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Kent, Washington_
July 7, 1975
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8: 00 o ' clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Baffaro,
Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City
Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director
Ulett, Planning .Direct.or Harris, Finance Director Winkle . Also
present: Planning Commissioner Rosetta Jones and URS representa-
tive Ramsey. . Approximately 25 people were in attendance .
It was noted that a memorandum had been received
from the Traffic Engineer concerning an error in
fact in the minutes of June 16, 1975 , on page 15 .
The memorandum noted that -Storment asked i.f the
Opticom Signal Preempt System .included the inter-
sections of. S.E . 240th and 104th Avenue S�E . and
at S ,E , 256th and 104th Avenue S,E . The question
was mY.sunderstood and an incorrect answer was
given. The Traffic Engineer has suggested that
the minutes should be corrected to reflect that
the system will not be :installed in the signal
at S ,E , 240th and 104th Avenue S .:E , at this time
due to costs not anticipated at the time of the
preliminary estimate , In addition, the signa
at this :intersection belong to the n�taate .t a later
date, equipment
planned to install preempt q p
date, with the possible assistance of the State .
Mayor Hogan also noted that on page 4, the third
paragraph from c.he bottom, a correction should
be made as underlined : "Mayor Hogan suggested
that 1% of capital construction programs be set
aside for the Arts to enable the establishment
of a growing fund for the Arts Commission, "
KITTO MOVED that the minutes of June 16, 1975
be approved wl.th the two corrections noted,
Just seconded , Motion carried
HOUSING & The public hearing on .the proposed Housing &
REHABILITATION Rehabilitation program .for Kent was opened by
PROGRAM Mayor Hogan, Associate Planner Lyn Johns
presented a written report to the Council,
which has been made a part of the record . Ms .
Johns explained that the Kent Citizens Advisory
Committee has recommended a program, and has
also proposed two alternatesA The recommended
ro ram was described by Ms . Johns as subsidizing
the interest on home- improvement loans (with a
maximum subsidy of 12% on a $3,000 loan over a
five year term - $1,023 ,60 ) . This interest ,
suj2 program was chosen as the easiest to
�'.. administer for the City and would directly
benefit the homeowner wanting to repair or
rehabili.tate has home, but would limit participa-
tion to owners able to obtain home-improvement
loans., Tne Advisory Committee has, therefore,
recommended that the City attempt to develop a
program for guaranteeing certain loans, an
will discuss this possibility with local banks,
The Committee ' s second choice program is the
outs ht grant. to cover 25%oof the pro3ect cost
(not to exceed $10000 ) 9 and would require more
administrative controls, but would open the
program to owners unable to 8e+cur6 a bank loan n
! 3
.' July 7, 1975 .
HOUSING & Ms Johns noted that the Committee had suggested
REHABILITATION that with 'either of these two programs cons:idera-
PROGRAM tion be given to using City CETA employees to aid
in minor repairs ,
The third alternative suggested was to part:i.ci-
pate •i.n the Ling County proc(ram, which has not
as yet been made specLfic,l and this course would
minimize Kent ' s control :
It was pointed out that the Committee hoped that
the .first year program would generate larger
scale housing or neighborhood rehabilitation . i
The Committee further recommends that the City
sponsor a "home improvement week" in the Fall,
in conjunction with Fire Prevention Week .
Specifics of the program, covering ere
work, properties and participants were ,
and it was determined that in order to be eligible,
the owner or contract:-purchaser must also be the
occupant of the house . The three neighborhoods
being considered are litIrth Park, the residential
area south of ill between the railroad tracks
and the lower East H:i.11 area between James and
Smith, north of. ML11 Creek„ It was determined
by Ms. Johns that ' the C:i ty ' s cho i.ce of a program
would require County Cc-uncil approval ,,
Upon questions from the Council, it was determined
that a meeting was scheduled with local bankers
to determine the course of action to be taken
of loans" It was also
regarding possible default
noted that adoption of the recommended program
would not place too much additional work on the
Building Department,
There were no comments from the audience and no �
correspondence on the matter- KITTO MOVED to �
close the public hearing, Storment seconded,
i motion carried . KITTO MOVED to .d.irect. the
Plann;.ng Department to submit the plan recommended
by the committee as presented to King County
for :inclusion in their plan McCaughan seconded
Motion carried ,
HIGHRIDGE #3 A public meeting has been scheduled for this
PRELIMINARY Council meeting to review the Highrida
PLAT Preliminary Plat A public hearing was s held
by the Planning Commission on May 27, 1975 .
