HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/16/1975 Kent, Washington June 16, 1975 ~-~ Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o 'clock p.m. Present : Mayor nogan, Councilpersons Baffaro, Johnson, oust, Kitto, Masters and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Qlett, Finance Director Winkle. Councilperson McCaughan was absent. Also present: City 1'reasurer Drotz, Assistant Fire Chief Bryant, Planning Com- missioner iveifert, and URS representative rcamsey. Approxi- mately 25 people were in attendance. MINUTES JOHNSON MOVED that the minutes of the meeting held June 21 1975 be approved as printed, Kitto seconded . Motion carried . ZONING Star Lake School Annexation. In accordance with Section 7 .5 .1 of the Kent Zoning Code proposed zoning classifications of annexed property must be heard before the City Council twice, with at least thirty ( 30) days between the hearing dates . The first zoning hearing for the Star Lake School Annexation was held on May 5 , 1975 and at that time the hearing was continued until June 16,1975 . The proposed zoning is R 1-9 .6 Single Family Residential District with 9600 square foot minimum lot size . There were no objections expressed at the first hearing on this matter. The Mayor reopened the public hearing. There were no comments and no correspondence on the matter. KITTO MOVED that the hearing be closed, Just seconded . Motion carried . JUST MOVED that the Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance amending the Zoning Code to include the Star Lake School Annexation area as R 1-9 .6 - Residential, Storment seconded. Motion carried . FEDERAL A. public hearing has been scheduled for this REVENUE meeting to review commitments of Federal Revenue SHARING Sharing funds and to consider further commitments. The Mayor noted that a summary of Federal Revenue Sharing commitments to date was included as part of the agenda. The Mayor declared the public hearing open. Street noted that he had three proposals from the Parks Department for considera- tion: 1) A request for an additional $5,000 for the parking area at the Russell Road Park. He noted that the Council had previously authorized $15 ,000 for this project, which was found to be insufficient by the Engineering Department. 2) A request for $1200 for construction of a greenhouse at Russell Road Park to take care of plants, and particularly the hanging baskets which will be stored there over the winter months . 3 ) A request for $18,000 for a portable restroom building which may be set up along the Green River bike route, and used at other times at soccer fields and various other places . June 161 1975 FEDERAL Street presented proposals from the Engineer- REVENUE ing Department: SHAR livG 1) A request for $642 .00 to complete the Smith and -Central intersection, pointing out that $121000 was previously allotted from Federal Revenue Sharing funds and that the project requires an additional $642 . i 2) An additional $660000 to complete the City Shop yards . It was noted by Street that the Council had previously approved the expenditure of approximately $67,000 and that this $66,000 is an additional request. He pointed out that it had been agreed that completion of the parking area at the Russell Road Park should take pre- cedence over other items in the improvement project because it will be of value to both areas. Street presented requgsts for the Fire Depart- ment: 1 ) It was noted that some money had been set aside for the fire tower and the Fire Depart- ment has requested that additional money be added during the next fiscal year. 2 ) Approximately $2,000 for audio-visual equipment. Street noted that .an explanation of this program would be presented to the Council.. i On Just ' s question, Street clarified that the total cost for the fire tower is approximately $501000 . On Baffaro ' s question as to the cost of the restroom, Street noted that this $18,000 was for one portable restroom that could be moved from place to place and that it was a particularly good piece of equipment. He further noted that permanent fixtures cost much more . Masters questioned whether the City was in any way obligated to provide restrooms for the Saturday Market. She noted that some of the merchants had complained that their business routines were being interrupted by people coming in off the streets expecting to use their restrooms and she felt that if the City was going to allow the Saturday Market to continue some provision should be made for restroom facilities . Baffaro questioned whether it was possible to open the railroad station. Street noted that that had been considered . Baffaro further noted that since the Saturday Market was being put on for the benefit of the merchants and sponsored by them, they should not object to providing restrooms also. Upon Masters ' further question, it was explained by Mayor Hogan that the reason the hanging baskets were hanging so high on the poles was that when height measurements were figured, the smaller poles were used and that this would be corrected . e - June 161 1975 FEDERAL Storment asked if the $5 ,000 request from the REVENUE Parks Department for the parking lot at the SHARING Russell Road Park would complete the parking lot. Street noted that $15 ,000 had already been allocated and that the $5 ,000 additional would complete the project. Ulett stated that the engineers had estimated that the additional amount required would be $15 ,000, as the total