HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/04/1914i X E1 FC
20 tJ)
Kent , Washington, May 4, 1914.
Regular meeting; of tyie Cot!ricil; present 3vlayor
Hardy and
Coi.zr.Lci linen Clarkson,
Ivladi son , EcKenzte , aden and
Minutes of April 20 were read a.r:d approved.
Clerk's re?,crt
for April was read and adopted.
Clailc,s vrere react and ord•:,red lr(jtd as follows:
H. P. RaShussen
Too re p.
J. E. Hayvrard
St. Clea.nin,�;
H. Baldwin
Meek. Ave. Livery
Joe Conran
Re�;ervoir rep. st. wt.
Rice & Coble
" it
Kent LuiXer Co.
Lulr�Der fcr Sts.
B. Bou.ldron.
,,urvey o' road help
lvter±afield TIdwe. Co.
rep. Sup.
Cavanaugh w soils
material Y'oi- reservoir
P. S. E. Ry. Co.
St. Littntinf,
Ke it Iidwe. Co.
sup. for reservoir
J. R. Martin
T. Vi. 13assett
A. '"r COOP.
H. F. Conover
Hazel Price
Off i ce
25 .00
C. B. Hoffman
Ii. 0.
Exp. 3.65
L. E. Price
Sal. I00 ,
Mrs. L. A. ShaL'fer
Park upkeep
Chas. Tlattaiiii
H. W. Lobdell
C. P. Westerlund
F. J. Neviell
John Rott
F. G. Franks
Adar! Britt
Allen Clark
Auto & St. Wh-
L. E. Price
Sup. for reservoir
Fa.� t side Lumber Co. Lumber
Ind. Ins. COMM'.
Jan., Feb. & Mch. 1914
Tulr. Cornelius
and Nirs. Jno. Nelson spoke to.
the Council
in regard to certain nuisances; no action taken.
The Mayor 3rrade the 1'ollovjilij aur,ointments for
Board: Mrs. C. G.
Chittenden, Mrs. II. Is. hadisoll,
E. L.
riterrifield, W. J.
Shilill and f. N. I3erlir!. Upon, Ir:otion
appointments; ;;ere
confirmed by the r.;ouricil.
An invitation
from the City of Renton, for road
ion, on the 17" of
hiay, was read aril the Clerk was
to answer, acceptiii" the 111vitatiori.
T.he following
resIlutiOn ( # I42 ) de?zla.ring intention
" of
Ilnproving certain
streets b ' paving; was read and
lost by tre
following vote: N,,-,
den , Clarkson and Taylor voting "Aye",
Madison a -rid McKenzie
votin6 "Nay":
It is resolved by the City Comical of the City of Kent, in
King County, State of Wachi!i ,ton, that it do and it (ices hereby
declare its intention of i!i;)rovi r,g Tnird Avenue from the riorth
marginal line of Gowe Street , 'to S110 north i!arginal line of
Willis Street;
Fourth AVei.Ue from the south iiftrbinal lineof Tvee"r:Pr Street,
to t)Le north line of ",'ili_ig Street; and
1XKFC 205
Gowe Street, from the t°lest irargiiial line of Third Avenue, to the
east i!<irbinai line of Fourth avenue.
By bringing the ai!te to trie estGb li sided grade, p�;.vinb a.
strip along the cer:t(?r of tiie sL id described portions of street
and avenues, of the width or eigYLteen feet , with a paving whose
base shall be of concrete icF..de of portland cement, sand and
gravel,which shall be covered wtith a toppirig of some bituminous
product, all of sufficient strength to iri.sure periranancy of the
improvement; also placing along t:ie side of such paving 8.t all
points good and sufficient butters of siicrilar material as the
paving; and doing such other wore. �:.s i!ay be r_ece,,,;ary in conn-
ection therewith, all iri accordance with plans and specifications
to be prepared by the City Engineer.
That all p�r•sons who i�Ly desire to cb ject tc the said ii!r-
prov`,,?- nt are hereby notified to a.T'pea.r cl.i:_:' I)resent such object-
ions at a iveeting of' tr.eCity Council to be held ir! trie Council
Mtiiber, in the City Yialli;}i in the City of! Kent, at 8 o'clock
P . tip. , on the I" day of JUilo , I J T4 , 'd-Jhi oh t i i:ie an a ply Ce is here—
by fixed fcr thy' oi' all ratt-'rs relating; to OLid iitmrov4fi
sent , aild all ob jecti on t,.er eto , a;:d for d P t ri.dnIng t 1 .e ireticl
cr' ir,t: rent for said inrhr'over!e: t. .
Thar, tr.e City Clark is c1i'rected to subifdt to the City Council
at or prior to s, id date , all data grid infcr'iration requiredo,,T
law to be so subtultted.
That the Co.,t an,-, expense of s:.id improveii:eiit 5h,,! 1 be
borne by and assessed ag�&inst the iproperty liable therefor a.9
pro-.,rl c1ed by la.jr�.
The followirig resolution ( # T43 intention of
the City ! ounci l to iiuprove cer'tal.`1 , �. -. :Nets by pavin v'Ll s read
and adopted unaiidiiou ly:
It is resclved by the City Council of the City of Kent, in
Klrr�, Ccunty, , State of tl.at i l: do, , ar:d It does hereby
declare its iii.tentlon of First ,`,venue north, from tl.e
n - rtl: line of Mhe!,er Street to the north i! r final line
of iai th St. , produced, thence to the west line of Railroad Ave.
by brir,gir:g the sailie to .e estab li :,ned grade, paving a strip
along the center of the said described porti(Ina of qtreets and
Averr.ies, of the i�,idth of forty feet, with a wlrnse b�Lse
shall be of concrete iiLde of Portl,:nd _,ei;er:t, ,,and artd gravel,
which :,hail b.� covered viitY'. L, top,,;iii, of some bituminous pro-
duct, all of suzficient streii6th to insure periiananct of the
itriproverrerit; aiS.) 1ilacitI6 aloj, tl!e siaes, of :such paving at all
points good and sufficient gutters of siiidlar iiateri.al as the
paving; also a continuous curb oii e�:ch side of the -,id paving
outside of the Eut�.ers, of concrete sii,d.lar to that used as the
base of the paving; and doi.tig such other work as may be n ce$s-
ary in coimectidin therewith, all ii' accordance witri plans and
specifications to bkN prepared by t1.e City Engineer.
That all persons who iaay desire to object to the said ir!?-
preverent are hereby notified to a )ear and present such Object-
ions at a vi=�etinb of the City r3ouiic.il to be held in the Council
Chaiab er , in the City iialli�! i r the City of Bent, at 8 o'clock
P. M. on the Ill day of June T914, which time a.ncj place i ;i ,reby
fixed for the heLrinb of all matters rel�iting to said iimi-ove
ment, and all objections th.e.reto, aiid for determining the ii:ethod
of payiiient for said iI!tprov?i,el:t.
That the City Clerk is directed tc submit to the City Coinacil
at or prior to said date, all data and infori!rition required by
law to be so submitted.
That the Cott and expense )� s mid ii!rprovement shall be
borne by a -id assessed asa.inst tneproperty liable therefor as
provided by law.
No further business appearitig ti'e 'Council did tYien a(ijourn,