The Planning Commission has recommended that
the preliminary plat be approved subject to
t . ter conditions, which are on file and have
been made a part of the record
Harris pointed out the location of the plat
as being located along the west and east sides
of 98th Place South, just north of South 267th
Street, It was noted that the proposed sub
division cont.ai.ns approximately 27 acres, to
be subdivided into 58 residential lots
Harris staged that the Planning Commission
had recommended approval of the plat with
ten conditions as follows:
July 7, 1975
1 ) A tw 0 f x
HIGHRTDGE #3 e y ( 2 ) oot wide reservation extend-,PRELIMINARY . i.ng from 99th Place South to the east line
PLAT of the plat and aligned approximately with
South 265th Place be granted to the City.
2 ) Lot lanes between lots 35 and 36 and between
37 and 38 should be radial to the cul-de-sac.
3 ) Construction of a turnaround should be
required for lots 18, 190 20 and 21 because
of potential traffic hazards .
4) A, twenty-two ( 22 ) hoot asphalt concrete
street section should be required for all
interior streets, together with eight (8)
foot gravelled shoulders and open ditches
for drainage on both sides of the street.
5 ) Sidewalks are to be built on one side of all
streets ,
6) Sewer lines shall be eight (8 ) inch diameter
in size.
7) Water lines conforming to the Kent Compre-
hensive Water Plan shall be required , The
lots at the north end of the plat can be
developed now, but those further south
cannot be used because of the lack of ade-
quate water pressure.
8) At least a 500 GPM fire flow is required
at the highest elevation of the Plat ,
9) A fifteen (15 ) food wide pedestrian walkway
between the two 99th Place South cul-de-sacs
(lying adjacent to lots 37, 368 47 and 48)
be deeded to the City to tie the two .interior
parts of the plat together.
10) A fifteen ( 15 ) foot wide pedestrian walk-
way lying between 99th Place South and the
City owned property to the east and along
lot 50 be deeded to the City to connect the
subdivision with Mill Creek Park.
It was noted that lot 58 had been removed from
the plat. Ralph Seabright, owner of the lot
behind lot. 58, questioned whether there would
be an access route into the Park., Betty Van
noted that a portion of Lot 58 was part of an
earlier agreement, between the Parks Department
and Mr. Drake for a trade but that the Parks
Department has not as yet accepted the deed
for the portion of the lot, and therefore,
Mr. Drake is still the owner. In response to
Seabright °s question, Harris noted that at the
present time no determination has been made as
to which side of the streets will be used for
the sidewalks,
Harris noted receipt of a letter from the
Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation
regarding their receipt of the draft environ-
mental impact statement for the proposed pre-
liminary plat. MASTERS MOVED to acknowledge
receipt of this letter and receipt of the
July 7, 1975
HIGHRIDGE #3• final copy of the Environmental Impact Statement
PRELIMINARY for this plat and for each to be made a part of
PLAT the record, Just seconded Motion carried .
There were no further comments from the audience.
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the preliminary plat for
Highridge #3 be approved as recommended by the
Planning Commission, Johnson seconded . Motion
carr:ied .,
GAMBLING The City Clerk noted receipt of two petitions
opposing Commercialized Gambling in the City —
of Kent, one containing 157 signatures, and
the other containing 13 signaturesm Upon
Storment. ' s question, it was determined that
on the first petition, approximately 91 of-
the persons signing hived outside the City
l:im:i.ts a and 'on the second
outside of the City, MASTERS MOVED that
were ou y
e accepted the petitions b and made a part of
the record, Just seconded Motion carried .
It was noted that each Council member had
received a copy of the Mayor 's message N 1911 ,con-
cerning the veto of Ordinance- o
BAFFARO MOVED that receipt of. the Mayor ' s
veto message for Ordinance 1911 be noted,
and made a part of the record, McCaughan
seconded ., Motion carriedo
It was noted that consideration of the' Mayor 's
veto was table
d d at the
last Council meeting
and KITTO MOVED that the motion made by Council-
person Just and seconded by Councilperson
Masters "to override the Mayor 's veto of
' Ordinance 1911 at the Council meeting held
June 16, 1975 be removed from the table,
Storment seconded . Motion carried. On
Storment ' s request, the Mayor 's veto message
for Ordinance 1911 was read by the Clerk,
The Clerk clarified the motion on the floor
as "to override the Mayor ' s veto of Ordinance
19110 "
JUST MOVED TO TABLE the motion ,and put the
gambling .issue before the public at the next
election, to enable people to vote on whether
they want gambling In Kent, Masters seconded.