project would cost $30,000 . Street stated that the Parks Department had submitted the $5 ,000 figure and that Wilson had verified it. Street clarified for Chief Bryant that $50,000 was the total amount for the fire tower. Just commented that there were several people in attendance who were interested in the peti- tion submitted requesting the opening of 42nd Avenue South and that he felt that this item should be added to the revenue sharing items under discussion . Street stated that the Council has a petition to open this street and that this afternoon another petition was also received protesting the opening. He further noted that the matter should, in his opinion, come up later in the evening where it was scheduled as an agenda item. He also stated that it was not anticipated that City funds would be used for opening of the street, but that it would be a combination of money coming from the bond put up by the original developer plus an LID. He further stated that it is not anticipated that the street will be an arterial street. Just commented that it was his understanding that if a certain portion of the street were opened that some funds would be necessary to accomplish that. Street pointed out that the administrator' s recommendation would be that any such funds needed would come from the developer ' s bond money and an LID because that is the way that all residential streets are being built. CORRECTED • REFER TO Mayor Hogan suggested that 1% of all federal t' �- revenue sharing funds be set aside for the MINUTES hh TES OF ....L:rr�� 7�+t.:••�� Arts, to enable the establishment of a growing fund for the Arts Commission. There was no correspondence and no further comments from the floor and KITTU MOVED to close the public hearing, Masters seconded. Motion carried . STORMENT MOVED that the requests be forwarded to the Finance Committee for prioritization, Johnson seconded . Upon Mayor Hogan 's question, it was determined that the requests would be considered by the Finance Committee on June 301 1975 and that a recommendation would be made back to the Council on July 21 . Masters questioned whether her request for restrooms for the Saturday Market would be considered as a request by a councilperson for revenue sharing money. Street noted that it could be if she was suggesting that the June 16, 1975 FEDERAL City construct some type of facility. Masters REVENUE noted that she was not suggesting construction SHARING of such facilities for use only one day a week. Street stated that we should attempt to find some way so that existing facilities could be made available to the public. He noted that in addition to the consideration of the railroad depot being opened, the possibility of opening up the first floor of the City Hall had also been considered, but that this would not be practical as there was no way of cutting off the elevator so the rest of the building would then be open to the public. Street noted that he would try to get some type of answer on the alternatives . Kitto noted that Masters ' request could be considered anyway. Motion carried . SIX YEAR It was noted that a public hearing has been ARTERIAL scheduled for this meeting to consider the STREET PLAN 1976-1981 revisions to the City 's Six Year Comprehensive Street Program and to the Six Year Arterial Street Construction Program. Ulett noted that some of the projects were proposed to be constructed out of UAB funds, if such funds are made available. Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing. Ulett con- firmed for Vera Fredrickson that the traffic light for the intersection of the Reith Road and Military is funded by federal funds, but that the installation of the light is not antici- pated until sometime in 1976. A gentlemen in the audience asked if the matter of opening 42nd Avenue South was to be considered at this hearing. Ulett noted that it was not included in the plan as presented, but that he had prepared some figures on the subject. He pointed out that there were two possibilities: 1) to improve only a one block section, between South 261st and South 262nd, which would allow traffic to come down from Reith Road on 42nd and travel on asphalt to South 262nd, then turn to go into the lower part of the developed area. The cost of this one-tenth of a mile development is estimated to be $301000 . 2 ) to improve 42nd Avenue from Reith Road to. . South 262nd, which would require acquisition ' of some right of way. This would be a twcazr...._.. tenths of .a mile project and is estimated to cost $108,000 . Ulett pointed out that a petition relating to this proposal had been filed with the City ,Council . Storment proposed to add to the list of nine street projects as follows: No. 10 - Improvement of First Avenue South from Willis to Smith, with consideration being given to an overlay; and No. 11 - Improvement of Railroad Avenue from Willis to Smith for an overlay. Johnson proposed to add as No. 12 - Improvement of 42nd Avenue South as described by Ulett in item 1 above, at an estimated cost of $30,000 . Kitto asked if Storment ' s suggested additions of No. 10 and No. 11 should be on this plan, and Ulett noted that it was not necessary to include resurfacing projects but that if they were included they would have to be placed in time slots for the probable year of undertaking June 161 1975 SIX YEAR each project. He pointed out that the City had ARTERIAL a resurfacing program, financed by gas tax money. STREET PLAN He explained