HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/06/1912 l X if FC 2.9 KENT, WASHINGTON, MAY 60 , 1912. Regular meeting of the Council; present Mayor Beeiter and Coun- 0111sen Boucher , Coble,Pulp, Hardy , Harper , Naden and Tucker. Minutes of April 15v were read and approved. Petition asking for the vacation of of Shinn Street and the following resolution in reguard to the same was adopted: B •HEMS a. petition has been presented to the Council signed by the property owners of more than two thirds of the property abu,tt- I" on the south side of Shinn Street, between Second Avenue and Yourth Avenue in the City of Kent, asking for the vacation of a triangular piece of gvouud along the south side of said Shinn Street between the said Second And Fourth Avenues, and the ann- exation of the same to the property abAtting on the south side thereof , setting forth the reasons for such vacation; and the said petition appearing to be in the form of law, it i§ therefore, RNSOLVED by the City Council that Monday the 3' day of June A. D. 1919s. at the hour of eight o 'clock P. Y. be fixed as the time and the City Hall .in the City of Kent , as the place for hearing the said petition and determining the same, and that the clerk of the said City be and is hereby directed to Six* notice of the time and place of such hearing as by law provided. The Cleric's report for the month of April was read and refered to the Finance Committee. A petition asking for street and alley crossings, in the North Park Addition, was read and refered to the Street ooamittee. Yr. I. T. Alvord presented deeds to land for street and park- ing purposes, and the following resolution accepting the same was read and adopted: WH3MCAS, Irving .T. Alvord and wife have tendered to the CITY Oa KENT deeds of dedication of the fallowing described iands,towl: Beginning at a point which is 565.8 feet south and 424 toot west of the NS. corner of the 33J of section 24 in township 22 north range 4 east, in King County, Washington, thence run west 168.6 lest, thence north 139 24' east 215 feet , thence continuing in the same course on a curve of 54 to the right 224 feet , thence east 105 feet , thence southeasterly along the brow of the bluff and the west marginal line of Scenic Way 450 feet to the point of beginning. Por parking purposes, subject to the restriction, that no ex- cavation shall over be permitted thereon, except sUah as is necessaV for the cultivation and parking thereof, and that the present grade and inclination of the surface shall be preserved; and that the lateral support of adjoining lands above shall not be disturbed; And have also tendered a deed of dedication of the following described lands to the City of Kent , towit: Beginning at the 3W corner or lot I in block 5 of The Washing- ton Central Improvement Qompahy 's ]first Addition to Kent , in Wing County , Washington, run thence south 72 feet, thence con- tinuing in the sate courses on a aurvo of five degrees to the left a distance of 266.3 feet , thence south 13e24' east 215 root , to an intersection with the center line of Willis street , thence welt 1 X VC 31 along said center line of Willis street 77.5 rest , thence north- westerly in a straight line to a point which is 740 feet west of the NE corner of the SE* or section 24, township 22 north range 4 east , thence east 60 feet to the beginning, for street purposes, to be named Central Avenue, subject to the restriction that no excavation shall be made therein impairing the lateral support which the land described gives to the abutting lands on the east ; also, Beginning at a point which is 565•8 feet south and 424 feet west of the NB corner of the SF} of said section 24, run thence northwesterly along the brow of the bluff to an intersection with Scenic Way, a distance of 224.6 feet , thence east 53 root more or lass to the north west corner of tract 8 of an unre- corded plat of Scenic Heigth, an addition to Kent , thence South- easterly along the west boundary line or said tract a a distance of 240 feet more or less to an intersection with Willis street , thence west 84 feet more or less to tge point of beginning, hor the purpose of a street and highway , to be named Scenic way South. , also; A twenty foot strip whose longitudinal center line is describ- ed as follows: Beginning at a point which is 235 root south and 20 feet west of the north east corner of the S$J of section 24 above¢ named, running thence westerly , southerly, westerly , northerly and westerly along the courses and distances named