HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/06/1914 Y WC 197
KeT1t , V°Wash. , Apr. 6 , I9)I 4 .
Re�,ul&r iaeeti:a6 of the Council ; present hayor IIardy and
CGUTTCiliilPrl CI`_lttendell , Clarkson , Ic1c i3011, PI'iClii'liZle , Naden and
Tucker . Roberts eoh rid ii; later .
Minutes of ,arch 16" vie •e read a--d approved.
10r . Jno . Nelscn came be-lore the Coulici 1 , r ecluesti n6 trat
brill playir:6 be stoped in the :streets ; i-.c action taken.
Dtrs. Dowe petitioned the Council verbally for a sidewalk
on Titus Street , between Scenic '1!ay and Ke11110beck AV(-',:UP, . The
question waS refered to the Street C;GT°'1r!1.i.tee.
Reports of the Clerk , Ivi�Arshal , '.I. 0 . and Ni6ntl I.arsl.a.l
were read and adopted.
E. A. Rockvrell pre.3ented his i'esi nation as Police Judee ,
which eras upon i!iotion accepted.
The Street Coiraaittee i'eported, recoiuiiieiidin6 that M-r . L .
Smith be reeiMursed for 20 f t . fronta6e oii bsWi lli s St . , L . I .D.
# 139 , airounting to $ 32 .20. Upon iaotion the reconnlriendLation
was adopted and the air:ount )-, cored plaid.
Claims were read grid Ordered p*',i(i follolivs :
Valley Iiotel 1vleals for prisoners I . 00
Joe Cowan St . vcrk aild cleanin6 I80. 75
Blaine Bouldron Eii6ineer 10 .50
J . R. Martin Treasurer 33 .35
A. T . Cook S'al . & Exp . 77 . 15
H. Conover Ni6rit I1-ii il.al 65 . 00
T . W. Bassett Attorney 33 .35
Hazel Price Sal . 25 . 00
Dr . Hoff iran Ii. 0. 15 .00
L . E. Price Sal . & Exi). I09 . 45
J. W. Cavanaugh Sup . 60 .35
Eastside Lumber Co . 2 .
u)rn6er 7 85
Merrifield Hdwe . Co . sup. 1146 .70
Mrs . L. A . Shaffer Park upkeep 6 .00
Chas . I.![attaiti Wat chi ritn 5-DO
H. W. Lobdell Lab . 60. 00
Jno . Rott " 58 . 75 a
Adam Rott " 3 . 00 1
F . J. Newell " 61.'75
T . E. Crow 37 .50
1'Walter Lyons " 21 . 00
Sari Zaller
11 19.50
P. IvlcCarson " 70.50
P. Ran6e " 145 . 00
Jno . Scofield " 16 . 00
F . ,II. Dasc'ett " 34 .50
Win. Wolf e °1 18 . 75
Frank Francs " I.50
Jno . Ritter. 11 I.50
C . P. Westerland " I0 . 00
L . E. Price Zoo lbs. Pul . alma II . 00
Rice Cchle Rep . oi, re,,ervoir 30.2-5 1
P. E. F . Ry . Co . St . LibhtiTl6 I80. 82
Kent Lumber Co . Luliiber 17.80
KeT,t Post Of, ice Stamped Envelopes 59.34
Interurban Grocery charity for ;;:arteries 5 .00
J. A. Ycun.g It rebate on water vent 3 .00
H. P . Rasimssen Tools & rep. 20. 80
Kent AuvYrtiser Pribting 4. 72
L. Srrdth L . I . D. # 139 32 .20 s
Upon 71jotion a 41, water line was ordered put irl from
Smith Street to ,Tarries Street 011 Celitral Avenue; also tv,0
fire IVdrai�ts .
Friday the 1VI of April ,,/as set aside as clean up
The appli cLttion of III . Cuttir'6 to transi er the location
of his license from the p.'esent location to the D. A. Stevaart
BlocK , was refered to the Licencse connittee .
No further business appearing the Couricil ;yid tnen adjourn ,
City e1•1c.