HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/03/1975 1 S4
Kent, Washington
February 3, 1975
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order
at 8: 00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons: Baff aro,.,
Johnson, Just, Kitto, McCaughan, Masters, Storment, City
Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director
Harris Public Works Director Ulett, Finance Director Winkle?
Also present: City Treasurer Drotz, Fire Chief Foster,
Planning Commissioner Long, and Hill, Ingman & Chase repre-
sentative Ramsey. Approximately 25 people were in attendance .
VISITORS Jon Kane of Boy_ Scout Troop 480 was intro-
duced by Mayor Hogan. Also in attendance
was Mr. Kinberg of Kent Junion High, who
introduced three of his students, Miss
Lockhart, Miss Haines and Miss Cole.
MINUTES KITTO MOVED to approve the minutes of the
meeting of January 20, with the following
1 ) "LEGISLATION HB 19 A letter was
introduced from Earl F. Tilly, 12th District
State Representative, urging support of
House Bill 19 which is to be considered
at this legislative session to promote
fiscal responsibility in any new legisla-
tion that is passed . McCaughan suggested
that the city write to our legislators
supporting the bill . STORMENT SO MOVED,
Johnson seconded . Masters noted that a
copy of the letter should be sent to Mr.
Tilly. Storment and Johnson concurred .
Motion carried . "
2 ) "CLAIMS A claim from Elaine B 'Hymer
was presented in the amount of $150 .00
for damage to her automobile windshield
caused by a flying rock at the intersec-
tion of SE 256th and 104th SE . It was
noted that work at that corner was being
performed by a subcontractor for Puget
Sound Power & Light. BAFFARO MOVED that
the claim be referred to the city 's
insurance carrier for disposition.
Masters seconded, motion carried . "
Just seconded the motion, which then
carried .
NORPAC FINAL It was noted that the public meeting to
PLAT consider the final Norpac plat had been
continued to this meeting from the meet-
ing of Feb. 3 . Harris reported that the
final plat was now in a form acceptable
to both he and Ulett. McCAUGHAN MOVED
to accept the Norpac final plat and for
the Mayor and other city officials to be 1
authorized to sign it, and for the plat
to be recorded. Johnson seconded, motion
carried .
HEALTH & Septic Tank Inspection. The City Attorney
SANITATION introduced Ordinance No. 1901, amending
portions of Ordinance 1777, and providing
for the King County Dep't of Health to,
inspect and issue permits for septic tanks
within the city. STORMENT moved to approve
Ordinance 19010 Masters seconded . Motion
carried .
February 3, 1975
HEALTH & Sewer ID Wigton Dept
SANITATION the Engineering Dept and the City Attorney
to proceed with the formation of an LID
for sewers for the Wigton Addition.
was noted that the signatures on the petition
represented more than 75% of the properties.
Baffaro seconded. Motion carried .
Kentridge Estates . Upon the recommenda-
tion of the Administration, KITTO MOVED
to accept the bill of sale for the sanitary
sewers which serve Divisions 1 and 2 of It
Kentridge Estates, Storemarnt seconded .
was noted that a one y y
furnished to the City. Motion carried .
Cascade Sewer District. It was noted that
Cascade Sewer District proposes to con-
struct a trunk sewer, a portion of which
would make sewer service available to Kent
properties. Their request for state and
federal grants did not make the priority
list for fiscal 1976 funds, and Kent' s
support has been requested . y
Attorney introduced Resolution No. 780,
supporting Cascade Sewer District ' s
application for grants to construct the
Springbrook Sewer Trunk. STORMENT MOVED
to adopt Resolution No. 780, Just seconded.
Motion carried .
100th Ave S E Sewer Intercom• The
City Engineer has recommended approval
of Change Order #1 for Lundberg Construe-
tion Co for the 100th Ave. S.E . Sewer
Interceptor project in the amount of
$812 .84. It was noted that $478.15 is
for removing an existing 12" pipe_,stub
at the Metro manhole and replacing it
with an 18" pipe, which is eligible for
90% federal and state reimbursement.
The balance is for reconstruction of
tees, wyes or side sewers where relocafor
tion was necessary to provide JUST MOVEDe
service to abutting owners .
to approve Change Order #1 for Lundberg
Construction Co in the amount
ofd$812 84,
Johnson seconded . Motion
STREETS S 180th/SW 43 Joint Renton project.
