HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/21/1975 Kent, Washington
July 21, 1975
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order
at 8:00 o 'clock p.m. Present : Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons
Baffaro, Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment,
City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director
Harris, Public Works Director Ulett. Finance Director Winkle
. was absent. Also present: Planning Commissioner Edmondson.
Approximately 20 people were .in attendance.
MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting
held July 7, 1975 be approved as printed,
Storment seconded . Motion carried.
HEALTH & Eastridge Plat Sewer and Water Easements.
SANITATION The Eastridge Plat sewer and water lines
which were begun about 1969 have been
completed satisfactorily. Ulett noted that
the one year warranty and bill of sale have
been received, and upon his recommendation,
KITTO MOVED that the Eastridge sewer and water
lines be accepted, Storment seconded . Motion
carried .
Horseshoe Acres Pump Station. It wa-s noted
that the Byron Jackson Pump Division has
delivered the pumps and right angle drive
units in accordance with their contract.
The one year warranty is to begin with the
date of initial operation and acceptance
of the contract as complete is recommended
by the Public Works Department. It was
determined that the bid and final cost _
is $3267544,02 . JOHNSON MOVED .to accept
as complete the Byron Jackson Pump Division
contract for Schedule I of the Horseshoe
Acres Storm Water .Pump Station, McCaughan
seconded, and upon his question, Ulett
noted that the propane engines had not been
delivered as yet and that a call for bids
would be issued for the installation of
these engines. Motion carried .
John Velkoff Division No. 2 Plat. HUD has
requested a 350 foot sanitary sewer exten-
sion to serve lots in the John Velkoff Divi-
sion No. 2 Plat, and has submitted acceptable
plans .. It was noted that the Plat is near
S .E . 223rd Street and 113th Avenue S .E .
The Boundary Review Board has approved Kent 's
extending service into the area. The Public
Works Department recommends approval inasmuch
as the area cannot feasibly be annexed to Kent.
JOHNSON MOVED that the proposed sanitary sewer
extension be authorized, Just seconded .
Motion carried .
Sale of Sewer Department Property. It was —
noted that a request has been received from
Kent West Associates to purchase property
which now belongs to the Sewer Department.
The property in question is the sewage pump
station site on the south side of West James
Street about 500 feet west of Washington
Avenue,' which property is surplus to the
needs of the Kent Sewer Department. It is
the recommendation of the Public Works Director
that the property be declared surplus and
sold . It was further determined that the
property acq-u :s . tiori took place in 1956 and
July 21, 1975
HEALTH & consisted of a parcel of land 73 feet by 73
SANITATION feet and an easement over additional property,
for a consideration of $147000 . The deed
included a clause whereby the east 33 feet
and the north 33 feet were reserved for future
road developments The James Street improve-
ment .is based on the use of the north 30 feet.
There is no street existing on the east side
_ of the parcel of land nor does it appear
likely that one will be constructed in that
location . . It was noted that if the clause
reserving the two 33 foot strips can be
renegotiated and removed-, the area to be .
declared surplus would be 73 feet by 43
feet, or 3,139 square feet. If not, the
area would be 40 feet by 40 feet, or 1,600
square feet. The sewage pump station has
not been needed or used since 19690 at which
time the Metro trunk sewer became operable.
Before sale of the property, the City would
salvage the electric motors. The costs of
pump salvage would exceed their value.
BAFFARO MOVED that .the Attorney prepare
the necessary action to declare the property
surplus and that the Administrator determine
a present value'# McCaughan seconded . Upon
McCaughan ° s question, Mirk noted that there
was a small pump station building on• the
public right-of-way on the site which was
of no value to the City. Motion carried .
WATER It was reported by Public Works Director
-- Ulett at the last workshop session that
Kant °s Comprehensive Water Plan includes
a five million gallon reservoir in the
Derbyshire area. Water District #111
plans a one million gallon reservoir in
a nearby area, An eng:ineeri.ng study is
needed to evaluate the feasibility and
desirabil it:y of a joint reservoir and the
piping system to connect the two systems.
URS has proposed to do the study and report
for $2, 100, of. which Kent °s share will be
$19400 . In accordance with the recommenda-
tA on. of the Public Works Director, JOHNSON
MOVED that URS be authorized to make the
study and report to the City at a cost of
$1,400, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried,
STREETS 42nd S tXE,�!t: jj rclvewents , It was noted that
the cost for the proposed 42nd Street improve-
ment would be ready for consideration by the
Council at the July 28 workshop meeting,
Sidewalks and Crosswalk , Street noted
that a request for sidewalks had been
received from the Federal Way School District
and also a request :from a church for an
additional. crosswalk on Military Road .
