HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/01/1912 XrrII c�v �Y I1L' C KENT , WASHINGTON , APRIL I" , 1912. Regular meeting of the Council ; present Mayor Bereiter and council- men Boucher , Coble , Fulp , Harper , Naden and Tucker. Minutes of March ISth. read and approved. Mr. Nelson addressed the Council , protesting against alowing out- siders to connect to the sewers. It was refered to the Sewer Committee. Petition for water in Knob Hill Addition was read and ref erect to the Water Committee. The Clerk ' s report for March was read and ref eyed to the Finance Committee. The following claims were read and ordered paid: .00 Chas. Mattaini Wa. . n 60 Lab .00 H. Lobdell Lab " 34'- •50 H. Best " 20.00 T. C . Sheehan „ I2 .50 C. W. Chaney „ 35 .00 John Rott 35 .00 Frank Newell Y .50 Adam Rott 33 .75 David Cook 23 .75 w. E. Touneand 20.00 Dr. E. H. Bradley .,al. „ 20.00 Hazel Price „ 25 . 00 C. E. Guiberson " 33 .35 H. B. Madison 6.Q0 A. T. Cook 75 Exp. I00 7 ,� 11 11 6 .55 SI .55 L. E. Price Surveying 40 .50 help II.50 52 .00 Blaine Bouldron 427 .15 Co. Treas. Experting books The following resolution declaring intention to form a sewer , V district was read and adopted unanimously; IT IS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent , in King County , State of Washington , that it do and it does hereby declare its intention tr al seers as provided below t i v � eo , s �, Wtlleys by layingherein late Along Madison Avenue from its intPreection with Shinn Street to a point where said Madison Avenue is intersected by the alleys running through blocks three and four Kent , andidischargtion to - Kent , lay an eight inch sewer pipe , g ing into the Shinn Avenue Trunk Sewer; From the said Madison Avenue Sewer run laterals both east and west to and along the alleys in blocks 1 , 21 3 , and 4 of said Guiberson' s Addition to Kent , a distance of eighty feet from the marginal tofurnishlines seweragesfor each Madison of thentlots into In said Addch ition; said d so as to f laterals to be of six inch sewer pipe. The sewer in said Madison Aventke of the length of 450 feet , more R or less and each of the said alley sewers to be of the length Of II0 feet more or less, and doing such other work as may be necesstt ary in connection ttheerdeewith , all Cityaccordance with plans and speci- fications to be prepared r p by the r. That all persons who may desire to object to said improvement are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Coumcil to be held in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in the said City of Kent , at 8 o 'clock P. M. of the 6 " day of May` 1912 , which time and place is hereby fixed for the Ob- hearing o areto matters relating i nt a.ndfordeterrminingtthe Improve fheethodeof �payment an lfor said sections thereto , improvement . l X(fF+C 23 The City Clerk is directed to Subwit to the City Council at or prior to said date , all data and information required by law to be so submitted. The cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne by and assessed upon and against the property liable therefor as provided by lay. The following resolution declaring intention to form a. paving district was read and adopted by the following vote; Councilmen Boucher , Fulp , Harper , Naden and Tucker voting "aye" , Councilman Coble voting "Nay" IT IS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent , in King County, State of Washiirgton , that it do , and it does hereby declar Its intention of ilirproving Second Avenue from the south marginal line of Meeker Street to the north marginal line of Saar Street ; also Gowe Street from the west marginal line of First Avenue to the east marginal line of Third Avenue; also Titus Street from the west marginal line of First Avenue to the east marginal line of Second Avenue; By bringing the same to the established grade , paving a strip along the center of the said described portions of streets and Avenues , of the width of forty feet , with a paving whose base shall be of concrete made of Portland Cement , sand and gravel , which shall be covered with a toping of some bituminous product , all of Sufficient thickness and strength to insure permanency of the inr- provernent ; also placing along the sides of such paving at all points good and sufficient gutters of similar materials as the paving; also a continuous curb on each side of the said paving outside the gutters of concrete similar to that used for the baee of the paving; and doing such other work as lriay be necessary in connection therewith , all in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer,or such other engineer as the City shall employ for that purpose. That all persons who may desire to object to the said improvement are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chamber , in the City Hall , in the City of Kent , at S O 'clock P. M. , on the 6" day of May 1912 , which time and place is hereby fixed for the hearing of all matters relating to said improvement , and all objections thereto , and for determining the method of payment for said improvement . That the City Clerk is directed to submit to the City C(luncil at or prior to said date , all data and information required by law to be so submitted. That the cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne by and assessed against the property liable therefor as provided by law. The following resolution declaring intention to form a paving district was read and adopted unanimously: It is heir resolved by the City Council of the City of Kent , in King County, State of Washington, that it do , and it does hereby declare its intention of improving aowe Street from the west marginal line of Central Avenue to the east marginal line of Railroad Avenue; also , Meeker Street from the went marginal line of Central Avenue to the east marginal line of Railroad Avenue, By bringing the same to the established grade , paving a strip along the center of the said described portions of the said streei;a , or the width of forty feet , with paving whose base shall be of concrete made from Portland Cement , sand and gravel , which shall be covered with a topping of some bituminous product , all of sufficient thickness and strength to insure permanency of the improvement ; also placing along the sides of the said paving, gutters of similar materials , and out- side of such gutters a continuos curb of concrete similar to that in the base of said pavii:g; and doing such other work as may be necess- ary in connection therewith, all in$ accordance with plans and speci- fications to be prepared by the City Engineer , or such engineer as the City may employ for that purpose. I x I C 25 That all persons who may desire to Object to the said improve- ment are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting oi' the City Council to be held in the Council Cham- ber , in the City Hall , in the City of Kent , at 8 o 'clock P. M. , on the 6" day of May 1912 , which tine and place is hereby fixed for the hearing of all matters relating to said Improvement , and all objections thereto , and for determining the method of payment for said improvement . That the City Clerk is directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to said date , all data and information required by law to be submitted. That the cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne by and assessed against the property liable therefor as provided by law. The question of vacating a strip along the south of Shinn StrMt , and of placing a railing along the sidewalk on the east side of Titus Street , east , was refered to the Street Committee. Upon motion the Council did then adjourn , City Clerk.