Ulett noted that a preliminary design
report had been received from the con-
sulting engineers showing four possible
ways of proceeding with the improvement,
as follows:
1) Three lanes within the existing right
of way, which would be the most feasible
under EDA, as it would not require addi-
tional time to acquire additional right
of way.
2) Three lanes within the ultimate right
of way.
3) Five lanes within the ultimate right of
way, with an at-grade crossing,
4) Five lanes, with an underpass .
Ulett explained that the cost ranged between
$5001000 and 4.4 million dollars, depending
upon which plan was chosen. Kent and Renton
February 3, 1975
STREETS representatives will meet with the engineers
within the next month. He noted that Kent
and Renton have jointly applied for EDA funds,
each applying for funding for a $250,000
project. He pointed out that the funding
would be 80% federal and 20% local, and
that we have asked to have the 20% waived.
If the local share is not waived, the cost
to Kent would be about $501000 under option
#11 and would consist of a new three lane
section within the existing right of way,
with a new signal at grade crossing.
S .E . 256th. Storment asked about having
the undercuts on S .E . 256th refilled, in
the vicinity of McDonald 's restaurant.
Ulett noted that the city has been trying
to get final action cleared on this but
that it appeared that the bumps were caused
by Puget Power and not by the contractor,
and that the responsibility would have to
be coordinated .
Street pointed out that Kent might have
to put some funds into this project and
that if EDA finances the project in part,
they will want it completely financed and
under construction within the next four
months . He noted he had made inquiries
j in Olympia for borrowing money from EAA
to cover the amount needed for the local
portion of the project.
Vacation - Cemetery Road The City
Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1900,
it providing for the vacation ofa portion
of Cemetery Road . It was noted that
approval from HUD and IAC has been received
for an exchange of land . JOHNSON MOVED
to approve Ordinance No. 1900, Masters
seconded . Motion carried.
j LID 274 EVH (willis to Green River) Upon
Ulett ' s recommendation, KITTO MOVED to
approve Change Order #3 for the City
Transfer in the amount of $988. 60 for
hydrant extensio
ns, and to extend the com-
Y �
j pletion date to Feb 3, 1975 . Johnson
seconded, motion carried . McCAUGHAN
MOVED to accept as complete, City Trans-
fer 's contract for LID 274, and for the
retainage to be paid upon the receipt
of the proper releases from the state.
Masters seconded, motion carried . Ulett
noted that the project had been completed
at $300000 under the contract price.
PARKS Icy Creek Masters noted that a state
representative of Parks and Recreation ^
had visited Kent and would return next
week to survey the Icy Creek site .
Pea Patch Street noted that the Parks
Dept had reported an expenditure of $379 .60
on the "pea patch" project for 19741 with
February 31 1975
PARKS an income of $210 .00 . He pointed out
that initial clearing had to be done
last year, but that the project could
probably be self supporting this year,
and recommended that it be continued
in 1975 . JUST MOVED to approve the project
for 1975 , McCaughan seconded. Motion
carried .
--.- APPEAL The City Clerk reported that an appeal
McDONALD had been filed today by attorneys for
INDUSTRIES McDonald Industries Inc. from the January
28th Planning Commission 's decision to
deny a conditional use permit to allow
the conduct of its business in an M-1
Industrial Park zone . MASTERS MOVED to
accept the notice and for the matter to
be scheduled for a public hearing before
the Council on February 18, McCaughan
seconded . Motion carried .
RAILROAD Smith St Burlington Northern Crossing.
CROSSINGS It was noted that if the Washington Trans-
portation and Utilities Commission takes
action to close the S 259th St crossing,
the city may request a hearing on the mat-
ter. Opposition to the closure has been
voiced and it is recommended that such a
hearing be requested . McCAUGHAN MOVED
for the city to request a hearing if
action is taken to close the crossing,
Baffaro seconded . Motion carried .
McCAUGHAN MOVED for the city to advise
the WUTC that the city objects to the
-- closing of the crossing, Just seconded .
Motion carried . It was pointed out that
the letter objecting to the closure might
have some effect on the Commission ' s
decision to close it, and make the hearing
unnecessary. Street pointed out that the
Commission had the right to close the
crossing without a hearing, but that the letter
from the city should have some bearing on
McCaughan FURTHER MOVED to send a letter
to King County requesting that they pro-
ceed with the gating request, Just
seconded. Motion carried.
WATER Request for Water Service - Holing
McCAUGHAN MOVED to table until the next
workshop meeting the request of Mr. Holing
for water service for three vacant acres
on the east side of 116th Ave S .E . , Masters
seconded . McCaughan noted that a letter
from the city to Mr. Button concerning water
service to the same area should also be
considered . McCaughan filed a copy of the
letter with the clerk, and she was asked
to supply copies to each councilperson
prior to the workshop meeting.
METRO BUS SHELTER It was noted that Metro has asked permission
February 3, 1975
METRO BUS SHELTER to locate a bus shelter on the south
side of Meeker St between State and
Central, within the sidewalk area, which
will leave 7;� feet of unobstructed side-
walk. MASTERS MOVED to approve the request,
Baffaro seconded . Motion carried .
CITY SHOPS Upon the recommendation of the architect,
McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept as complete, the
contract of C H & C Inc for construction
of the covered stalls at the city shops
building and for the retainage to be paid
upon receipt of the releases from the
state . Baffaro seconded, motion carried .
HOLIDAYS Street noted that although -the employees
were in favor of exchanging the Lincoln ' s
birthday holiday of Feb 12 for the day
after Christmas, the union would not
approve the change for this year. They
will consider it for next year, however?
It was pointed out that the next Council
meeting will be held on Tuesday, Feb 181
since Feb 17 is a holiday.
i FEDERAL REVENUE The Finance Committee has completed the
SHARING review of requests for Revenue Sharing
funds, and in addition to those items
approved at the last Council meeting,
further recommends approval of the items
as listed in the agenda, AND as listed
in the addendum to the agenda as follows:
Agenda Items
1) 3 Portable Radios $ 3, 317
2 ) 3 Replacement Radios 31000
3 ) Telephoto Lens 35 mm 369
'I 4) Telephoto Lens - video 187
5 ) Jail Improvements 350
6) Tile in Communications Room 200
7) Radio Recording System 31000
1 ) Radios for 911 System 16,000
Utilities Collection
1) Stuffing Machine 21900
Parks & Recreation
1) Senior Center Floor 11200
2) Basic Development -
Linda Hts 101000
3) Russell Rd Park
Parking Lot 151000
4) 2 Mowers and Yardman
Tiller 1,600
Street Dept
1) Storm Drainage, Reiten
at Maclyn 301045
Engineering Dept
1 Mill Creek Retention
Basin 4608000
2) Opticom Traffic Control
System 35 ,150
3 ) Gowe & Central Inter-
section 8,500
4) S 228th & Central
Intersection 15 ,000
February 3, 1975
SHARING 1) Fire Training Tower $201000 (1975 )
AND $201000 1976
2 ) Parks Bike Underpass,
259th & Valley
. Freeway 81,000
3 ) Streets Storm Drainage,
Tilden Ave off Wood-
land Way 26, 615
4) Construction 101st Ave.
S.E. (S .E . 256 to
S.E. 260) 171000
5 ) Construction S .E. 260
(Crow Rd to 1O4th
S .E . ) 48,400
JUST MOVED to approve all of the items
above EXCEPT addendum item #1, the Training
Tower for the Fire Dept, Kitto seconded .
Masters asked for clarification that none
of these capital improvement programs had
been approved for federal funds other
than for Federal Revenue funds. Street
stated that they had not, and that this
would not be permitted . Masters asked if
any of the proposed projects were going
to be funded by any means other than Federal
Revenue Sharing funds . It was determined
that half of the cost of the Fire Dept
radios would come from the Fire District.
Masters stated that her point was that
Revenue Sharing funds could not be used
to replace existig General Funds . Street
assured her that this was fully understood
by the staff, and that this had not been
Storment asked Just when he proposed to
again consider approving funds for the
Fire Dept training tower, and Just stated
that he was not satisfied with the dollar
amount stated . STORMENT MOVED TO -AMEND
the motion to include the training tower.
Just seconded the proposed amendment to
permit discussion, and stated that Renton
had built a tower recently for $14,000 .
Fire Chief Foster stated that this figure
covered only the stairway for the tower.
