HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/06/1975 Kent, Washingtufll
January 6, i975
Regular meeting of the Kent CitY Council was called to order
at 6:00 P.M. Present : Councilpersons Baffaro, Johnson, Justi
McCaughan, Masters and Storment , City Administrator.
vittof ;tor Harris, Public
City Attorney Mlirk, Planning Dire(
Street, pi.nance Director Winkle , Also present :
work I s Director Ulett, Po-t-r planning Commissioner
ciLy Treasurer Drotz, Fire Chief � -- , ylley,
Long, Parks Director Wilson, Grants Coordinator KE
Associate Planner Johns* Hill, ingi-iian & Chase representative
Ramsey . Approximately 35 People were in attendance at the
VISITORS Mayor Logan welcomed Cub Scout Troop 403
from Panther Lake and their leader Ron
Howe . Councilman Baffaro introducAd Miss
Keyes, a 6th grade student from St - James
MINUTES KITTO MOVED to approve the minutes of the
,meeting of December 160 1974 as printed,
Storment seconded . Motion carried .
HOUSING & A letter was read from Xing County Execu-
COMMUNITY tive John Spellman relating to the require-
DEVELOPMENT ments for joint participation under the
ACT OF 1974 Housing & Community Development Act of
1974. The letter pointed out that the
Three 'year__.§02pgrajion A areement between
the Cin- pro KjrU County must be
n d ret- ed by L�ai2jLizry 15 to the County,
urn f.A.cations
hat the A,-,c j)(.es C E'!r t i
t 7�e t u r n e d b y
jtayTgont must be sigie
Janyary Each participating jurisdic-
____T otion or resolution prior
tion must pass a m to January 28 authorizing and prioritizing
any proposals for funding in the 1975 pro-
gram year. The letter points out that
specific proposals must be submitted for
initial staff review by January 151 but
that they must be locally validated and
prioritized by January 28 . MASTERS MOVED
to accept the ietter as a part of the record,
Just seconded, motion carried . Mayor Hogan
noted that Chuck Bea" and Del moso of the
County offices were in attendance at t1..17.[3
meeting .
Betty Kelley reviewed the discumsions of
the December JG Council meeting and of We
December 30 workshop session and referred
t. to a report which had been distributed at
the December 30 workshop and which has now been made a part of the record . The report
noted that the following seven "needs''
should be explored in more detail :
1 ) Public Transportation 2 ) Health Care Services, including Cardiac
Monitoring Equipment
3 ) Housing Rehabilitation
4) Low Cost Housing
5 ) Sidewalk and Street Improvements
6) CBD Redesign and Rehabilitation
7 ) Storm DrQnage
January 6, 1975
HoUSING & Ms . yelley presented another handout listing
CoMMUNITY a proposed program for 1975 consisting of
DEVELoPMENT Storm Drainaqe Des iqn for the North Park
ACT OF 1974 area and for the AD area with costs shown
if consultants were hired, and costs if UK:,:
F,� staff did the work, Cardiac Monitoring
ent with the option to train 15 men
ij�m( l
or to train 33 men, Varjoious CBD pro Sec -s-
and the p1janing costs to date .
Upon Masters ' query, Kelley explained that
"population" money would be distributed by
the Joint policy Committee to each city which
enters into the cooperation agreement with
King County . The balance of the money
would be based on the poverty and overcrowd-
ing formula as "needs" money , which would
then be distributed by the County Council
upon the recommendations of the Joint Policy
Committee . She pointed out that Kent is
eligible for about $21,000 in "population"
money for 1975 . Upon McCaughan ' s question,
it was determined that we could ask for
"needs" money for 1975 also, but that we
would be competing with other jurisdictions
for this portion of the funds . Ms . Kelley
explained that another handout referred to
as an "agenda filler" listed Council action
it was hoped might be taken tonight as:
1 ) Select first year projects--identify
which projects are to be funded through
"population" money, and which should be
submitted for "needs" funding;
2 ) Authorize signing of cooperation agree-
ment and assurances and certifications;
3 ) Direct attorney to draft resolution
approving first year program for adoption
on January 20 .