On Baffaro' s question, Mirk noted that this
could be done as an advisory ballot and that
the City could prepare a ballot synopsis to
be approved by the King County Election Depart-
ment, He further clarified for Johnson that
Ordinance 1911 repeal
s the termination date
set forth :in Ordinance 1888 covering punchboards,
pul'ltabs and public cardrooms , Masters noted
that the last vote count in the area sustained
the Mayor ' s position in vetoing the ordinance
reason in haven
and saw no g the issue agai
placed on the ballot. Ki.tto asked whether
motion could be tabled indefinitely to allow _
placement on the ballot and Mirk noted that
a motion to table was in order, but that a
motion to place an issue on the ballot would
be better as a separate motion, Upon Storment ' s
inquiry as to what the actual Kent vote was at
the voters
issue was place
d before ,
the time the Z p
Johnson noted that 1392 people in Kent voted on
the King County advisory ballot in September,,
July 7, 1975
• i
GAMBLING 19741 and on the punchboard and pulltab issue
448, or 32%, voted yes, and 639, or 46% voted
no, with ,22% undecided ,, The percentages were
approximately the same on the cardrooms .
Masters questioned how those members of the
Council now supporting gambling could justify
their position when the Council should be
-representing all of the community. Kitto opined
that a decision should be made now without
putting the matter over for several more months
only to find that a decision still had to be
made . Mayor Hogan noted that there didn 't
appear to be any new evidence to indicate
that the ma 7 or:i ty of people were, now in- favor
of the issue . Kitto stated further that he
has not changed his position :in regard to the
matter and that he has made his decision on
the facts presented Masters stated that she
has voted against the issue, in accordance
' h the views of the residents of the cy,
even though the people in the business were
in favor of the gambling issue
Baffaro noted that he had talked to councilmen
from other cities and that he had visited taverns
in other areas which permitted gambling. He
stated that he had been :i.n favor of allowing
the gambling because he thought the revenue
would be worthwhile, but that he was now of
the opinion that the amount c-ollected was not
enough to warrant. the gambling activity, Just
agreed and further commented that the revenue
received was not enough to police such activi-
ties an
d noted that the City had already
~� experienced difficulty collecting the taxes .
Storment commented that the City had no say
in the tax rate set on gambling, that the
rate is set by the State Gambling Commission,
and that this should have been a matter left
up to local option,, He suggested that income
received from gambling could be used for the
good of the community, and that no proof has
been given that there is any problem connected
with the gambling He further stated that
bingo should not be allowed for one segment
of the community If another segment of the
community does not have similar rights.
McCaughan stated that. originally he had
voted to allow the gambling activities only
until May ist, but he was of the opinion that
none of the problems that were predicted had
come about He pointed out that, the June 8
Times stated that there had been over 53 million
dollars worth of business clone .in gambling
other than horse racing, and that considering
the revenue needed by the City he was now In
favor of allowing such activity to continue
�— Just °s motion to table and put the issue on
the ballot tailed, wi r.h only Baffaro and Just
voting in favor.,
The motion to override the Mayor ' s veto of
Ordinance 1911 failed upon the following roll
call vote: Johnson, Kitto, McCaughan and
Storment, aye; Baffaro, Just and Masters, nay,
It was pointed out by the City Attorney that
it takes five affirmative votes to override
a veto.,
July 7, 1975
HEALTH & Maclyn & Tilden Storm Drainage Outfall Project.
SANITATION It was noted that the final Environmental
Impact Statement for the Maclyn & Tilden
Storm Drainage project has been reviewed by
I A.C , , who concur with the proposed action,
and Council acceptance of the statement is
now .in order, McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Council
accept the final EIS as adequate for the
'installation of the Maclyn and Tilden Storm
Drains, Johnson seconded . Motion carried .
