HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/18/1912 I X NFC 17 Kent , Washington , March I8 , 1912 . Regular meeting of the Council; present Mayor Bereiter and Council- men Boucher , Coble , Pulp , Harper , Naden and Tucker. Minutes of March 4" read and approved. Protest from property owners , on Second Avenue , south of Titus St . , on proposed street paving read , no action taken. The following claims were read and ordered paid: H. B. Madison Exp. of R. of W. $ 4.50 Ha$ward Transfer per L . E. Price Fuell 4.08 James and Clark Imp. Dist . # ILO 475.00 Lowman and Hanford Sup. I8.82 Crane Co. Sup. for W.S. 20.00 P. S . E. Ry. Co . Street Lighting 170.08 Fairbanks & Morse Co. Scales 215.00 Ordinance ## 295 regulating the weight of loads oS paved streets , was read, placed upon its finail passage and carried by the unanim- ous vote of a&l of the Councilmen present. The following resolution accepting easment for right-of-way for water line accross the Burke place was read and adopted by the un- animous vote of all of the Councilmen present : Whereas , Eugenia S . Burke , surviving widow, and Eugene Burke , William Burke , Victor Burke amd Mable Burke , surviving children of H. D. Burke , deceased, late of King County , Washington, have made and tendered to the City of Kent , a deed for right-of-way for water pipe line , being a strip of land 16 feet wide whose longi- tudinal venter line is described as follows : Beginning at a point in the south terminal of State Avenue in the City of Kent , in King County , Washington , which point ID 16 feet west of the east marginal line of said State Street , run- ning thence parallel with the right-of-way of the Northern Pacif- ic Railway, a distance of I400 feet more or less , to the county road; Which deed expressly provides that the right is an easment only and that abandonment shall work a forfeiture upon sixty days not- ice by the owners of the abutting lands. And it is appearing to the City Council that the said right-of- way is necessary to the extension of the City water lines and that the provisions of the said deed are reasonable , and that it should be accepted and placed of record by the City , it is therefore , RESOLVED that the City Council do and it does hereby accept the said easment and the instrument creating it above named, and does hereby authorize and direct the City Clerk to place the said instrument of record in the records bf King County , Wash- ington. Petition of Mr. Davidson for St . light old Shinn Street was re- - fered to the Light Committee. The following resolution declaring intention to improve certain streets and alleys by placing lateral sewers therein was read and adopted by the unanimous vote of all of the Councilmen present : IT IS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent , in King County , State of Washington , that it do , and it does hereby declare its intention of improving the following streets and alleys by lay- ing therein lateral sewers as provided below, towit : rrjjLL 19 i� V C Along Madison Avenue from its intersection with Shinn Street to a point where said Madison Avenue is intersected by the alleys running through blocks three apipe , ci four c �riectingrwithsanddition to discharging .Kent , lay an eight inch sewer ipe , o into the Shinn Street Trunk Sewer; From the said Madison Avenue Sewer run laterals both east and weat to and along the alleys in blocks I , 2 , 3 , & 4 of said Guiber- son' s Addition to Kent , a distance of eighty feet from the marginal lines of the said Madison Avenue into each of the said blocks , so as to furnish sewerage for each of the lotsn said Addition; said laterals to be of six inch sewer pipe. The sewer On said Madison Avenue of the length of 450 feet , more or� less and each of the said alley sewers to be of the length of II0 feet snore or less; and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection there- with, all in accord0ance with plans and specifications to be pre- pared by the City Endineer. That all persons who may desire to object to said improvement are hereby, notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in the said City of Kent , at 8 , o 'clock P. M. of the day of April 1912 , which time and place is hereby fixed for the hearing of all matters regulating to said improvement , and all ob- jections thereto , and for determining the iretlod of payment for said improvement . The City Clerk is directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to said date , all data, and information required by law to be so submitted. The cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne by and assessed upon and against the property liable therefor as providdd by law. The question of street paving being before the Council , a motion was made to limit the paving district to Titus Street on the south on Second Street ; and Second Street on the west , on Gowe Street ; the motion was lost by the following vote , Councilmen Boucher , Coble and Naden voting "aye" and Councilmen Fu}lp , Harper and Tucker voting"nay" . Mrs. Shaffer 's request for $6 .00 per month for six months for park upkeep , was refered to the dark Coinmishoniers. The matter of renewing the sidewalk on the east side of First Street , between Titus Street and Willis Street was refered to the Street Committee. Upon motion the Council did then adjourn ,. 'City Clerk.