further that the listing: of 4th Avenue for resurfacing under the UAB projects was proper because this was an arterial street and that pro- jects to be financed by LID need not be listed on the Six Year Plan. He pointed out that Johnson ' s proposal to include 42nd Avenue South as item No. 12 would be proper if that street was to be considered an arterial street but it was not necessary if LID funds were to be used for the improvement. Just noted that several petitions had been filed in connection with 42nd Avenue South, one in favor of opening the street and one against the proposal . Street noted that this is listed as a separate item to be discussed later in the meeting. He further noted that information had been received from Bogart of the State Highway Department that the State would not be releasing funds for street projects for the next year, as the West Seattle program was to be studied for another year. Just commented that the petitions should be heard now since Johnson had proposed to include 42nd Avenue on the Six Year Plan. In answer to Johnson ' s question, Street explained that in the past 42nd Avenue was included on the Six Year Plan as a "collector" street, but the residents did not want the street classified as a collector, so it was deleted. He further noted that as a residential street, the improvements should be financed by LID or by developer bond, and explained that a residential street serves the property owners and an arterial street serves the entire area. JUST MOVED to have the petitions presented to the Council at this time, Storment seconded. Motion carried. The petitions were introduced by the City Clerk as follows: 1) Containing 90 signatures, asking consideration of ( a) the completion of 42nd Avenue South from South 261st to South 262nd, and (b) the comple- tion of 42nd Avenue South continuing South up to Cambridge Drive, in that order; Petition No. 2, containing 287 signatures opposing the extension of 40th Avenue South and Cambridge Drive to 42nd Avenue South and Reith Road . MASTERS noted that because of the significant difference in the number of signatures for and against the proposal, the matter should be re- viewed before the proposal is included in the Six Year Street program, and she SO MOVED. Just Ul tt confirm ed for the Mayor that the seconded . e Y Six Year program is supposed to be adopted by the first of July and pointed out that the program could be amended at any time simply by holding a hearing. He suggested that the matter could be discussed at a workshop session, and if the Council wanted to include this project in the -" Six Year Plan, the Plan could later be amended . Kitto stated that he was of the opinion that the first petition came from Kentwood residents who were basically interested in the opening to South 262nd, and then added the extension to Cambridge, and that the second petition was from Cambridge residents who are the only ones inte- rested in whether the street went to Cambridge. June 161 1975 SIX YEAR He noted further that the matter should be dis- ARTERIAL cussed as a separate item, and not along with the STREET PLAN public hearing being held on the Six Year Plan, pointing out that it had been established that the money was not going to be readily available for those items listed on the Plan anyway. MASTERS CONCURRED WITH THIS AND WITHDREW HER MOTION. Just withdrew the second . JOHNSON CONCURRED AND MOVED to delete her proposal to include South 42nd, as item No. 12 on the Arterial Street Plan, Just seconded . Motion carried . JUST MOVED to accept the two petitions and for them to be made a part of the record . Storment seconded. Motion carried . Kitto noted that Storment ' s suggested items No. 10 and 11 had not been placed into a time slot as to the date scheduled for each project. It was questioned as to whether this was necessary, and Storment pointed out that these improvements were necessary as the streets were heavily traveled. Street suggested that we have a report from the Traffic Engineer as to the amount of traffic, and pointed out that the storm drainage problem in this area would have to be resolved, which would make improvement of these two streets major items. Upon the recommendation of the City Attorney, STORMENT MOVED to accept the Six Year program as presented with items 10 and 11 to be included on Exhibit A, Kitto seconded . Ulett noted that items one and two on Exhibit B (UAB funding) would each be delayed one year since the money for the West Seattle Freeway would not be released by the State Highway Department this year. Ulett further noted that the added items 10 and 11 on Exhibit A were each 4/10 of a mile in length and would cost approximately $20,000 each. KITTO MOVED to amend the motion to place items 10 and 11 in the 1979- 1981 time slot, Just seconded . Amendment carried. Amended 'motion to accept the program carried. The City Attorney introduced Resolution No. 788, adopting the 1976-1981 revision to the City's Six Year Comprehensive Street program and Six Year Arterial Street Plan. MASTERS MOVED to adopt Res . 