These matters will be placed on the agenda
for the next workshop meeting.
July 21, 1975
POLICE A request has been received from Chief
McQuery to attend the National Conference
of Police Chiefs in Denver in September
.for which funds have been budgeted . STORMENT
MOVED that the request be granted, Masters
seconded, Motion carried .
FIRE Street noted that the Fire Department has
DEPARTMENT requested Council approval of the follow-
ing two items:
1 ) A request to declare surplus and dispose.
of A,. aratus #12 - a 1967 Plymouth Sedan,
whM was declared a. total wreck in a
recent accident.
2) A request to declare surplus and sell
Apparatus #9 - a 1952 sedan/delivery,
which was replaced by a used 4-wheel
drive Dodge pickup, from excess property
of the U.S . Government. McCAUGHAN MOVED
that such authorization be granted, Just
seconded . Storment asked if the Fire
Department had indicated whether the
'- sedan/delivery vehicle would be disposed
of on a bid basis, and he- recommended
that this be done. Street noted that
this would be no problem. Motion carried .
RAILROAD Harold Hill Request. It was noted that at
CROSSINGS the last work session following discussion
of the Harold Hill request for an on-grade
crossing of East Valley Highway, it was
recommended that Mr, Hill be notified that
the City would not propose to make the
request to the WUTC for the crossing but
would suggest that Burlington-Northern
make the request that such a crossing be
made and .further, that the Railroad sub-
mit a plan which would adequately serve
properties east of the East Valley Highway
with no more than two crossings. It will
• be required that all costs for the signals
will be a Railroad cost and that restriction
of the use of the crossing during peak auto
volume also be required . The Administrator
recommends that Mr. Hill proceed with his
plans within these guidelines . KITTO MOVED
that the administration recommendations be
forwarded to Mr. Hill, Storment seconded.
Motion carried .
TRAFFIC Ring Road . Public Works Director Ulett
CONTROL reported that the Federal Highway Admini-
stration has approved the City's Plans,
Specifications and Estimates for the
traffic signal ' at 101st Avenue S.E . and
SE , 256th Street (the Ring Road) , and
had authorized the State to call for
bids for the project . The project esti-
mate is $46,112 .50 . Ulett further noted
that Tom McLeod, District State Aid Engi-
neer, had advised that the bids would be
opened in late August or early September,
Upon McCaughan ' s question, it was determined
that the signals would probably not be
installed until clove to the first of the year.
July 21, 1975
TRAFFIC West Valley Highway and S, 212th Inter-
CONTROL section. A report on possible signal
modifications to .include left turns at
South, 212th and West Valley Highway was
made at the last Council workshop. It
was noted that the addition of a left
turn phase to the present signal equipment
would cause congestion and could cause
rearend accidents . Replacement of the
_._ controller and a signal rebuild is
estimated to cost $50,000, which would
have to be budgeted , MASTERS MOVED that
the Engineering Department budget requests
for 1976 include funds for left turn
signals at South 212th and West Valley
Highway intersection, estimated to cost
$50,000 .000 Baffaro seconded . Street
reported that he and Ulett had found
that the UAB Fourth Avenue project :funds
contained a sufficient amount of money
to take care of this project and suggested
that the motion provide for using this
money and to go ahead with the plans
and specifications now, Masters WITHDREW
HER MOTION and then MOVED to make use of
UAB Fourth Avenue funds which are presently
available, for the left-,turn -signals at
the South 212th and West Valley Highway
intersection, and to proceed with plans
and specifications for the project.
Baffaro concurred and withdrew his
second to the previous motion Johnson
seconded the new motion.
-- Masters inquired as to whether the design
of this signal could be integrated into
the master system proposed for the future .
Assistant Traffic Engineer Ellison noted
that before that point is reached authoriza-
tion would be asked from the Council to
accept a master control signal system
for Central Avenue . Street clarified
that the question was whether this signal
could be designed so that it would be
effective when we do get the master system.
Ellison stated that this would depend upon
the type of master control which is approved
for Central Avenue,
Upon Just ° s question, it was determined
that South 212th and West Valley Highway has the
second highest accident rate in the City, with
West Valley Highway and Meeker having the highest
rate . The improvement to Meeker and West Valley
Highway has already been started, however, so the
signal improvement at South 212th is the highest
. , Priority. On Mayor Hogan ° s question,- Ellison
noted that a master signal system could handle
_ as many as 32 different signals . Upon questions
• from Masters and McCaughan, Ellison determined
that the plans and specif icat::i.ons and an estimate
for the control system for the West Valley Highway
and Meeker intersection were drawn up over three
July 21, 1975
TRAFFIC years ago and that they might not be compatible
CONTROL with the copat.rols for Central Avenue . Ellison
stated that they would like to have the same
type of controller for South 212th and West
Valley Highway as the type .for the Central
Avenue system..
KITTO MOVED to table the matter and refer it to
the Public Works Committee, stating that more
information was needed and that there might be
other projects to consider with regard to
priority.. Just seconded, Street suggested
that the matter be tabled until a recommenda-
tion comes back from the Public Works Committee.
Ki.tto asked also for a list of priorities from
the Public Works Department Storment and
Johnson noted that there was discussion at the
last worksession as to the confusion on South
212th caused by several blinking amber lights
west of the West Valley Highway which might
make a driver think that an amber light at the
West Valley Highway was also a blinking caution
light instead of a warning that the light was
about to turn red . Ulett noted that this would
cause confusion only for traffic on South 212th
heady%rig east McCaughan noted that the problem
at West Valley Highway and South 212th -was not
a new one and had been discussed before.
Masters pointed out that of all the signals
on South 212th from the Benson to I-S , the signal
at West Valley Highway is the only one without
left turn signals .
Upon a roll call vote, the motion to table
carried, with Johnson, Masters and McCaughan
voting nay, and Baff aro, Storment, Just and
Kitto voting aye.
PARKS & Russell Road Parking Lot . Eight bids for
RECREATION paving of the Russell Road Parking Lot were
opened July 16, 1975 , The lowest bid was
that of Associated Sand & Gravel Company
:in the amount of $15, 774. 78, including tax.
The engineer ' s estimate was $21, 180 �15 , In
accordance with the recommendation of the
Public Works Director, STORMENT .MOVED to
accept the best bid of Associated Sand &
Gravel Company in the amount of $150774� 78,
including tax, McCaughan seconded. Motion
carried .
Soccer Program. It was noted that as of
July 16 Barney Wilson had not received any
reply to the application for membership in
the State Soccer League.
MULTI-•SERVICE It was noted that the multi-service center
CENTER for Kent was discussed at the last work
session . A letter was read from Scott
Briar of the Department of Health & Social
Services, notifying the City that the
Region IV Regional Advisory Committee had
approved Kent ' s proposal for Referendum 29
funding of a multi.-service center in Kent
July 21, 1975
MULTI-SERVICE with the funding level to b'e $448,.500 .00 .
CENTER BAFFAR.O MOVED that the letter be accepted
and made a part of the record., Johnson.
seconded , Mayor Hogan noted that a meeting
would be held in Seattle on Wednesday at
10: 30 a.,m. to consider County participation
in the local matching funds for the project.
Motion carried
CITY HALL It was noted that the last .Finance
IMPROVEMENTS Committee: meeting the need for additional
__.._ space .for various departments was reviewed.
The Committee has determined that the
third floor of the Police wing and the
fourth floor of the Adm:inistratJon wing
should be completed and - they have recom-
mended that the architectural firm of
Bogard & Hewitt be utilized for this .projecto
McCAUGHAN MOVED :hat: in accordance with
the recommendations of the Finance Committee,
the firm of Bogard & Hewitt be commissioned
to complete the third and fourth floor plans
for the City Hall, in accordance with the
prices quoted in their letter of October
311 1974, Just seconded . Motion carried .
CITY HALL/ Air Conditioning and Heating Maintenance
LIBRARY Contracts . Proposals have been received
MAINTENANCE from Honeywell, Inc. and Holaday-Parks
CONTRACTS Fabricators, Inc. to furnish maintenance
for the air conditioning and heating
equipment for the City Hall and the Library.
It is the City ° s wish that these contracts
run for the same period of time, from August
to August. Prior to this time, Honeywell
has serviced the City Hall and Holaday-
-- Parks the Library, It is 'the recommenda-
tion of the administration that the best
proposal of Holaday-Parks be used for both
fac:ilities � The proposals received were
as follows :
Holaday-•Parks $240/per month City Hall
Honeywell $419 . 25/per month City Hall
Holaday-Parks $210/per month Library
Honeywell $406 ,13/per month Library
McCALTGHAN MOVED that the best bids of Hola-
day-Parks be accepted, Baffaro seconded .
Motion carried
BIDS Sand Spreader, The following bids were
received to furnish a sand spreader:
Power Sweeper Service Co.
(Swenson Sand Spreader)
$4,514,060 ;including tax
Sahlberg Equipment, Inc,
(Hi-Way Sand Spreader)
$5 ,197 , 61, including tax
Pray Fyuipm.ent., Inc
(Swenson Sand Spreader)
$5 , 395 .57, including tax
It was noted that the budgeted amount for
said equipment was $5 ,000 . Upon the recom-
mendation of the administration, KITTO
MOVED that the best bid of Power Sweeper
Service Co. be accepted, Just seconded ,
Motion Carr 'Led ,
July 21, 1975
GAMBLING 'A letter" was read from Frank and Joyce
Dairiiano, owners of the Fireside Inn, object-
ing to the Council ° s decision to allow bingo
and raffles while not allowing other gambling
activities . They stated further that they
would endeavor to obtain enough signatures
on petitions :for a referendum ballot to allow
the c t:i ze:zs of. Kent to vote on the :issue at
• the next Etect,ion_ JUST MOVED that the letter
be accepted and made a part of the record,
Storment seconded. Motion carried .
FEDERAL REVENUE The Finance Committee met July 15, 1975 to
SHARING consider the requests for Federal Revenue
Sharing funds for the balance of 1975 .
The following projects were considered:
Public Works
1 ) Smith & Central Intersection
Improvement - to complete $ 642.08
2 ) City Shop Yard Improvements
Drainage & Grading Area S-6 $ 8, 757.00
Paving Area S-1 4#941 .00
Paving Area S-4 7, 731.00
Paving - Area S-5 29,063 .00
Paving Area .S-6 16, 227 .00
$66,719 .09
Fire Department
3 ) Fire Tower $501000.00
4) Audio--visual Equipment 20000.00
Parks & Recreation
5 ) Russell Road Parking $ 5 ,000.00
6 ) Greenhouse Construction 10200 .00
7) Mobile Restroom 180000 .00
Mayor Hogan
8) Some amount for the Arts Commission
R.ecommendati can:
The .Finance Committee assigned the following
Priorities,, all of which can be funded :
Item #1 $ 642 .08
Item #2 (Areas S-61, Drainage &
Grading; S-i and S-4.
Paving) 210429 .00
Item #4 20000.00
Item #5 5 *000.00
Item 46 1, 200�00
Item #3 509000.00
It was noted that Item 5 can be reduced to
$10000 .00 since the bids were received on
this project on July 160 1975 , and further
noted that the Engineering Department has
invested $600 or $700 in time in this project.
It was agreed to reduce Item #5 to $10000 .00,
making the sub-total $76, 2.7.1 .08.. It had been
dec.i.ded that Item #7 in the amount of $18,000
for a mobile restroom was to be listed and
discussed at this meeting..
July 21, 1975
FEDERAL REVENUE It was further suggested that the unanti.eipated
SHARING revenue received .from gambling -tax be set aside
for acquisition or art objects, item #8.
KITTO MOVED that the pro3ects as prioritized
by the Committee be approved, namely: Item
_ #l, Item #2 - (Areas S-6 for drainage and
grading, S-1 and S-4 for paving) , Item #4,
Item #5 , in the amount of $1,000 .001 Item
#6, and Item #3 . Johnson seconded Street
clarified that there was enough money for
all of these items , Upan further questions,
Kitto clarified that under .Item #2 the pav-
ing for areas S-.5 and S-6 would be deferred
until next years and that further discussion
would be held on item #7, and item #8 ,
Motion carried
CLAIMS Martha Lammon, who was brought to Kent to be
held pending transportation to Seattle to
the detoxification center, has filed a claim
against the City for .false imprisonment in
the amount of $100 ,000 , KITTO MOVED that the
claim be forwarded to the City ° s insurance
carrier for action, Storment seconded . It
was noted that King County and Auburn have
received similar claims filed by Mrs . Lammon.
Motion carried .
SATURDAY Arts Fund_„ At the last work session a request
MARKET from the Saturday Market to utilize $100 of
the Kent Arts Fund which is at present a part
of a loan to the Saturday Market was discussed
and general approval was given KITTO MOVED
that upon repayment of $100 of the loan to
the Kent Arts Fund, the money may be used to
hire musicians as part of the Saturday Market,
Johnson seconded . Motion carried .
A letter was read from several Kent merchants
whose businesses are located on 1st Avenue
South requesting that lst Avenue South not
be barricaded for future Saturday Market
acti.vitles � The letter stated that Market
vendors were not using 1st Avenue South
except to park their own cars and that
the barricades were a detriment to the
First. Avenue businer- ,es MASTERS MOVED
that receipt of the letter be noted and
a report. be given at. the next Council meeting
after contact with the Saturday Market Comm.-Ittee .
