HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/03/1975 Kent, Washington March 31 1975 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 : 00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Baffaro, Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett, Finance Director Winkle . Also present: City Treasurer Drotz, Assistant Fire Chief , Freelove, Parks Director Wilson, Planning Commissioner Hamilton, and Hill, Ingman & Chase representative Ramsey. MINUTES STORMENT MOVED to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 18, 1975 , with the following correction: "Appeal - McDonald Industries: On page 3 , line 19, the sentence which reads 'He pointed out that all of the equip- ment met the State requirements for use of the public highways, and that the cranes were transported on licensed trucks and the concrete pumps operated on State permits . ' should be changed to read as follows : " . . .that the concrete pumps were transported on licensed trucks and the cranes operated on State permits . " Johnson seconded . Motion carried . AWARDS Mayor Hogan introduced Jack Cosby, President of the Kent Area Activities Council, who presented awards to Robert Brown, Margaret Montgomery, and Mrs. Leo Perro, members of the I Kent Juvenile Court Conference Committee, for their outstanding service in counseling hundreds of Kent youths . An award for Robert Kuvara by Mayor - Hogan for his outstanding service as Chairman of the Kent Juvenile Court Conference Committee was accepted by Darrell Phillipson. HEALTH & SANITATION LID 277 - Proposed South 222nd Street Sanitary Sewer. The Mayor opened the public hearing on the preliminary assess- ment roll for LID 277 . Public Works Director Ulett described the area as between the East Valley Highway and the Valley Freeway, on South 222nd Street. He noted that the project was proposed as the result of a petition submitted by 26% of the property owners asking for sanitary sewers. He described the project which was estimated to cost $1931000 and the method of determining the amount of the assessments to each property owner. Harry Novak, a property owner in the area, stated that the biggest problem in the proposed sewer project is the cost of $193,000 . He noted that he had owned apartments in the area since 1954 and had experienced very few problems with septic tanks, 205 March 3 , 1975 HEALTH & and that surface water was a greater problem. SANITATION He noted that some of the people who had signed the petition for the sewers had changed their minds after getting the assessment notices for the project. Mrs. Dale Lewis, 8418 S . 222nd, stated that she and her husband had signed the petition in favor of the sewer but that when the costs became known, they had changed their minds and were not in favor - of the project at this time. She also noted that the area really needed better drainage . Upon questions from John Cogan, attorney representing the Novaks, Mayor Hogan noted that protests received tonight would be reviewed by the Council at a workshop session at 8:00 p.m. on March 10 . She pointed out that this was a public meeting and the protestors were urged to attend . It was determined that if protests covering 60% of the assessments were received, the proposed LID would be automatically cancelled. It was then noted that if it was determined that public health was endangered, the Council could override the protests, but only by a unanimous vote. Lillian Novak noted that the most urgent problem is surface water drainage and that there was no problem from the septic tanks. She stated that installation of a sanitary sewer line will not help the surface water drainage problem. John Cogan stated that there were eleven property owners involved in this project, and that he thought nine of them had initiated the petition. He CORRECTED4 REFFR To noted the amounts of the assessments on INTEROf a•�* some of the properties and stated that he J -!7- 7.-' thought the assessments were out of pro- portion to the present use of the properties, and pointed out that the entire project encompassed only 222 acres for which the assessments totaled $1931000 . The City Clerk read letters of protest from the following: Bruno Treosti, Mr. and Mrs . Dale D. Lewis, Julius Caracroli, Harold A. and Ernestine A. Dunn, Lillian G. and Harry D. Novak, Howard M. Tank and Richard W. Bebout (Granting proxy NO vote to Harry Novak) , Elizabeth I . Huebner, and Helen M. Ortonovi . A letter from the Seattle/King County Department of Public Health was read, noting that in a recent survey in the area covered by the proposed project, it was found that out of eighteen septic tank-drainfield systems surveyed, there were nine confirmed and six probable failures. The letter further noted these figures constituted a serious potential health hazard, and that sewers were badly needed in the area. MASTERS MOVED that the letters be accepted and made a part of the record and referred March 3, 1975 HEALTH & to a committee of the whole, Storment SANITATION seconded . Motion carried . Street explained the method of financing, noting that the interest rate would be approximately 8%. There were no further comments and JUST MOVED to close the public hearing. McCaughan secondedy motion carried. Ulett left. .the meeting to tally the percentage _ of the protests . Street and Mirk explained that if the protests exceed 60%, all action on the LID would stop and there would be no necessity for referring the matter to another meeting. Street pointed out that if the conditions in the area were considered to be a health hazard, the action to propose a sewer project would have to start again from the beginning. On Baffaro ' s questions, Street noted that P the cost of proposed Posed sewer was not excessive as compared with other sewer systems installed on the Valley floor or anyplace where there was a surface water problem. He further noted that there were no matching funds available for a project such as this, only for the large trunk sewer lines. In answer to McCaughan 's question, Street stated that the action began with a petition for sewers from the property owners . It was noted that there is a rest home in the area which is badly in need of sewer service. A lady from the audience noted that the old nursing home _ had been purchased by a new owner who had now discovered that he could not build" 3 i" new nursing home at the prese4:t J pcattiibA; .It t• ' . without the installation of .: a sewer sysesm Ulett reported that the protests amounted to about 74%. Street noted that a motion would be in order to stop all further work on the proposed project and that no firther action be taken by the Council on the pro- posed LID 277, in view of the percentage of the protests . McCAUGHAN SO MOVED, Johnson seconded . Upon McCaughan ' s question, it was noted by Mirk that all of the protests filed in writing were legal , with the exception of the one from Howard M. Tank and Richard Bebout granting a proxy NO vote to Harry Novak, because a proxy vote cannot be given for such a protests . Johnson asked that Mr. Novak ' s letter which also described drainage problems in the area be referred to Ulett and that he report on same at the next workshop meeting. McCaughan asked Ulett to have a report at the workshop meeting giving the approximate cost expended to date on this proposed project. Motion carried . Mr. Novak noted that one of the homes in the area had no problem with a septic tank system until two owners stored heavy equip- ment in the yard . 207 March 31 1975 HEALTH & Flood Control . McCaughan noted that a Flood SANITATION Control meeting would be held this Thursday evening at 7: 30 p.m. in the Kent Council Chambers . 88th Avenue Sanitary Sewer. It was noted ftt Mr. Carpinito had planned to extend the 88th Avenue Sanitary Sewer to serve a new residence, and had posted a $500 cash bond with the City. It has been determined that the extension will not be necessary since service will be provided by means of a septic tank system, which has been approved by the City. The Engineering Department has recommended release of the $500 cash bond . KITTO MOVED that the $500 cash bond deposited in conjunction with the pro- posed 88th Avenue Sanitary Sewer Extension be released, McCaughan seconded. Upon Storment 's question, Ulett stated that he thought that Mr. Carpinito was under the impression at first that he had to connect to the sewer and then found that the property would pass the perc test for a septic tank system. Motion carried . WATER Armstrong Springs . It was noted that Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company has requested a ten foot easement along the east property line of the property known as "Armstrong Springs . " Thelsoperty is being purchased by the Kent Water Department as a potential water source. The Public Works Director has recommended that the request be granted if the present owner also agrees. JUST MOVED _ that the City approve a ten foot easement to be granted to Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company along the east property line of the Armstrong Springs property, Johnson seconded . Motion carried . STREETS Street Improvement - S .W. 43rd/South 180th. The Director of Public Works announced that it is proposed to have a public hearing on the alternative improvement plans being considered for the S .W. 43rd/South 180th Joint Kent-Renton Street improvement project, to be held at the Renton City Hall on April 141 1975 . It was determined that the project is very high on the E .D.C . priority list. MASTERS MOVED that a joint public hearing on the alternative preliminary design data be held at 8 : 00 p.m. April 14, 1975 at the Renton City Hall. Johnson seconded . Upon Street ' s query, Ulett noted that there were not enough copies of the proposed plans available for each councilperson to have a copy but that copies would be available on request from his office or from the City Clerk. Motion carried . Kent-Des Moines Road . It was noted that the State wishes to turn over a portion of the old Kent-Des Moines Road to the City, consisting of the street just south of the March 3, 1975 STREETS present Kent-Des Moines Road (SR 516) and the Military Road intersection, which acts as a service road to a service station - grocery store complex. The Engineering and Street Departments have inspected the area and have recommended in favor of acceptance . KITTO MOVED that the City accept for operation and maintenance that portion of the old Kent-Des Moines Road which is located just south of SR 516 and the Military Road intersection, Storment seconded . Upon Johnson ' s question, it was determined that this is a public street. Johnson noted that an individual has posted a sign stating that cars parked next to the fence would be towed away. Ulett questioned the individual' s right to post such a sign. Motion carried . BIDS Intersection Improvement - S . 