788, Johnson seconded . Motion carried . STREE,vS Petitions Re: 42nd Avenue South. Mayor Hogan noted that the two petitions received, one in favor of opening 42nd Avenue South and the other against such opening, had already been presented to the Council . (The petitions were introduced earlier in the meeting during discussion of the Arterial Street Program) . JUST MOvED to discuss the petitions, Johnson seconded . Motion carried, with Baffaro voting nay. Upon Kitto ' s question, Street noted that unless you place the street improvement into the category where the improvement is for the general benefit of the community, it should be treated as an LID project wherein the adjacent property owners pay the costs. Street noted that the street had previously been placed in the category of a collector street and there was a sufficient number of people who said they did not want it to become a collector street and it was therefore removed from the Arterial Street program. June 16, 1975 STREETS He stated that at the last workshop the people who presented the petition in favor of opening the street stated that while the petition said they would like to see it connect from Reith Road to a point and then on to Cambridge Drive, they would certainly accept a proposal to dead-end the street or something to that effect. Street commented that he thought the second petition presented this evening was to assure that this does not become a through street. If the street is not a through street, it should be financed by the property owners to which it would give service. On Kitto ' s question, Street noted that LID assessments could be extended long distances under State law as long as the project is deemed as serving the area. Just stated that he felt that opening the street to the downtown area would be an asset to the community and that he was in favor of what the majority of the people wanted . Street asked th& it be clarified whether the street should be a street that serves Cambridge as well as Kentwood, or just to serve Kentwood . Johnson stated that it would include the lower portion only, which Kitto stated was Kentwood . On Street ' s comment that it should be an LID, Just stated. that he felt that it should be referred to the Public Works Committee as to how it should be done. Kitto asked Street to check to see whether there was any history of the City contributing to a project such as this . Elizabeth Hurwitz spoke from the audience, noting that she was a resident of the Cam- bridge area, and had signed the second petition that was presented . She asked that the problem be resolved, noting that she thought most of the Cambridge residents were in agree- ment with the first petition with regard to opening up the lower portion of the street. She stated that the Cambridge residents did not want the street to go through because it would become almost an arterial type of street. Ulett responded by noting that there is a public right of way that runs all the way along 42nd Avenue South and Cambridge Drive and comes out on South 272nd. He noted that the south end was improved and partially improved in the unopened portion. He noted that as long as there is a public right of way, there is always the possibility that it will be improved at some time in the future, but j that the bond for the improvement is insufficient. He stated that even if vacated or replatted, the street could be opened later on. Street stated that it was his opinion that what was wanted was something to break the through traffic in the area. He noted that there was nothing wrong with a design which would pre- clude cars going through. He noted that some of the people had also petitioned for a side- walk in the area, and he felt that part of the right of way could be utilized when a sidewalk project was put together. Just stated that he did not want to see a street go through which would be paid for in part by the residents of Cambridge if they did not want the street. Street noted that the June 161 1975 STREETS petition in favor of opening the lower portion of 42nd Avenue South would include only Kentwood. JUST MOVED that the matter be referred to the Public Works Committee, Masters seconded . Upon Mayor Hogan 's question as to when the matter would be discussed before the Public 'Works Committee, Street suggested that Ulett notify several of the interested parties of the meet- ing date at the time the matter is brought before the Committee. Motion carried . Street Names. A memorandum was submitted to each council member on June 10, 1975 , recom- mending that the name of 98th Place South be changed to Woodland Way. A second recommenda- tion was to implement a major program of renumbering, and adopting a policy concerning names versus numbers for streets and whether or not Kent should utilize the King County numbering system or that of Kent. The follow- ing recommendations were made to the Council: 1 ) That the attorney be authorized to draw up an ordinance changing 98th Place South to Woodland Way. 2) That the Director of Public Works organize a meeting of all affected public and private utilities, the postal and parcel services, and any other affected operation, to review the consequences of a major program of street naming and numbering. After such information has been received, the Council will then determine if they desire to proceed . MASTERS MOVED that the above items be implemented, Johnson seconded . Upon Just 's question, Street noted that the cost for such a project would be studied and presented to the Council . He noted that this would not involve the 1975 budget and commented that such a project could involve several years. MASTERS and JOHNSON agreed to have included in the motion that the costs of implementation would be brought back to the Council . It was determined, on Ulett 's question, that costs involved would include not only the cost of new signs, but also the cost involved for staff hours. Motion carried . HEALTH & Horseshoe Acres Storm Water Pumping Station. SANITATION It was noted that Calhoun Construction Com- pany has completed their contract for the con- struction of the Horsheshoe Acres Storm Water Pumping Station building complex. The Engi- neering Department has recommended acceptance of the project. JUST MOVED that the Calhoun Construction Company contract for the Horse- shoe Acres Storm Water Pumping Station be accepted as complete and that after receipt of the necessary releases the retainage be released. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Park Orchard Sewer Easement. An easement for a sewer force main across Park Orchard Elementary School property and across the former Park Orchard Community Club property was granted to the City in 1969 . A gravity sewer- has been constructed along a different route and the City now has no need for the easements. In accordance with the Administrator 's June 16, 1975 HEALTH & recommendation, JOHNSON MOVED to release the SANITATION sanitary sewer force main easements granted by the Kent School District and the Park Orchard Community Club and recorded under King County Auditor 's Files No. 654800 and 654801, Kitto seconded. Upon Mayor Hogan ' s question, Mirk noted that the Park Orchard Community Club was still in extistence. Motion carried . Sanitary Sewer Rebuild Near Kent Shopping Center. A change order in the amount of $11.119 . 23 has been requested by the Engineer- ing Department for additional work performed by King Construction Co. in locating side sewer connections while performing their contract near Kent Shopping Center. The contract is now complete and acceptance is also recommended . KITTO MOVED that Change Order #1 in the amount, of $11119 . 23 for the Sanitary Sewer Rebuild contract with King Construction Co. be approved; that the contract be accepted as complete; and that after receipt of the necessary releases from the State, the retainage be released . Johnson seconded . Storment noted that the bid of King Construction Co. was considerably lower than the engineer ' s estimate and it was pointed out that even with the proposed change order the total amount of the contract will still be lower than the estimate and lower than the next lowest bidder. Motion carried . Sewer Easement & Release - Kent Shopping Center. It was noted that as a part of the easement acquisition for the sewer replace- ment at the Kent Shopping Center, -the City agreed to release the portion of the former sewer easement which is no longer needed . A partial release of easement document has been prepared and its execution is recommended . KITTO MOVED to authorize release of that portion of the sanitary sewer easement no longer needed, recorded under King County Auditor ' s File No. 4461593 described as the north 9 feet except the easterly 10 feet, Johnson seconded . Motion carried? WATER It was noted that the Director of Public Works made a presentation in report form as to the immediate needs of the Water Depart- ment. It has been determined that'ycemain of these projects will. produce more revenue than others and that an adjustment in water rates and charges for fire protection must be made. Authorization for the following action is now being requested: 1 ) The Administrator, working with the appropriate staff and consultants, should bring back to the Council a recommended rate and service charge which will support an additional $9001000 to $110001000 revenue bond issue to complete those projects which have been determined necessary to maintain an efficient water service and fire fighting system. The consultants will include a bond attorney and bond counsel. If other consultants � r June 16, 1975 WATER are used which will require expenditures immediately, a request will be brought back to the Council prior to the use of their services. 2 ) That a loan of $2000000 from the Current Expense Capital Outlay Fund be approved to allow the construction of the lines along 104th SE from James to SE 267th. The estimated cost of these lines is $2141500 . The water fund has sufficient funds to cover the $14,500 above the proposed loan and the loan could be made as needed and at the interest rate that the money would be earning if invested(..' It was noted that the side benefits of this loan include an increase in property assessed valuation, additional sales tax, and a major improvement in fire fighting capability at the intersection of SE 256th and 104th SE . It was determined that the need is particularly acute at Kent- Meridian High School . BAFFARO MOVED that the above recommendations be accepted and the Administrator directed to implement such recommendations immediately. Johnson seconded . Motion carried . DRAINAGE South 222nd Surface Water Problem. It was noted that at the last work session the City Attorney and the Director of Public Works reported on several items of interest concerning drainage of surface water, includ- ing the liability of both the City and the individual owners, and some possible solutions . The Public Works Department was requested to being back costs of diverting portions of the surface water to the ditch adjacent to the Valley Freeway, and the cost to enlarge the original ditch area where it has been disturbed by the placement of undersized tile. BIDS Traffic Signal Equipment. One bid was received from the 3M Company to furnish equipment for the Optical Signal Phase