HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 05/19/1975 Kent, Washington
May 19, 1975
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8 : 00 p.m . Present: Mayor Hogan', Councilpersons Baffaro, John-
son, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment', City Admini-
strator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris,
Public Works Director Ulett, Finance Director Winkle. Also
present: City Treasurer Drotz, Parks Director Wilson, Planning
Commissioner Long, and Hill, Ingman & Chase representative
Ramsey. Approximately 25 people were in attendance.
MINUTES JOHNSON MOVED that the minutes of the meeting
held May 5, 1975 be approved as printed, Kitto
seconded , Motion carried .
HEALTH & 100t.h Avenue Sewer Interceptor., In accordance
SANITATION with the recommendations of the Director of
Public Works, McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept the
contract of Lundberg Construction Company to
construct the 100th Avenue Sewer Interceptor
as complete, subject to the approval of E .P.A.
and D.O.E. , and to release the retainage when .
the two approvals have been received, when the
necessary tax clearances have been received,
and after at least thirty days have elapsed .
Johnson seconded , Upon Storment ° s question,
Ulett noted that the final overlay on 100th
Avenue was completed about a week ago. Ulett
also reported that we are 28% under the con-
tract amount on the unit price of the contract
with Lundberg Construction Company and noted
that this was due chiefly to the fact that
the gravelly material found in the ditches
was used as cover material . Motion carried .
Maclyn & Tilden Storm Drainage Outf all Project.
A preliminary Environmental Impact Statement
has been submitted to the g
pertinent agencies
e proposed construction of drain
tile outfall storm drains at Tilden and Maclyn.
A final report has been prepared by the Public
Works Department followin
g rec
eipt t of comments
from agencies involved, a copy of which report
has been furnished to the Council members at
this meeting. A hearing is scheduled for this
meeting to allow for additional input. The
public hearing was opened by the Mayor . There
were no comments from the audience and no
additional correspondence on the matter. KITTO
MOVED that the hearing be closed, McCaughan
Parks Director Wilson spoke from the audience
on behalf of the Parks Department, noting that
they were vitally concerned with the proposed
storm drainage off Scenic Hill into Mill Creek
Canyon. He referred specifically to a letter
from the Department of Game and a memorandum
on file from Betty Kelley Van, Parks Department
Grants Coordinator, and noted that their con-
cern was directed toward the last ditch proposed.
He stated that the Park was purchased with
Federal funds and that five drains off Kent-
Kangley have already been agreed to. He noted
that his Department had checked those drains
already in existence and were not satisfied
with their appearance, and further, that
while walking through the area of Mill Creek
May 19, 1975
at this time some
ponds are not moving
t was possible HEALTH & to detect
SANITATION quite- as fast ter and asphalt. He commented
the. odor of oily wa
on the large investment which the community
ope that
has in the area and enpt essto turnd the hthe Mill
the Council did not intend
ditch. Upon Kitto's
Creek area into a drainag alternative
question, Wilson stated' that any e off
plans to handle the storm
nsaiverandathainat the '
Scenic Hill would be expensive
method proposed was p
robably the least costly .
He pointed out that the drain ondowntundetley
could have been run all the way down
Mill Creek
edge of the road and thereby
drain on the
entirely As to the p p ested
Scenic Hill side of the Canyon,
that possibly holding ponds
to settle the oily sediment— which c uldthen
be drained out of the water on fore it is
pumped into Mill Creek, p of the
question, Ulett noted that a copy
letter from the Department
of Game
andks Depart-
copy of the memorandum acket. of .
ment had been included in the p
material furni.urtherostated Council
evening. He f
Environmental Impact Statement was a matter
of public record and anyone desiring
could obtain one upon request.
Theto close the hearing carried .
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Council accept the
. Environmental Impact Statement as adequate,
Kitto seconded . Upon Just ' s comment, Ulett
stated that the Environmental Impact Statement
had not been delivered standard Council
proceduremto do
but it has never been published and is
so because the Statement is pu concurred with
available upon request.
Ulett in this respect but stated that in view
of the comments made by
Wilson he would like
the opportunity to consider the matter fur-
ther. Ulett stated that no action need they
taken by the Council at Uhon meeting
did not wish to do so. p
question, Kitto noted that he would like to
table the motion until the next Council
meeting and So MOVED, Just seconded. In
response to Masters question, mirk
that it was appropriate to take such action
to table the motion, He further noted that
he was not aware that ofetheCouncil
furnished with a copy
Impact Statement itself but that they should
be . Ulett agreed that this would be done
in the future. Motion carried .
South 222nd Street. It was
Draina e plans for
reported that alternate drainage p
the South 222nd Street area east of East
Valley Highway were reviewed at the May lDirector is
1975 Council workshop. The Public Works
to review City respthelmatter back to the
Attorney and bring
June 9th workshop for further review.
May 19, 1975
HEALTH & I, Hiqhridge #2 Plat . It was noted that Miles
SANITATION ; Drake has constructed' approximately 525 feet
! of 12-inch water main and 622 feet of 8-inch
sewer line on South 98th Place adjacent to
his Highridge #2 Plat. In accordance with
, the recommendations of the Director of Public
Works, BAFFARO MOVED that the Bills of Sale
for the water and sewer lines for Miles Drake
be accepted, and the cash bond released.
McCaughan seconded. Motion carried.
STREETS Renton S „W. 43rd/Kent So. 180th Joint Project.
The Public Works Committee met with the Renton
Transportation Committee on Thursday, May 8,
1975 . Warren Gonnason, Renton Director of
Public Works, presented several alternate plans
for development. It is the administration 's
understanding that the Renton Council proposes
to commit their share of a final design for a
five-lane highway with railroad track-highway
separation, This would be arrived at by phase
construction consisting of five lanes east of
the P-1 channel bridge to East Valley Highway,
two lanes west from the bridge to the railroad
tracks, which is the area which will eventually
be used for a wider bridge and underpass, and
three lanes west to the West Valley Highway.
This project would require a commitment of
$110, 500 for final design and $534,500 for
construction from each City. It is anticipated
that an LID would be formed to pay for the
extra lanes and other costs for the portion
of the street to be made into five lanes
immediately. This LID could reduce Kent ' s
commitment to less than $4001000 . It was
noted that the City now has over $400,000
in Forward Thrust Arterial Street funds and
will receive $341 ,000 during the years 1976,
1977 and 1979 . It has been proposed to
utilize some of these Forward Thrust funds
for the improvement of Smith Street from
Central to Fourth, at an estimated cost of
approximately $425 ,000 . A portion of this
amount could come from LID financing, some
Federal highway funds, and possibly some
other State or Federal funds, and by such
methods, it is expected that both projects
could be completed The administration has
recommended that every effort be made toward
accomplishing this goal . Public Works Committee
Chairman McCaughan noted that he had no further
'report to make on the matter but that since
we are dealing with a large amount of money
and due to the fact that there was a substan-
tial increase in outlay by the City, he felt
the Finance Committee should discuss the
matter of possible financing further.
McCAUGHAN MOVED that action on the matter
be deferred until the Finance Committee
meeting of May 29, Just seconded. Motion
carried .
� r
May 19, 1975
I ;
STREETS _ South 228th Street Intersection Improvement.
A change order was discussed at the last workshop
session for the South 228th Street intersection
improvement .in the amount of $373 . 36. The change
order requested is for an alternate construction
method used which reduced the total cost and for
the installation of a special catch basin.
STORMENT MOVED that Change Order #1 in the
amount of $373 . 36 be approved, Kitto seconded .
Motion carried , MASTERS MOVED that the con-
tract for the improvement of South 228th Street
intersection ' be accepted as complete and the
retainage be released upon receipt of the neces-
sary releases, Kitto seconded . Motion carried .
TRAFFIC A letter was read from P . J. McEleney, Director
CONTROL of New Plant Facilities, Federal Way School
District, regarding difficulties encountered
in walking to school in the Kentwood Hills
North development, and requested that the
School District be notified in advance of all
proposed actions .involving school district ! ,
property MASTERS MOVED that the letter be
referred to the Engineering Department, Kitto
seconded Harris noted that there hasn 't been
a subdivision processed in the Federal Way
School District in the past six years and that
we would notify them in advance of such action
of there had been. He noted that we do notify
Dick Robbins of the Kent School District of
such actions , He further noted that we had
notified the Federal Way School District of
the proposed-zdni.ng action on the Star Lake
School Annexation and at that time he became
aware of the fact that the School District
had not been notified they were annexed to
the City Motion carried.
So . 212th Intersection and West Valley
Highway. A letter was read from Carol
Baumgartner requesting a left turn signal
at the intersection of So. 212th and the
West Valley Highway. MASTERS MOVED that
the letter be referred to the Traffic Engineer,
Johnson seconded . Street noted that the
matter has already been referred to the
Traffic Engineer and Ulett stated that a
report on the matter hasn 't been completed
as yet inasmuch as they haven ' t gotten into"
the matter of funding. He noted that reports
wouldn ' t be of much use until the $500000 or
$60,000 needed to upgrade the signal, was avail-
able . He pointed out that the most .recent
' accident at the intersection involved two
trucks and neither was attempting a left turn.
Motion carried .
RAILROAD South 259th - Burlington-Northern Crossing.
CROSSINGS Ulett reported that he had been advised by
Paul Hooper, King County traffic engineer,
that the Washington Utilities and Transporta-
tion Commission has dropped their recommenda-
tion for the closing of the South 259th and
Burlington-Northern crossing. He noted that
Hooper had also advised that the County would
now proceed with the installation of the
gates, using the Federal grant which they
had previously been offered.
May 19, 1975
FLOOD East Side Green River Watershed . A letter (
CONTROL was read from Dave Mooney of the King County
(SOIL Council stating that the City Councils of
CONSERVATION Renton, Kent, and Auburn have all passed
SERVICE) resolutions indicating their support to
proceed with the East Side Green River
Watershed project and advising that he
is requesting the King County Division of
Hydraulics to proceed to make the necessary
arrangements with the Soil Conservation
Service to move ahead with the. project.
MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted
and made a part of the record, Johnson
seconded , Motion carried.
Drainage . It was noted that a public meeting
to review the proposed Soil Conservation
Service drainage project with the affected
property owners is scheduled for 7: 30 p.m.
Thursday, May 22, in the Council chambers .
Upon McCau han ° s question, Ulett noted that
P g q s
all property owners involved in the East
Side Green River Watershed project have been
contacted and invited to attend the meeting.
Street further suggested that as many Council
members as possible should plan to attend the
FIRE At the last workshop session, another plan for
DEPARTMENT a proposed Fire Tower was displayed . The esti-
mated cost of the tower was $401000, and it
is evident that it will take $401000 to $50,000
to build such a tower. It was noted that the
matter was considered in January for Federal
Revenue Sharing Funds but was not funded . It
is expected that this item also will be brought
to the Council for consideration of funding in
June. Just noted that the State is evidently
looking into building such a tower- Street
clarified this, noting that Foster had stated
at the last meeting that a structure would
hopefully be built at the rock pit site ten
or twelve miles east of Kent. He noted fur-
ther that Foster had advised that :it was not
to be a fire tower and hose drying apparatus
but a different type of structure. Storment
concurred with this, and noted that the pro-
posed structure was to be a State vocational
training facility designed strictly for training
and would be of no value to the City from the
standpoint of drying hose after a large fire.
ANNEXATION Westview Annexation. Ulett reported that we
11ave now received a bill from King County
for conducting the proposed Westview Annexa-
tion election in the amount of $926. 27 .
Eastridge Annexation, The Public Works
Director reported that 'the Boundary Review
Board has advised that they have no objections
to the proposed annexation of the Eastridge
area. He stated that as of the present time
the City does not have a petition reflecting
75% of the assessed valuation but that the
Merit Company property is being revalued by
the County. It is anticipated that when
the revaluation is received we will have
the necessary 75% and can proceed with the
2 O
May 19, 1975 '
LATE COMERS Fred Squire Sewer Line . The request from Fred .
AGREEMENT Squire for a late comers agreement for the
sewer which he constructed on South 241st
Street has been reviewed by the Public Works
Director and found to be valid. It is his
recommendation that the agreement be auth-
orized . It was also noted that the sewer
line has been accepted
ybe the
authorized JUST
to signD
that the Mayor and Clerk
the Fred Squire Late Comers Agreement, Johnson
seconded Motion carried
VARIANCE Kent Shopping Center. Each Council member has
APPEAL received a copy of the request of Kent Shopping
Center for the formation of an LID to finance
the underground wiring service. The property
owners have complied with the directions of
the Council concerning attempting alternate
methods of financing. it is the recommendation
of the administration that the request be
approved and that the owners of the property
submit a petition requesting the formation of
an LID . K.ITTO MOVED that the Kent Shopping
Center be notified that a petition for forma
tion, of an LID to install underground wiring
will be accepted, Storment seconded . Motion
carried .
Mayor Hogan noted that a representative of the
owners was present at the Council meeting.
Mr. Reed, of Reed & Associates, representing
the Kent Shopping Center, presented the request
for formation of an LID. BAFFARO MOVED to
accept the petition and refer it to the Engi-
neering Department to determine its validity,
Just seconded . Motion carried .
SOUTH KING It was noted that at the last work session a
COUNTY letter from Dennis Healey concerning the
ACTIVITIES request that Kent be a sponsor in
-CENTER for Referendum 29 funds to supportarentl the
workshop was discussed It was app Y .
attitude of the Council that they would con-
sider being a joint sponsor with King County.
This information was furnished to King County
Councilman Dave Mooney on May 13, who was to
have the proposal brought before the County
Council . JUST MOVED that the South King County
Activities Center be notified that the Kent
City Council will consider being- a joint
sponsor for application for Referendum 29
funds with King County, said application to
be accordance with all pertinent State laws
and local ordinances ,ptorment seconded
Upon Masters ' question as to what would ;
happen if the County declines to enter into
-- such an agreement with us, Mayor Hogan noted
that a meeting was scheduled for Thursday
morning, May 22•, at 8: 30 to discuss the
matter with the County and with a Mr. Ralph
Larson Just also commented that if in
fact the County declined to go along with
u8,• the matter would be further discussed
by the Council . Motion carried .
May 19 , 1975
BEAUTIFICATION Spring Clean-Up, A letter was read from t,
Mrs . John Finley thanking the clean-up
crew for the outstanding job done in
cleaning up the alley between South Bridges
and Central Avenue. MASTERS MOVED that
the letter be accepted and made a part
of the record, Johnson seconded . Upon
Storment ' s inquiry, it was determined
that copies of the letter had been sent
to the departments who had done the work.
Motion carried ,
PARKS & Senior Citizens Center . Councilperson
Masters reported that a presentation had
been made to the Parks & Planning
mmittee mmitte e
prior to the Council meeting requesting ;.
consideration by the Council of future
expansion plans for the Senior Center.
She noted that they are in ;:feed of addi-
tional parking space and outdoor space
and were presently looking at property
to the west and to the north, She also
noted that some additional paperwork was
needed to estimate the cost and possible
methods of financing. She stated that
Council approval was being sought now
for the expansion and that the Parks &
Planning Commi
ttee had concurred with
their request.
Upon Ki.tto ' s question, Street noted that
it was planned to ask for Community
Development funds which would become
available between July 1 , 1975 and June
300 1976 . He also stated that it would
be necessary to have appraisals made that
could be utilized when making application
for such funds . He further noted that
this project would be in competition
with other projects submitted by other
communities so it was necessary to know
what it would cost for the appraisals
and then return to the Council for approval
of expenditure of the appraisal costs . He
determined that the main concern now was
for the Council to be aware of the need for
additional property since they could not go
ahead with-such plans without Council appro-
val , Upon McCaughan 's question, Just and
Street agreed that no request was being made
at this time for funds since they do not know
what the appraisal costs will be .
MASTERS MOVED that the Council authorize
the staff to investigate expansion possi
ties for the Senior Center, Johnson seconded.
larification Masters stated that the
Upon on c ,
motion included the cost and financing
resources Mirk opined that a study of
the entire concept of expansion, whether
on - the present site or elsewhere, would be
in order. He noted that he had attended
the Committee meeting this evening and that
only two pieces of property had been discussed,
one on the north and one on the west. On
Mayor Hogan ' s question, Wilson noted that
they do have an old appraisal on the property.
May 19, 1975
PARKS & Wilson further stated that there is a definite .
RECREATION need for additional parking and outside space
since the program has expanded beyond that
which was originally anticipated . In view
of this fact, it was felt that this presented
an ideal situation in requesting consideration
of the use of Community Development funds .
He also noted that participation in the program
varies between 50% and 60% County - City citi-
zens, depending on the activity, and for this
reason it is believed that the request for
Community Development funds is a legitimate
one and should be high on the priority list.
Wilson also pointed out that before application
could be made for Community Development funds,
an appraisal of the property must be made .
Masters stated that she wished to further
clarify her motion, noting that it was her
understanding from the meeting that expansion
possibilities were to be investigated and
that Betty Kelley Van had mentioned property
to the north and to the west in her presentation.
She stated that it was her understanding
from the meeting that they were asking
for Council action to allow them to proceed
with their investigations regarding expan-
sion plans for the site. Wilson commented
that he felt an appraisal of the property '
would give them the necessary directions as
to which way to go. He noted that they .
are not concerned about the possibility
of moving the Senior Center site since
acquisition of land for it would make it
a package deal He did note that there
was some concern over relocation of citi-
zens to the north, if that property was
to be used, and particularly if City funds
were involved . Upon Kitto ° s comments,
Wilson noted that it was necessary that
some action be taken with regard to having
the property appraised . Street determined
for Kitto that no amount had been given as
to the cost of the appraisal and in order
for the Council to take action, a definite
amount must be requested . McCaughan stated
that he was not ready to vote on such a
motion at this time.
Masters stated that she wished to withdraw
-her motion because apparently it did not
reflect the intent of. the Park Department
at this time . Johnson concurred, and the
motion was withdrawn, McCaughan suggested
that the Park Department come back to the
Council at a later date with more detailed
information for consideration. Wilson
noted that Betty Kelley Van was not aware
that this matter would be discussed at
this Council meeting and was not in atten-
dance . Kitto noted that to be consistent
2 7
May 19, 1975
PARKS & with past procedures, in his opinion the
RECREATION matter would more appropriately be discussed
at a Finance Committee meeting regarding
the request for funds. JOHNSON MOVED that
the matter be taken to the Finance Committee
meeting by Parks Director Wilson for discus-
sion, Masters seconded Just requested
I leI
that more information be made available to the Finance Committee, including the
approximate costs . McCaughan opined that
if the Finance Committee does approve the
money for the appraisal , the concept of
the expansion plans would still have to
be approved by the Council . Motion carried .
CLAIMS Jane Norman . A claim in the amount of $150
has been filed by Jane Norman for alleged
destruction of property by a City employee .
BAFFARO MOVED that the claim of Jane Norman
be forwarded to our insurance carrier for
appropriate action, McCaughan seconded .
Motion carried .
Bruce Kunning. A claim in the amount of
$10 . 35 has been filed by Bruce Kunning for
alleged damage to his automobile on 100th
Avenue S .E , McCAUGHAN MOVED that this claim
be forwarded to our insurance agent, Baffaro
seconded , Motion carried ,
CITY The Director of Public Works reported at
BUILDINGS the last workshop meeting on the completion
of the warehouse complex at the City Shops.
It was noted that there was $68,000 remain-
ing in the funds allocated to complete the
shed rows and :install the fenci.ng� He noted
that it would take an additional $60,000 -
$901000 to complete the project, which would
include drainage, grading, curb work, land-
scaping and paving, not only at the City
Shop complex but also in the Park parking
lot , He stated that there are some uncom-
mitted .funds in Federal Revenue Sharing that
might be used for this purpose but that it
was the Council °s decision as to whether
completion of the City warehouse complex
had a higher priority over other projects
that might be considered by the Council .
, McCAUGHAN MOVED that the unexpended balance
in the. funds for shed rows and City Shop
improvements in the amount of $68,000 be
committed to this project to complete as
much of the work as possible, Baffaro
seconded . Just expressed his concern
over the landscaping being done since we
require it of other private businesses
and felt that the City should also meet
the same standards . Street noted that the
cost of the landscaping was not budgeted but
agreed that . t should be done as required
by other developers . Ulett noted that the
landscaping could be done either by a third
contractor or by our own crews . Johnson
May 19 , 1975
CITY stated that it was her opinion from the work-
BUILDINGS shop that the cost of the landscaping would
be about $11 ,000 and questioned whether it
would cost that much if it were done in house .
Ulett stated that there were between ten and
eleven thousand square feet: to be landscaped
and that the cost would depend on the type
of landscaping to be done He further noted
that it was obvious that in order to do the
landscaping, it would be necessary to move
the parking area in front of the building,
which parking area they. propose to put just
south of the .shed rows
Ulett further noted that the reason for the
request for allocation of the $681000 at
this time was to enable the Council to give
some direction as to how the staff should
proceed - Upon Just ° s comments, he noted
that they would come back. to the Council
with specific suggestions and plans and for
consideration of the possibility of obtain-
ing additional Federal Revenue Sharing funds
in June to complete all of the program .
Street noted that if the Council does agree
to the proposed plan, there would still
have to be some prioritizing on the matter.
Ulett stated that it was in fact a matter
of readjustment of funds remaining that
were allocated for the shop area and the
question as to whether they could use them
on the shop yard project Street further
clarified that when projects for which
funds had been originally allocated were
completed, the funds remaining normally
go back into either the Current Expense
fund or into the Federal Revenue Sharing
fund or into whatever fund was appropriate .
He stated that what they were asking of
the Council at this time was the assurance
that. the remaining $680000 could be used
towards the projects at the City shops
which have been suggested , -Street further
noted that he was certain they would be
back in June at the time of the Federal
Revenue Sharing hearings for additional
funds to complete all of the projects men-
tioned . Kitto commented that if it was
just a statement of intent to use the funds
remaining at the City Shop complex he was
in favor of passing the motion, On Mayor
• Hogan ° s question, Ulett noted that in
order to complete the entire project the
cost would be about $160,000',, which is
considerably more than the $680000 remain-
ing at the present time . He pointed out
that this figure would include paving every-
thing except the employee parking lot, which
would be on the north side of Russell Road
Park located on the south side of the
building, the landscaping, all of the
grading, all of the drainage, and the con-
struction of the parking lot. Ulett
further stated that the reason for the
May 19, 1975
matter being presented to the council at
y should
BUILDINGS this time was to determinuestion how l,eit was
proceed . Upon Masters , q
determined that if the $68,000 is not
allocated at this time for this particular
r could be brought back
project, the matte on
to the Council for fur tect thatrmightlbe
to be used for any P Mist. Motion carried,
higher on the priority
with Just voting nay-
Attorney intro
duced Ordinance No. 1911,
GAMBLING The City Atto Y
an ordinance of the ty Of in Sectiont2 of rating to
gambling, and repealg
No. 1888 .
VED for the adoption of
Ordinance No. 1911, Johnson seconded . Upon
o uestioI Gam Mirk clarified that even
Masters q lin Commission does
though the State ambling, the City could
allow all forms of 9 gamblingthat they
pr'ohibit any form of e further clarified
wished to prohibit, •
he Council is doing at this time
that all t 1888
is repealing a portion of Ordinance o-
which referred to the termination
ateandc fMayms. ,
18 1975 for punchboards, htabsou cannot pro-
Mirk nt noted that y
Mirk and ulltabs as they
hibit punchboards and allow p
come under the same classification
nStreet nso far
as gambling is concerned .
Ordinance 1888 was a taxing ordinance
placed a tax on all form d
s of gambling
until May 1 , 1975 and that Section 22 of that
ordinance provided certain types
ded that ce
be discontinued
gambling activities would
as of May 1, 1975 . He further noted that if
II l
the entire ordinance was repealed
type of gambling
take away the taxing of any
Mayor noted that there
that was allowed . The
were several letters regarding the Council ' s
lin which should be read into
n a g
action o g WITHDREW
the record . STORMENT TEMPORAR1911 to allow
motion to adop
t Ordinan
his mo e
• h1 de a art of th
!i the correspondence to be ma P
record, Johnson withdrew the second. The
motion was temporarily withdrawn.
A letter was read from the First Presbyterian
Church of Kent, noting that the officers of
the Church had voted at their meeting of May
150 1975 to request the Mayor ' s veto
proposed legislation regarding c
gambling and pledging the support of the
Church in any such action by the Mayor.
MOVED to accept the letter and make it a part
of the record, Masters seconded . Motion
carried , _
A letter from Florence Cunningham of 7 0
Alvord Avenue, Kent, was read, noting
she opposed the voting
in of commercialized
gambling in Kent . MASTERS MOVED of to accept ,
the letter and make
Motion part
Johnson seconded .
May 19 , 1975
GAMBLING A letter from Marvin Eckfeldt of the First
Christian Church of Kent was read, urging
members of the Council to vote to continue
the present gambling policy in the City of
Kent. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter
and make it apart of the record, Johnson
seconded . Motion carried .
STORMNT restated
ion to
adopt seconded .
adopt Ordinance No.. 19111 Johnson '
Clements spoke from the audience, ' .
stating that as a concerned
for Kcitizen
to al Kent
he could see no reason
gambling and questioned why it has been deter-
mined that we do need it . Storment pointed
out that gambling has been deemed legal by
the State and that it was a matter that was
left up to local option. Clements noted that
this was the reason for his appealing to the
Council and that he strongly urged the Council
to examine the action they were about to take
and hopefully rescind any previous action
regarding the legality of gambling in Kent.
In response to McCaughan ' s question, Mirk
noted that taxation of gambling to the maximum
allowed by the State was covered .in Ordinance
1888. Mirk further clarified for Just that
the City would be collecting the tax and
that even though the ordinance provided for
the County to do the collecting for us if
we should so elect, we had not requested them
to do so, He noted that the ordinance pro-
vided that this could be done at a later
time if we so desired.
The motion carried, with Just and Masters
voting nay. Mayor Hogan noted that she
planned to veto the ordinance and that her
veto message would be brought back to the
Council on June 16.
INVITATION A letter was read from Brad Ackerman inviting
Mayor Hogan and the Kent City Council to
attend the S .P .E .W.S , Camporee sponsored by
the Green River District of the Boy Scouts
of America to be held at the Flaming Geyser
Recreational Area, Green River Gorge State
Park, from May 30 to June 1, 1975 . MASTERS
MOVED that the letter be accepted and made
a part of the record, Storment seconded.
Motion carried ,
AMERICAN A 'letter was read from John M. Long, Chairman
REVOLUTION of the Kent Bicentennial Committee, noting
BICENTENNIAL that Mr, Dave Hillemeyer has been appointed
COMMITTEE to be Treasurer for the Kent Bicentennial
Committee and would be contacting the City
in regards to Revenue Sharing Funds made
available, by the Council to the Bicentennial
Committee, and for approval of expenditure
of such -funds', MASTERS MOVED that the letter
May 19, 1975
AMERICAN be accepted and made a part of the record,
REVEOLUTION and referred to the Finance Committee .
BICENTENNIAL Kitto seconded . Motion carried
Mayor Hogan expressed the Council ' s apprecia-
tion to Mr. Long for accepting the chairmanship
of the Kent Bicentennial Committee .
REPEALING The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No.
VARIOUS 1923, which repeals Ordinances 52, 74, 82,
ORDINANCES 1549 1559 1599 1760 362, 408, 5250 5501 584,
620, 6290 7161 7268 7340 7458 7490 756, 796 ,
8038 8151 8291 8359 8851 9381 9409 9890 9910
1039, 11701 11801 1257, 12761 13311 15791
1607 1694 1838, 1851, 1880 and Section 3
of Ordinance 686, Section 13 of Ordinance
1235 and Sections 6 and 12 of Ordinance
1669 . It was noted that these ordinances
t '
were being repealed as they are outdated,
ambiguous, redundant, confusing, unconstitu-
tional, or no longer serve the purpose for
which they were enacted . BAFFARO MOVED
for the adoption of Ordinance No. 1923,
McCaughan seconded. Motion carried.
BUSINESS Taxi Regulations . The City Attorney intro-
LICENSES duced Ordinance No. 1922, adopting King
County Taxi Regulations and repealing
Ordinances 749, 9890 1257 and 1607 .
MASTERS MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance
No. 1922, Kitto seconded , motion carried .
II 1
Solicitors Licenses , Ordinance No. 1918
was introduced by the City Attorney,
amending Section 14 of Ordinance 1585 relating
to exemptions for youth-oriented groups and
merchandisey sold solely in interstate com-
merce from the solicitor licensing require-
mentsA STORMENT MOVED for the adoption of
Ordinance No. 1918, Kitto seconded . Motion
, Revocation of Business Licenses . The City
Ai t.or.ncy introduced Ordinance No. 1919
providing [or a procedure for the revoca-
tion of Kent: Business Licenses� MASTERS
MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 1919,
McCaughan seconded,. Motion carried .
CIVIL The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No.
SERVICE 1920, an ordinance of the City of Kent recog-
COMMISSION nizing the existence of the Kent Civil Service
Commission and providing for the substantial
accomplishment of RCW 41 .08 as it relates to
all full-time permanent employees of the
Kent Fire Department; and further providing
for the adoption of rules and regulations
in compliance with RCW 41.08; and repealing
Ordinances 1280 and 1411 of the City of Kent:
JUST MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No.
1920, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried.
May 19,- 1975
CITY POLICY The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No.
MANUAL 1917, amending Section 1 of Kent Ordinance
1784 regarding the adoption of and changes
and revisions in the Kent Policies and
Procedures Manual . KITTO MOVED for the
adoption of Ordinance 1917, Storment
seconded . Motion carried.
CITY Life Insurance . The City Attorney introduced
EMPLOYEES Ordinance No, 1916 providing for a life
insurance program to be paid for by the
City of Kent for all Kent City Department
heads and full-time employees, and repealing
Ordinances 1588 and 1597 . McCAUGHAN MOVED
for the adoption of Ordinance 1916, Masters
seconded , Motion carried .
ADMINISTRATIVE JOHNSON MOVED that the following ordinances
PERSONNEL which were to be presented to the Council at
more discussion'
and sent
1) An ordinance of the City of Kent amending
Section 4 of Ordinance 1569 relating to
the appointment of the Director of Parks
and Recreation
2) An ordinance of the City of Kent abolishing
the position of City Treasurer and pro-
viding that the Supervisor of Treasury
Accounting shall perform those duties
previously performed by the City Treasurer;
and repealing Ordinance No. 1601 .
3 ) An ordinance of the City of Kent amending
Section 2 of: Ordinance 18090 ' which ordi-
nance relates to the departments who will
report; to the Finance and Personnel
Director .
4) An ordinance of the City of Kent adding
a section to Ordinance 1177 to provide,
for the appointment of the City Attorney,
amending Section 4 of Ordinance 1177
which refers to the office of Assistant
City Attorney, and repealing Ordinances
1044 and 1591 .
Just seconded the motion
Storment stated that since this is a matter
of personnel, this allows the Council to go
into executive session and he felt that this
particular matter and any other ordinances
which were to be considered regarding the
executive body of this City should be dis-
cussed at an executive session and later
heard at a workshop session He noted that
the ordinances in question were proposing
to remove 90% of the executive powers 0f
2 7(i
May 19-,- 1975
ADMINISTRATIVE the Mayor ' s office. JOHNSON MOVED to amend
PERSONNEL her motion to take the matter into execu-
APPOINTMENTS tive session at the next workshop. Mirk
noted that she could leave her motion as
originally stated and when the matter was
brought up at the workshop, she could then
move to go into executive sessions Upon
Just and Kitto ' s questions, Mirk determined
that no action could be taken by the Council.
at a workshop meeting and that it was not
necessary to amend the motion to go into
executive session at the workshop which
was the intent of Storment ' s comments .
He stated, " If you want to go .into executive
session tonight, you can. " "If you want
u a
to wait until it has been brought P t
a workshop, you can do that. " The Mayor
then clarified the motion on the floor
which had been seconded . Masters questioned
whether it was necessary to move to go into
executive session or whether the Council
simply requested at the workshop session a
that they go into executive session.
Mirk stated that it was not necessary to
have an amendment to the motion if all the
Council was concerned about was going into
executive session at the workshop. Upon
Mirk ' s clarification, Johnson then stated
she would leave the motion as originally
stated . Just questioned whether the matter
has to go to a workshop if the Council
did go into executive session Mirk noted
that it has to be done at a public meeting
and they could go into executive session
at this Council meeting, or at the next
workshop, or at the next Council meeting,
if they so desired, In answer to Just 's
question, Mirk noted that the matter did
not have to be discussed at the workshop
�`�` � * REFFR TO in order for the Council to go into
K y �,j' i executive session The Mayor again read
MINTES O ,(art,2. ' 6' - the motion to the Council and on a roll
t,�lVl V call vote, the motion carried, with
Baffaro and Just voting nay .
John Long commented from the audience that
as a concerned citizen, he questioned
whether he would have the opportunity
to speak on these ordinances if the Council
does into executive session. Mirk noted
that all of the ordinances have to be
passed at a regular Council meeting. Long
pointed out that it seemed to him that
the ordinances repealing the Mayor 's.
powers goes into a City Manager form
Of government and he believed that the
citizens of Kent had voted against that.
He stated that he would like to have an
opportunity to speak on the matter .
Storment noted that this would probably
come back both to a workshop and to
the Council meeting.
May 19, 1975
FINANCE Stuart Wattles Segregation Request The
City Attorney introduced Resolution No.
787 directing the City Treasurer to make
segregation for Stuart Wattles of an
assessment: levied under ULID #1 , McCAUGHAN
MOVED that Resolution No. 787 .be adopted,
Masters seconded . Motion carried ,
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received
on or before May 20, 1975 and approved
by the Finance Committee at its meeting
to be held at 8 a.m. May 29, 1975 bepaid,,
Storment seconded, Motion carried .
Utilities Clearing Fund , The City
Attorney introduced Ordinance No, 1912
creating the Utilities Clearing Fund .
KITTO MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance
19121 McCaughan seconded , Motion carried.
Park Librar and Street Funds . The City
Attorney introduced Ordinance No, 1913,
creating the Kent Park, Library and Street
Funds and their respective purposes .
McCAUGHAN MOVED for the adoption of
Ordinance 1913, Kitto seconded . Motion
carried .
Street Forward Thrust Fund . The City
Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1914
creating the Street Forward Thrust Fund
and defining its purpose . JUST MOVED
for the adoption of Ordinance 1914,
Johnson seconded . Motion carried .
Current Expense Fund , The City Attorney
introduced Ordinance No, 19210 creating
the Current Expense Fund and describing
its function, and repealing Ordinance 75
of the City of Kent MCCAUGHAN MOVED
for the adoption of Ordinance 1921, Just
secondedr Motion carried,
Pro 'ect Construction Funds - The City
Attorney introduced Ordinance No, 1924,
relating to the financing of construction
projects in the City of Kent, and provid-
ing for the establishment of project
construction funds , McCAUGHAN MOVED
for the adoption of Ordinance 1924,
Baffaro seconded . Motion carried.
LEFF Retirement Svstem. The City Attorney
introduced Ordinance No., 1915 , repealing
Ordinances 825 and 865 of the City of Kent,
and recognizing the Law Enforcement Offi-
cers ' and Fire Fighters ' Retirement
System established in Chapter 41 . 26 of the
Revised Code of Washington. S`I'ORMENT
MOVED for the adoption of. OMotionCe No.
19151 McCaughan seconded .
carried .
May 19, 1975
FINANCE Claims approved by the Finance Committee
on May 151 1975 are as follows:
Current Expense $ 30, 991 .05
Parks & Recreation 9.0387.17
Library 914. 27
City Streets 80,488.47 _
Federal Shared Revenue 11#887 .67
Central-Meeker Intrsctn 935 .00
Gowe Street - East 258609 .55
Kent-Des Moines Sewer Int. 320635 . 74
116th Ave . Trans. Main 1,105 .00
Equipment Rental 10, 472 .89
Firemans Relief & Pension 18,519 . 60
Leff Disability 30, 344.05
Sewer 2# 345 .02
Water 6,946.57
Garbage 30, 209 .62
$1761791 .67
Interest Bearing Warrants
Linda Heights Sewer
E .N. Cascade' Construction $ 16,105 . 70
Meeting Adjourned: 9:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
� v v
Betty Gray
City Clerk Pro tem