HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/01/1913 1x1fVC
Kent , t;'a shintozl , 2.. I" , T y13 ,
Regular zcleetin oi' the Council ; preserit Mayor Bpreiter and
Councilmen Clarkson , Fulp , hardy , DIcKenzie , Naden, Rasmussen and
Minutes of Nov. 19" were .read and approved.
The Cleric 's report for November was read and refered to the
Finance Cozarldttee .
Claims were read and ordered paid as follows :
.seeker Ave. Livery Livery 6, o0
Kent Hdwe. Co . Sup. 12 .00
City Trans. Flushirit L,c St . work I47.05
Kent Journal Printing; I4. 76
L. P. Price Sal . & Exp . 108.25
A. T . Cook MuZsna1 75 . 00
Ii. F . Conover Police 65 . 00
J. R . Martin Treas. 25 , 00
Hazel Price Off i ce 29 . 00
T. W. Bassett Attorney 33 .35
E. H. Bradley if. 0. 20.00
Eastside Lumber Co . Llalnber 67. 00
Ti. Baldwin coal 7. 00
Chas . Mattaini Watchman 5 . 00
H. W. LObldell Lab • 60.00
C . P. Westerlund if 25 .00
Jno . Rott 36. oo
Walter Smith " 27,50
F . J. Newell " 30. 00
Merrifield ildwe . Co . St . sup• 9.60
P. S . E. Ry. Co . St . .Li its I80.00
Blaine Bouldron En sneer 5 .50
Crane Co . Fire rWd. & fi ctures 54- 06
L. B. Harris Overcnar6e on W. acc. 3 .00
Will fiam Special Police 2 .50
0. G . Cavanaugh if " 2 .50
Coffer to " 2 ;50
Trick & Murray Oi'fice Sup. I8.50
C. C . Boatman Election Board 2 .50
J. J. Crow " " 2 . 50
G . T . Robertson " " 2 .50
J. F . Gd)bson " 1f 2 .50
Jas. Hatt if ° 2 . 50
Jno . Nelson " " 2 .50
J. w. Uarshal If " 2 .50
E. L. Brotchi if 2 .50
P. fi. Phipps " " 2 .50
A. S . Leeper if " 2 .50
A. K. Dye " if 2 .50
J-. Q:; Yo cum -b It U 2 .50
D. B. Asselstine it If 2 .50
B. }Bouldron if of 2 .50
R. C . Calhoun if If 2 .50
J. R. Tucker " if 2 .50
Peter Madsen " If 2 . 50
F. M. Parrahm " of 2 .50
A . 0 . Jeffries if is 2 .50
Ordinance # 356 fixing bonds of Of ricers was read and upozi
ruotion placed upon its final passage and carried by the unanimous
vote of all of the Councilmen present .
The iiatter of amending the pluidbing Ord- zar.ce was refered to
the Sewerage Committee .
The following resolution , setting time for hearing of As,,ess-
zhwAnt Roll for _Local Improvezaent District f# 141 was read and adopteld:
5" day of January 19I4 , at the hour of 8 o ' clock P. aid. , at the
IX I(F C 173
Council Chamber in the City 1Ia.11 , at Kent , Washinbton , be and
the same is fixed as the tune and place for hearing on the a, sess-
ment roll for Local improvement District # I4I , for the ii(rprove-
ment of Titus Street by building along the north side thereof , a
reguaation wooden sidewalk from State Street to Kennebeck Avenue.
That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to publish in the
op2icial newspaper of the City ofKent , notice thereof as required
by la.w and the ordir.,ances of the suid City.
Bid:,, 1'or doing the City printing for 1,-he ensuing; year viere
opened and read as follows : Kent .journal 304 for I-' insurtioii
and 150 for subsequent insertion; Kent Advc?rtiser 200 for I" in-
sprtion & ICV, for subsequent insertions. The contrUct was
awarded to the Kent Journal by the following vote , Fulp , McKenzie ,
ALaden and Rasimssen " Aye" and Clarkson , Hardy and Tucker "Nay" .
The irratter of building a coal box by the City scales was up-
on motion refered to the Street Coiiiii,ittee with pourer Zm act .
The m- tter of installing riew 1i6hts ill the No . Park Add. , so-
uth end of Third Avenue , and the Original Plat of Kent wa-s refered
to the Light Corioilttee .
No further business appeax'iDg the Council dicl tKen adjourn ,
city Clerk .