HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/17/1914r\ t 1 C 22:3 Kent , Yr"z�,.,hinF ton. AUj,,ust 17, 1914. Re4,1.1lar i eeting of the COuliCil; present 1.1ayor Hdrdy and Coun- Cilmen Clarkson, 'Gadison, McKilizie, Naden and Taylor. Minutes of Au6umt 3rd. read and approved. as read. Sewer Committee reported, reroirkndind that the ratter of a lateral sewer district, north of Siidth Street, refered to them at the last Council meeting, be disaproved; upom Iootinn the report and recomenda.tion. of the CoTlllllltte.P vrac adopted, and order- ed. placed upon. file. Claims read and N: T. Barnes, City Treasurer, 0. R . Doyker , J. 11. Donough, Dalton Add. Ych. Crane Co. 1?atioral meter Co. ordered paid as f ;llovrs : Sidewalk, Dist # 144, Interest, S.W.P. wirir.E� City ?Tall Sup. Fire Dept. Co. Repairs, Supplies, water meters 91.21.27 810.00 5.66 4.00 1.68 1.92 106.00 Resolution, st-tting time for }iearirrg on assess7rent roll for Local Improvement District NO. 144, was read and adopted as follows : IT IS RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KEhT That the 21st day of SepteiMer, 1914, at tine hour of S o'clock P.M., at the Council Chambers in the City Hall, at Kent, wash - in ;ton, be and the sal.R is fixed as tale tilire and place for hear- Jilt:,of the assessment roll for Local Imj)rrive li�ent District No. 144, for tl�.e illlproven_ent of Yjillis ,Street, by sidewalking the north side thereof , from Naden Street to the Ivest property lire of the Seattle Ta-colia Interurban Railway. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to bublish iil the official anewspape.r of the City of Kent, notice thereof as required by law and the ordina.rces of the said City. Ylatter of cleanin6 the trunk sewer vaas, upon lciotion, refer- ed to the Sewer Corinaittee . Upon motion the water bill of the East Hill Mia.ter Co. was adjusted to ; 26.00, for the meter reading and $10.00 for the waste water, iiktking the bill for tide month of July4436.00. The Street Committee recomended that the City buy the tar Rifle of the American Cont. Co. for tyre sum of A75 . 00 , less the freight charges on salve, and release the Company from their mintanence contract, uporl Iiiotion tx:e recoiiiendation was lznar.- imously adopted. No further business appea.rin&, the Council did then adjourn. City Clerk.