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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/20/1913 I X H FC 115 Kent , VVashinc'torr , Jar'uary 2.0 , Iy13 . Re6ula.r ireetir'6 of trie Council ; present Idayor hereiter and Cour'cil- men Clarkson , Fulp , Hardy , McKiiizie , Traden , RasiiRlcllsen ar.d Tucker . Minutes of January 7th. read a'id a.pnroved. Petition of nor . Frank Scovill for 11,ht_ or' east hill by the old miller place , was read acid re r'ered to tree Li; ht Committee . The Li 6ht Corr-'uittee recomerided a li; ht placed on the east hj 11 �--- by Mr . Eri ck s ori;i place , a l so the li Vht a sked f or above , by phe Miller place , and upon 'notion both li��ts wPPe aodere(j put in . Sewer and Draina.6e Cornrnittee reported upon the 'ratter of the drainat e by the Dec)per place ; that the same had been attended to and was now in Food conditiori. Cor'tractors esti"rate for work done in the 1110nth of December in Local Improvement District No . i allowed. 34 , for 706 . 5 , was read and A warrant was ordered drawn i.r' Favor of J. H. Burton -.'or 48 , 75 , for work done In Local I'nprov eri.ent Di , ti i ct No . I06 . Ordi'iarrce #334 , approvinb asse-soiient roll !'or local i 'nprove- mient district #135 , was read a.nd upon Motion placed upon ir,s final pass a6e and carried by the u'iaiiimiou:a ;�c tB oi' all of the Council- men present . The Mayor apoirited hr . J. A. iia6adorn YOUrld Master and upon V 'aotiori the apointment was approved. Upon motion the bonds of the First National and the State Banks were placed at $6000. 00 each , both to be surety bonds . UPOn motion it was decided to eu:Z�loy a Pot'no it ^ La� 1 Lei n arid the Mayor was authorized to appoint a.ti i for that purpose. The followinb resolution was ,presented a'id uppr' m:otiorn adopt- ed ur:a'Amously. TI IS RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT : That the crdinar'ces of the City relative to the bovern'nerit of moist saloons be lj ved up to ; that for the violation of ariy of them , the license of the saloon so violat iri6 will be revoked ar'd tr'at upon the revocation of such license no "'Orley will be refunded. Tt is further resolved that the City Clerk be and he is here- by directed to serid to each saloon ill the City a copy of thei resolution . Upon 'notion the Clerk was instructed to have copies of pe'.�al Ordinances provided for the City Attor':ey , at a cost , not to- ex- ceed teen or twelve dollars . No further business appeariri.6 the Cou'ic;il did then adjourn . City Clerk .