Foster noted that he had contacted
Tukwila's contractor, and had learned
that the tower might be built for a
little less than the $40,000 . He
explained that there were no drawings and
requested that $500 be allowed for this
so that a better estimate could be made.
He noted that neither Renton ' s nor
Tukwila ' s tower met Kent 's standards.
Street suggested that Storment 's amend-
ment would allow for setting aside $20,000
and the Council could authorize the use
of a portion of this for studies or sket-
ches only, since $20,000 was not enough
to build the tower anyway. Just concurred .
the proposed amendment failed, with Stor-
ment casting the only affirmative vote.
Under consideration of the original motion,
Storment commented that the Finance Committee
had thought that allowing $20,000 for 1975
February 3, 1975
FEDERAL REVENUE and $201000 for 1976 was the practical
SHARING way to allow for the expenditure. He
opined that the tones was needed, and
allocating only enough money for a study
or sketches merely delayed the project .
Kitto suggested that the motion could
be amended to allow an expenditure for
an architect. Street spoke against
setting a definite figure such as $500 for this, stating that architect' s
fees could be higher. It was determined
that the Revenue Sharing funds could be
authorized for expenditure at any time
between now and June . Just ' s motion
carried, with Storment dissenting.
PLANNING A letter was read from Henry Towne,
COMMISSION opining that appointed Planning Commis-
sioners interfere with the use of private
property. He referred particuarly to
the Kent Highlands gravel mining opera-
tion, and stated that Planning Commis-
sioners should be elected . MASTERS MOVED
to make the letter a part of the record,
McCaughan seconded. Motion carried.
Harris requested that a copy of the letter
be forwarded to the Planning Dept.
HOUSING & It was noted that on Jan 27, the projects
COMMUNITY selected by the Council for Community
DEVELOPMENT Development "needs" money were reviewed .
We were informed that utility projects,
such as storm drainage projects are low
in the category assignment of the King
County Council . It appears, however, that
our "population" expenditures are in
proper order .
CLAIMS Valley Garage has submitted a claim in
the amount of $31 .59 for damage to their
property when a side sewer was broken
by the Water Dept. JUST MOVED to refer
the claim to the city ' s insurance carrier,
Storme nt seconded . Motion carried .
A claim was filed today by Jack Young,
in the amount of $49 .75 for replacement
of a muffler and tail pipe damaged on
Titus Street during street reconstruction.
MASTERS MOVED to forward the claim to the
city' s insurance carrier, Johnson seconded .
CBD Street noted that he had inquired in
Olympia about federal financing for a
Central Business District coordinator,
but had received no answer as yet.
SUBURBAN Kitto reported that he would contact
COUNCIL the President of the Renton Council
ASS 'N and would report further on the possibility
of forming a Suburban Council Association.
BIDS Police Cars Bids were received for two
or more Police cars, with two cars to
trade, as follows:
February 3, 1975
Each unit, Balance
BIDS inc tax Less Trade two units
Dodge $5 ,062 .47 $20000 $81124.94
405 .22 2,031 8, 781 .44
Dodge 5 ,
It was noted that the bid of Bowen Scarff
did not meet the specifications. Street
noted that the Fire Dept had a new car
budgeted for 1975 , and might wish to be
included in this bid . It was determined
that this would be decided after the state
bid prices were checked. BAFFARO MOVED to
award the bid to Renton Dodge, at $8,124.94,
for two cars, including tax and trade.
Kitto seconded, motion carried .
Street noted that the delivery of the Police
cars ordered from Strain 's had been delayed,
but that delivery was expected this month.
BOARD OF It was noted that three names had been
ADJUSTMENT suggested to the Mayor to fill the vacancy
on the Board of Adjustment. KITTO MOVED
to confirm the Mayor ' s appointment of
Harry Blanton to the Board, Masters seconded .
Upon Kitto ' s question, Mayor Hogan noted
that Mr. Blanton ' s appointment would make
a good mix of citizens serving on this
Board, according to their occupations .
She pointed out that one of the persons
proposed was in the real estate business,
as was Board member Wheeler, and that it
had never been determined that the third
nominee was interested in serving. It
was determined that with the appointment
of Mr. Blanton, the Board would consist
of a real estate broker, a housewife, a
businessman, a federal investigator, and
a retired Boeing employee.