Sewer Service Request: Outside City. A letter
was read from the Boundary Review Board approv-
ing a proposal to extend sewer service outside
of the Kent: City 1.im:i.ts to serve the John
Velkoff Division No. 2 , MASTERS MOVED that
ceipt of the letter be acknowledged and
made a part of the record, Johnson seconded ,
It was determined that no further action is
required by the Council at this time as the
official request wiii come back. later. Motion
�i carried ,
Garbage Rates. With the acceptance of a new
garbage collection contract, it is necessary
to .include the new rates and terms ;in an
ordinance and to repeal the old ordinances .
The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1933,
relating to public health and sanitation, and
establishing the new procedure for setting the
rates for the collection and removal of garbage,
and repealing prior ordinances , McCAUGHAN
MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance 1933, Masters
seconded , Motion carried .
STREETS South 180th/S .W, 43rd Renton-Kent Joint Project,
Funding for this street improvement project is
anticipated through ,EDA or through EAA as an
alternate , KITTO MOVED that the Mayor be
authorized to submit applications .for financial
assistance for the 'improvement of South 180th/
S .W. 43rd street project from East Valley High-
way to West Valley Highway from the Economic
p ent Administration and fr
om the Economic
Assistance Authority Storment seconded. Motion
carried .
Name Changes . The Council has authorized several
street name changes in the past few months.
The City Attorney '.introduced Ordinance No,
1931 describing and clarifying the street names
and naming Woodland Way South0 Reith Road,
Lake .Fenw.ick Road, and South 254t.h Street..
MASTERS MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance
1931, Johnson seconded . Mot-ion carried . On
Storment ° s question, the- changes were briefly
described by Mirk
WATER Request of Herb Mead for Water Service . It was
noted that with the approval by the Council of
the installation of a waterline .from S.E. 240th
to S.E. 256th along the Benson Highway,, the
request of Herb Mead for water service to serve
a Payless Building has been resolved.
July 7, 1975
FLOOD Street noted that the draft Environmental Impact
CONTROL Statement, had been received on July 3 for the
Soil Conservation Service plan for storm drain-
age on the Valley floor. He noted that distribu-
tion of this statement had originally been
scheduled for 18 mont.hs ago,
STREET "The City Attorney has drafted an ordinance
- - VACATIONS covering street vacation procedures to comply
with the latest State laws, He introduced
Ordinance No,; 1934 creating a street vacation
procedure and repealing Ordinances 1256 and
1495 of the City of Kent. STORMENT MOVED for
the adoption of Ordinance 1934, Johnson
seconded. Motion carried,
ALLEY James Gooding. The request of James Gooding
VACATION for the Council to consider the vacation of
an alley in Block 3, Guiberson °s Addition,
has been filed , The City Attorney introduced
Resolution No, 789 setting a hearing date of
August. 4, 1975 for consideration of the requested
alley vacation. JUST MOVED to adopt Resolution
7891, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried ,
REZONE Gary Volchok. Rezone It was noted that a rezone
request from Gary Volchok will be heard before
the Planning Commission on July 22, 1975 .
JUST MOVED that the public hearing before
the Council be scheduled for August 4, 1975 .
Storment seconded Motion carried
INITIAL Star Lake School Annexation, The City Attorney
ZONING OF introduced Ordinance No, 193.0 zoning the Star
ANNEXATION Lake School Annexation as R1-9 ,6 (Single Family
Residential Zoning District ) ,, It was noted that
this ordinance now completes the Star Lake School
Annexation zoning mat.Lur � JOEiNSON MOVED that
Ordinance 1930 be adopted, McCaughan seconded.,
Motion carried „
UNDERGROUND It was noted that the hearing on the appeal of
VARIANCE Harold Deutsch over the City Engineer ' s denial
APPEAL of a request for a variance to the underground
uti.lites ordinance was continued to this meet-
ing„ Ulett reported that a consultation had
been held between Puget Sound Power & Light
and Mr., Fadden of Engineers Northwest, repre-
senting Harold Deutsch, and it now appears
that it is possible to provide electrical service
to the property in question without the need
of a variance,
KIT TO MOVED that the Deutsch
request for variance to the underground wiring
ordinance as heard at the June 16, 1975 meet-
ing be recorded as resolved by the parties '
involved, Just seconded Motion carried
RAILROAD Harold Hill Const.ruct:1on Cow has asked that
�+ CROSSINGS Kent petition the Washington Utilities and
Transportation Commission for approval of a
spur crossing of East Valley Highway at about
South 195th StreetA The request was discussed
briefly at the last work. session,, MASTERS
MOVED that the matter be tabled until the
next: workshop on July 14, Just seconded.
