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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/04/1975 Kent , Washington
August 4, 1975
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock
p.m. Present; Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Baffaro, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan
and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director
Harris, Public Works Director Ulett. Councilpersons Johnson and Just and
Finance Director Winkle were absent . Also present : Planning Commissioners
Long, Hamilton and Rosetta Jones, and URS representative Ramsey. Approxi-
mately 30 people were in attendance.
VISITORS The Mayor introduced the four members of the
community who are seeking election to the Council ,
t: namely: Robert A. Heriot, John Long, Jon Johnson,
and William Carey.
MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting
held July 21 , 1975 be approved as printed,
McCaughan seconded. Motion carried.
HEALTH & Des Moines Sewer District Resolution 1975-13.
SANITATION A copy of Des Moines Sewer District Resolution
1975-13 adopting a plan of additions and better-
ments to their Comprehensive Plan has been
received by the City and reviewed by the Director
of Public Works and the City Administrator, who
recommend approval . MASTERS MOVED that the Des
Moines Sewer District Resolution 1975-13 adopted
July 23, 1975 be approved, McCaughan seconded.
On Masters' question, Ulett clarified that the
Sewer District routinely asked the City's
approval for additions to their Plan if even
indirectly related to Kent . Motion carried.
Sale of Sewer Department Property. The Council
directed the City Attorney to prepare a resolu-
tion declaring a parcel of land 40' by 40' j
belonging to the Sewer Department to be surplus.
The property houses the sewage pump station
on the south side of West James Street about 500
feet west of Washington Avenue. The City Attor-
ney introduced Resolution No. 791 declaring
surplus that certain property acquired by the
City as part of the utilities system and estab-
lishing a price and terms of sale thereof, and
setting a public hearing for August 18, 1975
before the Council . MASTERS MOVED that Resolu-
tion No. 791 be adopted, McCaughan seconded.
Motion carried.
HEALTH & East and West Green River Watershed Project.
SANITATION Street noted that the Soil Conservation Service
will hold a public meeting on the draft Environ-
mental Impact Statement for the East and West
Green River Watershed project on August 28, 1975•
at 7:30 p.m. in the Kent Council chambers.
STREETS Proposed Urban Arterial Project - 104th Avenue
S.E. - S.E. 252nd Street to S.E. 260th Street.
A letter was read from the Urban Arterial Board
advising that the above project has rated suffici-
ently high in the biennial priority array to
permit the UAB to request Kent to consider pre-
paration and submission of a project plan. It
was noted that the preliminary prospectus should
be submitted to the UAB by October I , 1975 for
financial assistance from the urban arterial
trust account. The letter further stated that
August 4, 1975
STREETS in preparing the plans, the City could assume
that the maximum amount of UAT funds that will
be approved for the preliminary proposal and
construction plans for the project will be the
amount requested in our 1974 six-year construc-
tion program, or $692,000 in UAT funds for that
project. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter
and refer it to the Public Works Department
for appropriate action, McCaughan seconded.
On Street 's question, Ulett noted that some
of the survey work on the project has been
completed and that all of the project is inside
the City limits. Street further noted that
Ulett would be attending the UAB meeting on
August 21 when the matter would be considered
and guidelines adopted for presentation of the
City's plans for the project . Motion carried.
42nd Avenue South. The Director of Public
Works recommended at the last workshop meeting
that 42nd Avenue South be opened from South
261st Street to South 262nd Street . The work,
consisting of levelling of the existing base
material and the installation of approximately
a 16-foot oil mat, is estimated to cost $ 1 ,200.
The Street Department would perform the work.
KITTO MOVED that the Street Department be auth-
orized to expend the funds from their maintenance
budget for the street opening, McCaughan seconded.
Upon McCaughan's query, Ulett noted that the
improvement proposed would not be a full improve-
ment as to width and depth but that a full
improvement was anticipated for the future.
It was further determined that the street is
a public street now and any liability for it
would be the City's. Street noted that the
street would be completed as to gravelling
and oiling the same as most of the other resi-
dential streets in the City. Motion carried.
SIDEWALKS East Side of Reith Road from South 253rd
Street to 42nd Avenue South. It was noted
that the Federal Way School District has sug-
gested: that a walkway is needed. on the east
side.of Redth Road from South 253rd Street to
42nd Avenue South and have indicated that they
may be willing to provide materials if the City
will provide the labor. The estimated cost for
materials is $320 and the estimated cost for
tabor is $680, including equipment rental .
A walkway on 42nd Avenue from South 262nd
Street to Cambridge Drive is also needed.
Costs for this walkway are estimated at
$ 160 for materials and $240 for labor and
equipment rental . McCAUGHAN MOVED that the
Street Department be authorized to expend
$680 for labor and equipment rental for a
gravelled walk on Reith Road and $400 for
materials, labor and equipment rental for
a gravelled walk on 42nd Avenue South,
Masters seconded. Don Horowitz spoke from
the audience, questioning what would be
done to prevent people from driving on the
walkways. Ulett noted that this walkway
would be barricaded at both ends but that
August 4, 1975
SIDEWALKS this would probably not keep bikes or motor-
bikes off the walks. He noted that the type
of barricade had not been determined but that
one would be used to prevent access for cars
and that the area would be posted. Motion
ALLEY James Gooding Request. It was noted that James
VACATION Gooding has requested vacation of an alley 12
feet wide by 144 feet long located in Block 3
of Guiberson's Addition. The Planning Depart-
ment recommends that the proposed vacation be
approved with a 12' easement to be retained by
the City. It was determined that the sewer line
in the alley is old and might have to be replaced.
Administration has therefore recommended that
approval of the vacation provide that replacement
of any private improvements are to be done at the
expense of the property owner, and further recom-
mends that no further charge be made for the
The Mayor opened the public hearing. James
Gooding was present to answer any questions
which might be forthcoming. There were no
comments from the audience and no correspondence.
STORMENT MOVED that the hearing be closed,
Masters seconded. Motion carried. MASTERS
MOVED that the City Attorney prepare an ordinance
to vacate the said alley, with the City retaining
a utility easement for the full width of 12 feet
and providing that the City will not be respon-
sible for replacement of any improvements if it
should be necessary to work on the sewer line.
Storment seconded. Upon McCaughan's question,
Street noted that there can be provision made
for compensation to the City for such a vacation,
but he had recommended against it in this case
because of the provisions noted in the motion.
Motion carried. Mayor Hogan complimented Mr.
Gooding on his improvements to the property
in question.
TRAFFIC Weiland Street. A petition was read containing
CONTROL 47 signatures requesting a change in the present
traffic control at Weiland Street and Canyon
Drive. KITTO MOVED that the petition be for-
warded to the Public Works Department for review
and for recommendations to be made to the Public
Works Committee. Harris pointed out the area
involved. Mr. Rosenkranz spoke from the audience,
noting that there were approximately 100 auto-
mobiles owned by the residents of the area and
pointed out the dangers of entering into Canyon
Drive from Weiland Street . Motion carried.
METRO PARK & A letter was read from Peter S. Machno, Manager,
RIDE LOT Environmental Planning, Metro, enclosing the
draft Environmental Assessment for Metro's
proposed Park and Ride facility in Kent for
the City's review and comments. The facility
will consist of 375 stalls initially, on a
10-acre site to be located adjacent to the _
Valley Freeway at West James Street and North
Lincoln Avenue, with ultimate development pro-
viding for up to 740 stalls. The letter
further noted that a public hearing will be
held before the Transit Committee of Metro
August 4, 1975
METRO PARK & on September 4, 1975 at 1 :30 p.m. MASTERS
RIDE LOT MOVED that the letter be accepted and made
a part of the record and referred to the
Planning Department. McCaughan seconded.
Mayor Hogan noted that copies of the draft
Environmental Assessment had already been
received and are on file. Harris noted that
more hearings will be held on the matter and
that a conditional use permit from the City
will be required for the parking lot. Upon
Storment 's question, it was noted that this
site was one of those suggested by the Council
at prior hearings. Motion carried.
CONDITIONAL Charles Adams Appeal . It was determined that
USE PERMIT the Planning Commission had denied a request
for a Conditional Use Permit for Charles Adams,
and Mr. Adams has filed an appeal from this
decision, requesting that the appeal be heard
at the Council meeting of September 2, 1975.
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Planning Commission
denial of a Conditional Use Permit for Charles
Adams for property at the intersection of Kent—
Kangley and IOlst Avenue S.E. be reviewed by
the Council on September 2, 1975, Storment
seconded. Kitto noted that he had read the
Planning Commission minutes and that unless
there was some additional information that
there was nothing for the Council to review.
Masters concurred. Mirk noted that at the
Council appeal hearing the Council could not
consider additional information such as a
plan for the use of the property, if it had
not been presented before the Planning Com—
mission at the time of their decision.
Masters noted that there was no reason
why Adams couldn't take a finalized plan
before the Planning Commission. Mirk con—
curred, noting that Adams could reapply to
the Planning Commission. Motion carried,
with Masters voting nay.
ANNEXATION City of Des Moines — Proposed Annexation.
The King County Boundary Review Board has
notified Kent that Des Moines proposes to annex
a small area near the Windjammer Restaurant .
The proposed annexation has been reviewed by
the Director or Public Works and City Admini—
strator who recommend approval . McCAUGHAN
MOVED that the City Clerk notify the Boundary
Review Board that the Kent City Council believes
that #7-1 City of Des Moines Proposed Annexation
(South area) is a logical extension of the City
of Des Moines, Masters seconded. Motion carried.
BIDS Cif Shop Improvements. Eight bids for drainage
and grading improvements to the City shops area
were opened on August 1 , 1975. The three low
bidders were as follows:
City Transfer of Kent ,
Inc. ( Including Alternates I and 2) $59,705.95,
including tax
Gary Merlino Construction Co.
( including Alternates I and 2) $61 ,596.82,
including tax
W. C. Frost Construction Co.
( Including Alternates I and 2) $65,826.50,
including tax
August 4, 1975
BIDS Street noted that the alternates included addi-
tional work that would comclete the project,
and that this could be done within the monetary
restrictions which had been set . Ulett pointed
out the area involved, showing which areas were
covered by the alternates. He pointed out that
the alternates would provide for a parking lot
on the north side of the Park with approximately
100 parking stalls. He further noted that the
only things then left to be done would be
the asphalting and the landscaping. MASTERS
MOVED to accept the best bid of City Transfer
of Kent, Inc. of $59,705.95, including tax.
Kitto seconded. Motion carried.
PARKS Masters reported that the Board of Park
Commissioners had met this afternoon, August
4, at 4:00 o'clock p.m. Betty Van noted
that this was the first meeting of the newly
reorganized Board of Park Commissioners and
that Jack Gretz was elected Chairman of the
Board. She further reported that Wilson has
received no response from the WSJSA and that
it was recommended that the Park Department
proceed with the soccer program as set up by
them. At such time as an answer is received,
it will still be possible to coordinate the
two programs.
Soccer Program. A letter addressed to Mr.
Karl Grosch, President, Washington State
Junior Soccer Association, from Dr. Gerald
Post, Secretary, Kiwanis Club of Meridian
was read. The letter noted support of the
Meridian Kiwanis Club of developing a unified
program between the Kent Parks & Recreation
Department and the WSJSA and further commented
on Mr. Wilson's proposal to the Association
as a basis for such a unified program.
MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted
and made a part of the record, Kitto
seconded. Motion carried.
A petition entitled "Friends of Recreation
Support Petition" containing 523 signatures
was read as follows:
"We the undersigned residents of the Kent
area fully agree with the Kent Area Activities
Council in their support of the Kent Community
Recreation program. We hereby petition the
City Council of Kent and the Kent School Dis-
trict #415 Board of Directors to pledge their
full support for a unified community recrea-
tion program coordinated through the Kent
Parks and Recreation Department ."
