HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/02/1912I x1f VC 77 KENT$ WASH., SEPT. 2, 1912. Regular meeting of the Council; present Mayor Bereiter and Coun- cilmen Boucher, Pulp, Hardy and Naden; absent Councilmen Coble, Har- per and Tucker. The mutes of August 19ff and 26* were read and approved. A'petition to improve Titus Street was read and placed on file. The C1erNs report for August was read and refered to the Finance Committee, 'Communication from C. Be Bernley in reguard to sidewalk on Central Avenues, and light at the corner of Central and Titus Streets was - read and refered to the Street and Light Committee. Resolution transfering funds was read and adopted as follows: RNSOLPED that the following amounts be and they are hereby or- dered transfered from the respective funds named to the Current Expense Fund, and the City Clerk and City Treasurer are hereby directed to make their books of account show such transfer: Local Imp. Dist. # 107 - # 65.20 108 - 126.72 109 - 25.00 113 - 43.36 IIS - 64.61 119 - 171.3 4 121 - 278.47 I24 - 427.58 I25 - I .61 135 .89 The following claims were read and ordered paid+ Kent Advertiser Print, 51.00 Lowman & Hanford Office Sup. 2.79 Caldwell Mach. Co. Bire hydrant 35.85 Be A. Bowen Insurance 60.00 Calhoun & Kraus Lumber 8.13 P. Be Be Ry. Co. St. Lighting 176.50 N. T. Barnes Flush Tanks 90.00 Mrs, L. A. Shaffer Park upkeep 6.00 Blaine Bouldron Surveying 107.45 Tom Madison ° 22.00 Chester Gilbert 22.50 Rob t . Bowen 21.73 A. J. Swarts Inspector 73.50 H. We Lobdell Labor 60.00 Chas. Vattaini Watchman 5.00 G. T. Robertson Labor 45.00 Be H. Bradley Salary 20.00 Hazel Price 20.00 C. B. Guiberson " 25.00 H. Be lfadlson " 33.35 A. T. Cook " 75.00 L. B. Price " 75, UP. %5 84.55 The following resolution declaring intention to improve Titus Street was read and adopted: It is resolved by the City Council of the City of Kent, in King County, State of Washington, that it do, and it does hereby declare its intention of improving Titus Street from its intersection with Second Avenue to the east marginal line of the lands of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Puget Sound Rai lwa.y . I Xtive 79 By bringing the same to goade to the width of forty feet along the center thereof, establishing and building along the sides thereof at a distance of 12 fleet from the center line shoulders Of the heighth of 8 inches, and covering the 24 foot strip between the said shoulders with a coat of crushed rock of the depth of 8 Inches, crowned to a hei&hth of six inches in the center thereof, and doing such other work as may be necessary in ponnection there- with, all in accordgonco with plans and specifiAXcations to be prepared by the City Engineer. That all persons who may desire to object to the said improvement are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meet- ing of the City Council to be held in the Council Chamber, in the City Sall, it' the City of Kent, at 8 o'clock P.M., on the 7N day of October, 1912, which time and place is hereby fixed for the hearing Of all matters relating to said Improvement, and all objections thereto, and for determining the method of payment for saif improve- ment. That the City Clerk It direebed to submit to the City Council at or prior to said date, all data and information required by law to be so submitted. That the cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne by and assessed against the property liable therefor as provided by law. The following resolution making estimate of Tax Levy for 1913 was read and adopted!: Resolved by the City Council of the City oIl Kent, in King County, State of adatngton, that the following be and it is hereby de- clared an estimate of the amount necessary to meet the public ex- pense and eupenditures of the said City, for the year 1913, and that the receipts from soufces other than taxation, and of the am©u1$9 necessary to be raised by taxation upon the property within the said City, towit; Kstimated Expense. Street Dept. Team & wagon 600.00 Barn 500.00 Street Cleaning 900.00 Luaber 1000.00 Labor 15 00.00 Tools & repairs 60.00 Incidental 5 00.00 Paving upkeep 220.00 ------------------------ - - - - -- 5--- Serer & Drainage Material 500.00 Labor 506.10 Toole & repairs 60.00 Ditching 00 --------------------------�1329.10 Water system Supplies & material I000.00 Labor I018.90 Tools & repairs 60.00 Incidental 5 0.00 2I2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Fire Dept. Supplies & new equipment 300.00 Painting 10022.0. ------------------------------- -oo.00 81 Lighting Dept. Street lights 2130.00 2r3o.00 Dept. of Parks Purchase of parks # 700.00 Park upkeep I00 00 800.00 City Hail Taxes # I0.00 bell 100.00 Furniture & Supplies 500.00 Elections 200.00 Painting City Hall 200.00 Si dmMl.ks 200.00 Paving Assmt. 220.00 x 30.00 Engineer Dept. Surveying # 200.00 Local Improvements I800.00 2000.00 Police Dept. salary # 900.00 special police 50.00 City Jail 25.Q0 Incidental . 00 1600.05 Health & Sanitation Salary # 240.00 Supplies & Incidentals 60.00 360 .00 General Government salary # 2700.00 Office supplies 200.00 Incidentals r 0 00 3050.00 ---------------------------- - - - - - - Interest on bonds Sinking Fund Interest on bent Water & Light refunding 19I2 bonds Kent Water & Light refunding bonds of 1912 Fund ESTIMATED IMCOKB Taxes outstanding Due from Local INVs. Plunbing permits Licenses Water connections Water systems Police coudt Incidental # 2403.00 I800.00 25.00 4400.00 50.00 d512.00 50.00 50.00___ #TT290.00 # 2300.00 1000.00 850.00 0.00 2 7 8.00 1 XV4 C 83 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED For General Fund ?758.00 " Int. 2300.00 " Sinking " i000.00 " Par]c " 800.00 * Interest on Kent 1912 Water & Light refunding bonds. 850.00 For gent i912 Water do Light refund-_ ing bonds, Sinking Fund Z50.00 _ 24748:00 r 2 474 8-00 All persons are hereby notifies that the City Council of the said City will meet in the Council Chauber at the City Hall in the said City of Monday, October 7,1912, at 8 O'clock $,M, of the said day for the purpose of raking tax levies as stated in said estimates. Upon motion the Council did then adjourn, City Clerk.