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City Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/06/1913
132 KENT IVASHINGTON 1!AY 6 , 1913 . Re,;ula.r IneetinE of 'the Council ; present Councilmen Clarkson , Fulp , Hardy , McKinzie , Naden , Rasirussen a.nd `fucker . COuncilllaIl Lardy acting; Y�Iayor : Mayor Bereiter coIlling •in later . blinuteB of April 2Ist . read and approved after being cor- ected by inserting before the passage of ordinance ##34I , that a lcotion to adjurn was 11ade and carried. Clerks report for the IhOnth of Apti 1 was read arid refered to the Finance Committee. Sewer Conunittee reported that the claim to tie P.C.C.M.Co . , for their share of the ex :ense of placing pipe under the N.P. Ry. , had been settled satisfactorially for 132 . 00. Claims read and •orderd paid as follows : N. T. Barnes 5954 Man. Hole on sewer $45.95 L. C. Thornhill Sidewalk , Dist#137 36 .89 Trick ,& Murray Supplies 5 .30 Herb Baldwin Fuell & Sewee 18.40 Jamison Drug Co. ACcId for Fire Dept . '20 Kent Hwd. Co. Supplies 3.10 PISS E. Rye C© . Lighting ISI._ 70 Calhoun & Kruas Lumber 34a.I0 Partridge Stamp Co. Doi; Licenses 2 .00 Co . Treasurer Taxes Dist. #1 35.74 J. D. Dean Printing I4.II �J Mrs. L. A. Shaffer Park Upkeep 6.50 C. L. Taylor Labor on N. P. Ry. Sewer I2.00 Hayward Transfer Hauling Gardage 5.20 Merrifield Hwd. Co. Supplies 9.50 Wash. Pipe & y 234.19 . Co. Pipe L. E. Price Freight 17.95 Dr. E. H. Bradley salary 20.00 A. T. Coolc Salary & Exp. 76.65 H. Conover Salary 65.00 T. W. Bassett if 33.35 J. R. Martin ° 25.00 Theodosta Clark 0 25.00 L. E. Price Salary & Exp.. I06 .95 H. W. Lobdell Labor I2.00. Chas. Ma.ttani WaAchman 5.00- F. J. Newell Labor 53975 Geo. Tanner U 45.00 Walter Smith u 13. 75 Adam Rott U 43 .75 Frank Frank& U 7.50 Blaine Bouldron Eng. 3 .50 Ed. Lee Labor 7.50 H. P. Rasmussen Tools & repairs 48.$0 -_ 'Joe- Cowan St. cleaning; & Garbage 136.60 Rice Coble St . wort; & Sevrer 39.55 Resolution#136 4 137 ,setting time for hearing of ass 'mnt r(bl]s Local Imp. Dist.#136-# I37 read and adopted as follows:-- ##136- It is resolved by the City of Kents Council , . that the 2 day of June 1913 , at the hour of S o clo cx P.M. at the" Counci l Chamrber in the City Hall at Kent Wash. , be and the same is fixed as the time and the place for hearing on the assessment roll for- Local Imp. Dist . ##136 for the i mprovemnent of the ally in Blk.3 Yes. III Add. to Kent as provided by OrdiiianCe #339 l X H FC 1�3 which time and place is hereby fixed i'or the ifeuring of all Imtters relating to the said improvement and all objectings thereto and for determining the method of payment for said improvemnet ; that the City Clerk is directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to said date all data and iiiforrration required by law to be so submit- ted; Yahat the cost and expense of the said improvement shall be bourn by and assessed against the property liable therefor as provided by 1 aw. # I40 It is resolved by the City Council of the City of Kent , in King County , State of Washington , that it do and it does hereby declare its intention of improvemaing Willis Street from the west boundry line of Railroad Avenue to the east side of South Central Avenue , Central Avenue from the south side of Willis Street to the south side of Russeil Street and Russell grow the east side of Central Avenue to the west irarginal line of State Street , by bringing the said streets to a proper grade to the width of fourty feet along; the center thereof ; establishing along the sides thereof , at a distance Of twelve feet from the center line , shoulders of a height of ei ht inches aild covering; the twenty-four foot strip , between the said shoulders , with a coat of crushed rock of a debth of eight inches , crowned to a height of six inches in the center thereof and doirig such other work as tray be necessary in conection therewith , all in accordence with plans and specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer ; that all persons that tiny desire to object to the said i Improvement are hereby notified to appear and present such object- ions at a hieeting of the City Council to be. held in the Council Cha.nbersin the City Hall in the City of Kent , at S o 'clock P.M. on the 2 day of June , 1913 , which time and place is hereby fixed for the hearing of all ratters relating to said improvement and all 0"jections there to and for determining; the method of payment for said improvement ; that the City Clerk is directed to subiatt to the City Council at , or prior , to said date , all data and informa.t:ion required by law to be so submitted; that the cost and expense of said improvement shall be bourn by and assessed against the prop- erty liable therefor as provided by law. Upon motion the Clerk was instructed to renew the pipe lines on Meeker , BIncoln and Willis Streets , where iieeded , about 5 000 feet . Ordinance No . 342 , li censL,14; does , was read and upon motion placed upon its final passage and carried by the unaiiimous vote of all of the CouncilirLen present . Upon motion the P.C.C.bi.Co . was requested to blow the curfew at 9 o 'clock from the First of April to the First of September and at S o 'clock the balance of the year. The natter of fixing; the officers bonds was , upon motion refer- ed to the Finance Committee for investigation. No further business appearing the Council did upon motion adj- ourn. City Clerk.