HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/16/1908 OfL� r "I NO 10 : '35Ij("I .1 ,,41v. " T 011"" , . 5�, 0 � , "q '10 vIV -t4 olP _ l f% - 14 at- u !tom`,'' _ - Lchi- Az) _ i! �j I, l I i i i i i II l i IX ffffff � II ... I a R L S OLUT I OA, S. Cr WHER;!;liS, it appearing to the Council that the sidewalk heretofore `orderd upon and along the east side of 'Fourth Street from Willis street to Meeker for the said improvement Avenue, has been completed and, an assessment rol'Ahas been provided and ' k presented to the council by the cicrk, of the town as required bylaw and he ordinances of the said town, and the said .assessment roll+ now being filedn the clerks office, it is therefore, E S 0 L V E D That I,ionday, Decenber 7th A.Z. 19o8, at the hour of 8 o' clock P.M. �e Council Chamber in tho' city kall in the said. town of Kent, be 4 ,he same is hereby fixed as the time and place .for:hearing and ' equali- �L$bn of the said assessment roll; and further H�"OkLD, that the clerk og the said town, be and he is hereb$ directed to e1y3 notice of such hearing and equalization as by law required. the b—_ --- not' e shall be made by the clerk of the said town. Prot of the '8orvice and posting; of 3<j.id notice .,Ball be by the affidavit of he said clerk. Prodf of the publication of such notice in the said newspaper shall be by affidavit of the publisher thereof. 1 1 N O T I C E O 171 OA IT i:iAY CONCERN: You will take notice that a petition has been presented to ! the council of the Town of Kent, and filed with the Clerk thereof, asking i for the ir.iprovement of Central Avenue in the said town, 'by sidewalking` the crest side thereof from .i:Zeeker Avenue to Smith Street, , and the council of thti said town has fixed' ilond'ay Dec. 7th at the 'hour of 8 o' clock P.M. # at the council chamber in the City Hall in Kent, Washington, as the time and place, for hearing; and determining andim• the said petition, and all persons are hereby notified to be then, and : there present, ana state their objections, if any they have, to the makeinf of the said improvement. Dated this November 16th, 190f's. . . , By order of the Town Council. Town Clerk. ►9 f l -- , v, } RESOLUTIONS FAXING TIME PETITION FOR SIDEWALK. i WHEREAS, a petition signed by the owners of a majority of the frontage of property abutting on the following described portion of the west side of Centeral Avenue, in the Town of Kent, to-wit: 4 All of that 'portion of said Centrial; Avenue lying between Meeker.Avenue, t and Smith Street; i setting forth the desire of the petitioners for a sidewalk along the west side of said Central Avenue from Meeker Avenue to Smith Street, j has been filed with the clerk of the said town and presented to the council; praying that said sidewalk be orderd. C It is therefore, RESOLVED, ' that Monday december 7th 1908, at the hour of £3 o'clock P.iri., at the council chamber in the City hall, Kent, Wash- in-ton, be and the same is hereby fixed as the time and place for hearing and determining the said petition, and all persons are hereby directed to be then and there present and state their objections if any they have, to the riakeing oi' the said improvement as prayed in the said petition. I3��'SOLVLD,further, that the .following notice be published in. the WhiteRiver Journal in the isue of November 19th 1908 and a copy of'such notice be served on each person owning abutting property along the said proposed improvement,, if he he found in said town, and have not already made the I Improvement along his abutting,property, or have not signed the ,said petition; and if he be not found in the said town, then peon his agent If any he have in the said town, and bf he be not found in the said town and have no agent therein, or if yhe owner be to the said clerk unknown, then a copy of such notice shall be posted upon the property , of such unknown owner; and a copy of such notice shall further be posted in three of the most p,.blic places in the said town for at least ten days befome the said hearing of the said pettion. All of such service and posting of not' e shall be made by the clerk of the said town. j Proqof the service and posting of sti.id notice shall be by the affidavit ofe said clerk. Prof of the publication of such notice in the said newspaper shall be a by affidavit of the publisher thereof. ~ N 0 T I C 1 1`0 1'lI.0::1 IT i,IAY CONCERN: f You will take notice that a petition has been presented to r the council of the '.own of Kent, and filed with the Clerk thereof, asking for the i :provement' of Central Avenue in the said town, by siddivalking the viost side thereof from i,ieeker Avenue to Smith Street, . and the council of the said town has fixed'tlonday 'Dec. 7th at the hour of 8 o' clock P.i:i. i h at the council chamber in the City Ball in Kent, 37ashinEton, as the time and place, for hearing and determining andme the said petition, and all persons are hereby notified to be then, and _there present and state their objections, if any they have, to the makcin£ of the said improvement. Dated this November 16th, 1908. By order of the Town Council. Town Clerk. u' ry I