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City Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/07/1909
rw t� li - Ll 17 � I u 2li F �41rv,-u G - u�l�-� -z- . <ze�, C�7.w L -�F I C .-�- .[...e..t-� '���r✓L.t'/V� Lit -�-{.� vi'r� LL�.r.�b-i' r`Y'L�"(�vD'l�L. �'7� 74 44� 7__ �s_ cLZ4Z T��v ca-L",-,V-L.- alJ Llo (jL Gb-7�viivv{�c..vl�u vcr.��.�✓Dw2 LL> u..7 ��-C:�^ L L�fiL.O L�L.�t1ti. +cam, � tO � -�-�i�- -1't�c. � i.�'� �?-�c�-.e.�•� L_A_l rf_'L0. L_.. c�. L G .T v :Gg `'�c►-���"e,,..� �. ��Lu�-z.. 'Z,U:�-L�'ro ,�°.cs.����e_o �'L�'.L,v `l�Curttit, �u�,. � 74 C� i °f�/�C(�oLly .nt-f�`tt-✓�l c�wt.L,,(il... (p, �c.�/�� . ��.'JGt�Git- '�.1—.r.���Y+i1-- `t(J �. 74' J 6 (o t . 33.35 6 .2a.0U J ° �-ZtL 2I&& ao V , 1 r J � `LA.-ti�v l�L t/J � L✓ C-t/� ,'L£rLa UL C�-n.�—Cat--, �-�-:q� cw 1 L.. . t, L-t.�—L.i,...•L`+.'�.�"t�, �`a..��.-r� L.'F-L�. v l ,�iJ �C2��J c.L4L-t.._. :.t.-^� t�i'C� �;' c,�.`L,L •�� r �y .`1 �,. ��.�`� i u �'YLtYZ-•L�C�v`-U! L�l..!'C:� c t�yv{�./ l't'1� nn U tom .-Q1�- 7-0 c:.cs yt t/L.� _.J. i �'Yi/L• Q t v L ['1�L .i/1/l.O J/ (�LLM�-�G. [9-Vy Z.Cn.� :�..� •��_-K-i-(i�aiW.2+-'w'"L ::rl I'Y L�2. �. �7� �..•k J �1,tivtr2�..v'ct..� D� .-t��.trJ - ,/�t."+-_�/h'2 -{.mot-L."c..•�.-✓Q-_`/', � ,��_.:�L .,_,,.G� cs--x-L y yL 4�+-L'ri LA C✓� B'L��+1�Z/l.Z.fl� r- ,-`L�4...�.;L,..�(,rC..G�- (JyL Y✓L,(9''Lt�t,._,.L, �� ��C r c.L/':i.;'�J �'1'L�✓L-u�:�C..20�-- ��U Yr,��-t,,;��� gyp.CY/J /lt r�LL L G/�- LT"Y'L- �a,L >�22 o %a�{yC-e v� �z.� ✓mot }YI F )�YL�.�� vt- !C LG �.L-t- -✓L. 1 33 i f E ' WWF.�ASga petit ion hats boem.. preeonted. �o„thp Oity 00t:n013.,..,attak,� f iled wi th the C 1 ty Clerk,signed,. P;1 -s.r ` qalif led elea t ire oY.the :C icy ;rra ini tl!at tl.,c territory hereince,i~W geuaribed .fbe anne7ceti to and y c.,y vti.. made a of -Li,a t',ity,and; include(,. urithin ita ,,ccrparate boundaries, A towiti _ Be ,z�r�a.n in them s..,yy!ant east. bound ,>line of t#o ,C ity.at .the north �c watst aor:aar, of ttlet rs,outh west ,qU qf•. ,,g th wgst quanta ..t .R; w , or section a.4 _:t a 61.1 inn t 0'wm ah 4, tw ,rt r y��t qn�arth r,,��st� ,q ivies a tc. ,. �»�t.o SF9 . .__ . .. .err• , ., K3nt7 rc); A; �u,Wcc:;lsita: tdan,rttrtnin, t`,a;rtc8 ©L�ry�e to the north a t ocl�rrle�r' �f b of tl,u r.;outl, uast giartcr of the solar west 4:,arter of said section 77. :pow,! along tl e (isa<,.rtcr ::ol-ti.on line to ti'te South. east H. ort},. ia,3L c<< :. r•tor ob L�;o north, worst. qucxtcr of ruction 5 0. tUrm.31 ii) 22 nortli maige: f iv(,, east,therce west: along 1, Vic north ,�o:;t, c ,:.