Street noted that the July 14 workshop
session already has a full schedule and
it. was determined that. "if discussion was
not accoly pl i ShCd can July 14 the matter would
be reviewed at. a later date , Motion carried .,
July 7, 1975
BIDS Sand Spreader It was noted that bids were
received on July 3, 1975 to furnish a sand
spreader. The Street Department has not
completed its compilation of the bids and
the matter will be returned to the Council
meeting on July 21, 1975 .
CLAIMS 'Schuster and .Maragno. Two claims have been
received, one from Mark Schuster and one from
Vin.icio Maragno KITTO MOVED that the claims
be forwarded to the City °s insurance carrier
for act.iono 'Storment seconded . Upon Johnson 's
it was determined that the claim of
Mark Schuster was in the amount of $50,000 �
for alleged false imprisonment and injuries
sustained while in the Kent City Jail . The
claim of Vinicio Maragno was .in the amount
of $490 ,57 for alleged damage to his motorcycle
at the :intersection of S ,,E . 256th and 104th
S �E , Motion carried
PARKS & Multi -,Service Center , Each member of the Council
RECREATION has been furnished with a copy of a letter from .
Parks Director Wilson concerning developments
on the possibility of a Multi-Service Center
being approved for Kento It was noted that the
reaction of individuals who had attended the
presentation of the project meetings was that
Kent ° s presentation by Mayor Hogan and Betty
Van were very persuasive Further information
will be supplied the Council as it develops .
Benaroya Consolidated Beverages Inc„ Property
Donati.on� It was noted that Ralph Benaroya,
Con s dated Beverages, Inc,, , has executed a
deed donating to the City a portion of the
property proposed for acqu:is:it, on as a River
Front Park„ The parcel donated by Mr� Benaroya
is approximately 71,,- acres, partly fronting on
the Green River, and ;is valued at $100 ,0001
This donation will be eligible for use as a
portion of the C:i ty ° s matching share an their
request .for funding The funding proposal
will be considered by IAC late in August, 1975 .
MASTERS MOVED that the deed be accepted and
recorded for the City of Kent, Storment
seconded Motion carried ,
Multiple Sclerosis Bike-a-Thon. A letter was
read from Wendell Wonderlyc President of the
Timber Valley Jaycees, expressing apprecia-
tion for those individuals who took part in
the• 1975 MS Bike-a-Thon, noting that Bill
Stevens of the Parks Department- was especially
helpful „ MASTERS .MOVED that the letter be
accepted and made a part of the record,
McCaughan seconded , Motion carried
Soccer. Program- It was reported that Parks
Director Wilson has indicated that following
a meeting with the State Soccer representatives
an application has been made for Kent Parks
& Recreati-on to affiliate with this group,
A State Soccer meeting will be held on July
160 1975 and further , ntormat.ion regarding
the matter will be reported to the Council . .
July 7, 1975
PARKS & Borden Field . At the last work session, Parks I
RECREATION Director Wilson reported that a dust deterrent
has been 'placed on the Borden Field parking
lot, and that if this does not prove successful,
wood chips will be used ,
PARK BOARD Board of Park Commiss.ioners � In accordance with
Ordinance No, 1908 which created a Board of Park
Commissioners, Mayor Hogan has proposed the
following terms and reappointments and new
Proposed Reappointments Term - Date
John Fournier, Jr. year 1976
Bernie Biteman 2 years 1977
Jack Gretz 3 years 1978
Proposed New Appointments
Mary Loop 1 year 1976
Carl Pozzi 2 years 1977
The appointments as proposed will comply with
the new ordlnance -
KITTO MOVED that the proposed appointments as
stated be confirmed, Johnson seconded; Upon
Storment 's question, it was determined that
there were other names submitted for considera-
tion. Motion carried,
CITY It was noted that Mayor Hogan has appointed Ed
- HISTORIAN Rei.tan as City Historian to replace the late
Clarence Shoff. Mr. Re:i.tan has agreed to
carry on this worthwhile project. McCAUGHAN
MOVED that the appointment of Ed Rei.tan as
City Historian be confirmed, Masters seconded .