Just asked about the provision for citizen
input over the next three §ears of the pro-
ject, and it was determined that this would
be continued through the public hearing
process, the press, and Council reaction
to citizen ' s comments . Chuck Bean explained
from the audience that throughout the County
the citizen participation had been poor, but
that he hoped that in the future, more people
would attend meetings, as there would be
more time to notify the general public .
Just asked Bean if he thought that the County
could spend over a million dollars wisely
with such little input from the citizens .
Bean stated that often a single capital
improvement project involving a few citizens
could cost this much. He pointed out fur-
ther that the King County Council would be
making the decisions as to where the money
would go. Upon furth(-.,r. (.-Iue,,:,!tions from tV:
Council Bean pointed out that small programi;
could be 6ubmitLed For consideration , and
that provision had been made tor a CiLy LO
participate with the CcuntY it each proposed
a similar type program.
January 6, 1975
HOUSING & Mayor Hagan noted that Kent had done more
COMmUNITY background work 02 the proposed project
DEVELOPMENT than the other cities and that we should
ACT OF 1974 try to meet the deadline to be assured of
some of the funds for 1975 . Bean determined
that there would be no time extension of
the deadline frola HUD . Masters opined that
the storm drainage program and the housing
rehabilitation of owner-occupied units pro-
posal should both be County-wide programs
Which all Of th'-.'; jurisdictions should sub.-
sted that citizen
scribe to. Johnson sugge
input c0uld be obtained by mailing a Street
questionnaire with the utility bills .
noted that this could be done and had been
used for getting information to the public
on other occasions. McCaughan agreed that
this was a good idea, and upon his question,
Bean noted that if we did not prioritize
by the deadline, but merely submitted the
seven proposals, that the County would review
the proposals and they would do the priori-
Masters noted that maybe we were trying to
be too specific in defining our priorities,
and should endeavor to be more general .
Bean reiterAQ that the deadlines were for
the agreement to be signed by January 15
and the prioritizing done by January 28 .
He noted that they would like to know what
the proposed projects are by the 15th but
they did not have to be pxionitized until
the 28th .
MASTERS MOVED to approve signing the mutual
cooperation agreement and to submit same to
King County. Johnson seconded, motion
carried . it was further determined that
the Council had, in their discussion at the
workshop, reduced the original seven proposed
projects to three: Storm Drainage System
Design, Cardiac Monitoring Equipment, and
CBD projects .
McCAUGHAN MOVED to authQrize signing the
certification and assurances documents and
to submit the three projects listed above
for "needs" money, Masters seconded . STOR-
MENT MOVED to amend the motion to prioritize
the three as: 7F7C_ardi.ac Monitoring Equip--
ment; 2 ) Storm Drainage System Design; 3 )
CBD projects . Masters seconded the proposed
amendment . Under discussions, McCaughan
asked what would now happen to the "popula-
tion" money, and what its relationship was
to these three projects . Betty Kelley
noted that the Council could choo8o any ono
of these three projects for populaLion monny,
up to the available $21 ,000, or choos(�
another projef:�•t for the population mvmPy
The Mayor noted we could deleto one iLom from
the "needs" list, and earmark it for "poVula
tion" money. Upon Just ' s questions Kelley
noted that if the Council wished the $21,000
could be used for planning, and clarified
January 1975
BoUSING & further that the City would be entitled to
the "Population" e
mony if we submit an eligible
plan. just stated that he was in favor of
DEVELOPMENT "population" money for
ACT OF 1974 using some of the
JOHNSON MOVED to further AMEND to delete
the Cardiac Monitoring Equipment from the
it into the "popula-
"needs" money and to Put Lion" money. Kitto seconded . McCaughan
L 000
noted that the "population" money was $21 ,
and the Cardiac equipment and training would
be either $12, 345 or $15 ,835 , and asked if
it was the intent to use the remainder for
planning money. Masters questioned the need
for allowing for planning money when we have
staff to do this. just opined that adequate
planning had not been done .
Masters opined that McCaughan ' s original
motion for the three projects should have.
specified "population" money instead of
"needs" money . JUST MOVED to amend Johnson ' s
amendment to use the remaining approximate
$6,000 for planning for the first year if
needed . just ' s proposal failed for lack of
a second . Johnson ' s proposed amendment
failed, on a roll call vote, with Baffaro,
Just, Asters and Storment .voting nay.
