HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/07/1908 Gam_ 0 Ole /7 -4J\ 00 12 RESOLUTIONS 'r'JHLRI:AS, the owners of a majority of the frontage of property abutting on the west side of Central Avenue, in }innt, between the streets named Smith Street and Lfeelcer Avenue, have h !retofore a petition to the Council of the said town, and filed the same with the clerk thereof, askin ; to have a sidewalk laid alone; the west side of Contr 1 Avenue f rofn lb-,oker Avenue to Smith Stre,�t, And ;','FiLRt lls, the council of the said town havein-, by resolution dup.ly passed and entered on its minutcs, orderd and fixed a tmme for hearin ; on said petition, to-wit: Monday December 7th A.D.190B, at the hour of £3 o'clock P.t.I. , at the council chamber in the City Lall, at 1Sent, IV7ashington, and due notice of said hearin- has been {riven by posting, publication anti other service thereof as roquir< d by law, and the ordinances of the said town and the said resolution, and proff of such service, posting and publi- -cation haveing been duly filed with the cl,,rk of the said town as provid;;d by law, and the said ordinances rnd r,-�solution, now on this 7th day of December at U o' clock P.M. , the said petition co;iein I on i regularly to be heard, and it app arin; that no objeetinn� hereto has been made or filed with the clerk of the said town as required by law and no one appearin ' before the council to object to the said petition, and the council finding th-,.t the said improveml�nt lrould be a public benssfit, and will be of grater benefit to the abutt:inI. , property and its owners than the cost thereof, it is therefore: RESOLVtD, that the said petition be {;ranted, :.nd the improve;-. nt there- in prayed for be and the sane is hereby orderd as follows : A regulation sidewalk as described in ordinance No 146 of the said town of kent, is orderd along the west sid, of C:�ntral Avenue bjetaeen Smith 8t-V Street and Meeker Avenue, and that the cost oi' makein,g such improve!It ^nt be assessed against and made a charge upon the property abutting thereon and benefitted thereby. Resolved further that the Street Committed of the council of the said town be and thay are required to prepare plans and specifications of the said improvement, and establish the grade thereof, anca! submit a report c their doings at the next ro-ular mectin,; of the council. Passed this December 7th 19W0 . > 3 12 R L 1) 0 L U T I 0 N 1';1iERLAS, pursuant toresolutions of this council, the ordinances of the town of Kent and the laws of the State of such pr•oceodings have been heretofore had such�cts and things done that a sidevrtalk has b:.en built along the east side of Fourth Street in the said to+rn, from Willis Street to i+leeker Avenue, and whereas an assessment roll has been prepared by the clerk of the said town and filed in his office and pre- of to the council of the said town on the 16th day of November A.D. resolution duly Passed 1908, and the said council did then and there by " fix idonday December the 7th 190E, at the hour of E; O'clock P.ii. at the council chamber in the City Ball, at 1 ant Cit,shin;;ton, as the time and place for hearing and equalizing the said assessment ''oil , and, ,UIEREAS, it appearing to the council that notice of such hearing has been duly served upon all per:3ons interested ,Ls required by law, the ordinances of the said town and the resolut:iorls of this council, now on L' .190E3, at the }lour of E3 o' clock P. • , the the 7th day of December A. on for h:�aring rand equalization, and It t said asse:�sment roll comes objections' to the appearing; to the council that no person has made any said assessment roll, and that no person is pr esa�nt at this rlec tini to trade or filed in the object to the sa me, and that no objections have be en matter of the said assessment , the council ttic>refore .f rinds u})on invest- " t.h.rt, t,l� + nri i(} n.'l.t7r3,unnnt, roll gation and consideration of fire mutt, i', .; is just and equiatble, and that the cost of tine said lmpr'ov�' " t is ' properly equaliz..d and char. ed to the abuttinE proporty, the :aicl corrnr'il_ I do therefore resolve: I roved as and 'I That the said assessment roll be and the salve is hereby approve he e ualized assessment roll for the said l.mprovelent and the said f..r t q orient is h,areby levied tine abuttint, property as therein described iiprov in the several amountd therein named. i i I �II 1 41-2 <r 11-y-t� 11 , 2 G� - z;t r