Motion carried unanimously,
AIRPORT Envi.ronmental Tmpact Assessment. An Environ-
mental Impact Assessment of a proposed private
airport located north of S.E. 244th and east
of 228th S .E . was received , This has been
reviewed by the Planning and Engineering
Departments and' it is their conclusion that
this is not within the City's sphere of
interest or concern since it is located
near Maple Valley.
COUNCIL Baffaro, Johnson, Just and Ki.tto drew numbers
POSITION to establish their position numbers for the
NUMBERS upcoming filing for Council positions , it
was noted that the Council salary will be $200
for these positions unless changed by ordinance
prior to July 28, 1975 , the first day for filing.,
The position numbers drawn are as :follows:
1 ) Just 2 ) K;itto 3 ) Johnson 4) Baff aro
KING- An amendment, to the King-Snohom.ish Manpower
SNOHOMISH Consortium contract has been reviewed by the
MANPOWER City Attorney and approved . JUST MOVED that
CONSORTIUM the Mayor be authorized to sign the amended
Agreement with the King-Snohomish Manpower
Consortium, McCaughan seconded Motion carried
July 7, 1975
5ATURDAY Hold Harmless Agreement The City Attorney has
MARKET prepared a Hold Harmless Agreement to cover the
use of the lavatories of the Burlington-Northern
Depot in , connection with the Saturday Market.
JUST MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign
the said' agreement, Johnson seconded . Motion
carried .
UNFAIR In reviewing Ordinance No. 1521, the City
HOUSING Attorney and the City Administrator noted
PRACTICES that this ordinance, relating to unfair housing ---
practices, failed to include any reference
to sex discrimination . In order to avoid any
problems i.n' enforc.ing this ordinance, a new
ordinance has been drafted . The City Attorney
introduced Ordinance No 19320 defining and
prohibiting unfair housing practices in the
City of Kent, and repealing Ordinance 1521 .
JOHNSON MOVED that Ordinance 1932 be adopted,
Just seconded Motion carried
MEEKER DAYS A letter was read from James L� Conley, 1975
Meeker Days Committee Chairman, asking assist-
ance from the City, STORMENT MOVED to accept
the letter, Masters seconded, Motion carried.
The requests made by the Committee were dis-
cussed by the Council and Mrs Street as follows:
1 ) Suspend theL qe i remen_t. f_or' Kent. Bus i.ness
License for the StreetFair, Street noted
that in the past one license has been issued
to the sponsoring agency at a cost of $6.00
and while the City could waive this require-
ment, the main concern was to have a respon-
sible person in charge of the activity. He
suggested that either Conley or Dave ---
Hillemeyer could be the person so desig-
2 ) Suspend the requirement .for Building Permits
for any temporary building projects . Street
commented that this was also not a case of
the fee :involved, which could be waived, but
again the question of having a responsible
person in charge,
3 ) Approve the closx.nq of Meeker Street .from
2nd 'to 4t.h Avenues on July 17, 18 and 19
and supply barriers
4) Approve" closing of 2nd Avenue on July 18
from 6: 30 p,m , unt11. approximately 11 : 30
p.m, for use for the Square Dance .Festival.
and supply barriers Street clarified that
, this referred to the portion between Gowe
and Meeker Streets,
5 ) Approve the use of - the Old City Hall Park
and Railroad Park , The Committee would
like to use these areas .for an Art Show
and Country Fai r cc n tests ,
6) Supply extra garbage service and receptacles
for the three days of the celebration . Street
noted than_ this has been done in the past but
noted that extra service on Saturday would
require overtime for the garbage contractor,
.It was suggested that, it might be arranged,
to have City CETA personnel handle the pro-
ject on Saturday-
July 7, 1975
MEEKER DAYS 7) Approve the use of a portion of the Municipal
Parking Lot on Harrison Street for the use
of the carnival operated by Ray Barber Amuse-
ments.. Street noted that the northwest
corner of this lot is leased to Metro and
would certainly be in use on Thursday and
Friday. He noted that if the operation of
the carnival could be restricted to the
northeast, corner of the lot there should
_.'._ be no problem and pointed out that the City
could not authorize use of any private
parking areas.