Masters stated she would be willing to
clarify the matter by withdrawing her second
to Storment ' s amendment but upon further
clarification from Betty Kelley, the second
was not withdrawn. just again opted for
put aside for planning. Johnson
money to be asked if the Cardiac program could be sub-
mitted for both"population"and"needs"II oney
-�re -is no riced for
and it was agreed th�atlht. w�. - --d -mend-
this to be done . Storment ' s PrOPOOO a
ment to prioritize fpilcd , upon roll Will
vote, with Johnson , 35IF-' Kitto and McCaughn''
voting nay.
McCaughan ' s motion to authOrizc signing Lho
certification and assurances documenw.; and
to submit the three projects listed for
"needs" money was withdrawn as was the second .
McCAUGHAN then MOVED to authorizing signing
the assurances and certifications documents .
Masters seconded . Motion carried unanimously.
McCAUGHAN MOVED further to submit the Cardiac
Monitoring program for the "population" money
project . Johnson seconded . Upon Storment ' s
suggestion, and information supplied by the
Fire Chief, McCaughan and Johnson agreed to
include in the motion the full Cardiac Moni-
toring program for 33 men for a total of
$15 ,835 . Upon discussion it was determined
that a decision could be made later as to
whether the balance of the $21,000 should
be earmarked for planning. BAFFARO MOVED
TO AMEND the motion to allocate the balance
of the $21,000 for planning. Proposed
amendment failed for lack of a second
McCaughan ' s motion carried over Baffaro ' s
6, 1975
was determined that a resolution would
the U
jjCq)SING & a t , nex- council meet
C()MaNIUN I TY have to be passe joritize "need;,;"
ing to authorize and pr hat the re�_ -Ljtjon
DEVELOpmENT Mj..rk note: t 01 as
ACT OF 1974 proj---('ts - ( 1, � meeting,'d
could be -_oynp.leted during the ,
to s - tail-S . I t was determine
,pecif ic de
that. applications would be prepared in time
for the. next Council _meeting for each pro-
for ' Cj-ty desires to submit for
,jest Which the I question,
funding . Upon Masters , qu as to whether
and Mirk differed on opinion
-these funds could be used for housing re-
ications to be prepared
for "needs" money for Storm System Design
,and for the CBD area
for the North Park area basic construction
and for park desi. Lte with the actual
of the old City Hall s' I next council
prioritizing to be done at the
meeting . Storment sec t1-ie entire
TO IkMEND the wotion to subm�)'_t handout
- tems oriainallY on' the
seven rie workshop
which was distributed first at t wi-*,-.h the
o rjrioritizc--' later,
Monitoring program
session , and t
tjjc,� Cjard)Lac
except.ion of of throuc moneyh
wilicb has already been taken car -
the "population" money request . McCaughan
vote, the pj2p2_-_ed
n a roll call v( I
seconded . Upon Jed with nay votes recorded for
amendment c;2 cussion
t - I Some dis
johnsorif KIz'to and Stormen,
lei,, ich handout Baffaro was referring
ensued as to n <111,t i�o�j
to and JUST MOVED to ref_ __ r the vote on
7 --nt. Johnson seconded .
Baffaro ' s proposed am7(- idirie
Upon reconsideration, Baffaro ' s proposed amend-
Upon. asting the only
men- Ba,ffaro c OVED to amend
': �_ 8 vote . JUST THEINT M
V to include all of the CBD
Kitto ' s ion en include# in addition
items, %Which would -11-h ' tion
to the park design and basic construc Develop-
L I J_
for the City Hall site the roll
owingI Pedestria inkages, and
merit coordinator,
Sidewalk improvements . This proposal fa:L-Ied
for the lack of a second .
was restated and MASTERS MOVED
Kit-to ' s motion o include housing re-
-to amend the motion t
habilitation. Johnson seconded the proposed
amendment after the City Attorney determined
that this could be done. The amendment
carried unanimously itto ' S motion then
carried unanimously.
