HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/03/1909 ate►.,-�6� Cs-w�. � `�.c.�..e-�-Z�c.. , G , C�-o-�, �u-���,� C,�� 9�-�ZC��-fl'Yi l ��L�G � LGc�t.�Y 1. Z�LZ✓C� (�� `-"`- ' �ei�.vt.c�c�-vim e-Y �-��.G CwiYtre��c.o�-L�c�b-✓� � Yz,C��,c.r � , t_¢_..a..OL x. -Lax,, Zo t1-o- ✓L e a r� 1�'c.c✓ aG t v L %v v z e o� "CL Zz"'�v J ; Y� I + MX (.1/-Lc-0 C&[- ' l l.•Q./Ll-"Gt..n/L c:� 9`' 12Z-e�/z_c� � � Q"� 3 �— ;y,. V C�awl Cv- 41 6 - o o c.c c� �°I� o-�- �,�✓cwL 2fJ[/j�(��)(]q T1 v a /� � ., • ?a 3, 00 S . F, /Zy . Co� s C , �% ✓Gt,� 9Z YLL�cJ (/v A/� S, — 2 O O 13 �76-,o . v 0 !b/ 0 5_ �1 ,I R:ESOLUT1ON''S. ''71-iEREAS, a petition has been presented to the City Council and filed with jl the City Clerk, signed by 117 qualified electors of the City, praying that the territory hereinafter described be annexed to and made a part of the City'Y and that its corporate boundaries be extended to Include the same, towit: Beginnint at a point in the presont boundry line of the City whiQYi is allm the N.W.corner of the S.l'l.1/4 of the of section 1£1, in township 22 N. range 5 1E. , in Kind; County, State of 1lashin„ton, running them— east along the center line of the said S.t7.1/4 of said section 1£t to the 1!.L:.corner of the S.E.1/4 of the S.W.1/4 of said section lfl,thence south alogi; tva ouarter section line to the S.E.cornor of the Pd. .1/4 of the J1.'rY.1/fr of section 19, in said township 22 north ran,,;o 5 east, thence west alon7, the south line of said N.1 .1/4 or the N.W.1/4 of said section 19 a distance or 990 , thence south parallel with the section line ni-xt rre:3t oi t'-ie said point, iin ` intersection ;with the south line of section 19, tnesnce wort alon!, thc :south -y line of said section 19 and the south line of section 24 in townshin ?O, north range 4 east to a point cohere the east line :f the C.C.V,oltpson Dona- tion Lana Claira, produced to the south would inter:=ect the saki section line, thence north to the S.E.corner of block 42 of rieekor' s upplem: ntal st Plat of the Virst Addition to lient, tY;ence to t1he S'.Ili.corner of Klock 37 of said Meeker's Supplemental Plat, thence north to the S.',-i.corn­r of lock 10 of - said 'Yleeker's Supplemental flat, thonc:-, *,vest to the S.V. .cor.ner of tlock .9 in said �1eekv�,r's :'upple;:lentLlt flat, thence north to the ;'.';;.corner of saki block 9, thence west to the 8.7i.corner of block f' in :;aid -40,0 ,el'' S Supple- mental Mat, thence north to the N.k%c,orner of "lock 1 in rid `,leek is Supplemental Plat, thence zkn oast alon. the north line of blocks 1,^,' anti -' 4 of said ;iooker. 's Supplemental Plat, to th,,. .,est boundry line of the pre-, nt City lloiits , thenco r'ollots,in�_, the presont boundary line of the City south, east, north, c+est ,end north to t i-io, point of ber,irinin . And it appearing t(�., the City Ccmr. il , that t1re sal(?. p'2tition is si:;ncd by more than one Fifth of the queillfieci el.;ctord OP the said. City, that the said territory is adjacent '.;o the City , is thi(-kly nonula,t^(+. , that much of 1 it is platted into lots, aril blocks,, t).nd that it is (Iosir bl_e anti ner,<>,�-:a.ry to the iv ;llfare and best interests of th.