HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/06/1975 flu. .Kent, Washington October 61 19.75 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to I order at 8:00 o 'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council- persons Baffaro, Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris,. Public Works Director Ulett, Finance Director Winkle. Also present: City Treasurer Drotz, Parks Director Wilson, Planning Commissioners Rosetta Jones and John Long, and URS representative Ramsey. Approxi- mately 35 people were in attendance. , VISITORS Mayor Hogan welcomed Boy Scouts from Troop 467 and their leader, Harry Williams, and Committee Chairman Jim Hubbard. Mr.. Williams explained that the Scouts were working to achieve merit badges relating to civic activities. MINUTES KITTO MOVED to approve the minutes of September 15, 1975 as printed, Storment seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & Linda Heights Pump Station Contract. Upon the SANITATION recommendation of the Director of Public Works, JOHNSON MOVED that Change Order #1 in the amount of $648.60 for Cascade Construc- tors to cover four unanticipated items for the Linda Heights Pump Station be approved, Baffaro seconded. Motion carried . STREETS Titus and Central Intersection. Street noted that he had contacted Wes Bogard of the, State Highway Commission for information on the com- pletion of the intersection of Titus and Central, but had had no report although such report was due for this meeting. Gowe Street Contract. At the last Council meeting the acceptance of the Gowe Street . contract as complete was tabled because certain items of landscaping had not been completed. Upon review, it has been determined that the landscaping is complete except for the planting of trees, which are now in the City Nursery, and which will be planted by the Parks Department when they become dormant. It is recommended that the contract be accepted as complete. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the contract of City Transfer for Gowe Street construction be accepted as complete and for the retainage to be paid upon receipt of releases from the Z•• State. Masters seconded. In response to Storment ' s question about the storm pipe being installed at that location now, Ulett noted that the •pipe installation is part of the 1975 Asphalt Overlay contract, for which City Transfer is also the contractor. Motion i carried. — I Kent-Des Moines Road. It was noted that the Engineering and Street Departments have field inspected the area and upon their recommenda- ti.ons, JOHNSON MOVED that the City accept from I STREETS the State that portion of the Kent-Des Moines Road South which extends from just east of the Kent-Des Moines Road and Reith Road intersec- tion to the Green River Bridge, Just seconded. Upon Baff aro ' s question, Street noted the City has no choice and must accept the street. Motion carried, with Baffaro voting nay. Since this street portion will still be a designated State route, City maintenance will be per standing State/City agreement. Renton-Kent Joint Street Improvement Project SW 43rd/S . 180th. The E.A.A. grant for the SW 43rd/S . 180th Street Improvement project is $348,000 which is the estimated 60% of construction costs of a three-lane highway. In addition, the State must lend the two cities the sum of $891,000 at 5% interest. Acceptance of the combination of these offers is neces- sary but will not limit the project to a three- lane highway. The staff of both Cities will continue to work toward a five-lane facility. It was noted that additional financing will have to come from other sources such as UAB, Federal Highway and/or Local Improvement Districts. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the joint agreement with Renton for acceptance of the grant and loan offered for the SW 43rd/S . 180th Street improve- ment project, Masters seconded. Motion carried . WATER Water Main and Fire Hydrant Installation. A letter was read from Arnold Green & Associates, Consulting Engineers, appealing the denial by the Fire Department of his request for a time extension for installing a water main and hydrant for a warehouse under construction at 20233 - 80th Avenue South. Mr. Green has asked for additional time to pursue such installation under the LID process . MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and upon Street ' s recommendation, that the appeal of Mr. Green be heard at the next Council meeting, if he still wished to pursue the matter. Just seconded. Motion carried . ANNEXATION Osborne. It was noted that at the September 22, work session the petitioners for the Osborne annexation were informed that the City would accept any of toe proposed various combina- tions of land . Any property annexed would be required to pay on outstanding G.O. bonds. The zoning of the area will be considered as soon as the 75% petition is submitted . ZONING Eastridge Annexation. A public hearing on the proposed zoning for the Eastridge annexa- tion is scheduled for this meeting. Planning Director Harris described the area consisting of approximately 70 acres, noting that the Planning Commission had held a hearing on the zoning of this area on April 22, 1975 and had recommended R1-7 . 