-(--!n: Moti.ori passed to
Siam. of action
m a -;ed
Motion pas.�
SIgn coopera docu-
to sign certifications and assurances
Motion passed to submit the Cardiac
merits .
mount of $15v835 ,
in the a
Monitoring program, d for
ey. Motion passe
for ,population" mon , or "needs" money
applications to be prepar fed I�ark
for: Storm System for the North
-iD arc for park d(-,"siqn
-a and f or I :,,i 1*1
as ea , C, ion of the old City liall
and basic construct Wit'll
s ite and f or prioritiza.").qt.a I)e :lane
January 6, 1975
HEALTH & LID 276 Sanitary Sewers . Sung t_jan2E.
SANITATION It was note - t-hat the-protest W Randei
D. Price to the method of assessment in
LID 276 was reviewed with the protestor
at the last Council work session. The
Engineering Department has reviewed several
methods of assessment and it is their
recommendation that the proposed method of
assessment remain. STORMENT MOVED that the
protest of Mandel D. Price be denied and
the LID Roll be adopted as presented, Just
seconded . . Motion carried .
The City Attorney introduced Ordi.nance No.
1894 confirming the 'LID 276 Assessment Roll .
KITTO MOVED for the adoption of Ord . No.
1894, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried .
Sewer Rate _ChanEe . The following rate changes
have been proposed for sewer service :
Present Rate Pronosed Rate
Single Family $2 .50 + $2 . 75 $2 .50 + $3 .55
Metro Metro
All Other
Customers $2 .50 + $2 . 75 $2 .50 + $3 .55
Min. Chg. 0-900 Metro Metro
900-30 , 000 .58/100 cu ft .61/100 cu ft
307000-60* 000 .53/100 cu ft . 61/100 cu ft
60 , 000-120,000 .48/100 cu ft . 61/100 cu ft
Over 120, 000 . 33/100 cu ft . 61/100 cu ft
Outside City 50% above Same as
Limits Inside rate Inside rate
Note : The rate for "other customers" includes
the Metro charge which is $3 .55 for each 900
cubic feet of water and is proportioned to the
nearest 100 cubic foot when the customer is
billed .
The Utility Tax is calculated on the Kent
portion of the rate for those customers inside
of Kent and is not charged for those outside .
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Attorney be directed
to prepare an ordinance, amending sewer Rate
Ordinance No. 1777R to adopt the new rates
as recommended, Masters seconded . Motion
carried .
Kent-Des Moines Sewer . Up
on n the
recommendation of the Public Works Committee,
JUST MOVED that the Mayor be authorizod to
sign the DOE and EPA final grant of tar for'
the Kent-Des Moines Sewer Interceptor pruiect .
Johnson seconded . MoLion carried .
Upon further recommendation of the Public
Works Committee, McCAUGHAN MOVED for Lhe
approval of Change Order 41 in the approxi-
mate amount oi $100231 . 60 to King Construc-
tion Company for the Kent-Des Moines Sewer
Interceptor project for upsizing pipe
Masters seconded . Upon Kitto ' s question,
January 6, 1975
HEALTH & it was determined that there is enogh u money
SANITATION in the contingency fund to cover this addi-
tional item of expense . Motion carried .
Late Comers Agreement Request. The Public
Works Committee has reviewed the Harold
Hill Construction Company' s request for
a late comers agreement for any future
connections to the sewer line installed
to serve the Reynolds Aluminum Building
at 7416 South 228th. Upon their recommenda-
tion, JUST MOVED that the Engineering
Department be authorized to prepare the
requested late comers agreement, Johnson
seconded . Motion carried .
STREETS Titus Street Project . Ulett noted that the
remaining concrete will be poured on the
Gowe/Titus Street intersection improvement
project the end of this week.
Curb ReDlacemen,-t---Smith-and- Central . Bids
for the reconstruction of the curb radius
at the intersection of Smith Street and
Central Avenue were received as follows :
Skip Jacobson Construction Co. $10, 246 -50
Klokstad Concrete Construction 11,054.00
E .P.&N. Construction 12P448.99
Como Contractors, Inc. 12,852 .00
Tripp Construction Co. 12,884. 61
Scotty , s Bulldozing 13,452 .96
Ryker Construction & Eng . 131942 -00
S . F . Davis, Inc. 150905 .25
Ulett noted that the low bid exceeds the
engineer ' s estimate by $641 and possibly
will exceed tbe amount budgeted by about
$800, but recommend0d that no adjustmpn !.�
be made to the budget at this time - UP"
Ulett ' s recommendation, KITTO IM,0VED to ac=Pt
the best bid of Skip jacobson ConstrucLiOrl
Co. in the amount of $10 , 246 .50 , jusn sucundvd .