� s- d City am, its Inhabitants and the said described territory and its in,,abitnnts drat the sake tcrr'itory be. annexod,to, and includod within the boundaries of the a-ic' City. The Ci 'y Council, do tlierefore, R:,SOLJi3, that the question of chin eiri,; tho boundari^:, of tho City of is ent, 1 and annexing the territory in this re. olijt.ion before c1,�scr-ibod, to t 1,o sal(] City, be subnitt,ed to the vot er , ;:And qualified (;lectors of thn !,virl City, I and tiro voters and qualified :,lectors of tluo t orritory at an election to be Yield in the said City a.nct an election to be hel(i in the said territory , which elections r.ro hereby called to br h ld on the 7th day off' June A.D. 1909, the polls of whic!i election shall be op•r-nod at the lour of nine of clock A.,:i. anti clo 3e at thc; ]your of 7 o' clock P. I. , of the said Day. The voteini, place of said election within the said City shall he in the City 1ia11, and the votein, of saiJ election for the territory bereinbeCore described which it is proposed to annex, shall be at a terinorary builcling to be provided at the N.:r:.corner of i eolcer Avenue rind Thompson Stre_�t, in said Meeker' s Supplemental of the 1st Addition to i:ent, The officers of "lection within the s; id City shall be Joe Penberthy and Jas.A. Hatt Judges and E.L.Brotchi Clc,rk, and tl.e officer:; of election tobe hold in the saki territory c,hich it Is prop ,ed. to annex shall. be 17.1?. Townsend and Goo. Wade Judges and A.(`.Jef.feries Cleric, The ballots to bo used at such election shall. have printed thereon tale words, "Yor Annexation" and "AE;ainst 1lnncxation" , and the voter s;.F 11 prep C D his ballot by placeint a cross ^.fter the words,"For"Annexation" , if ho do:>i to vote for annexing the said territory, and by pla,cain,r a cro ,s rafter thr i ord: "Against Anne xation" if he desir, :, to vote a a:inst annexim, thn sai., torritory to the said City. Notice of Much election shall be ivc,n in the '"lhite River Journal, ant the .'auburn Ar;,.,us, by puplication of the said notice a.- provided by lass it !' each of the said newspapers for a period. oi' four tviceks jt<st prior to the i of election, the saicl ',7hite ',liver Journal boint ;reokly newspapor publi 1 and havein,=; a moral circulation in l,inr ',ounty, ^nil published in trie : 1 j City, and the Auburn �'r�;us boi.n, a we.el,l� >t y nc,tiw n zpt>> m-i lishc(i iiavei; general circulation in said Kint County, i')ut not n. tali-:,i c.d v!it1,1n t} � 1'. of the said City. 1" 1�1 Oil f (s . � r ui hdd' "'i 4i 11 R R S O L U T I O N 3 VHMU 8,the springs furnishing the water supply for the water works of the City have become ineadequate to meet the wants of the people,and , VEMIF.AS,oertain springs located at the head waters of the Creek Known as Jenkins Creek,in the S.F.1/4 of the S.Vl1W of section 33 in township 22 north range 6 east,are suitable and accessible,and will provide sufficient flow to furnish the City and its inhabitants for many years,and are the only accessible springs that will provide an adequate flow of water that is sufficiently pure for city use,and the City Council believing that the acquisition of the said springs and the appropriation of the flow thereof for City Water works, is necessary and advisable it is therefore hereby, RLSOLVED,that the mayor of the City be and he is hereby author- ized and diredbed to proceed forthwith to take such steps as may be f ou/i necessary looking to the appropriation of the flow of the said springer to the extent of Cubic Feet per second of time,and that to that end notices of appropriation be posted and recorded by him as by law provided,and all other sib step* necessary and proper in the premises be taken by him looking to the speedy acquisition of the said springs and the water flowing therefrom, 35 a I iN f tik ;v. q �:f 7Jr w Uo (� y /J c Q �c v•0 a �: