HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/17/1975 � X
Kent, Washington
March 17, 1975
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order
at 8.00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Baff aro,
Johnson, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment� City H'�dmirii-
strator Street, City rittorney Mirk, Planning Director Council-
Public Works Director ulett, Finance Director Winkle .
person Just was absent. Also present; Assistant City Engineer
Wickstrom, Parks _Director Wilson, Planning Commissioner Hatelton,
and Hill, Ingman & Chase representative Ramse A p y
65 people were in attendance .
MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting of
March 3 , 19751, be approved with the following
"LID 277 Proposed South 222nd Street Sanitary
Sewer. On page 2, last paragraph, liiie 6, which
reads as follows: ,John Cogan stated that there
were eleven property owners involved in this pro-
ject, and that he thought nine of them had
initiated the petition. ' should be corrected
to read as follows: ' . . .and that he thought
nine of them were against the petition. "'
Storment seconded. Motion carried.
PROCLAMATION Mayor Hogan read a proclamation recognizing the
Kent-Meridian High School wrestling team and
congratulating the team, coaching staff and
the entire student body for capturing the
Washington State wrestling championship,
noting that this is the first time that a
North Puget Sound League team has done so.
HEALTH & LID 278 - Wigton Addition Sewer. It was noted
SANITATION that a public hearing was scheduled for this
meeting on the preliminary assessment roll for
LID 278. Using a map of the area, Assistant
City Engineer Wickstrom described the project
consisting of an 8" sanitary sewer line in the
Wigton Addition, adjacent to the Star Lake
School, to serve 33 residential lots . He noted
that 25 of the 33 residents had signed a peti-
tion requesting sewer service, and that the
Health Department had indicated that the septic
systems of 19 of the 33 residents had indicated
some malfunction. He pointed out that the
estimated cost of the project is $127,000, and
described the proposed plan for the location
of lines. It was noted that the plan to run the
lines through the lots would be the least expen-
sive of several alternative plans, and that the
project would take about one year to complete.
The cost has been figured at 38(,' per square foot
+ a $200 side sewer connection charge .
Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing on the
proposed project. Upon questions from Richard
Watson, Wickstrom stated that the engineers had
conducted a field study of the area and had ,
inspected the tank-s,-at two houses;. He determined
that the cost projected included restoration of the
properties to the original condition. Clint Miller
expressed concern about his carport, and basement
plumbingo - and asked if the system could be designed
to go down the street instead of through the lots.
Wickstrom noted that alternatives had been explored,
but would make tiie project more expensive for the
March 17, 1975
HEALTH & majority of the home owners. He noted that some
SANITATION variations could be considered. Oris Weaver
noted that most of the homes were 10 to 12 years
old and had extensive landscaping, which would
be difficult to replace. He stated that they
certainly wanted the sewer line, but wondered
if another route might be better even if it
cost a little more . He further questioned
as to whether restoration could be achieved
satisfactorily. Wayne Lawson concurred with ^`
this . Mrs .Henry Bass noted that there was
a rise near her home which would require the
line to go 3 ' deeper. She noted further
that she would rather give right-of-way
front of her home and have the sewer go down
the street instead of through her property.
Bob Wend ling asked how close equipment could
come to a wall, tree, etc. Wickstrom stated
that a total of 181feet was needed, nine feet
on each side, depending upon the type of equip-
used for the excavating. Wendling stated
that there might not be 18 ' between some of
the homes. Louis Hamilton stated tnat his
swimming pool was within 3 ' of the edge of
his property, which would present a problem.
question, stated
Ij In answer to hi q Wickstrom
that a common line could be shared .by no more
than two residences, and that a field survey
would determine if the line would have to be
moved because of the pool . upon Oris Weaver 's
question, Wickstrom noted that the residents
could put in the side sewersthemselves if
they desired, and that the equipment which
could be used would depend upon the condition
of the soil . It was determined that a depth —
of about 12 ' would be required in the area
of the Weaver residence. Wickstrom determined
for F. .,N. Buchholtz that service to his
property was questionable because of the
gravity problem, but that use of a pump would
make serv
ice available .
Upon Norm Nelson 's questions, Wickstrom noted
that if the lines were placed in the streets
the total cost of the project would be $50,000
higher than the $127,OOO figure estimated for
the proposal as outlined tonight. He pointed
out further that an alternate plaii, at about
$201000 over the $127,0001 still provided for
the lines to be placed on easements and not
in the streets. Wickstrom stated that lines
placed in streets were easier to maintain
and the City preferred to have projects done
this way, but that the project as presented
tonight was the least expensive to the property
owners. Further questions were posed, and
Wickstrom explained that the $127,000 figure
included purcLlase of easements and that the
cost would be less if the easements were
donated by the property owners. He pointed
out that final payment is not made to the
contractor until all of the restoration work
is done to the property owners ' satisfaction,
and the City could require that the contractor
secure a release from each property owner,
before final payment was made.
March 17 , 1975
HEALTH & Leonard Potacki noted that his home
most of the other
SANITATION lower tnaL througn a hill , so
he would have to dig
he would rather glue an easement in the front
of his property to avoid having the back area
B ron Cattell suggested an alter-
disturbed . Y nate route forthe sewer line, and Wickstrom
stated that the plan proposed by the City was
an attempt to minimize the total footage of
lines to keep the cost down. Wickstrom explained
-- that Cattell ' s proposal had been reviewed as
an alternate plan, and that it would cost an
additional $200000 . Dan Streiffert noted that
each property owner had a different problem,
and that he would like to have more informa-
tion on the alternatieCt, and have the made more clearost
of the completed prof
Wickstrom noted that the final cost of the
project could not be more than 10% over the
estimate of $127t000 . Upon Louis Hamilton ' s
question, Wickstrom noted that the existing
sewer on South 268th could not be used as it
is only 3 ' deep. it was determined that one
of the houses is already connected to this
sewer, but it was not known if that house
contained plumbing in the basement. It was
noted that it was possible for a house to
have the basement plumbing serviced by a
septic tank and the upper floor connected
to a sewer line. Wickstrom determined that
the Health Department would have to give a
ruling on whether this would be allowed.
Oris Weaver suggested that possible changes
to the plan be considered and a report given
on the costs of other alternatives. He noted
the owners ' costs for installing side sewers
might. be less if a different, though more
costly, route was followed for the main lines.
A man in the audience commented that this
might not be true for all of the owners
involved, and some liked the plan as pre-
sented tonight.
Street explained the financing of the proposed
project through LID bonds, with assessments
payable in ten payments over a period of 12
years. He pointed out that the entire amount
could be paid off sooner if the owner desired .
Current interest rates for LID bonds are now
approximately 8%-
There were no further comments from the audience
and no correspondence to be read .
STORMENT MOVED to continue the hearing to the
April 7 Council meeting, McCaughan seconded.
Motion carried. It was determined that more
information on costs of alternative plans would
be discussed at the workshop meeting on Monday,
March 31, at 7: 30 p.m. and all interested parties
were invited to attend.
LID 277 . In accordance with the request made at
the last Council meeting, the Director of Public
Works reported that the sum of $1,188 .72 was
spent in preliminary costs for LID 277.
`? 1 (1)
HEALTH & Mqw0ilcompanyA letter has been received
SANITATION requesting a late
comers agreement for the oversized sewer lines
which have been constructed to serve their
proposed Eastridge Plat. KITTO MOVED that the
letter be referred to the Public
ment, McCaughan seconded.
Des Moines Sewer District. A letter was read
from the Des Moines Sewer District, asking
Kent 's approval of their Resolution providing for a plan of additions and betterments t the
Des Moines Sewer District comprehensivep and
Ulett noted that he had reviewed the plan
recommended approval . McCAUGHAN MOVED for the
city to approve Des Moines Sewer District
Resolution No. 1975-4, Masters seconded.
Motion carried .
TER 1974 Water Main Re lacement - Seattle and
WA Commi
' c Works
Willis Streets. The Publi
expense of
has reviewed the additionalP
$41215 . 36 plus sales tax, requested by the
contractor, Bert Robison Construction
CO- #
and has recommended approval .
MOVED to approve Change Order #1 for Bert
Robison Construction Co. in the amount of
$4, 215 .36, plus sales tax, Masters seconded .
II Motion carried .
Re uest for Water Service - Ronald Mehl.
It was not that Mr. Ronald Mehl had, by
letter, requested water service for vacant
land 750 ' North of the City limits . Street
noted that Mr. Mehl had, by telephone, with-
' drawn his request and noted that it would be in order for a motion to be made accepting
Mr. Mehl 's withdrawal of his reque
BAFFARO SO MOVED, Kitto seconded . Motion
carried .
Request for Water Service - Harold N. Learned.
A letter was read from Harold N. Learned,i
14111 S .E. 260th St. , iKent, ,Washington, regard-
ing a request which he made to the City in
March, k1973 for the furnishing of water to
his property located at 118th Avenue SE and
SE 277th Place. It was noted that this
request had been refused . Mr. Learned now
asks that the request be reconsidered. KI-fTO
at the letter be accepted and referred
to the Public Works Director for reply,
McCAUGHAN seconded . Ulett determined that
this property is outside the City limits
and noted that Mr. Learned ' s proposals were
not practical . He further noted that he
had already drafted a reply to this letter
and would discuss it at the next workshop
if the Council so desired .
Stuart Wattles. The City Attorney noted _
that he would have a written report ready
for the next workshop meeting regarding Mr.
Wattles ' inquiry concerning charges in con-
nection with water service.
II _
March 178 1975
FLOOD Eastside and Westside Green River Watershed
CONTROL Projects. On March 6, 1975 , Ding County Council-
(SOIL man Dave Mooney held a meeting concerning the
CONSERVATION proposed SCS Eastside and Westside Green River
Flood Control Projects. Before any progress
can be accomplished, one of the requirements
is that all communities which were parties to
the original agreement reaffirm their position
and agree to the added items and to a fair
_ financing plan. At present, all of the partici-
pants in the Eastside project have agreed.
The Westside project includes the City of
Auburn which has declined to be a party to
the present proposal of SCS . SCS has indicated
that they will consider the Eastside project
separately and it is recommended that a
resolution be passed requesting the SCS and
the other communities to proceed with the
Eastside project. The City Attorney intro-
duced Resolutiom No. 784, indicating Kent 's
desire to move forward with the Eastside
project. STORMENT MOVED that Resolution No.
784 be adopted, Johnson seconded . Upon
McCaughan ' s question, it was noted that
the passage of such a resolution was only
the reaffirmation of what the City had
already agreed to do, and that this resolu-
tion refers only to the Eastside project.
Motion carried.
SUBDIVISION Kent Garden Apartments. Inc. A letter was
CODE read from Marco. DeFunisi attorney,,Iasking
EXCEPTION that the consideration of the Kent Garden
Apartments, Inc. request for an exception
to the Subdivision Code be postponed until
April 7,! 1975 . STORMENT MOVED that the letter
be accepted and made a part of the record,
Masters seconded . Motion carried. KITTO
MOVED that the request of Mr. DeFunis be
accepted and the public meeting on this
item be held April 7, 1975, Storment seconded .
Upon questions from the audience, it was
noted by Mayor Hogan and Street that the
request of Mr. DeFunis had been received
late last week and that there was not time
to notify all of the parties involved that
the hearing would be continued. It was
determined that in all likelihood there
would be no further delays and the hearing
would be held April 7 . Motion carried.
SUBDIVISION It was noted that a public hearing has been
CODE scheduled for this meeting on the proposed
CHANGES changes to the Subdivision Code. The matter
has been considered at two work sessions and
the Planning Commission has recommended that
the changes, as corrected, be adopted. A hand-
out containing the proposed deletions and
additions has been provided to all interested
--- parties and a copy has been filed wiph the City
Clerk and has been made a part of the record.
Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing. There
were no comments from the audience or from
the Council . No correspondence has been received
pertaining to this matter. BAFFARO MOVED to
close the hearing and to adopt the changes
to the Subdivision Code as presented, Masters
seconded. Motion carried.
Z - �.
March 170 1975
ZONING It 'was noted that a public hearing has been
CODE scheduled for this meeting on the proposed
CHANGES changes to the Zoning Code. The Council has
reviewed the matter at two work sessions and
the changes suggested by the Council have been
incorporated into the handout prepared by the
Planning Department. A copy of the proposed
changes has been filed with the City Clerk _
and has been made a part of the official
record . The Planning Commission has recommended
that changes to the Zoning Code be adopted as
presented .
Mogan opened the public hearing.
There was no correspondence and no comments
from the audience. KITTO MOVED to close
the hearing and to adopt the changes, as
corrected; as presented . : torment seconded-:
Upon McCaughan ' s question, Harris noted that
Sec. 3 .17 . 3 would be studied in depth at a
future date . Motion carried .
ION Star Lake`Annexation. Ulett reported that
the Boundary Review Board had not invoked
jurisdiction on the Star Lake School
Upon his recommendation, KITTO MOVED
to hold the public hearing on the Star Lake
Annexation on April 7, McCaughan seconded .
Motion carried .
STREET South 208th. It was noted that a petition to
VACATION vacate South 208th between 77th Avenue South
and the Burlington-Northern Railroad has been
submitted by Central Pre-Mix Concrete Company.
It was noted that this is the same street vaca-
tion which was denied in December, 1973 . The
City Attorney introduced Resolution No. 785
setting the hearing date for the vacation peti-
tion for the Council meeting of April 21, 1975 .
McCAUGHAN` MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 785 ,
Baffaro seconded . Motion carried. The City
Clerk noted receipt of a letter from Queen
City Trucking Co. protesting the proposed
closing of South 208th. It was noted that
the letter would be read at the public hearing.
CLAIMS Wayne Russell Collins. It was noted that the
City Attorney has reviewed the claim of Wayne
Russell Collins for purported damage to his
automobile while it was in the custody of the
Kent Police Department and it is his recom-
mendation that the claim be denied. KITTO
SO MOVED , Storment seconded . Motion carried .
Public Employees Retirement System. It was
noted that a letter has been received from
the office of the Attorney General rescinding
the request for payment of the sum of $7,858.10 —
which was purportedly owed by the City for
Statewide City Retirement System activity and
which claim was presented to the Council at its
meeting of January 6, 1975 . McCAUGHAN MOVED
that the letter be accepted and made a part
of the record, Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
March 17, 1975
CLAIMS Haresh Gidwani. A claim has been submitted by
Haresh Gidwani for alleged damage to his auto-
mobile in the amount of $61 .991 at the junction
of the Kent-Kangley Road and the Benson Highway.
KITTO MOVED that the claim of Haresh Gidwani
be referred to the CiLy 's insurance carrier,
Storment seconded . Motion carried .
POLICE & It was noted that a memorandum has been received
FIRE from the Fire Chief noting that the Fire Depart-
ment has radio equipment consisting of 12 mobiles,
4 receivers, 1 portable and 1 base, which items
are inoperable, and would be costly to repair.
Because of the frequency range of these sets
there is no resale or trade-in value. The Chief
has asked authorization to declare the sets sur-
plus and to donate them to search and rescue
groups in the area who use this frequency range
and could use the old sets for parts. JOHNSON
SO MOVED, McCaughan seconded . On Storment ' s
question, Street noted that all of the equipment
is presently at Station #1 and that the licenses
for this equipment will be transferred to the
new equipment. Motion carried .
KENT It was noted that Kent Clean-up Time has been
CLEAN-UP determined as follows:
East Hill April 14-15
Scenic Hill April 16-17
Valley Floor April 18-21-22
West Hill April 23-24-25
It was noted that this project is being jointly
sponsored by General Disposal, Kent Chamber
of Commerce, and the City. General Disposal
has proposed to place three or four large
containers in convenient locations for those
people who want to haul trash other than that
picked up by the City trucks. The locations
of these containers will be announced shortly.
BIDS A compilation of all the bids received on
March 12, 1975 to furnish several items of
equipment has been prepared, together with
the administrative recommendations. All prices
include tax.
Compact Sedan: (Budgeted Amount - $30,500 )
Bill Hazelett Chevrolet $3,157.95
Bowen Scarff Ford 3,162 .55
Wilson Motors - Seattle 3, 168.97
Valley Pontiac - Auburn 3, 264.30
Recommendation: Bill Hazelett Chevrolet
It was noted that there was no State bid on
this particular item to meet the specifications .
Compact Station Wagon: (Budgeted Amount - $3,500 )
Bill Hazelett Chevrolet $3,579 .15
Valley Pontiac, Auburn 3, 685 .50
Bowen Scarff Ford 3, 742 .98
Wilson Motors - Seattle 31752 .89
March 171 1975
Recommendation: Bill Hazelett Chevrolet
- -
It .was noted that .the State bid was in the
amount of $3 ,434.89 in Spo_ kane-
3 Compact Pickups .
Due to the unavailability Of
ll f1975 models, -
it is recommended that
or bids be
issued . It was noted that there were no
State bids on this item to meet the specifica-
2 One-half ton pickups. (Bdgete ed amount$350 -
Tom Matson Valley Motors $41077 .15 each
Bill Hazelett Chevrolet 4,105 .65 each
Valley Pontiac - Auburn 4, 264.65 each
4, 346 .29 each
Bowen Scarff Ford Seattle 4,720 .03 each
Western Salvage
Recommendation: Tom Matson Valley Motors.
It was determined that there was no State bid
meeting the specifications on this item.
3/4 Ton Cab and Chassis . (Budgeted amount -
(4 Wheel Drive)
Tom Matson Valley Motors $5 ,0 5 , 265 .0000
Valley Pontiac 5 271 .99
Wilson Motor Co. - Seattle 5F523 .43
Bowen Scarff Ford 5 787 .76
Western Salvage - Seattle
Recommendation: Valley Pontiac.
Ii It was determined that the State does not
have any specs for heavy equipment of this
type and the low bid of Tom Matson Valley
Motors does not meet the specs.
One Ton Cab and Chassis. (Budgeted amount -
It was noted that none of the bids receive
meet the specifications and that therefore
the administration recommends that the call
for bids be reissued .
Air Compressor. (Budgeted Amount - $4,000)
Pacific American Commercial Co. $4,80379
Less Trade .
Fray Equipment Co. 5 ,141 .17
Less Trade 250 .00
Cox Machinery 150 .00
Less Trade
Craig Taylor Equipment99
Co. 5 ,552222 ..99
Less Trade
Recommendation: Fray Equipment
It was noted that the low bid of Pacific
American Commercial Co. does not meet the
�) 1
March 17, 1975
BIDS Lawn Sweeper. (Budgeted Amount - $5 ,500)
Toro & Turf Co. $40,883 .81
Less Trade 400 .00
(Only one bid received )
It is recommended that this bid be accepted,
and was determined that the lawn sweeper
-- which is now owned by the City should be
traded in due to its poor condition.
Dump Truck Mounted Sand Spreader. (Budgeted
Amount - $40,000 )
Sahlberg Equipment Co. $51197 .61
It is recommended that the bid call be reissued
on this item because the bid is substantially
over the amount budgeted .
STORMENT MOVED that the best bids as recommended
be accepted and that the other bids, as recom-
mended, be recalled.. Kitto seconded . Motion
PARKS & Benaroya - Consolidated Beverage Land Acquisition.
RECREATION Masters reported that the Parks & Planning
Committee had met and had agreed that Betty
Kelley was to begin making application for
matching funds to acquire the property.
Boeing Land Donation. The Parks Committee has
determined that the proper Boeing officials
should be contacted to make the necessary
transfer of title from trust to the City for
public land for the 4. 2 acres along the Green
River, known as the George S . Stoner Memorial
Park .
Park Board Ordinance. The proposed new Park
Board ordinance was discussed by the Committee
and it was noted that it was being returned to
the Park Department for clarification and would
be brought back to the Committee in about two
Beautification. Masters reported that Wilson
had asked for consideration of the proposal to
have hanging flower pots placed on the light
standards in time for the Meeker Days celebra-
tion, in conjunction with the CBD ' s suggestion.
The Parks Committee has agreed to the idea of
having the Street and Parks Departments handle
this as a beautification project. Masters
noted that action has been deferred until the
Finance Committee considers the matter of
funding the proposal .
BICENTENNIAL The Park Orchard Elementary School wishes to
PROJECT develop a garden nursery on the east side of
112th Avenue SE as a Bicentennial project
and has asked that fees for Kent water be
waived . The property is outside of the City
and it is the suggestion of City staff that
the water be obtained through an adjacent
property owner who is receptive to that
March 171 1975
It was noted that the Waterways, Open Space
RIBCO Commission will
Committee, of the Planning March 19 1975 .
meet at 7: 30 P.M. Wednesday, ,
Metro representatives will review the final
RIBCO reports dealing with water quality,
solid waste, urban drainage and water
resources. Harris clarified that this
meeting is just the beginning of a series
of meetings on RIBCO, not the final meeting
as reported in the newspaper.
SOUTH KING Street reported that he and Mayor Hogan
COUNTY and King County Councilman Dave Mooney had
TIES met with the South King County Activities
ACTIVI planned to bring
CENTER Center officials and it was
several members of the King County Council
to the Kent Council workshop meeting next
Monday night to discuss sponsoring bonds .
He noted that in order for the Center to be
eligible to receive State funds which are
available, it is necessary that the City
or King County, or both jointly, sponsor
the Center.
FINANCE Se re ation Re uest - ULID #1 and LID 272 .
A letter from Coldwell, Banker and Company
was read regarding segregation of certain
assessments in ULID #1 and LID 272 . KITTO
MOVED for acceptance of the letter and for
it to be referred to the Finance Committee,
Storment seconded . Motion carried .
LID 276 Bonds. The City Attorney introduced
j Ordinance No. 1903 , fixing the amount, form,
date, interest rate, maturity and denomina-
tions of Local Improvement District No. 276
bonds and directing the issuance and sale
thereof to Foster & Marshall, Inc. STORMENT
MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 1903 ,
Kitto se condedo motion carried .
II Segregation Requests . Upon the recommendation
of the Finance Committee, KITTO MOVED for the
a resolution authorizing
City Attorney to draft
the segregations requested by Safeco Title
Insurance Company in ULID #1, LID
253,M LID
2671 and LID 272 . Masters seconded.
carried .
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received on or
before March 20, 1975 and approved by the
- .Finance Committee at its meeting to be held
at 8 a.m. , March 31, 1975 be paid, Storment
seconded . Motion carried .
Claims approved by the Finance Committee on
March 14, 1975 are as follows:
E . Hill Booster Pump $ 2114734
Current Expense 34, 209 .17
Parks & Recreation 6,825 .
210 .2727
Library 10, 766. 23
City Streets 841 . 7X�
Alcoholic Rehabilitation
Federal Shared Revenue 18, 227 .96
E Valley Construction 24.65
EVH - Willis to Green River 11,895 .95
Go we
Street West 14, 778.63
March 170 1975
FINANCE Central/Smith Intersection $ 71577 . 74 3,032 .83
Gowe Street - East
Linda Heights Sewer Improvements 241876. 27
Kent-Des Moines Sewer Intrcptr 15 , 701 .65
100th Ave. Sewer Intrcptr 1 , 329 . 77
5 .90
Kent Springs Chlor. Equipment 1
West Hill Reservoir Const. 1775 .89
West Hill Booster Pump 128092 .47
Equipment Rental 598 .00
Firemans Relief & Pension 1,040 .03
Leff Disability 1,626 .50
Sewer 50972 . 35
Water 31 ,812 .97
$2121941 .43
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Jensen, CMC
City Clerk
t .