bouldroii; Health Officer- Dr. C . B. ?Iof1'ura.rl; Pound plaster- J. A. IIal adorn. I1pon motion tale C.l�rk was instructed to have 500 copier of the follo1Ning agreement printed , and authorized to wake extent- ions of time to delinquent ,rater users , ixi cares of xiecessity , and upon tree signing by there of tide a6reeme11t , a71d the appr. ov- al of the Water Coil Attee : The undersignbd, bein5 indebted to tiie Cite of Kent for delinquent water rentals ill tale sure of _ azid being uxiable to meet the payment of the same at this tim,Q , here- by agrees to pay the :3aine witi:in _ days after the date hereof with interest tnereoii at the rate of IO per cent per aiulum from the date of delinCluencY , and also warrants to the City that he will pay all water rentals here<.-ifter to accrue promptly before the Sadie becoTlieS, delinlLlent . If ne fail to meet tiie paylaentS or airy of their or any portion of triein a:3 above set forth, glen he consents to the shutting off of his 3vater service without notice upon wliy such default . - The Mayor ar,po i nted Counci liueri 1,a di Son, Overlock and I3Qrliil a Coi�iuitt to prepare resolutions upon tree death of w. Bereiter , tree same to by presei.ted to tale Council at their next retalar it- eti.xlg. No _'urther business appearing trle Council did, upon motio n, then ad j t->urn, City Clerk. f