HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/02/1975 Kent, Washington June 2, 1975 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o ' clock p ,m� Present : Mayor Hogan, Councilpe:rsons Baffaro, 'Johnson, Just, Kit-to, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Planning Director Barris, Finance Director Winkle . Also present.: City Treasurer Drotz, Parks Director Wilson, Captain Grant., Assistant Fire Chief Bryant, Planning Commissioners Long and Niefert, and URS representative Ramsey. Approximately 25 people were in attendance . MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting of May 19, 1975 be approved with the follow- ing correction: on page 20, under"Administra- tive Personnel Appointments, " the roll call vote should reflect that Baffaro and Kitto voted nay. Baffaro seconded. Motion carried , MEMORIAM Upon the Mayor ' s suggestion, those attending the meeting observed a moment of silence in memory of Clarence Shoff, Charles Bridges and Owen Buxton. Mayor Hogan noted that each had given dedicated service to the City in many capacities . i PROCLAMATION. The Mayor read a proclamation declaring June 9, 1975 as Milo Silvey Day, and noted that Kentridge ' s Coach Silvey had been honored as Coach of the Year for the six Western States . She pointed out that Coach Silvey is a contender for National Football Couch of the Year and that this was an honor for the entire community. It was determined that a banquet was to be held at St,. Stephen the Martyr Church on June 9 to honor Si.lvey, and Baffaro noted that contributions would be welcome through the Bank of -the West to help defray the expenses of sending Silvey to Florida for the National. Convention. VISITORS Mi;:+;:� ,I�. nr� ie� l.'c)�al, who will bo reprof:+(::;nting I\l)I'l l.J:' �lat,,�l-� fi i.(,�tl i•?(.•hi')O I, ia;J it CaC'.�-i'C•�if�L'.C:? t•C.) � G.i:Y.:l ° a't:.ist.c;`, Wils 11'1l:roduceo 'l.. .) the Council by Bal isaro,. HEALTH & Metro , S tr.t.'e:'t reported that: they l';nvi r.onmen tal SANITATION . o' mmi.ttee of Metro will hold a. public hearing on June 11 at 7: 30 p.m., at the Renton City t" Hall to discuss the environmF,nt management for water quality, water resources and solid wastes., Maclyn & Tilden Storm nr ainaq ,,_ Out:fall. Project , It was noted at tho 1 ast• Counc i 1 meeting the action on the E.nv i.ronmental Impact Statement for the proposed Maclyn and Tilden storm drain installation was tabled for discussion at the work session on May 26, 1975 . At the work session, Betty Kelley Van suggested that even though the storm water conducted by these drains to the bottom of the Canyon has been running there for years, that properties purchased with f -,A.C.,/B.O,R, funds have ..certain consid -• erations included in the deed, as to the use 8 June 2, 1975 HEALTH & of such properties . It was noted that on SANITATION Tuesday, May 27, the Environmental Impact Statement was delivered to I ,A.C. with an explanation and a request that their comments br� forwarded so that they can be included in the. Stat.esrnent also, Up(.)ri they suggestion of Betty Kelley Van, a memorandum has' been sent to those departments which write Envi.ronmenta'1 Impact Statements t.o include I ,A::C�/B,,O.R. whenever City prop- erty is involved which has been purchased with State or Federal funds. Upon Just ' s question, Street noted that the Public Works Director has indicated that. a delay of 45 to 60 days will not hinder the project but they would like to get , an answer as soon as possible . Ms . Van noted that the matter. will be reviewed by H..U.D., and that the Statement has been taken to Olympia for review by that agency. Mill. Creek .Hold i.nq Pond., It was noted that each Council member was furnished with back- ground material. reL ating to a letter .front Paul Monroe, r- garding the proposed acquisi- tion of his property for the Mill Creek Holding Pond , In accordant- with the direc- tions of the Council, the cease has been filed in Superior Court, r-,-:, : 0 , the .issuance of a use c)f, rtece�ssi ty judgment Upon McCaughan► ' s ques� ion, M.;.ek. noted t:hot. there was one othf.:::r property owner who objected to the' proposed acqui.sitlon of land Mirk. :Further noted that: the .public use/necessity hearing will be July 9 and that a Court date should be set by the 1st of October., STREETS Street: Names , A letter was read from Mrs, Thomas Drangsholt, 26221 Woudl.and Way, requesting that the street: named by the County as 98th Place South be returned to the original name of Woodland Way and pointing out that the area was recently annexed to the City , MASTERS MOVED that the letter be referred to -the Public Works Department and the Planning Department . Johnson seconded , Harris noted that this is a part of the Highri.dge #3 Subdivision, �.. which will be heard before the Council in July and this matter could be discussed at that time .. Sr_orment noted that there were records in theTraft.i.c Engineer ' s office of other incorrect addresses also ,, Street: advised that the house numbers for some downtown areas should be changed so that even and odd numbers are on the proper sides of t.tie streets., Motion carried , June 2, 1975 STREETS East Valley Highway , Ul.ett noted that he had met. with State Highway officials to discuss the formal transfer :from the State to the City of the East Valley Highway from the North to the South City limits with the exception of the strip from Smith to Willis , He noted that some patching and sealing will be done by the State and that it was expected that. the City would take over the highway, about July I . Canyon Drive Ulett: reported that the State Highway Department has advised that they will not complete the resurfacing of Canyon Drive until August or September, but that they will do the striping in the vicinity of 104th S E , and S ,E , 256th so that we may take advantage of the extra lanes . Renton-Kent Joint Project - S .W„ 43rd/S . 180th Street. The Finance Committee reviewed. the $ .W. 43rd/S. 180th Street project at their meeting held May 29 . Their recommendation is as follows: 1 ) That the ultimate project of five lanes with separated railroad crossing be the objective of this project. 2) That as a first phase the five lanes between Springbrook and East Valley with the utilization of the present bridge and rail crossing and three lanes from the railroads to West Valley be proposed pro- viding that an LID can be formed to provide a portion of the cost. This would include the ultimate design work now, 3 ) That failing to accomplish item 2 above, a three-lane project utilizing the E .D.A. funds and the ultimate design be done. It was noted that with the LID portion referred .to in item 2. Kent has the ability to., pay .its share from Forward Thrust Arterial Street Funds, and also that these same funds could be used for item 3 . McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to enter into a contract with- Renton as described above, Masters seconded , Motion carried , WATER At the last workshop a report which has been filed with the City Clerk was presented by . Ulett detailing rieeded , water system improve- ments and revenue increases . The report included the following recommendations: 1 ) Authorize staff design of water mains for 104th Avenue S ,,E . from S,E . 240th Street to S .E . 267th Street and of a line to connect from the 16- inch main east of Kent Memorial Park to the one on Central Avenue; L June 2, 1975 WATER 2 ) Authorize pre-application for State grants for the mains ; 3 ) Authorize a study of the means .of increasing water fund revenues; and 4) Authorize the appraisal of the proposed Scenic Hill Reservoir site, at a cost estimated to be $1,500 . It was noted that the staff will begin design on items 1, 2 and 3 immediately. The cost of item 4 can be paid from an unbudgeted carry- over from 1974. In accordance with the request of the admini- stration, MASTERS MOVED that the report be accepted and the expenditure be approved as proposed, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried . METRO Water Quality Citizens ' Advisory Committee . A letter was read from C , Carey Donworth, Chairman, Metropolitan Council, advising that Metro has been designated as the water quality planning agency for King County, The letter further advised that a Water Quality Citizens ' Advisory Committee is being established to replace the RIBCO Task Force .for Citizen Participation and the Waste Treatment Advisory Committee . The letter asks for suggestions of names of citi- zens who might be interested in serving on this Committee . MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record,, Storment seconded . Upon Masters ' question, Mayor Hogan determined that there was no limit to the number of people who may serve from a given area and Street clarified that the intent was to select people on their individual merits so as to achieve a balanced variety of backgrounds. Motion carried . It was noted that the City Clerk has application blanks available for anyone wishing to be considered as a member of this Committee . POLICE Police Guild Resignation . A letter was read from Robert E . Boudreau announcing his resignation as President and as a member of. the Kent Police Guild, and thanking the City for the cooperation and considera- tion given the organization during the past year, MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter with regret, Johnson seconded . Motion carried. Tukwila Police Department . A letter was read from John A. Sheets,, Chief of the Tukwila Police Department, expressing his appreciation for the assistance given by Kent Police Officers, Sgt . Boudreau, Officer Byerly and Officer C . Miller during a shooting incident in Tukwila on May 20 . MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, Johnson seconded. Motion carried . `��l n a•� June 2, 1975 VARIANCE Sm 202nd and 80th Avenue S . A. letter was read APPEAL - from Robert B . Fadden of Engineers Northwest, UNDERGROUND as agent for Harold Deutsch, appealing the . UTILITIES action of the City Engineer in the denial of ORDINANCE a variance request to the underground utilities ordinance . Mr . Fadden requested that the appeal be heard before the City Council on June l6 . MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted, McCaughan seconded , Motion carried . Upon Street ° s recommendation, BAFFARO MOVED that the hearing be held on June 16 with discussion on the matter t.o be held on June 9 at the workshop meeting, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried . SOUTH KING It was noted that the Mayor and Administrator COUNTY met with Councilman Dave Mooney and two staff ACTIVITIES members concerning joint sponsorship of the CENTER South King County Activities Center applica- tion for Referendum 29 funds , A recommendation is to be submitted to King County for their consideration and the Council will be -advised as soon as such action is taken. CITY It was noted that a report on the Ci.ty Ware- BUILDINGS house Yard improvements was presented at the Council workshop on May 26, 19751, and .has been made a part of the record . MASTERS MOVED that the interoffice memo dated May 269 1975 from the Director of Public Works to the Mayor and Council be made a part of the record, Storment seconded. Motion carried . In accordance with the recommendation of the Administrator, BAFFARO MOVED that Option C be adopted as a goal and that Option A be authorized immediately, Just seconded . Street explained that Option A provided for drainage and grading ( $56,000 ) and landscaping ($11,000 ) , totaling $670000 . Option B would also cost $67,000, and included paving instead of landscaping. Option C includes both the paving and landscaping as well as the drainage and grading and would cost approximately $133,870 . He noted the amount exceeding $67,000 could be authorized at a later date through Revenue Sharing Funds or through the budget. Motion carried ADMINISTRATIVE Parks and Recreation Director, The City PERSONNEL Ordinance No, 1925 Attorney intro , APPOINTMENTS amending Section 4 of Ordinance 1569 and providing for the Di.re.ctor of Parks and Recreation to be appointed by the City Administrator instead of by the Mayor. McCAUGHAN MOVED that Ordinance 1925 be adopted, Baffaro seconded , Motion carried, with Storment voting nay. -June 2, 1975 ADMINISTRATIVE Office of City Treasurer, The City Attorney PERSONNEL introduced Ordinance Noa 1926, which repeals APPOINTMENTS Ordinance 1601, abolishing the office of City Treasurer and creating a Supervisor of Treasury Accounting. BAFFARO MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance 1926, Just seconded., Motion carried, with Masters and Storment voting nay.The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1927, amending Ordinance 1809; and specifying which positions will report to the Director of Finance and Personnel . JUST MOVED that Ordinance 1927 be adopted, Johnson seconded . Motion carried, ,with Masters and Storment voting nay. i The City Attorney introducedOrdinance ance 1928 amending and adding a section to Ordinance 1177 to provide for the City Attorney to be appointed by the City Administrator, provid- ing .further for an Assistant City Attorney, and repealing Ordinances 1044 and 1591 . McCAUGHAN MOVED that Ordinance 1928 be adopted, Johnson seconded , Motion carried, with Storment voting nay. PROPERTY Seattle-King County Board of Realtors . A letter DEVELOPMENT was read from Jack Harrington, Executive Vice President of the Seattle-King County Board of Realtors, The letter advised that the Board wished to be informed of all proposed legisla- tion and programs involving real property and community development. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the committee of the whole, Storment seconded . !, Mayor Hogan noted that a response had been made and that agenda material would be sent. Motion carried , PARKS & Senior Citizens Center. It was noted that RECREATION at the last work session, Betty Kelley Van explained that further study and some alter- natives were necessary before any request . for appraisals of land adjacent to the Senior Center was made . Multi-Service Center, A proposal was presented at the last work session by Barney Wilson and Betty Kelley Van suggest- ing that Kent attempt to acquire Referendum 29 funds for a j multi-service center. They suggested that a letter of intent be submitted to the Department of Social and Health Services in the first week of June and it is the recommendation of the administration that such action be taken . JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to submit a letter - of intent to the Department of Social and Health Services, Baffaro seconded . Just stated that he did not wish to go ahead with such a project until the Council was more informed about ongoing costs . Upon Kitto 's question, Mayor Hogan explained June 2, 1975 PARKS & RECREATION that a letter of interest or intent would indicate to the Department that there are social service needs in Kent and that Kent is interested in combining those services in one. facility, She noted that the City is now partially funding some social ser- vi.ce agencies, without having much .input. It is expected that many communities will be sending similar letters to the Department to express the needs of the communities . The Mayor determined the letter does not commit the community to anvthina as priorities will have to be set as to what is needed and as to what the City can afford . Kit:to opined that a letter of intent was a little premature :In this cased and Street suggested that it should probably be a letter of interest, JOHNSON changed her motion to "a letter of interest011 rather than "a letter of intent . " Motion carried, with Just voting nay Borden Field , Storment noted that road oil was needed on the parking strip at Borden field , Barney Wilson agreed to check into the matter , Soccer Program„ Masters noted that the state soccer teams have requested an opportunity to discuss the 3oint program matter with the City, She noted further that a public meet- ing was scheduled in the Council Chambers on Thursday evening, June 12, at 7 p,m., to receive' additional citizen input on this matter. MEETINGS Suburban Mayors Association . Mayor Hogan reported that a meeting of the Suburban Mayors Association would be held on June 48 1975 at the Windjammer in Des Moines. KING COUNTY Seattle/King County Intergovernmental TWO-TIER Committees , A notice was read from Phyllis GOVERNMENT Lamphere, Chairman of the Intergovernmental STUDY Relations Committee, 'Seattle City Council, extending an invitation to the Council to attend a joint meeting of the Seattle/King County Intergovernmental Relations Committees to be held on Tuesday, June 10, 1975 at 10 : 00 a-,m at the King County Admin.istra- tion ,Bu l'lding., The letter noted that the subject of the meeting is "Procedures necessary to implement the Metropolitan Study Commission ' s concept of two-tier government in King County, " MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and - made a part of the record, McCaughan ' ! seconded . Johnson requested Street to have someone come to a workshop meeting and explain the effect a two--tier govern- ment would have on Kent and Street noted that he would attempt to do so. Motion carried . June 2, 1975 CITY ELECTION It was noted that the week of July 28 to COUNCIL August 10 1975 will be the time for filing POSITIONS for the four Council positions. that will be up for election. The positions that will be open will be Councilpersons ' Baffaro, Johnson, Just and Kitto. Each term is four years and each pays $200 per month and requires a filing fee of $24. The City Clerk will assign Council position numbers at the regular Council meeting of July 7, 1975 . GAMBLING A letter was read from Howard and Elsie Erickson, urging a "yes" vote on the gambling issue, noting that the funds received from such operations could be used to aid the City ' s financial situa- tion and further noting that no major or serious problems have arisen because of past gambling operations .acceptedMASTERS a MOVED that the be p letter nd made a part of the record, Storment seconded . Motion carried. LICENSES Topless Danci.nq: A report was received noting that a hearing will be held by the Washington ,State Liquor Control Board at 9 : 30 a.m., on Tuesday, June 100 in Olympia to consider a proposed rule relating .to WAC-314-16-125 - Suggestive, Lewd and/or Obscene Conduct on Licensed Premises . A covering letter from the Police Department noted that receipt of the notice gives the Ci.ty the opportunity to have either written or oral input regarding the problem of topless dancing, and if the proposed regulations are adopted, certain activities I11 would be prohibited . JUST MOVED that the Council go on record as favoring the proposed rule relating to WAC- 314-16-125 - Suggestive, Lewd and/or Obscene Conduct on Licensed Premises, as set forth in "Attachment A, " j which has been made a matter of record . Masters seconded . It was noted that the City could support the proposed regulation by a letter or by sending a representative to the hearing . In response to McCaughan ' s query, Mirk noted that if the proposed requlation is adopted, the limitations would be the same throughout the State and the cities would not have control . It was further determined that Kent ° s present con- trol was only under the general lewdness ordinance . Masters commented that the Council should support the Police Department in favoring -the proposed regulation. Motion carried, AMERICAN John Long, Chairman of the Kent Bicentennial REVOLUTION Comm ittee, spoke from the audience, noting BICENTENNIAL that the Wagon Train P;ilgramage to Pennsyl- COMMITTEE vania would spend the night of June 17 in Kent. He presented a scroll containing a Pledge of Rededication to the Mayor and the Council, asking that it be signed by them and then forwarded through the various departments of the City for signature: He explained that the scrolls will be delivered to the wagon train. 2Is � June 2, 1975 i BUDGET Finance and Personnel , Just noted that the Finance Committee reviewed a number of salary reclassification requests at the meeting held May 290 1975 , Copies of the requests were di.stribute-d to.- the-Council and filed with the City Clerk , Just explained that the requests were made during the 1975 budget process but action was withheld pending labor contract settlements to determine if money would be available to consider these requests for 1975 . It has now been deter- mined that funds are available and "upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, JUST MOVED that the reclassification pro- posals reviewed at the last Committee meet- ing be approved and be made effective as of April 10 1975 , Storment seconded . -Motion carried FINANCE North Kent Sewer Project. The City received notification on May 28, 1975 from the Environmental Protection Agency that Kent will receive $lO1,500 reimbursement on the North Kent Sewer Project0 and that if sufficient funds remain after this first payment we are eligible for $43,409 or some portion thereof at a later date . MASTERS MOVED to acknowledge that notification was received of reimbursement of North Kent Sewer Project funds in the amount of $101, 500 • from E ,P,A� and that the Mayor be authorized to sign the request for said funds, McCaughan seconded. Upon McCaughan ° s question as to whether the money would be returned to the General Funde Street noted that the money came from the Sewer Fund and that while it appeared that there were no strings attached, he would have to check with the bond counsel. He further stated that counsel might advise that this money has to be returned to the Sewer Fund until all of the sewer bonds are redeemed . Motion carried , McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received on or before June 5, 1975 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at 8 a.m. June 13, 1975 be paid, Storment seconded. Motion carried . Claims approved by the Finance Committee on May 29, 1975 are as follows: Current Expense $ 40, 184. 79 Parks & Recreation 70516 . 21 City Streets 70647. 74 05 Federal Shared Revenue 101 . 2616 Library Construction . Gowe Street - West 32, 334.55 Central/Smith Intersection 397 . 26 Garrison Creek Sewer Constr . 10 .50 Kent-Des Moines Swr Intrcptr 31 .50 June 2, 1975 FINANCE 10.0th Ave. Swr Intrcptr 24, 769 .58 Equipment Rental 78792. 38 Firemans Relief & Pension 40501 .69 Leff Disability 10646.13 Sewer 419281 . 17 Water 100536.84 Garbage 393 .14 $1901067.69 Meeting Adjourned: 8:50 pm, Respectfully submitted, Marie Je en, CMC City Clerk I