8) _Approve amusement games type gambling for
the carnival It is now a requirement of
the State Gambling Commission that the
admi.nistration of a Municipality give 'its
approval before amusement games. such as
throwing coins on plates, throwing darts
at balloons etc can be carried out,
It was noted that McCaughan had brought
a form to the Counc:i.l meeting to be signed
by the Mayor covering such approval .
9 ) Approve the Meeker Days Parade9 The new
route of the parade is the route suggested
y the Police Department*
10 ) Supply Park benches for their use during
the celebration July 17 18 and 19 �
11) Approve Rocket Display to be performed in
Kent West .Mall parking lot, It was deter-
mined that a State permit is necessary for
this. Conley stated that application had
been made for such a permit,
Mr. Conley stated that the Lions Club would
take full responsibility for the project and
that they had ample insurance coverage Upon
questions from the Council, Mirk noted that
waiving the fees would not cause the City any
legal liability since the Lions Club had
assumed responsibility for the celebration.
KITTO MOVED that the Administrator be directed
to work out the details with the Lions Club,
that the two fees be waived, and that the
Mayor be authorized to sign Lt.he agreement
regarding amusement- type gambling Just
seconded Moton carried,
HOUSING & Thb City has received verbal notification that
COMMUNITY the proposed use of Community Development Funds
DEVELOPMENT to acquire cardiac unit equipment does not
FUNDS fall within thy: guide I. irkes o[- t.his Federal
program., It: wa 3 noced t h<.it tt'►i.3 (JO013 not
--- lose the money for 11,en U, however , When formal
notification is received, this item will
be returned to the Council for further con-
siderat on ,
July 7, 1975
FINANCE Segregation Request - LID 255 and ULID #1� A
request. for LID segregations of Assessment '#13,
LID 255 , and Assessment #380, ULID #1, has
been made by Coldwell-Banker Escrow for Martin
Hochfeld " (Commission Co. ) . The matter has been
reviewed by the Engineering Department,
STORMENT MOVED that the Attorney be directed to
prepare the necessary resolution for these
segregations, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried.
Creation of Funds It was determined that during
the past several years funds have been utilized --
which were never formally created by ordinance.
. Ordinance No- 1935 , creating the Kent Contingency
Fund, the Kent Traffic Safety .Fund and the Kent
Library Construction Fund; was introduced by the
City Attorney. McCAUGHAN MOVED that Ordinance
No. 1935 be adopted, Johnson seconded . Upon
Masters ' and Storment ' s questions, Street deter-
mined that the Contingency Fund is an accounting
procedure required by the State Auditor ' s office
to receive certain funds Money is not spent
from this fund; it is transferred to other funds
by Council action, Motion carried .
Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. It was deter-
mined that there were not: enough members present
at the last meeting of the Finance Committee to
review and set priorities for Federal Revenue
Sharing funds. McCAUGHAN .MOVED that this
activity take place at the Finance Committee
meeting to be held an 8: 00 a.m� on July 15 ,
1975 , Johnson seconded . On Just ' s query, it
was noted that this was a matter that should
be taken care of as soon as possible and
! should not be postponed until August as Just
suggested . Just noted that he would not be in attendance at the July 1.5 Finance Committee
meeting and asked that McCaughan chair the
meeting in his absence It was also determined
that the various department heads having
requests under consideration should attend
the meeting, Motion carried ,
McCAUGHAN MOVED to pay bills received on or
• before July 7, 1975 al: �,or approval by t.ho
Finance Committee at. its meeting to be held
at 8 a.m, , 'Tuesday, July 15 , 1975 ., Storment
seconded, Motion carried .
Claims approved by the Finance Committee on
June 30, 1975 are as follows:
Current Expense $ 33,646.99
Parks & Recreation 10, 368.27
Library 64,123 . 27
City Streets 189254.50
Park Forward Thrust 1, 349 .61
Housing & Community 375 .00
Federal Shared Revenue 12,031 .339 Canyon Drive 671
West Valley/Meeker 2,937 .67
Garrison Creek Swr Cnstrctn 31e50
100th Ave Swr Intrcptr 10, 728.12
Equipment Rental 20,592 �10
Employees Retirement Liab 966, 24
July 7, 1975
FINANCE Firemans Relief & Pension 1�.658, 34
Leff Disability 2, 402 ,17
Sewer 540468,97
Water 30986�13
Garbage 380 .. 25
$238,9 090
Meeting Adjourned: 9 : 30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Jensen, CMC
City Clerk