pp�c�+T Selection System. The amount of the bid CORRECTED • REFER TO estimate $301 430 .12, including tax. The engineer 's c estimate was $301427.49, including tax. MINUTES 4F -2- +7_2 JOHNSON MOVED that the bid of 3M Company lbe accepted, Kitto seconded. On Storment' s question, it was determined that the system will include about twelve or thirteen lights and that the intersection of SE 240th and 104th SE and the intersection of SE 256th and 104th SE were among those to be equipped with the new system. Motion carried . UNDERGROUND It was noted that at the June 21 1975 Council VARIANCE meeting a letter was read from Robert B. APPEAL Fadden, of Engineers,Northwest, agent for Harold Deutsch, appealing the City Engineer 's denial of a request for a variance of the underground utilities ordinance. Ulett described the area involved as a 21-2 acre parcel located on the west side of 80th Avenue South, south of South 202nd Street, in an undeveoped M-2 zone . He pointed out y June 161 1975 UNDERGROUND that a warehouse is planned for this site, VARIANCE consisting of 27,000 square feet to be used APPEAL to distribute supplies to fast food restaurants . He noted that the applicant ' s reasons for the request for a variance were as follows: 1) that the cost outweighs the general welfare of an underground installation, and 2) that the growth pattern of the area is not sufficiently established. Ulett stated that the applicant had not included the cost comparison between underground or overhead wiring, so it could not be judged as to whether the cost does out- weigh the benefits. Ulett noted that the application states that this building is the first project in an area zoned M-2 to permit heavy industrial development and that the power requirements for specialized industries which may occur in -the future cannot be predicted at this time. The request further noted that nearby areas have both warehousing and manufacturing activities together and that plans for the area surrounding the applicant ' s property were unknown at this time. Ulett stated that he did not believe that the problem was one of providing underground power requirements only for this warehouse construc- tion but for other construction which will take place later in the area. He noted that ware- house power requirements are generally not great, nor are high currents or high voltage required. He further stated that without further informa- tion and without more of a basis than that which Ordinance 1695 provides for granting of a variance, he was not of the opinion that he could justify granting the variance . Arnold Green and Robert Fadden of Engineers Northwest spoke from the audience on behalf of Harold Deutsch, and presented slides of the undeveloped area. Mr. Green noted that the cost of undergrounding would be approxi- mately $7,500 and pointed out that the cost of the water extension would be about $181000 so that the cost of developing the project was extremely burdensome. Upon Kitto' s ques- tion, Green determined that lines could be run overhead at no cost to them but that they would have to pay $7,500 for the under- grounding. Green acknowledged that the firm had been aware of the undergrounding requirements, but felt that the underground- ing should be accomplished at a later date when more users were in the area. He noted that this underground line proposed by Puget Power would serve only the warehouse and the few houses in the area. Mr. Fadden presented a letter written to him by D. R. Trafford of Puget Sound Power & Light, stating that at this time there are no plans for extension of underground or overhead service in the area involved due to new construction. The letter further pointed out that they expected some construction to take place in the area within the next three years since some of the surrounding area has been developed for industrial use . MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, Just seconded . Motion carried. June 161 1975 VARIANCE Upon Storment ' s inquiry as to whether the Boeing APPEAL facilities at South 212th and the East Valley Highway have underground wiring, Ulett noted that underground wiring was placed in the East Valley Highway project, which was a UAB project to South 212th, but that he did not believe that the facilities were underground north of South 212th, except maybe in some limited instances. Just asked about a late comers agreement between Puget Power and the applicant for projects such as this. Ulett noted that -- the City has not been involved with any under- grounding projects other than the LIDS and that most of it has been done in industrial parks or plats, such as KVIP or Upland . The charges for underground in those cases were paid for jointly by all of the property owners or the developer or somebody in control of all of the property. Just asked what other alternatives might be available, such as in this case where the adjacent property is not yet developed. Ulett noted that probably at some time in the future the street would be improved and it would be possible to proceed at that time with the undergrounding on a joint basis . He noted that this could be done through a local improvement district which would force the other property owners to pay their share -of it, but that we might anticipate that there would be some substantial remonstrance and we might not be able to proceed with an LID. Upon Masters ' question, Green noted that the $7500 cost covered about 1500 linear feet of