MASTERS MOVED that the petition be accepted
and referred to the Parks Department,
McCaughan seconded. Motion carried.
Lake Fenwi_ck. The Board of Park Commissioners
has requested that the Attorney prepare an
ordinance controlling the use of gas engines
on boats on Lake Fenwick. The Board met
today at 4:00 o'clock p.m. to review the
ordinance and have recommended adoption.
August 4, 1975
PARKS The City Attorney introduced an ordinance
prohibiting the use of internal combustion
engines on Lake Fenwick. MASTERS MOdED that
the ordinance be referred to the Public Safety
Committee, Storment seconded. Upon Masters'
question, Mirk stated that the City owned part
of the Lake. Masters noted that a similar
ordinance had been presented to the King County
Council but that the legality of such an
ordinance was challenged and that such an
ordinance might prohibit the elderly or handi-
capped from using a boat there. Mirk commented
_ that it would still be possible to use electric
motors. Masters stated that she would like to
have more discussion on the matter.
Storment questioned the assignment of priorities
in preparing ordinances. He noted that he had
asked for an ordinance regarding ambulance service
in the City of Kent over three months ago which
had still not been presented to the Council and
questioned how an ordinance recommended by the
Board of Park Commissioners today could be avail-
able for the Council meeting tonight . Motion
carried, with Baffaro and Kitto voting nay.
Baseball Program. Mayor Hogan complimented the
Kent Pony All-Star Team for taking second place
in the recent four-State tournament.
SATURDAY It was noted that on Saturday, July 26, the
MARKET Saturday Market was held primarily on First
Avenue between Meeker and Gowe. This was
brought about by a telephone poll of the
Council on Friday, July 25. At the last work
session James Curran, President of the Saturday
Market Committee, suggested that the Market be
operated on Meeker Street between First and Second
Avenue on Saturday, August 2, and that if the
number of participants increases enough
vendors will use First Avenue between Meeker
and Gowe. Since this proposal follows the
spirit of the direction of the Council at the
July 21 meeting, this will be the action taken.
MULTI-SERVICE After the July 28 worksession, the Parks Depart-
CENTER ment compiled the following informational
Program of Work and Deadlines:
August I - 8 Letter to community service
organizations (Potential users)
for the Multi-Service Center
including question form.
August I - 15 Solicit architectural firm pro-
posals - due by August 15
August I - 15 Establish committee to interview
proposed firms.
(The proposed committee would
consist of 1 ) Chairman of Council
Parks and Planning Committee;
2) Representative of Planning
Commission Community Service
Committee; 3) Member of Parks
and Recreation Commission;
4 and 5) two staff members.
46 1
August 4, 1975
MULTI-SERVICE August 1 - 22 A-95 review to be completed and
CENTER sent.
August 15 - 22 Multi-Service Center committee
to narrow the architectural firms
to three (3).
August 22 Return of information from
community organizations.
August 22 - 28 Committee to interview top three
(3) architectural firms between
August 22 and August 28.
September I Committee to make recommendation
as to architectural firm at the
September 2 City Council meeting.
A budget of anticipated expenditures will also
be developed.
COMMUNITY It was noted that the City was recently informed
SERVICE that our proposed interim facility support fund
CENTER of $200 per month for the Community Service Cen-
ter may be an ineligible activity for funding
under the Housing& Community Development Act of
1974. An interim fund for support of the food
program has been determined to be eligible, how-
ever, and it is therefore requested that the
interim support fund be designated for the food
program rather than facility support or rent .
The Center will submit purchase orders for
approval . Such a change accomplishes the
intent of the Council . BAFFARO MOVED that
the above change be approved, Kitto seconded.
Upon Masters' question, Street clarified that
people do give money to the Center and they
will use such donated money to pay the rent -
and use money from the City to purchase food.
McCaughan questioned as to whether Federal
Revenue Sharing money had been used prior
to this time for paying the rent. Street
noted that Federal Revenue Sharing funds
could be used for rent and pointed out that
the Community Service Center did not pay rent
until January I , 1975. He noted that every-
thing spent for the Center had been approved
by 'tinkle on Purchase Orders. Motion carried.
CLAIMS Roger Stoller. A claim in the amount of $80
has been filed with the City by Roger Stoller
for alleged injuries to his daughter at the
Kent Kiwanis Tot-Lot Park at North Second Avenue
and Cloudy Street in Kent on April 25, 1975.
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the claim of Roger L.
Stoller for $80 be forwarded to the City's
insurance carrier, Masters seconded. Motion
PERSONNEL Fire Department Contract. McCaughan reported
UNION CONTRACT that the Fire Department contract for 1976
has been reviewed and upon the recommendation
of the administration, McCAUGHAN MOVED that the contract be accepted and signed by the
Mayor, Baffaro seconded. Motion carried.
August 4, 1975
REZONE Gary Volchok Application. It was noted that
on July 22, 1975, the Planning commission
held a public hearing on an application filed
by Gary Volchok for a rezone from HC - Highway
Commercial , to M-3 - General Industrial, for
two parcels of property. Planning Director
Harris pointed out the location of the property,
noting that the main parcel is located immedi-
ately north of South 228th Street between the
Valley Freeway and the Burlington-Northern and
west of 83rd Avenue South and the smaller parcel
is located just east of the main parcel on the
east side of 83rd Avenue South. Harris pointed
out that the Planning Commission has recommended
that the main parcel , consisting of approximately
seven acres, be rezoned to M-3, but that the
smaller parcel not be rezoned.
The Mayor opened the public hearing. There
were no comments from the audience and no
correspondence on the matter. KITTO MOVED
that the hearing be closed, Storment seconded.
On Baffaro's question, Harris noted that the
area between South 228th and the East Valley
Highway acts as an adequate commercial buffer
zone for an industrial zone. Motion carried.
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Attorney be directed
to prepare an ordinance to approve the zone
change as recommended by the Planning Commis-
sion, Masters seconded. Motion carried.
Dahl uic ist_Ketchum. The public hearing on
the rezone application from R-I (Single Family
Residential ) to MRD (Multi-Family Duplex) for
Lillian Dahlquist and Eleanor Ketchum has been
scheduled for this meeting. Harris described
the property as west of the intersection of
South 252nd Place and Lake Fenwick Road, con-
sisting of five lots, each of which is approxi-
mately 11 ,000 square feet. He noted that the
Planning Commission had recommended in favor of
the rezone which would allow two dwelling units
per lot .
Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing. The
City Clerk read a petition against the rezone
containing 24 signatures of residents of the
area. It was noted that B of the signators
had previously signed a petition which was
presented at the Planning Commission hearing
on this matter, stating that they had no
objection to duplex zoning for the five lots.
It was determined that the petition presented
at the Planning Commission meeting had con-
tained 13 signatures. MASTERS MOVED to
accept the petition presented tonight and
for it to be made a part of the record,
McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Storment
examined the petition.
It was clarified for Baffaro that although
the Planning Commission had recommended
approval of the rezone, the Planning Staff
had recommended the application be denied.
Upon Kitto's question, Planning Commission
Chairman John Long spoke from the audience
stating that the Planning Staff recommenda-
tion to deny the application was based upon
!' 4
August 4, 1975
RE70NE having Lake Fenwick Road as a natural buffer
zone with single family residential zoning
on the west side and multi—residential zoning
on the east side. Long noted, however, that
there was a steep bank behind the lots in
question which would serve as a buffer zone
for the residential lots situated above on
45th Place South. In answer to Masters'
question to Harris, Long stated that one
lot in the area is vacant and that some of
the property owners were "absentee owners."
Storment asked how far back the bank extended
and Masters stated that she had visited the
site and thought that the duplex concept
was a practical and logical use of this
property as the bank would prevent residents
of even two—story duplexes from observing
the back yards of the residents on 45th
Place South, located on the top of the bank.
In answer to McCaughan's question, Mrs.