228th & East Valley Highway. It was determined t at 13 bids were received on February 26, 1975 on the proposed improvement of the S. 228th - East Valley Highway intersection. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the best bid of Chet Williams Construction Company in the amount of - $10, 790 .51 be accepted, Just seconded. The Engineer 's estimate was $12,500 . Motion carried. as noted that at the STREET Rentonites , Inc. I t w VACATION last work session Rentonites, Inc. 's request to vacate 102nd Avenue from James to S .E . 236th was reviewed . The following was determined: 1 ) It will take a 60 foot right of way to have a 32 foot paved street; 2 ) The Ranniger Buildings are set back far enough to allow said development; 3 ) The utilization of the properties as high density multiple unit residential requires that the street be developed in the future; 4) If S . E. 236th was ever closed, for �I even a short time, 102nd Avenue S.E . would be the only entrance. II It is recommended that the request for vacation be denied and if the property owners desire that the street be improved, it is suggested that an LID be started which would include acquisition of the Ranniger property. McCAUGHAN MOVED that Rentonites, Inc. be notified that the vacation of 102nd Avenue S .E. is denied and that the above inf orma- tion setting forth the reasons for such denial be forwarded to Rentonites, Inc. , Masters seconded . Motion carried . I TRAFFIC Intersection - Guiberson and Van de Vanter. CONTROL Storment asked that a report be given at the next Council workshop regarding the number II )U J March 3, 1975 TRAFFIC of accidents which have occurred at the CONTROL intersection of Guiberson and Van de Vanter. ZONING Drake-Ripley Annexation. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1902, zoning the Drake-Ripley Annexation R-1-9 .6 (Single Family Residential Zoning District) . STORMENT MOVED for the adoption of Ord. No. 1902 , McCaughan seconded . Motion carried. SUBDIVISION Kent Garden Apartments, Inc. It was noted CODE that the Planning Commission has heard a EXCEPTIONS request for exception to a minimum lot width under the Subdivision Code, and that the final decision rests with the Council . The Planning Commission has recommended that the exception be denied . JOHNSON MOVED that the request of Kent Garden Apartments, Inc. for an exception to minimum lot width be heard in a public hearing on March 17, 1975 , McCaughan seconded. Motion carried . POLICE & Bids - Fire Hose . Bids were received on FIRE February 25, 1975 to furnish fire hose . STORMENT MOVED to accept the best bid of L. N. Curtis to furnish the following: 11000 feet of 11�" 800 lb. test at $1 .17 per foot - $1, 170 .00 + tax. 11000 feet of 2" 600 lb. test at $1 .51 per foot - $1,510 .00 + tax. McCaughan seconded, motion carried . STORMENT MOVED to accept the best bid of American Rubber Company to furnish the following: 11500 feet of 31-2" 800 lb. test at $4.17 per foot, less 2% - $6, 129 .90 + tax. McCaughan seconded, motion carried . CLAIMS Wayne Russell Collins. A claim has been filed by Wayne Russell Collins for alleged damage to his automobile while it was impounded at the Kent Police Station. It was noted that the claims shows no specific amount of money. KITTO MOVED to refer the claim to the City Attorney for appropriate determination of City liability, Storment seconded . Motion carried . Cecil R. Seil . A claim has been filed by Cecil R. Seil in the amount of $18.90 for alleged damage to an automobile . It was determined the the claim involves the con- dition of a street which is being recon- structed by contract. Charlie Womack. The City Clerk reported that a claim had been filed on behalf of Charlie Womack, as the duly qualified and acting representative of the Estate of 2 , March 3, 1975 CLAIMS Lynda Gay Shaffer. It was determined that the claim, in the amount of two million dollars, is in connection with the double fatality at the Smith Street/Burlington- Northern crossing in November, 1974. Norman Shaffer. The Clerk reported that a claim, in the amount of $300,000, has been filed by Norman Shaffer, father of Cynthia Shaffer. It was determined that Cynthia Shaffer died of injuries sustained in the same accident referred to in the Womack claim. McCAUGHAN MOVED to refer the claims of Cecil R. Seil, Charlie Womack, and Norman Shaffer to the City 's insurance carrier for appropriate action, Storment seconded . Motion carried . METRO RIBCO Community Involvement Committee . A _letter was read from Richard S . Page, Executive Director, METRO, and Shirley M. Farley, Chairman of the Task Force for Citizen Participation, regarding the establishment of a local citizen review committee in Kent. The letter noted that letters had been sent to interested citizens in the City asking them to con- tact the Mayor if they would like to serve on the Committee. The letter further stated that the Committee would have two months to complete their review and noted several reports which are available