line coming from the overhead service at approximately South 200th Street and going underground from that point, on the public _ right of way and on the applicant ' s property. Mayor Hogan noted that a rather strict under- grounding ordinance was adopted and that many people have complied with it. Kitto questioned whether there was such a thing as a late comers agreement for situations such as this, and Green stated that the present sizing is just for their property only, and that if they tried to anticipate the future electrical demands for the area they would not be able to afford the system. It was further pointed out that it is not possible to declare what the neighbor- ing properties might be using in the way of power without knowing what the property will be used for. For these same reasons, a line already laid might not be the right size to be extended later to a new business. Upon Street 's question as to whether the 1500 feet in question would be all on private property or into the public right of way for a portion, Green stated that it was all on a public right of way. Street stated that _ this created a much more difficult problem as it would place a single usage service in public right of way and such service is usually placed on private property. He pointed out further that it was really not a practical idea to have the line in the public right of way for a single usage, either overhead or underground. He stated that it should be on private property if it is for a single use . Green clarified 13 June 164, 1975 VARIANCE that there are two or three houses there., and APPEAL service would be incorporated into the line for those dwellings since it is a primary service line. On Street 's question, Fadden determined that this is Puget Power ' s line and Street advised that according to our ordinance, Puget Power must go underground if they extend a line more than 500 feet. He further suggested that no action be taken until the City meets with Puget Power to clarify whether this is a public utility line or a single service line. BAFFARO MOVED to delay action on the matter until the July 7 meeting to allow time to meet with Puget Sound Power & Light, Just seconded. Green stated that he feared that Puget Power and the City might agree that the line should be larger and the cost could be $50,000 instead of $7,500 . Masters and Just noted that a variance has never been granted on a single service and at this point it does not seem to be clear whether this is a single or multiple service usage. Motion carried. GAMBLING A petition was introduced by the City Clerk signed by 187 persons, in opposition to Commercial Gambling in the City of Kent. MASTERS MOVED for the acceptance of the petition, Johnson seconded . Upon Storment ' s question, it was noted that the petition did not represent any particular group. Motion carried . It was pointed out that Ordinance 1911 passed by the Council on May 19 was subse- quently vetoed by the Mayor. The Mayor has now requested that consideration of her veto be deferred until the Council meeting of July 7, 1975 and noted that the veto message would be forwarded to the Council with the agenda for that meeting. JUST MOVED to override the Mayor ' s veto of Ordinance 19111 Masters seconded . KITTO MOVED to table the motion until July 7, Baff aro seconded. Mayor Hogan noted that there was no deadline as to when the veto message would have to be returned to the Council. Just stated that the matter should be settled . Storment pointed out that McCaughan was out of town and that he thought the matter should be considered when the full Council was present. Just noted that it was probable that he would have to miss the next meeting himself. Masters noted that it was possible the entire Council might not be present until August. On a roll call vote, the motion to table carried, with Masters and Just voting nay. PARKS & Cornucopia Fund. Mayor Hogan noted that on RECREATION June 101 1975 former Mayors Dave Mooney and Alex Thornton presented a check in the amount of $157 .05 to the City, representing the final accounting of the Cornucopia Fund, a Kent activity of many years ago. In accordance with the request of the late Owen Buxton, former City Councilman, it has been suggested that the money be used for a flag and installation June 161 1975 PARKS & of a flag pole at the Senior Center. STORMENT RECREATION MOVED that receipt of the money from the Cornucopia Fund be acknowledged and utilized for the suggested purpose, Masters seconded . Motion carried . Borden Field. Storment noted that he had suggested on June 2 at the Council meeting that road oil was needed on the parking lot at Borden Field. He further noted that nothing has been done as yet. STORMENT MOVED that Borden Field be closed until something is done to control the dust problem in the parking lot. Masters seconded. Street noted that due to the present lack of fields for summer recreation programs, the closure of the field would deprive many youngsters of any type of activity. It was also determined that no money had been budgeted for such main- tenance . Storment commented that when a program is initiated, sufficient money should be budgeted to take care of the facility. JUST MOVED to table the motion and refer the matter to the Public Works Committee, Johnson seconded . Motion carried, with Storment voting nay. Mayor Hogan commented that it had not been practical to oil the ' parking area. Baffaro, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, stated that the Committee would see that the parking lot was watered down. Soccer Program. A letter was read from the Greater Kent Democratic Club supporting the current method of scheduling school facili- ties for recreation programs. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, Johnson seconded. Motion carried . It was noted that on Thursday evening, June 12, the Parks Committee held a public meeting to receive input concerning the soccer program as it is now operated . Masters reported that the Parks & Recreation Department is now in the process of trying to unite all the various factions involved into one program and that it was hoped this would be accomplished before the second meeting occurs. She pointed out that another meeting had been scheduled for June 26. FIRE A letter was read from Mrs. Richard Kochel DEPARTMENT commending the Fire Department for their prompt response to her call for assistance on June 2 . MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, Johnson seconded . Motion carried . CLAIMS The following claims have been submitted: 1) Claim of Delaine Lorie Macku, in the amount of $1, 300, for alleged damage to her automobile . It was noted that this claim will eventually be against the contractor. 2) Claim of Lloyd J. Gunderson, in the amount of $100.00; �s June 16, 1975 CLAIMS 3 ) Claim of Golden Steer Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $74.81; 4) Claim of Paul A. and Cynthia Scott, in the amount of $100 .00; 5 ) Claim of Pemco Insurance Company in connection with the Scott claim, in the amount of $202 . 74. STORMENT MOVED that all of the above claims be referred to the City 's insurance carrier for appropriate action, Masters seconded. Motion carried. Public Works Committee meeting A he last ub TRAFFIC t t RA CONTROL the problem which is arising each weekend through indiscriminate parking around the Midway Drive-In Theater was discussed . It is recommended that parking be eliminated on the north side of South 240th from Pacific Highway to 30th Avenue South and on the West side of 30th Avenue South from South 240th to the Kent-Des Moines Road. KITTO MOVED that the recommendation of the Traffic Engineer be accepted, Baffaro seconded. Motion carried . City Attorney Mirk introduced Ordinance No. 1929, prohibiting parking at all times on the portions of the streets mentioned above. MASTERS MOVED that Ordinance No. 1929 be adopted, Baffaro seconded . Motion carried . HOUSING & It was noted that at the last work session COMMUNITY Lyn Johns had reviewed the progress made to DEVELOPMENT date on the Housing Rehabilitation Program and that in order to get the necessary citizen input it is proposed to have two public hearings on the matter. The first would be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, June 23 , 1975 , to be an informal hearing in conjunction with a work session. The second would be a public hearing scheduled for the Council meeting of July 7, 1975 . MASTERS MOVED that the proposed hearings be held, Kitto seconded . Motion carried. ORDINANCES Street noted that two proposed ordinances had been prepared and distributed to the Council at this meeting and that the ordi- nances would be returned to the July 7 meeting for action by the Council . STREET Street noted that a street vacation sought VACATION by James Gooding would be presented to the Council when sufficient signatures had been received to validate the petition. { HIGHRIDGE # In accordance with the Kent Subdivision Code, 3 PRELIMINARY it is necessary that a public meeting be PLAT scheduled to consider the adoption or rejec- tion of the Planning Commission 's .recommenda- tion- concerning a preliminary plat. If any changes are to be made to the Planning Com- mission 's recommendations a public hearing must be scheduled thereafter. JUST MOVED that a public meeting be held July 7, 1975 on the acceptance of the Highridge #3 Preliminary Plat, Storment seconded. Motion carried . June 16, 1975 PUGET SOUND It was noted that with the change from the GOVERNMENTAL Puget Sound Governmental Conference to the CONFERENCE Puget Sound Council of Governments, it is necessary to reappoint the representative and alternate for Kent. The regulations remain the same and at the present time the Mayor is the representative for Kent, with the alternate being Councilperson Masters. KITTO MOVED that Kent 's representative to the Puget Sound Council of Governments be Mayor Hogan and the alternate be Councilperson `— Masters . Just seconded . Motion carried . FINANCE MASTERS MOVED to pay the bills received on or before June 20, 1975 after approval by the Finance Committee at its meeting scheduled for 8 a.m. , June 301 19751 Johnson seconded . Motion carried . Claims approved by the Finance Committee on June 13, 1975 are as follows: Current Expense $ 240511 .94 Parks & Recreation 13,818. 79 Library 825 .99 City Streets 80,179 .53 Alcoholic Rehabilitation 876.23 Central Business District 410 .00 Federal Shared Revenue 10378.03 EVH - Willis to Green River 5 .00 Central/Meeker Intersection 1,000 .35 Central/Smith Intersection 997.03 Gowe Street - East 23, 282 .59 Linda Heights Sewer Improvement 32 . 75 Kent - Des Moines Sewer Intrcptr 220, 227 .03 Equipment Rental 8, 311 .54 Firemans Relief & Pension 16 .34 Leff Disability 20868.88 Sewer 2,041 .12 Water 5 , 124.33 , Garbage 33 , 313 .68 $1491221 .15 Meeting Adjourned: 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jens , CMC City Clerk