in the said deeds to an intersection with the said Scenic Ways at the north east corner of said tract S . or the said unrecorded plat , which point of intersection is I00 feet more or less south, and 270 feet more or less west of the point of beginning, as and for a public street and highway, to be Known and called Alpine Way; also, All of that portion of the following described tract towit : Beginning at the NE corner or the SEj of said section 24, run thence south 680 feet , thence west 5#0 rests thence north 690 feet , thence east 740 feet to the point of beginning; which lies south of a line which is the prolongation of the oenter' llAe of Willis Street east to a point 565.8 feet south of the NE corner of the SB} of said section 24, for a street and highway, to be named Willis Street; also; A strip or land eight feet wide whose longitudinal center line is described as follows: Beginning at a point 50I feet south and 20 feet west of the NB corner of the SEJ od said section 24 run thence west to an intersection with the above named Alpine Way; as and for an alley for sidewalk purposes only, And, whereas, it appears to the Council to be desirMe that the said deeds be accepted by the City, and that the said lands be accepted as and for the purposes hereiabefore named and under the conditions hersinabove set forth, it is therefore; RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent that the said deeds so tendered by the said Irving T. Alvord and wife be and they are hereby accepted by the City of Kent , and the iaadstherein deeded and dedicated to the City are accepted for the purposes teamed and under the conditions prescribed in the saiddbods, and the City C1erX is directed to have the said deeds entered of re- cord in the records of the Auditor of Sing County, Washington, forthwith upon the pass age of this resolution. Mrs. T. D. Dean and Nrs. L. A. shatter spoke to the Council, asking that a Humane Qrricer be appointed; the Mayor granted their request by appointing Mr. A. T. Cook and upon motion the appoint- ment was oonf irmed by the Council. Upon reconnendation or the Park Board the Ladies Improvement Club was allowed $ 6.oo per month for seven months for park purposes , beginning April I• , 19i%• 36) �d t r . r Ordinance 297 providing for the sale of 17 ,000 refunding bonds , was read , placed upon its final passage and carried by theunanimous vote- of all of the Councilmen`pr$sent. I XHFC 33 The following claims were read and ordered paid: gent Advertiser print. 31.75 Journal 2.50 James & Clark Nxt . on Dist. # 120 86.00 Jamieson Drug Co. H. 0. 1.35 City Trans. St. cleaning, Ft. , & Drg. r3r.15 C. H. Carpenter Tools & rep. 9.50 Be A. RIcshardson • " • 8.55 Trick & murray sup. 25.70 J. We Cavanaugh Cement for sts. 60.58 Ilerrifield Rdwe. Co. supplies 10.45 Lowman & FIanf ord 8 15.95 C. Y. Bunnell Fire Dept. .75 Meeker Ave. Livery Team 2.50 bent Lumber Co. sup. for ate. 24.05 Calhoun & Hraus Lu ber 8.41 P. S. S. Ry. Co. lighting 176.50 Haywards Trans, sts. 21.25 J. Be Hayward Firewagon I.00 Chas. Yattaini Watchman for W. T. 5.00 H. LObdell Lab. 60.00 G* 1. Robertson 21.25 John Rot t 2 9.3 7 F. J. Newell " 16.87 Cris Yoe r 29,00 ]&Be L. A. Shaffer Park I2.00 Blaine- Bouldron Sur. 57.65 , help 13.75 71.40 Dr. H. H. Bradley sal. 20.00 Hazel Price • 20.00 Co I. Gulberson 25.00 x. S. Madison 33.35 A. T. Cook 75.00, Facp. i.o* 76.00 L. B. Price Sal. 75.0•9 Expo 7.40 82.40 Taxes 6.25, Roe, deed 1.80 8.05 Upon NOtiou the Attorney was instructed to take upV ..matter Of a right of way through the Burk place with Mrs. eater. iWBUant to iesolntlon No. 124, declaring intention of the City Council to make improvement , set fourth In said resolution, the matter of the co>sttarattm of the sage, of objections and Protests made and filed, was taken Up at thetime named in the resolution. Mr. Y. L. Merrifield . present , stated Orally that he protested against the Improvement, We X. A. Richardson tiled the statement of JW. T. C. Minobester In. reguard to the Improrement that appeares in the files of the Clerk's orrice In relation to Dist . # i24, mark" riled Maly 6, 1912 , and sub- Scribed by Yr. shsabester. Pon motion the protests were not allowed. � 1 Ordinance # 2991 oviding the improvement of certain streets 'ay pawing a same, wao read, placed upon its final Passage and carried by the unanimous Tot* or all of the Council- men present. No. objections appearing, the Codneil proceeded to the consid- eration of Resolution # 125, deolaring intention to make iaprove- aent , and Ordinance # 3oo providing for the improvement as set fourth in the said resolution was read and upon aotioA placed Upon its fins= passage and carried by the Unaniume Tote of all Of the Councilmen present. The following resolution,' declaring intention to improve , by severing certain streets and alleys in the Gutberson Addition, was reads and adopted unanitActtely: IT IS R=SOLYUbthat the City Council of theCity of ][Oat , in Ring County, State or Washington, that it do, and it does hereby declare its intention or improving the following streets and alleys by laying therein lateral sewers as provided below, towit: I XI(FC 35 Along Madison Avenue from its intersection with Shinn Street to a point there said Madison Avenue is intersected by the alleys running through blocks three and four in GUIberson's Addition to Kent lay an eight inch sewer pipe, connecting with NO discnart, grog into the Shinn Street Sr*nk Sewer; Prom the' said Madison Sewer run laterals both east and west to and along the alleys in blocks I ,* 2 , 31, A 4 of said Guiber- 86n18 Addition to ]Cent , a distance of e10ty feet from the marginal lines of the said Madoison Avenue into each or the said blocks , so as to furnish sewerage for each oftholots in said Addition; saldlaterale to' Ile of six inch sewer pipe. The sewer in said Madison Avenue of the length of 450 feet , more or less and each of the said alley sewers to be of the length of IIO feet more or less, And doing such other work as my he necessary in connection there- with, all In accordance with plans and specifications to beprepared 3F by the City Bngineer. That all persons who may desire to object to said improvement are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chamber in the City Rall is the said City of Kent , at S o 'clool P.M. of the 3* dat of June I9I21 which time and place 1s hereby fixed for twee a hearing ofll matters relating to said improvement, and all abjectlom thereto, and for determining the method of payment for said Improve- m ont. ',the City Cleric is directed to submit to the City Council -at or prior to said date , all data and information required by law to be so submitted. The cost and expense of said improvement shallbe borne by and assess od upon and against the property liable therefor as provided by law. The following resolution declaring intention to improve R. $ Ave. was read and adopted unanimously: If IS RISOLM by the City Council of the City of ]feat , In =ing County, State of Washington, that It do , and it dole hereby de- clare Its intention of improving Railroad Avenue from its inter- section With Titus Street to bte intersection with Russell St- reet, also that portion of WIllis Street which connects said Rail- road Avenue, at the point where the original Town. of Kent and She Washington Central Iaprovemst C*Xpaay In First Addition to lent, join, EV bringing -the same to grade for the width of 32 feet tathe center thereof =01ag a shoulder six inches high on each side of the said strip 01 32 foot , which shhoglder shall be I2 feet distant from the center line of the street , making the twenty four foot strip be- tween the said shoulders crowned to the heighth of six inches f� in the center, covering the Sam with a coating of crashed rock to the depth cf six inches; provided that in that portion of said Avenue which is 10M that 60 feet wide , the whole thereof shall be braught to grade, bu the rock surface shall be of the same width and depth as elsewhere, And doing such other work as may be necessary in connection there- with, all in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the City Ingin*er. That all persons who may desire to object to the said improvement are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meet- ing of the City Council to be held in the Council Chamfer, in the City Hall ib the City of Rent , at 8 0 tclock P 1 Y. , on the 30 day Of June IiZ2, which time and place is hereby fixed for the hearing _ of all matters relating to said improvement , and all objections thereto, and for determining the method of payment for said Imp- rovement, That the Clty Clerk is directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to said dates 'all data' and information required by law to be so submaittod. That the cost and expense or said improvement shall be borne by and assessed against the property liable therefor as provided by law. Upon motion the water line on Central Avenue was ordered extended from W. Phipp's place to the north City limits. Upon motion the Council did then . dJ n city vJlccrk.