Upon Storment ' s question, Street explained
that a list was maintained of names of
prospective appointees for any of the
Boards or Commissions, and that this list
was consulted when any vacancies occurred.
Storment stated that he could see no rea-
son why two real estate men could not serve
on the Board, and pointed out that Mr.
Wheeler abstained from voting recently
only because his own property was involved
in the issue under consideration. Storment
and Street disagreed as to whether Mr.
Wheeler and the real estate man proposed
for appointment by Storment were both
members of the Multiple Listing organiza-
tion. Motion carried .
CIVIL SERVICE Policy Manual . In accordance with the
EMPLOYEES city ' s policy manual, the Personnel
Director has requested Council approval
of hiring a fireman who has a brother
February 3, 1975
CIVIL SERVICE serving as a Kent policeman. It was
EMPLOYEES pointed out that both of these positions
were filled in accordance with the results
of competitive Civil Service examinations.
JOHNSON MOVED to approve the employment of
Robert Jennings in the Fire Dept. Storment
seconded, and asked that the policy be re-
written to exclude situations such as this.
It was determined that the section of the
policy manual covering the hiring of ---
related employees was in the process of
being changed . Motion carried .
CITY CLERK Mayor Hogan noted that City Clerk Marie
Jensen had been awarded the title of
Certified Municipal Clerk by the Inter-
national Institute of Municipal Clerks,
and that only seven City Clerks in this
state have been so designated.
PUBLIC DEFENDER It was noted that the city has received
SERVICES from Bellevue a proposed Interlocal
Agreement for Public Defender Services
for indigent defendants. It was explained
that Bellevue has been, and would continue
to be the prime contractor on this matter,
and would handle the bookkeeping. Kent 's
share of the cost is covered by Law &
Justice funds. Mirk explained that this
agreement would cover Bothell, Kirkland,
Redmond, Renton, Issaquah and Tukwila,
as well as Kent and Bellevue. The
contract is with the office of the Public
Defender, which will then provide
attorneys for indigents, from a list of attorneys who are willing to serve
in this capacity.
Mirk spoke in favor of the agreement,
noting that it would save much time and
paper work for all of the city attorneys
involved . KITTO MOVED to authorize the
Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement,
Storment seconded . Motion carried.
Mirk introduced Resolution No. 781, which
authorizes the agreement and notes that
application will be made for grant funds
for this project. STORMENT MOVED for
passage of Resolution No. 781, Just
seconded . Motion carried .
SISTER CITY Mayor Hogan proclaimed the week of March
3 to March 10 as Sister City week in Kent.
FINANCE Segregations Upon the recommendation of
the City Attorney, MASTERS MOVED for a
resolution to be prepared to authorize
the segregation of assessments as requested
by Elazar Behar. Johnson seconded, motion
carried . Mirk noted that the paper work
had not yet been completed on the John
Harvey request for segregation of assess-
ments .
McCAUGHAN MOVED to pay bills received
through Feb 61 1975 , after approval of
the Finance Committee at its meeting to
be held at 8 a.m. on Friday, Feb 14.
Just seconded, motion carried .
February 3, 1975
FINANCE Claims approved by the Finance Committee
on Jan 24, 1975 are as follows:
Current Expense $ 338197.84
Parks & Recreation 6, 602 .68
City Streets 161T568 .81
Federal Shared Revenue 10368.65
East Valley Construction 157. 24
EVH, Willis to Green River 2, 686. 22
Central/Smith Intersection 123 .71
Gowe St. - East 250.00
Linda Hts. Sewer Impvt 248.82
Garrison Creek Sewer Constr 42 .00
100th Ave Sewer Interceptor 31.50
S. 228th - Water & Sewer 212 .46
Equipment Rental 1,846.19
Firemen ' s Relief & Pension 22 .18
LID 275 881.22
Sewer 78874.93
Water 7 *846.43
Garbage 434. 20
Current Expense $ 4,910 .62
Parks & Recreation 10584.54
City Streets 566.09
Equipment Rental 146.04
Employees Retirement 18080 .87
Firemen 's Relief & Pension 111540.00
LEFF Disability 735 . 36
_ Sewer 39,984.64
Water 28023 . 39
Meeting Adjourned: 9: 15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Jensen, City Clerk