for public review. MASTERS MOVED that the — letter be accepted and made a part of the record, Johnson seconded. It was deter- mined that the Planning Department was working on the program and those persons interested in serving on the Committee should contact Lyn Johns . Motion carried . MEETINGS Suburban Mayors Association_. A letter was read fromMayor Ma Aver Garrett, Presi- dent dent of the Suburban Mayors Association, inviting the elected officials and admini- strators to attend the Association meetings . It was noted that the next meeting would be held at the Crabapple Restaurant in Bellevue on March 51 1975 . STORMENT MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, Masters seconded . It was noted that any of the Council members desiring to attend the meeting should notify the City Clerk so reservations could be made . Motion carried . The Mayor reported that there would be a meeting Tuesday evening, March 4, at 7: 30 p.m. , with the South King County Multi- Service Center representative of Federal Way. The Center is interested in finding a location in Kent. I 211 March 31 1975 FEDERAL Bicentennial Committee. Just reported that REVENUE the Bicentennial Committee had submitted a SHARING break-down of the $2,085 which they had FUNDS requested from Federal Revenue Sharing funds. The Finance Committee has recommended that the amount be granted and JUST MOVED for the amount of $2,085 to be granted to the Bicentennial Committee from Federal Revenue Sharing funds. Baffaro seconded . Motion carried . WATER Bicentennial Committee Project . A letter was read from Jim Hasz, Principal , Park Orchard Elementary School, noting that the school proposes, as a Bicentennial project, a small garden-nursery program. The owners of a plot of land along 112th S .E . (Lot No. 106) , approximately one block from the school, have given permission for use of their property for this program, but there is no water meter or hook-up at the site . Mr . Hasz has asked that the Council waive the necessary fees so that water would be available for the project. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Public Works Committee, Baff aro seconded . Motion carried . SATURDAY Barney Wilson reported that the Saturday MARKET Market Committee has requested permission to move the market east on Meeker Street between Second Avenue and the Burlington- Northern tracks to also utilize First Avenue between Gowe Street and the Oliver Box Building. The Committee has proposed barricading Meeker Street at Second Avenue — and at Railroad Avenue, and to barricade First Avenue at Gowe Street and at approximately where Harrison Street would be if it ran through to First. Wilson noted that the advantages of the new proposed location would be that the park could be used by pedestrians and that the stores in this block had canopies. He noted that the Santa Claus house would serve as headquarters for the Saturday Market, and would be moved to the park in this block. Wilson pointed out that a greater turnout was expected for the Saturday Market this year, which would open on May 3 and go through into December . KITTO MOVED that the request of the Saturday Market Committee be approved, McCaughan seconded . Storment noted that last year the merchants on First Avenue between Gowe and Titus had asked for consideration of including this location. Wilson stated that this might be done in the future. upon Johnson 's question, Wilson noted that there would be no booths near the Burlington-Northern tracks. Motion carried . FINANCE Harvey Se(pregation Request. It was noted that at the Council meeting of September 3 , 19741, the Finance Committee had reported a recommendation to authorize the segregation of an assessment in ULID #1 requested by `? 12 March 3, 1975 FINANCE John W. Harvey. The City Attorney has now determined that Mr. Harvey does not have the legal right to request the segregation. MASTERS MOVED that the request of John Harvey for segregation of Assessment No. 469 in ULID #1 be denied, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried . LID 276 - Sale of Bonds. Street noted that Foster & Marshall have proposed to purchase the $361883 LID No. 276 bond issue at 8%. Upon his recommendation, JUST MOVED to accept the proposal of Foster & Marshall to purchase LID 276 bonds in the amount of $36,883 with, interest at 8%, Kitto secon ded . Motion carried . McCAUGHAN MOVED to pay the bills received through March 5 , 1975 after approval of the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at 8 a.m. , March 14, 1975 , Storment seconded . Councilman Just noted that he would be out of town at the time of the meeting and that in his absence Storment would be chairman of the meeting. Motion i� carried . Claims approved by the Finance Committee on February 28, 1975 are as follows: Current Expense $ 30,498 .04 Parks & Recreation 6,405 .11 Library 1, 206 .82 City Streets 3,056.50 Park Forward Thrust 5 ,503 .01 _ Central Business District 115 .00 Federal Shared Revenue 625 .89 Library Construction 2, 793 .12 Equipment Rental 11,927 .29 Firemen ' s Relief & Pension 1,577 .96 Leff Disability 3,446.68 Sewer 411,074.48 Water 4, 386. 73 Garbage 31 ,809 .00 $1340425 .63 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9: 05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk II —