�rter of i:.' 1.ir�.: ai' r:c,ic:i Wort.. o�<at ctz,,�rter of i� n,1 t-IIt;:on,a. di o mce;3 of 'i()O fetat, t 0017th parallel G6 with tl,c ravI--,,c line next wo;,t of said ;;oint,to am intersectiozi I'lith a v. tl;c: aotttli 11-I-; of ofaid u aiAiov nI,,:etoOi1,.theTIae went ,LlortF; the csouth ?2 line oi' ,,,ni.d oc.ct,ion 3.9 and tl,o :30uth li.;r. Uf Section 2.4 in tovmship norti, r:,nZe four c:,ut tots point viiscru tiic, oast lin,; of tlsp i.'.". ,6v Tl,ori;;;::.n o,,:: i n 7�,,.;.Id (:1t,iva,produated to ul,o :south would intorsoot the r a4 sulr3 rse� Li;.,'; line,tbenoe nortl! to tl;e so-tls east: corner of block 42 2/ Of i'c.,'s,,xt,; p"t.r,.t. oi, Vie :Ir:3t; A00 t-,ior,. to Ke:tit,thenoe wort: t::: t*�c: .-m)thi , :. ;% corner of block 44 of t-mid .saoker'r3 t;t?Pillet:t1; ,je.i�.ion to I- ni',-0ionce north, to tb-a port h wet t. ; ya coriie , ^f I)iock f ourof ,ja,.'cd . ocher'e t uppIc, kaital Plat of tl'!O y �d Acai ltion to .•'oAptl-,ence e;,.;.;;t along; tl:e3 north boundary of etas � i :tr 3U four 'to tl:e l;roo-ont I:o�,ndary line of the f3aid City,thenoa bouxidwry lin.; of the uo.id t"ity south to tl,o g,Tcorner Oast to tl+o s. 4corner theroof,t.hence north,. to tho nor' * ;ao • 7U ti,c;r:ce vec s t; to ul u anglo. in the uaid boundary linen,tt., o� UU tlau I oint o�' l!r, ir!raing. 10 '^ p �, .,y •.._} � k +St lug �� ^ : � iku+ '"p;3,"�r�^'- ^:1 I f n� a k • v�� •;+ '� ,,;.. ...„ kr• �' ;L.fir �"� s.w,� y.�#: n�e :.� ..kid N, 1° 'I b.1Yry , n��d. 6. �• q yr�it,,'4:k 0y,,4 � , Y ; �•+'� h..w."rh�T f���'t�'� ��j��1,� .+n� ,r?,a I �'N^� Gw^Mla Y �y��' � wB,o .a,- A a ,tr a •Mt��Jv�l,« C,'Ri ��y ee � �,y a� �N M yp�I �uy'f�a raj d ��r ra�'a` 9 n�"i r �i w��� �'��'.. C', ,r't. d a: .....yAn Vr.r,4 4u?t° 4h i r I i J � " II i tl.e said And itors CC �, c.arlrl pEttiitio;t i.s ci tr i )z rl t it is t, 1 G.'t�� t . ; �< i ci ,:1� 4 the nal-1, g , f9d,that 70F34�1 • prof 1 t raucls oi• .3.t: :3.: ;,a , �. ,,�rp .�; . , cx itst- c'. 9 (,,I ty t>z'.d �• i.! tilt. LLTii9 T1c;C.; �:.Y'V 1;{: ;� G c� 11 �ri.i cast„� 4 ;Ill it 3 in}'c',oitanta e w r i i.t o r,� it:s lril'ia:l>1i;;�it ,,�;.sYd L.+!�1 :� r.�.ita uc,1 :,..'iic Xe t7. tc� ir'rcludoci r, 1.t.,Yl its tl,a corporate t3 Elt 3c3 t,�., •�..Jtory 1. ' t Aoro,i,y the C",I.tY Cav,scil of bouildar3 ti::: Of 7. the j a a ci Cit ,lcj 1sG11'i;(IFiriC:;s ai' t1YQ :Y t:''. ,.' Ci1.1.1;:�'i t.1011 o t �: r:LY i�'y i 114 � !, rulution of i;.i?i;, ;; ('> is r;rzcl irzE; of i;lso to, ritary in L: i ; zo Ltrs aYid pal- 1).s;t'orec;ubxnittczd to the vot, ) o. electors i, :�: iss::.id City,e.rst3. 't?,Es votore oa b oft;�ts t,,,;ica tc;rritory,e.t an 81-act.loYl to bo hesl.cl ire t►,o c,rtid City and wYsiois ol.czc t.i�:;r% is hc"i`e1sy oelled to bo l,ald on - c 0. t1�o uc+.ic� t:,rrito•ry, � ')2 ��nfle -- 7j,ly lh{,li.A.1�. 1010,ta11e bolls of vyYtio;1 ele tion shall be opori- 0III, Of i, o'G1oc:L `... ,.,z�.z�d rlo�,ed cot, the Hour of eight ,12 .Ga .a aid eleotiort •s±i't1,I.til V!0 tYairt City ssl ,.1! be to . t?,e ;:ezid C it�:v,i,t11in t7:c +,.t l:' l 1.].,as'd 't;ltes vatin{� las.cE3 outside ai : 7� t c,zn iporas<ry :3t;i,3 C1 t�l'''i i t i';� ,;�? ics1� i t• I r, t;r��;��O pc.t t�� .._:ir'�RX,�SY�tr.l]- be at a I)ur•,,oso et.t tlio Borth (i, :it. corrseyr of tlie: ii'iLcr°acict.iois ai `�'hoirias ,)tre et ,axid :lEs .ker 1�vt;Yir►0 in the Said �e©kerb Ac.dltioi'1 to <oxit. The of olect.ion witi.in the ,,al.d Gityall&.11 bet 3.35, uxid larks* 'vrid _. . ._,.: 67o0 i J.Lie 79, ;� o J �I '1'ba of tlo'arg of the o]oetitm ta-bt #e4d ds�r_the. said. tear' tOx 'I it 1. proposed *to `a��nax�shP.11. be �� . �� �. d , CIf.,rk i I coif �. � 1�'"'11 ... T27.'3'pe atiox ' i' O 'i i..J1Otu to 1-,6 ua©cl LO', Mi al( o ieati.on Mull ),i.avo prii' tud 'r harean tho .,ordk;, "Por Ai arexati.on" and "A. -;uinat a Annex€Ition"trind the voter to ull jxr ),, x"4 hll$ i,allot by pl sing a or000 after thfa words oxix lssIng his due ,,irois;io t;!e ui..tter. Tlotico ui z% id, cleti.on xi,b<,17. be .,Ivcn in the White River Jouni l land In the Ar-Jxa)by ptabl.i.oatic°:n of t"a .;aid notJoe imi 3;rovlded by law in c u'cl. Of :s�-Jti papers for- a perlod of four weeks jt:tca.. ,.rior to t',c (z.lc,(A;Aon,, t1,o o.i.cl 7A to River Joii ii a.l being u., weekly news- In t o :,:aid a_md a g,aner4i1 circulation Ill ;- ?c; 1 ' ,O :Slty j u.ld 't:' o Aubi.arn Arfrii u a weakly newspaper ptxl.�lf l c !r ,act 1�t.arin;; ,� crtcartc! c1rc1'11aa.tlon i_vi tl-ic .:aid. C;ounty• but nof. w-1 1111it 1:,r{c;: :;4jld '"!Jt;y limits.