Dahlquist stated that she had listed her
property with two real estate firms and
had been unable to sell the lots for single
family residential use. She stated that
she had sketches of the proposed duplexes
and was financially able to build them.
She noted that the bank behind the lots
in question was 40' to 50' high.
Esther Zimmerman spoke from the audience,
noting that the 24 signators of the peti—
tion against the rezone were all property
owners, and none were renters, and expressed
concern over the increased traffic which
would be generated by duplexes. She noted
that others in the area had built single
family homes in the area in spite of the
steep bank.
Mr. Platt stated that when he bought his
home some six years ago the apartments
across Lake Fenwick Road were under construc—
tion and he had inquired of the City if
apartments could be built on the property
now being considered for rezone. He was told
that this could not occur as the lots were
zoned for single family dwellings.
John Long noted that the chief opponent to the
rezone had his own property for sale. Upon
Masters' question, Ms. Dahlquist stated that
her plans were to have one duplex ( two living
units, side by side) on each of her two lots.
She explained that the lots each had 90' front—
age. 1t was further noted that Us. Ketchum
owned the other three lots in question. Ms.
Ketchum opined that the bank to the rear of
the property provided the desirable buffer
zone and that her lots were level . Penny
Rittierodt stated that those objecting to the re-
-2:one were concerned with the resale value of
their homes and with the danger to their child—
ren because of the increased traffic which
would result from multi—family >oning.
She stated that multiple housing which might
be built to the north would have access to
the Reith Road and to the Kent—Des Uoines
August 4, 1975
REZONE Upon McCaughan's request , Harris explained
that the Comprehensive Plan for the City
showed single family residential zoning for
the area in question. Storment asked to
examine the "no objection" petition which was
submitted at the Planning Commission hearing.
There were no further comments and McCAUGHAN
MOVED to close the public hearing. Kitto
seconded, motion carried. MASTERS MOVED to
direct the attorney to prepare an ordinance
to approve the rezone, as recommended by the
Planning Commission, Kitto seconded.
Under discussion, further questions from the
Council were considered and it was determined
for McCaughan that if the rezone was granted
no higher density than duplexes would be
allowed, and that duplexes could be two-story
structures. Masters noted that the four
houses behind the site would be 30 to 40 '
above the lots in question. Harris pointed
out for McCaughan that the necessary posting
and mailing was accomplished prior to the
Planning Commission hearing. Masters opined
that the traffic generated by the duplexes
would make use of the major roads rather than
using the residential streets. Harris verified
that only about two-thirds of the residents of
the area had voiced an opinion either for or
against the rezone. Baffaro objected to decreas-
ing the single family residential area in that
Upon a roll call vote, Kitto, Masters, and
McCaughan voted aye, and Baffaro and Storment
voted nay. Motion carried.
FINANCE Seareazit i on Request - ULID #I and LID 252.
A request for segregations in ULID #1 and
LID 252 has been requested by the law firm
of Quigley, Hatch, Loveridge & Leslie, upon
behalf of Andy & Florence Toth. McCAUGHAN
WVED that the request of the Toths for
segregations in ULID #1 and LID 252 be
approved and for the Attorney to be directed
to prepare the necessary resolution.
Kitto seconded. Motion carried.
McCAUGHAN MOVED to pay bills received through
August 5, 1975 after approval by the Finance
Committee at its meeting to be held at 8 a.m. ,
August 15, 1975, Storment seconded. Motion
Claims approved by the Finance Committee on
July 31 , 1975 are as follows:
Current Expense $ 44,769.37
Parks & Recreation 11 ,970.51
City Streets 4,098.41
Central Business District 517.95
Housing & Community Devlpmnt 16.34
Federal Shared Revenue 55,235. 17
Kent-Des Moines Swr Intrcptr 382.09
Benaroya Sewer Construction 25,000.00
Equipment Rental 987.47
Firemans Relief & Pension 2, 116.86
Leff Disability 2,270.21
Sewer 44,094.73
Via t er 6,947.23
Garbage ______ 460.20
August 4, 1975
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Jens , CMC
City Clerc