2 zoning, with 7200 square foot minimum lots. He pointed out that most of the lots in the area average about that size but noted that some of the lots were larger. 72 ZONING The Mayor opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience and no correspond- ence on the proposed zoning. KITTO MOVED that the hearing be continued until November 17, 1975 in accordance with provisions of the Zoning Code, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried . ZONING CODE Zoning Code Amendments. On September 23, 1975, the Kent Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider amending Sec. 3 .10, Community Commercial District, of the Kent Zoning Code to allow auto repair facilities in such district. It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that auto repair facili- ties be a use contained in the Conditional Use Section (Section 3 .10 .4) of the Community Commercial District. JOHNSON MOVED that Sec. 3 .10 Community Commercial District, of the Zoning Code be amended to include "Auto Repair Facili- ties" as a Conditional Use. McCaughan seconded. On Storment ' s question, Harris noted that this consideration of amending the Zoning Code was broughit about because of an individual on the West Hill who wanted to expand his present facili- ties for auto repair, and could not do so under the existing Community Commercial zoning. He noted that this change could affect the inter- sections of 104th S .E. and S .E. 256th, and also 104th S.E. and James. He pointed out that the Planning Commission would consider the size and scope of the operation whenever such an application was filed . Motion carried . TRAFFIC Request for Crosswalk Across Titus. A petition CONTROL has been received containing 96 signatures requesting a crosswalk across Titus Street --- between the two Meridian Terrace buildings. Upon the recommendation of the administration, McCAUGHAN MOVED that receipt of the petition be recorded and forwarded to the Traffic Engineer for a report, Storment seconded . It was noted that if the intent is to request a crosswalk close to the curve a, dangerous situation would be created . Motion carried . S . 212th and West Valley Highway. Masters reported that there had been another collision at S . 212th and the West Valley Highway on October 5 between 2:00 and 3 :00 p.m. The City Attorney reported that there were no injuries and only minor property damage. PUBLIC Railroad Crossings. Baff aro reported on the SAFETY problem of the gates at the crossing of James Street and the Northern Pacific Rail- road being closed during peak traffic hours and noted that the matter had been discussed with Mr. Wallace of the Railroad and that some adjustments would be made on Gowe and Meeker so that all three crossings would not be closed at the same time. Upon Baffaro ' s ques- tion, Street noted that Mr. Stukey was to have attended the meeting to report on the complaint against the Milwaukee and Union Pacific Rail- roads switch engines being left running continu- ously for extended periods of time. Since Stukey was not in attendance, Street noted that he would secure a report from the Railroad . GASOLINE It was noted that King County has entered into a contract with Union Oil for gasoline for the period October 1, 1975 to December 31, 1976, and that while this is not a firm contract, the price is 5 . 2c4 less than we are paying now. Upon the recommendation of the administration, JOHNSON MOVED that Kent utilize the King County contract for gasoline from October 1, 1975 to December 31, 1976, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried . LICENSES Animal Control . A discussion was held at the last work session concerning our present dog control law. Several more questions have arisen and a full report will be submitted soon. UNDERGROUND Teleprompter Cable TV. A letter was read VARIANCE from William Grinstead, District Manager, APPEAL Teleprompter of Seattle, requestuzg an appeal hearing on the City Engineer ' s denial of an underground variance application for West James Streetifrom North lst to North 5th. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and that Grinstead be informed that his request would be heard before the Council at its next regularly scheduled meeting on October 20 . Storment seconded. It was noted that the matter would also be discussed at the workshop on October 14. Motion carried . GREEN RIVER The improvements which were installed in INDUSTRIAL conjunction with the development of Green PARK River Industrial Park have been completed. These improvements include sanitary sewers (1,460 linear feet) , storm drains ( 2,080 linear feet) , water mains (11500 linear feet) and streets (11350 linear feet) , including a left-turn lane on West Valley Highway. In accordance with the recommenda- tions of the Engineering Department, JUST MOVED that the City accept the improvements which were constructed in conjunction with the development of Green River Industrial Park and release the respective cash bond upon payment of any outstanding City charges . Masters seconded . Motion carried . HOUSING & Work Program for 1976 Plan. Street explained COMMUNITY the proposed work program for the Community DEVELOPMENT Development project as submitted by the Planning Department, noting that the matter would be discussed at City Council workshops on October 14 and 27 and November 101 with work to date being reviewed by the Planning Commission on October 21 . He further noted that a City Council public hearing on "Needs" and proposed projects would be held on October 201 with City Council hearings on -- Housing Assistance Plan to be held on Novem- ber 3 and a City Council public hearing to select and prioritize projects for "population" and "needs" funding to be held on November 17. He noted that such a schedule was necessary to obtain the necessary funding for the Community Development program. 3 CBD PLAN Kent Development Association. A letter was read from Larry Woodworth, President of the Kent Development Association, recommending that the City Council consider ways and means, conduct studies, and take such steps as they deem necessary to institute the development of pedestrian walkways and linkages to adjac- ent residential areas as outlined in the Kent CBD Plan as adopted byjthe Kent City Council on May 20, 1975 . MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record and --- that the Planning Department coordinate the effort and develop the plan, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried . CLAIMS Pacific Northwest Bell . A claim in the approximate amount of $100 has been received fro[ Pacific Northwest Bell for alleged damage to buried cable by City equipment. The Water Department is submitting a report to the City Attorney and it is believed that there is no liabilityyon the City' s part. McCAUGHAN MOVED that this claim be submitted to the City Attorney for determination of validity, Johnson seconded . Motion carried. Donald A. Rater has filed a claim in the amount of $175 .00 for damage to his car which occurred just off the Benson Highway. It has been determined that this claim should be against the contractor for Ernst- Malmo. KITTO MOVED that the claim be for- warded to the City ' s insurance carrier, Storment seconded . Mirk explained that the ditch referred to in the claim was a hazard. Motion carried . ASSOCIATION Regional Meeting. It was noted that the OF WASHINGTON Association of Washington Cities regional CITIES meeting will be held at the Doubletree Inn on October 221 1975 . A workshop/briefing will be held at 4 p.m. with ,a social hour at 6 p.m. and the regular meeting at 7 p.m. Those planning to attend were requested to notify the City Clerk. CIVIL SERVICE Resignation. A .letter has been received COMMISSION from Warren Bell, submitting his resigna- tion as Chairman and member of the Civil Service Commission of Kent, effective October 311 1975 . STORMENT MOVED that the letter of resignation be accepted with regret, Just seconded . Motion carried. Request for Funds. A request for funds in the amount of $1, 200 has been received from the Kent Civil Service Commission, such funds to be used by the Commission to pay for attorney fees, and for a court reporter which will be required by the Civil Service Commission at a scheduled Civil Service hearing. JOHNSON MOVED that the request for additional funds in the 1975 budget be approved and that the Finance Director be directed to make the transfer of such funds from the Contingency Fund, McCaughan seconded. Upon Masters ' question, it was determined that the amount requested should CIVIL SERVICE be sufficient. Mirk noted that he was a witness COMMISSION in the hearing and would not, therefore, serve as the attorney for the City. Motion carried . METRO Metro Park and Ride Lots. It was noted that each councilperson has received copies of three letters concerning the Metro Park and Ride Lots, one from the Kent Chamber of Commerce and two from Metro. In accordance with the suggestions of the Administrator, BAFFARO MOVED that the Administrator attempts -- to work out a solution to the Park and Ride problem. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. PROCLAMATIONS Navy Day. The Mayor read a Proclamation designating Monday, October 13, 1975, as United States Navy Day. Fire Prevention Week. By Proclamation, the Mayor declared the week of October 5 1975 as Fire Prevention Week. The Mayor announced that the Town Crier of London would visit her office on Wednesday morning, October 8, at 10:00 a.m. PARKS & RECREATION Senior Citizens Center. It was noted that the Kent Area Activities Council has offered United Way funds in the amount of $4,900 to purchase new kitchen equipment at the Senior Citizen Center to meet Health Depart- ment standards, and $1,080 to subsidize meals for the seniors for the three ( 3 ) remaining months of 1975 . The senior citizens would be charged 75c for a $1 .50 -- meal . The Kent Area Activities Council plans to continue the program in 1976. JOHNSON MOVED that this program be approved and the allocation accepted from the Kent Area Activities Council to fund the program, Masters seconded. McCaughan asked if the City got an allotment from Kent Area Activities Council from United Way for the Parks Depart- ment. Wilson explained that the Parks Depart- ment has been working with the Kent Area Activities Council since 1957 and the Kent Area Activities Council took over the community chest portion of United Way funds in 1962 . Since Kent does not have boys clubs or a YMCA, the Parks Department has been receiving a portion, of United Way funds through Kent Area Activities Council for recreational progr ms, including senior citizen programs. He noted that senior citizens programs rate higher on the United Way list and Kent Area Activities Council had seen fit to put a greater amount of dollars into the senior program. The amount received for recreational programs from Kent Area Activities Council was deter- mined to be about $19 ,000 per year with the greatest portion of that sum going to the senior citizens programs. Upon McCaughan ' s further question, Wilson noted that the Parks Department receives a majority of the money allocated to Kent Area Activities Council by United Way funding and that this sum is included in the Parks budget for the year as income. PARKS & Wilson determined for McCaughan that it was RECREATION expected that $15 - 20,000 would be added to the budget and that this was the amount requested from United Way by Kent Area Acitivities Council . McCaughan asked if these funds were something extra or funds we had already counted on. Betty Van explained that funds requested last year were allocated to the Parks Department by Kent Area Activities Council, anyd the Kent Area Activities Council has reallocated funds which they had not spent to this particular program until the end of this year, and that the Parks Depart- -� ment would request this same program next year. It was clarified that these funds are in addition to the funds, already received, which were anticipated in the Parks Depart- ment budget as income . Wilson determined that updating the kitchen comes under the senior citizens portion of the recreation program and the updated kit- chen would make the Center more acceptable to outside groups. He noted, in response to Storment 's question, that several outside groups use the Center and that an extra fee was charged for use of the kitchen. In response to Just ' s question, Wilson noted that the amount set forth would take care of completely updating the kitchen. Motion carried . Out of State Travel . The Parks Department requests approval of out-of-State travel and partial expenses for Betty Kelley Van to attend the National Parks and Recreation Conference in Texas October 19-25 . It was _ noted that money is available in the Parks Department budget and Ms. Van is not request- ing transportation costs or conference regis- tration fees. BAFFARO MOVED that out-of-State travel and meal and lodging expenses be approved, Masters seconded. Motion carried. Multi-Service Center. At the last work session the Parks Department staff made a presentation concerning the proposed multi- service building. Following a discussion, Masters, as chairperson of the architect selection committee, recommended that the firm of Bower and Nyberg, Seattle, be utilized for the facilities planning and architectural services. Also at the work session, Mayor Hogan noted that while the Committee by majority vote had selected the above firm, she had reservations about using this firm. The Council members asked that fina/ncial information on operation be furnished before consideration is given to hiring of the firm and it was determined that Barney Wilson would supply this information to the Council prior to tonight 's meeting. Wilson distributed a written report to each councilperson, a copy of which has been made a part of the record. PARKS & JOHNSON MOVED that based upon the information RECREATION furnished by the Parks Director to the Council, the City is authorized to enter into a contract with Bower and Nyberg, Baff aro seconded. Street reaq a letter from Ted Bower of Bower and Nyberg stating that they ,were prepared to complete the work for the programming phase of the proposed Multi-Service Center as out- lined in the Berry/Bonsteel letter for a fee not to exceed $313001 subject to five certain -- conditions as listed . The letter has been made a part of the record, and at their request, copies will be forwarded to each couticilperson. McCaughan stated that the plan sounded satis- factory do him but that the MOTION SHOULD HAVE .added to it "based upon their proposal as contained in their letter of October 3, as read by, Street. " Johnson and Baffaro both agreed to add this to the motion. Upon Just ' s question, Betty Van stated that it was hoped that the study would provide the City with a pre-design program to enable contacting a variety of agencies, to work with the advisory committee to arrive at ar program for developing the building, including the amount of room to be used by the various agencies, as well as the feasibility of renting space to other agencies. She also indicated that some preliminary site location work would be included to help determine whether this would be a new building or remodeling of an existing building. Also included in the --` study would be budget and operating costs for such a facility. Upon Just ' s inquiry, it was noted that it wasYoped that the Center would be self-supporting, and that those service agencies using the facility would be required to pay for use of the space. Just inqu1ired if repayment on bonds was included in the cost figures . Betty Van pointed out that the Citizens Advisory Committee study was more concerned with the social and service needs of the community than the financial feasibility of the project. She further clarified for Ju/st that if the Parks Department utilized any portion of the building they would be expected to pay their share for such usage. She stated that it was not possible at this time to determine just what facilities could be located in such a building, but suggested that such programs as alre presently being conducted at the East Hill Community Hall might be transferred to such a building. Kitto asked who would determine what the cost would be of a new building or remodeling an existing building, and Betty Van noted that this would be an item determined by the architect. It was further determined that after the architect ' s report is concluded, we should have a pretty good estimate of the� cost and PARKS & also of on-going costs for the building. RECREATION Betty Van noted that Coldwell and Banker would be additional consultants to the architects in the area of finance . Storment asked how costs for remodeling could be determined by anyone when a building has not been selected. Van noted that such an item was not expected to be accomplished in the early stages of the development of this plan. She explained that the early stages would include choosing the services and uses and developing cost and revenue figures for use of the proposed facility. Storment _.- opined that this information had already been provided by the Citizens Committee and Van noted that the list contained all of the things they would like to do, but that everything could not be accomplished . Storment questioned the expenditure of $3, 300 on further study, and. Van stated that the Committee was not qualified to compile tech- nical data such as the material Bower and Nyberg would secure for us. Masters spoke against the motion, questioning the financial obligation. She noted that the idea of the Multi-Service Center was fine but that even though we are talking about grant money, the City' s matching money would have to be supplied . She noted that if the Council authorized the use of Park Department funds for this purpose, the Parks Director would later declare that he needed additional funds because the Council had elected to use money from his budget for the Multi-Service Center. She noted that she felt the study should be made at a later date as the figures presented at this time would soon be obsolete if we - do not use the results of the study right away. Baffaro commented that it was impossible to begin a project without some sort of an esti- mate and that plans should be made now. Just stated that he was in favor of the project, noting that the Citizens Advisory Committee had pub in a great deal of work, and felt we should expend the $3, 300 to find out if we can afford the Center. Johnson noted that one of the questions she had raised at the Finance Committee meeting when the matter was discussed was whether the figures prepared by the architect could be used later if the project was put off. She noted she had been assured that the material could be used later and she was, therefore, in favor of expending the $3, 300 now. Storment commented that since the Citizens Advisory Committee had spent many' long, hard hours on their. study, he felt that by hiring an architectural firm we were implying that their work was not worthwhile . Street noted that the procedure of having a study is usual in many City projects and was necessary: He pointed out that this study would provide information as to the space needs for various agencies, etc. , and would i .. PARKS & determine the amount, of cost per square foot RECREATION of such a structure. Storment opined that without a proposed site for the Center, the study would be premature . Mary Loop spoke from the audience, noting that she had been attending the Citizens Advisory Committee meetings and that thTy had worked for almost a year to define what services are needed in this community. This information will be tprned over to the archi- tect .who will determine square footage and -- design concepts. She noted that the, Committee has done its job well but does not have the expertise to go further . Storment' stated that in his opinion the $3, 300 should be held until a building is found and then get the priorities set and established so it can be determined th4t there will be sufficient room to meet the regiYirements for those agencies to be housed therein, and then employ an architect and spend the money. Just asked if matching funds are available for acquisition of a building site and Van determined that all costs, including the $3 , 300 in question, were eligible for 75% grant funds . It was further determined for Just that the $31300 was available in the 1975 Park Department budget and would be paid from that source. Motion carried, with Masters and Storment voting nay. The Mayor noted that she would appoint a small Advisory Board to work with the architects on the matter and that the list of proposed appointees would be avail- able at the next workshop. Agreement for Permissive Use of Land_. The Grace Brethren Church has offered to allow permissive use of vacant land adjacent to the Church at S.E. 232nd and lllth S .E. for park purposes. It is proposed to utilize the area for soccer and possibly other organized sports . Wilson stated that the cost of preparation and maintenance of the field for such uses would be minimal, and determined for Just that these costs would come from the 1975 Parks budget. JOHNSON MOVED that the permissive use of the Grace Brethren Church property for parks purposes be accepted, Masters seconded . Masters commented that this sort of project was the type of thing for which the Parks Department periodically needed money. Motion carried . PLANNING Out-of-State Travel Expenses. The Planning DEPARTMENT Department has requested approval for out- of-State travel for Raul Ramos to attend the American Institute of Planners Annual National Conference to be held in San Antonio, Texas from October 25-29 . It was noted that funds were set aside in the 1975 Planning Department budget for this specific conference. KITTO MOVED that the request be granted, Masters seconded. Motion carried. TAX LEVY The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1941 setting the property tax levy for 1976. The property tax levy for 1976 is based on the figure of 106% of the highest property tax collection year of the preceding three years for existing property, plus full millage for new construction. The tax rate for 1976 is as follows: Current Expense 3 .558 City ,Hall .179 Fire Department .030 -- Library .011 It was noted that the. millage for the library has been reduced and that $35,000 has been placed in the Bond Redemption Fund from the Construction Fund . MASTERS MOVED for the adoption of Ord . 1941, Storment seconded. Motion carried . Refund - Production Plastics, Inc_. It was noted that at the last Council meeting the attorney for Production Plastics, Inc. had requested a! refund of the $50 filing fee posted with the Board of Adjustment. At the last work session a report was made noting that cash outlay alone was $31 .60 and this did not include secretarial time, supplios or professional time. In accordance with Administrator's recommendation, McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Administrator be directed to notify the attorney for Production Plastics, Inc. that the request is denied for the reasons stated at the work session. Johnson seconded . Motion carried . JUST MOVED to pay bills received on or before October 61 1975 after approval by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 8 a.m. , October 151 1975 , Storment seconded . Motion carried . Claims approved bylthe Finance Committee at its meeting on September 30, 1975 are as follows: , Current Expense $ 28,422.93 Parks and Recreation 8,046.45 Library 31.59 City Streets 9, 712.39 Federal Shared Revenue 11, 350.40 EVH - Willis to Grn Rvr 2,611. 36 So. 180th (WVH - EVH) 13,960 .14 Equipment Rental 6, 740.58 Civic Improvement 75 .00 Firemans Rel & Pension 1,574. 70 Leff Disability 28033. 36 Sewer 420023.22 Water 5, 706.98 Garbage 464.12 $1328753 .22 — Interest Bearing Warrants LID 278 George Sanchez $ 8.85 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 : 15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Marie J sen, CMC City Clerk