Johnson seconded Upon Storment °s question
as to why we must wait two weeks, Mayor
Hogan noted that tn.e merchants had been
advised t.a contact the Saturday Market
Committee , Storment stated that the Market
Committee was aware ot: the problem and
suggested that First Avenue be opened now.,
Ori Ju.;t. ° :; iriquix:y , St.rec•1. n()ted that: he had
tr .lkc d L.o ,1 im Cur r ,m -0.)(Mt the rnatt.et' and
c.haL a:; 01. 111is iJ �li , L.IAO M;irkct- CommtL.tc1a
had bec.rr uri,& 1 (-- t o IIWO L. w i t.h L'a r .+f. Avenue
tnc'+rc h,,n t.;; . t .,r nip ii t ai�cl ..lulut;;i�n ,il-it e t-.hc
str'ec�t shuu i d be up-lied 1`10w . Mas t.ers W L'C11LA?EW
her motion and JUHNSON withdrew the second .
July 21, 1975
SATURDAY STORME.NT MOVED that First Avenue be opened
MARKET to traffic until such time as the Saturday
Market Committee can justify closure for
Market 'activiti.es . Just seconded . On
McCaughan ' s question regarding parking viola-
tions, Street noted that if the Council
wanted .full. enforcement. of "no parking,"
regulations, it must be done every day, and
not just in connection with the Market . Mr.
Fortune spoke from the audience in favor of
full enforcement of parking regulations .
Upon Just. ' s comment it was noted that revenue
received from parking fines would be insignifi-
cant„ Storment stated that when the Saturday
Market Committee studies this matter that Ms.
Whitehurst should advise Market vendors that
they should park their vehicles in the off-
street parking lot and not: .in front of the
stores of the local merchants. In regard to
which portion of the street should be barricaded
dur.:ing the Saturday Market., Street stated
that if the barricading were removed, First
Avenue should be opened all the way to
Smith Street. and that the barricades should
remain on the east side of the railroad tracks on
Meeker. Storment suggested that the
barricade be 'placed on the west side of
the intersection which would leave 3/4
of the Meeker Street/First Avenue inter-
section open to traffic Street suggested
that this proposal be checked with the
Police and Fire Departments .. Motion carried .
KENT VALLEY Street noted that representatives of the
YOUTH SERVICES Kent Valley Youth Services would make a
presentation at the July 28 workshop meeting.
KENT ARTS Mayor Hogan noted that Laurel Whitehurst had
COMMISSION agreed to act as Chairman of the Kent Arts
Commission . Upon the Mayor ' s recommendation,
STORMENT MOVED that Laurel Whitehurst be
approved as Chairman of the Kent Arts Commission,
Johnson seconded . Motion carried .
PERSONNEL .. It was noted that at the last Finance Committee
meeting, two requests from the Water Department
to hire relatives of present City employees
was discussed . The first request was to hire
Charles Lindberg as a full-time employee and
the second was to hire Dan Youmans for summer
help, Upon Storment ' s question, Street explained
that under City Policy hiring of related persons
must be brought before the Council , It was
determined that the Council would not be involved
in the hiring procedure; that this would be the
respon sibi.lity of Administration if the
Council authorized the Admi.ni.stration to have
the ability to hire persons related to present
City employees . KITTO MOVED that the Water
Department be authorized to have the ability
to hire these two persons, McCaughan seconded .
Motion carried ,,
A _
July 21, 1975
FINANCE Segregation Re(.juests - ULID #1 and LID 255 .
The City Attorney Introduced Resolution No, .
790 authorizing the segregations as requested
by Coldwell-Banker in ULID 41 and LID 255 ,
McCAUGHAN MOVED that. Resolution No, 790 be
adopted,, Johnson seconded, Motion carried .
McCAUGHAN MOVED to pay bills received on or
before July 21,, 1975 after approval at the
Finance Committee meeting to be held at 8 a.m. ,
carried .
Claims approved by the Finance Committee on
July 151? 1975 are as follows:
Current Expense $ 80630 .04
Parks & Recreation 39321 ,92
Library 690 .45
City Streets 719910 . 35
Federal Shared Revenue 220517 . 36
Library Construction 32 .65
Linda Heights, Sewer Improvements 235 . 32
Garrison Creek Sewer Construction 117825 .53
Kent-Des Moines Sewer Intercptr 1200183 .92
Equipment. Rental 70704�94
Firemans Relief & Pension 148 ,63
Leff Disab.i.lity 30969 .49
Sewer 1, 189 .50
Water 48958 .53
Garbage 320688 ,66
Meeting Adjourned : 9: 00 o ' clock P ,M.
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Jense ih-, MC
CiLy Clcr.k