HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/01/1914 209 Kent , Washington, June I , I914 Regular mp-eting of the Council ; present Mayor Hardy and Councilruen Chlttenden, Clarkson, Mf di soli , McKenzie , and Narlpri. Minutes of MLY I811 were read aild approved. Protest was filed by the P. C . C . 1t1- Co . against Street paving on First Avenue 1-1orth, as set Zorth in rdSolution # 143 . The Clerk 's report for W«y W2.9 read and accepted. The Clerk was instructed to have a trap door put In the roof of the hose tower . Ur)on motion the Clerk was instructed to pay the Ditch Tax. Claims were read al,d ordered p-id as follows : Meeker Ave . Livery livery 6 .50 Merrifield Iidwe. Co . Cela-lat & Etc. 42 .65 . L . E. Price W. S . sup. 15 . 00 Joe . Cowan St . & reservoir wla. 55 .50 Kent Advertiser printing 17.04 A. T. Cook Marshal & Exp . 76 .3 6 H. F. Conover 11i�;ht marshal 6 5 .00 C . B. ,Hoffman Ii. 0 . 15 .00 Hazel Price Office 25 . 00 J. R. Martin Treas. 33 .35 W. T. Bassett Attorney 33 .35 L. E. Price Sal. Exp. 105 .45 Kent Iidwe. Co. I rake . 75 Mrs. L. A. Shaffer Park upkeep 6 .00 Ii. W. Lob dell Lab . 60 . o0 Chas. Mattair_i Watchitan 5 . 00 C . P. Westerlund Lab . 2 .50 F. J. Newell If 73 .90 Jno . Rott " 65 .65 Fred Gruber ° 9.40 Herb . Baldwin Coal, 8.00 Crane Co. W. S . sup. 44.4I Verax Chemical Co. Disinfectant for ,fail 4.)0 City Treas. Int . 1912 refund. bds. 425. 00 J. E. Hayward Street Cleaning 99 50 if work 1.25 B. Bouldron Engineer 41.25 Eastside Lurik)er Co. Luillaer 13 .40 Ordinance # 360 , providing for the iigjrovE3merit of First Avenue North , by wing, L. I . D. # I43 , was read,placed upon its final passage and upon 1110tiori further action vas indeff inately, posporied. Upon rc;otion the City Attorney was instructed to take up the matter of the cancelaticln of the tr;aintainance contract on Street Paving, with the Awerican Contracting; Co, The Matter of moving the horse fountain f roru the 11iiddle of the park to the Street and supi)lir!g a vace in place of the same , was left to the Street Committee. UTon motion the City Engineer was instructed to rectify the iMps of the Trunk line of the Water System and tye in. Upon Notion the natter of 11101r;T:g the drain box by 1,�r. Gould 's place . Also the removal of the Condenser Avater rira.ins on Smith Street was refered to the Street Committee. 212 t Upon Motion the City Attorney viaS instructed to draw up a 5 year light contract lVith the P. S. E. Py. Co . , with the privelege ,of cancelation in three years. The following resolution , provifling for j sidevialk on the north side of vlillis Street ,fmoln Naden Street to tyre P. S . E. p Co 's . property , v,•as read &nd a.dopted: y. It is resolved b;, the Ci t• Counoi! cf the Ci ty of Kent King County , State of Vlashin,6ton, t:�lat it do are declare its Intention of irripr•oving 1"di.11i s Street ,ifroOethePwest line of the IntPr•urban ry. Co s . Z,r opex•ty to Naden Street , a, distance of about 350 feet , more or less; by building along the north side thereof a rebulat�_ori wooden sidewalk , and doing such other work as rrRy be necessary in connection therewith, all in accotzdarlce wit, plans acid specificL!tions to be pr pre ared bl, the City rnrineer. That ail persons who rifly ci.esire to object to the slid im- provement are hereby notified to appear a.nd present such ob,ject- io_:s at a rneetin6 of tine City Council to be held 121 the C01111Cil Char;:ber , in the C'_ty Hall , Ili the Cite oi' Kent , at S o 'clock P. Al. , on the 6 " day of July , I;I4, will.ch tilaE? aria Place is here- by fixed 1-or the heurilgL of all cnetter;s relating to said irrr)rove- n fnta and all objections thereto , aria 1'or dPterrtdriing the method p p' yxirent 1'or Sald i 117pr•overterrt . Tk t the City Clerk is directed to subrcrit to the City Council at or prior to Said date , all data and irl"01"fation required by law to be so submitted. That the cost and expense of ;;aid 11197r'Oveitient shall be borne by rld �issessed against the l by law. property liable t�rerefr re as pr. ovidPd UPon motion the Hea.ltti ofi'icer v,,as instructed to was necessary to do so. irifor e the co. r Ordinance in re,;uard to serer :ectiori, where he theut�ht �ft it No f'utther business apUPui inr the Council did then adjourn, City Clerk