HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/15/1913I lY li pc 1'ib Ke.it , Wash. , Dec. 15 , 1913 . Regular moetint� of the Council; pres,, t Councilmen Clar tson , Fulp, Hardy, McKenzie, 1va.den, Rasl,jus:,en and Tucker. councilman Hardy acting Mayor. Minutes of December I" reaa and approved. The Light Coim ittee reported, recoifimending a libht on Third Avenue , one block south of Crow Avenue, on the east side of the Street and upon motion the same Was ordered. ThP License Comllijittee reported, reL011iltienidiTlb the Srantinlg of Licenses to J. S. Czerney, Adams P- 'her, Peter Martel and lVhra & Ctitting, and upon motion th,.-z same was allowed with the provission that Adams & Fehr Wile a new bond, covering the entire period of their license. Claims were read and ordered paid as follows: J. R . Martin Ind. Insurance Corn. City Treas. W. H . Knaggs H. P. Rasiiiussen Pionier Boundry d; P. Co. Kent Lumber Co. R. J. Rogers Eastside Lumber Co. Kent Motor Car Co. Water Dept. P,,. C. Calhoun H. E. Roessel F . M. Parrahm E. A. Sessions A. 0. Jeffries E. A. Richardson Donald Asselstine N. C. Peck J. Q. Yocum Blaine Bouldron A. E. Brotchi T1. Blinn J. W. Marshal E. L. Brotchi W. C. Sargent James Hatt J. A. Hagadorn F. B. Shell J. J. Crow J. F . Gibson C. AI. & St. P. B3a. Co. Int. on 1912 Int. Fd. 425.00 Insuranice `L'a.x 13.50 States ;.'o of Liquor Licenses 400.00 8 Mo. water rent for vacancy I2.00 Supplies I0.75 Office suppli e:, 7.75 Luirb er 73 .6 0 Polling place for 2 elections I0.00 if " I0.00 " if I0.00 I2 !,io . Water er 1680.00 Election Board 3.00 11 3.00 If 3.00 3.00 3.00 " 3.00 3.00 " 3.00 If 3.00 " ; . OO it 3.(�O 3.00 " 3.00 it 3.00 if 3.00 if 3.00 it 3.00 if 3.00 " 3.00 It 3.00 Sewer right of way 5.00 Ordinance # 357 fixing salary of the Health Officer was read, placed upon its final passage and carried unanimously: A Ordinance of the City of Kent, fixin6 the salary of t Ilea Of f i c e r . ,�-- THE C�'1'T C *C IL OF THE CITY OF KE1VT DO UP1>,Pd'AS FOLLOWS: Section I. The salary of' the "' y Health Officer is here)iy fixed at the sum of NE HUl'TDRED � ITY DOLLARS ( $180. 00 ) per yaer, payable monthly Marra s on the Cite Treasurer as other sa lar i e s . ''~� 00.0- Section 2. ThisXrdinance"%-sull take effect and be In force on and after the 5"..,A6 y of Jaimary, , l XhFC The following resolutionreS inding action of the douncil December I" was read and adopted: RESOLVED by the City Council l oi' tr!e City of Kent , That the action of the Council at its meeting of Deceiiber I" , I'-)13,iri accepting t"le bid of The Kent Journal for city printing, and awarding the contract to said rent Journal, be and trio same is hereby rescinded , for the reason that the ordinance of the City of Kent regarding letting; of contract:; on bid, provides that the same shall be let to tree love.>t biader. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, ti-Lat 411 of said bids for city print- iT.J ^ubi,dtted at the i(ie tint of tl:e Cit - Council Dece .ber 2, be, are(? the same are hei,eby rejected, and treat new bids be submitted in writings ,for the City printing; for the year 1914, to be sub- mitted a.nd opened at the meeting of the City Coui;oll to be held on January 5 " , 1914. The following resolution proclaiming result of the last City Election was read and adopted: WHEREAS, on this the 15tn. clay of December, 1913, the Council in re:Lular session opened and. canvas; ed tiie returns of the City r,lectiorI, held in tri City of Kent oil the 2" day of Deceiaber, 1913, and on such canvas,, fiild that tf_(-, naiiied persons wer-' elected to the respective of -Vices :_old i'or the respective time's of office following, to -wit: MAYOR) M. R. HLtrdy, , for th? term oi' one y"ar. . CLERK, L. E. Pxice, i'or the terir. :" oii�? year. TREASURER, J. R. Martin, for the 1;eYit] of Ore year. ATTURXEY, 11. W. 3ussett, for ti-_e term of onr y"ar. COUNCILIVIAN AT LARGE, F. L. Taylor, i'or the term of one year. COUIvCILIviAN, E. II. :1vaden, for the terma of two vears COUY;CILi �N, W. L. Fulp, for tr.e term of ,,,so years. COUXCILMU1,C. G. Chittendeti, i'o- tree terra Of two ye:xrs. IT IS THEREFORI.' RESOLVED ULL,', the �,i ty Clem; I is , and he is hereby directed to issue and ;,eliver to the several officers elect above named cprtificates of tlieir election. The following resolution setting forth the duties of the Police and Health Oi-ficer was read and adopted unanAmocisly: BE IT RESOLVED by tree City Coui,cil of the 'ity of Kent, That beginii.ing with January 1914, tre following named officers a.;)pointed to serve iii their respective Office, be aria they are hereby required .s a part of their duties, to each irraiCe a monthly report to the City Council at the first meeting In each month, of their acts and doings tune precedinb month. Such officers required to iiaKe rei)ort are: The City Alarshal, The City Police Officer, The Health Officer. Petition from the r•esidentd oii t'rie east hill on Alvord St. for ditching for waist water froili t:ie old Guiberson reservoir, was read and refered to a committee of the whole. No l urtner business appearii-it; tr.e Council did then adjourn, i City Clem: