HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/19/1912 I X VC 6"7 Kent , Wash. , August 19 , 1912. Regular meeting of the Council; present Mayor Bereiter and Council- men Coble, Pulp, Hardy , Harper, Naden and Tucker,A Boucher. Minutes of August 5 , were read and approved. Claim of the First National Bank for $ 9.57 , for expences in shipp- ing refunding bondt, was read and allowed. The Clerk was instructed to draw a warrant in favor of Cris Moe for Special Police services as soon as his time was turned in. The following resolution setting time for the hearing on the assessment roll for Local Imp. Dist. No. 126, was read and adopted: I! IS IMSOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIBY OF BENT: That the 10 day of Sept, , 1912 , at the hour of eight o 'clock P.M. ,, at the Council Chamber in the City Hall , at Kent, Washington, be and the same is fixed as the time and place for hearing on the asse- sement roll for Focal Imp. Dist. # 126 , for the improvement of cert- ain streets and alloys by placing lateral sewers therein. That the Clerk be and is hereby directed to publish in the offi- cial newspaper of the City of Kent , notice thereof as required by law and the ordinances of the said City. The following resolution setting time for the hearing on the assessment roll for Dist. # 127 , was read and adopted: IT IS ASSOLV39D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT: That the 160 day of Sept. 1912. , at the hour of 8 o 'clock P. M. , at the Council Chamber in the Dity Hall, at Kent , Washington, be and the same is fixed as the time and place for hearing on the assessment roll for Local* Imp. Dist. # 127 , for the improvement of Clark Street by grading. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to publish in the official newspaper of the City of Kent , notice thereof as required by law and the oftnances of the said City. ?he following resolution setting time for the hearing on the assessment roll for Flo. Dist. # I28, was read and adppted; It IS UMVED BY TER CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF MINT: That the 1610 day of Sept. , 1912 , at the hour of 8 o 'clock P. M. , at the Council Chamber in the City Hall, at Kent, Washington, be and the same is fixed as the time and place for hearing on the asse- sement roil for Local ilp. Dist. # 128, for the improvement of Railroad Averse by grading and graveling. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to publish in the official newspaper of the City of Kent , notice thereof as reftired by law and the ordinances of the said City. The following resolution setting time for the hearing on the assessment roll for Imp. Dist. # I29, was read and adoAod: IT IS RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT: That the 16" day of Sept. 1912 , at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. , i at the Council Chamber in the City Hall, at Kent , Washington, be and the same is fixed at the time and place for hearing on the assessment roll for Local Imp. Dist. # 129, for the improvement of Radon X""# by grading and graveling. That the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to publish in the official newspaper of the City of Rent , notice thereof as required by law and the ordinances offhe said City. X H FC 69 The following resolution setting time for hearing on the assess- ment roll f-A* Imp, Dist, # 130 , was read and adopted: IT IS RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 08 KENT: That the 169 day of Sept. 19I2 , at the hour of 8 o'clock P. Y. , at the CQuncil .=Doer in the City Hall at Cent , Washington, be and the Sam► is fazed as the time and place for hearing on the asse- se=nt roll for Local Imp. Diet. # 130, for the improvement of Shinn Street by grading and graveling. That the City Cleric be and is hereby diredted to publish in the official newspaper of the City of Kent , notice thereof as required by law and tlke ordinances of the said City. Upon motion it was decided to furnish water to the County for their road building engine free of charge. The following resolution giving credtt to property owners in Imp. Diets. Nos. 124 & 125 was read and adopted by the following vote: Councilmen Boucher , Pulp, Hard' , Harper and Naden votinguAye" and Councilmen Coble and Tucker voting r Nay* : WEXREAg In the improvement under Local Improvements Nos, 124 and 195 , water rains have been laid andthe cost thereof assessed upon the property in the districts; and it having been the policy of the City up to this time to make extentione and renewal$ at the expense of the Oter Funds, it is therefore , RESOLVED: That the property owners in the said districts be credited on their several accounts for water Me several amounts paid by them for the said water mine, as set forth in the attached schedule; and the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to make such credits on his books of accounts, .as superintendent of the water system. IMPROVEMENT DIST. # I24. A. R. Gould # 15.00 R. J. Rogers # 20.40 Go** J. Snell 44.40 M. M. Morrill 24.60 Irene Healey 32,40 Be E. Guiberson 32.40 H. Be ]andison 9.60 L. E. Rar4y .66 E. ff. How •90 Be W. Bereiter 1,20 A. Neibling .90 M. R. Hardy 12.60 a* R. Naden 7.20 E. L. Merrifield 33.00 Ind, Phone Co. 4.25 C. G. Dunn 64.20 A 9 J. 0"td 4.20 D. A. Stewart 10.20 B arA. Parks 15.00 A. Clark 25.80 Cavanaugh J, W. 16.80 1. 0. 0. 1. Hall 13.20 Arney Bros. 21.60 City of Kent 29.40 Owen Taylow 45.00 Goo. Haaft 17.40 Chittenden C. G. 26.40 Sabina Barn 20.40 Frances Tanck 4.80 T. C. Manchester 10.80 Jaggie Morrison 10.80 Etta Sherrard 10.80 Y. J. Rages I0.80 IMPROVEMT DIST. # I25 Nozcy Baker .30 0. Jorgensen *30 H. B* Kennedy .30 s. S. Sutherland .30 L. Us RROW .30 Goo. Anglesirer .30 t#�4• J. Post 3.90 H. J. Borneman **30 Chas. J. Mott 5.80 Rlla Million 8.00 -- Jas* E* Boyden 3.90 C. E. Burnley .30 A. S* ftr4Srorth 4.80 d. Soule 3.10 Pacific $.. & M. Co: 2.60 Martin Olson 4.50 Berlin dos. 134 6 8. Hansen 1.90 C. Be Lather 4,10 Sabina G. Harn 4.00 R. J. Rogers II.70 E. L. Brotchi vI.60 Mrs« Lesly 3.90 N. Be Mullins 9.10 IxHFc '71 Contractors estimates on completed work in Imp. Diets. # 124 and r25 was presented and ordered paid. mmn invitation of the County Fair Assn. , the Mhyor was author- ized to issue a proclamation setting the time for Kent Davy at the Bair for Thursday , Sept. 121 1912. Up" motion the Street Committee was authorized to ablow the Contractors on Clark street Imp. Dist.. # I27, 100 per cu. yd. over hall , for not So exceej r337 yde. the same to be a charge a- gainst the Current kxpense Fund. Upon motion the Council did then adjourn, City Clerk.