HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/07/1914 225 Kent , tiYashiri ;tol) , SePtelfber 7th . 191- . Re6ula.r rneetixm,� of tr;e COulicil ; present Mayor Hardy and Coun- colmaen Chittenden , Clarkson) 24adisor' , T,icKirizie , Na,den and Taylor . y TAlnutes of Au0ust 17th. read aild approved. Clerks report and tYe Y','ht liar shal Is report for the month of Ara�ust read and accepted. Upon motion blank form„s or luonthly reports , for the use of the Health Officer and Police D9.Da,rtfielit , Y-TP`o nrderd printed. - Tax Levy resolutiozl for the year 1915 was read and adopted as follovis : RES OLUT.I ON Al,D 11-OT IC E OF TAX LEVY IT IS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent in King County , Wa.shin-;ton, that the folloWin;-, be and it is hereby declared to be an estipit.te of the amounts riPcess�,ry to mriept the public expense and expenditures of the said. City for tt_A year 1915 , azld that the receipts from sources other that froza taxa- tlor_, azld of the afr;ounts 1-ecessary to be raised by taxatioi: uron the DroT;erty tirithin the say d City , tOYfit EST I714TED PXPk1T S., GENERAL CrOVERi�n�IEl�T . alari ec 82000. 00 Office Supplies 200. 00 Flirrliture & ril.tir, s 2 00. 00 Pzc i rltizl� City Hall 100. 00 T":.xes Fuel & Pr•iyitire 31+0. 00 elections & Inc. STREET DFP„RTPjEElJ-T . Pavirlf� Assent . i� 220. 00 traPt C1eZrlirl�; 15oo. 00 Lumber 1000. 0o Labor ' 000. 00 Tools repairs & 111c. 460. QO Paving; Upkeei; 400. UU StrViet Lidtlti_l ?200. 00 _ _ _ _ `ATER SYSTEM. SalarJ ?s n 7,00. 00 Supplies 1500. 00 Labor 1400. 00 ' Tools Tepairs c?c Inc . 100. n1) '7P41X 'IXteritions 2000. 00 _ SEWAGE AND DRAINAGE T'Laterial & Labor $1900. 00 Tools azrd Repairs 300. 00 Inc. 100. 00 DEPARTMENT OF PA CKS . T�Mr par-rs 500. 00 Up:',eep 100. 00 PULICE DEPA. ;TTrTETIT . Salaries 81680 . 00 Special Police 50, 00 Cit;, Jail 25 . 00 Iric� �iei�t1 25 . 11F.AL`1'tI £c r,lfl`i'ATIUid. 17�0. 00 Sala.rie:3 lt'U. OU Up . & Inc . li 0. CCU 226 LI:Rt3ARY. a I,.u'n nn ,Li lary Fizel Li-rit & I)"P . 520. 00 - - ----- --- FIRE DEPARTMENT Upkeep u, Inc. 4 200, 00 4 200. 00 FIXED EXPE!iSE. a� Interest on bonds r nE00. 00 For SilikiT]g: Fund 1000 . 00 Fot' 1)12 Sink. FUlld 750. 00 For 1912 Int . Fund 900. 00 45050. 00 ESTIMATED INCOME Taxes Outstandi.n; 7�2400. 00 Loc. Ir,1p. Dist 's . 1300 . 00 Li ceases 4000. OCR 'eater System 4500. 00 Inc ide lit a1S 200_._0 Q +�F12400. 5CT A1,10UNT TO I-E RAISED For General Fund $8000 . 00 I tit e west Fund 2400. 00 Sinkin5 Ffand 1000 . 00 1912 Interest Fund 900 . 00 1912 Sinking; Fund 7 5 0 - 0 0 Park Fufid 6.00 .00 - - - - - - - �13650 . 00 OF And all persons are hereby notified that the City Council of the said C.i t�T of Kent will greet in t.re Council Chambers at the City Hall in the said City On Monday , October 5t1a. 1914 , at 8 o ' clock P.M. of the said day for the yrnzrpose of nalcli,6 tax levies as stated in said - estimites . TJpon motion the Finance Comit,ittee was instructed to investicy t- iratt•er of placjnL oertain C-.ty Funds on time deposits . Clsaiins read and orderC. ?)aid as 4 01lows : J. E. Iia3ilnard Street Cleaniii& `i9 .5o N. T. I-..rnes Sewer Manholes 131 .50 A.A.Ei sedorph Printir_k; 5 . 71 A. T. Cook Salar., & Exp rises 76 .55 C. P. Hoffman Salary 15 .00 J. R. V&rtJ.n Salary 33 .35 T. W. B�-ssett Salary 33 .35 11. F . Conover salary 60 . 00 Dori s Fay Salary 25 . 00 L. E. Price Salary & Exper.:;e 107 .45 Cras . T.Rattaini. Wlatchiran 5 . 00 H. W. Lobdell Labor 60. 00 C . P. We ster.laa,nd L&bor 1.5 . 00 F. W. Pa•rr;�stir. Ja-il Re-G. 1 . 00 Rasrirassen & Nelson Tools & Re7) . 23 .30 Dent Livery Livery 19 .50 J,1Fl.Cti•�:::.'.;;i. 9- sons quapplies 5 .55 Rice &, Coble Cra=`_'-,; 9 .80 C .7 . Guia•erson P.er� : on. .wa ter rent 3 . 00 P.S.1:.P,y.Co . Street 169.00 !t.erriT'ield 1iYre . Co . sup-lies 0 . 95 Trick & Murray Office Supplies 7; .22 McGhee Auto Co . Tools & -Rep . 8.25 Kent Journal Printing 1 . 00 B. Bouldron E.r. ineerin 10 .35 L.E.Price City Property Assmt . 208.23 L.E .Price Frei�ht & Supplies 16 . 76 City Treasurer T..+ % -.'' cn I?0iid:3 574 ,,,,.L 6 . 00 1 XCiFC 227 The Follov,rirL_ , trar7sl'erin funds , ar;d. �.�"i'_� ' _?`^ ia�b;,lasly. .. RESOLVED that the foliowiil-- ainourts be and they are rereby orderd trans Bred frni; t.,e resi.;ective funds rjart,ed to the Current Expense Fund , also from the Current Expense Fund to L. I.D. Fund- No . I09 , the ,aliOunt 01' t1_5 ,38 , to balance the st i�1 1'urld , a. _d the City Clerk and t.,.e Cit}! Treasurer are hereby dir- ected to iz }Ce t..el r bcioj:U of alc'coUrit shoix such trall.91'eres : Loci-1 Iilrrroveiuer:t Di otri ct Fund No . 10� , A 7,3 . 73 ,t It ;, If ;t 11 1 2 4. 75 it it If ;, ;131 2 73 . 7 7 ,f If I, 13 6 0 . 5 4 1 z 7 2 6 . 8 7 Incort_P Tax Furid g?� C . Upon motion the ter of so:ae of th.e Ar v. T­�f'Prpd to the C'oilimiti:ee of trig WFjn1B C�llriCil , J4'it}1 power to act , Lnd with the CYiztirfj,&n of +?'z� ;,l ,__t Co1T1,rAttee acting as Chairrc�(.n of the Committee of the Whole . Upon motion the Cler!t iya,s Instructed to publish a notice in bot r rapers , tr,at the law in reLuard to the use of Pent outsif in Cities and Towns , would be strictly inforced from this date. No further busir;ess a,)peariir , the Council , utiori n,ot+ on di cl then a.d j ourn. City Clerk.