Motion carried .
A letter was read from John F . Haferbecker,
. 26811 Downing Avenue, Kent, asking that the
City share in his expense in installing a
chain link fence parallel to a City walkway,
adjacent to the Star Lake Elementary School ,
He further requested that an examination of
the site be made in order to improve the
drainage facilities . MASTERS MOVED to accept
the letter and refer it to the City Attorney
and Public Works Director to Jointly respond,
Johnson seconded . Mirk noted that he had
reviewed the letter and it was his recommenda-
tion that the request be denied with respect
to sharing the cost of the fence, noting that
the walkway was reserved in the plat as a
public right of way to the school . He fur-
ther stated that an inspection would be made
as to the drainage problem. Motion carried .
,January 6, .1.975
PROPOSED R e n t o n I n c
k s e s 10 n
yc=wa-i;,—F�5_�ed tha4- at he laSt wo '
STREET ed tbat
vACATION the EngineerIng Department suggest
they make a preliminary survey to determine
the adequacy and need for 102nd Avenue and
the study, a recommendation
that foil Mving the Rentonitesir Inc.
will be made concerning
request for vacation.
No Par o nance . The City Attorney
TRAFFIC L_k.'inE2,Lf I —
introduced Ordinance No.
1895 amending
Ordinance No. 1879 , and prohibiting parking
on South Central between Titus and Willis -
McCAUGHAN MOVED for the adoption of Ord. No.
18951 Stormont seconded . Motion carried -
Fu n d L n Federal-Aid Saff�L-y . A
RAILRO10 — g Department
CROSSINGS letter was read from H. R. Goff, Depa
1 State Aid , of -the State
of Research an(.-Highway Commission, notifying the city that
three of the four railroad crossing projects
had been requested from
for which funding had been
the Federal-aid Saj�'-et-y Program
denied d 4-C)clue %, their priority position 'riot
being i q Ligh enough to be considered within
the funds presently avail.able . MASTERS
MOVED that the I.etter be made a part of the-
record ?
Just ,econded - Tjlett explained
that -the three proje(",,ts referred -to were
requests submitted at the same time as the
request for funds for the Burlington-
Northern Smith Street crossing, consisting
of the Burlington-Northern crossings on
d on James Street.
South 228th and South 212th,He further noted that while the application"
for funds for the Smith Street crossing was
approved, the other three did not make the
'I ist'.Lng . Motion carried .
priority 'I
Smith Street Cro�,j Ulett noted that the
City 'Yeas been funded on the Smith Street
Burlington-Northern crossing and that we
would be eligible for 90% Of the costs.
s Street. C Upon Storment ' s
Titu ross:Ln
that the Titus Street
question, Ulett noted
crossing had been funded and that a report
would be given at the Council workshop
meeting on Monday night.
as rioted -til-elt the Council. had directed
REZONE It w t-
the Planning Commission to consider the
rezone of a small area of land near the
intersection of West James and West Valley
, C (�Iiglriway Commercial ) to
Highway from '-T 1 GC (General Commercial . ) The P1 anning
commission cons j.(]ered the matter on Decem-
ber. 17 all(.1 has recolliIiiended that the rezone
Plannir-Ig Direc.,,tor Haric.-is
be aY.')Pr0V0(] - h( C. '
rioted ttlat the., area 01'S f P.prox'_ists O
mately six acres and that the adjacent
area was rezoned from jC to GC about a
month ago by Council action. The Mayor
opened the public hearing. Milton Hart,
a resident of the are a, noted that he had
contacted tine Ding County Auditor and had
been advised that the rezone would not
affect the taxes on the property, as both
January 6, 1975
were commercial zones . Mrs . Geary asked
REZONE the reason for the rezone, and Harris ex-
plained that the present small area of HC
zoned property does not allow for continuity
of land usage and that GC zoning allows
more types Of land uses. Mrs . Geary opined
that the change in zoning would cause the
taxes for injividual homes in that area to
double which would make it impossible for
people to continue to live there . Upon
Storment ' s questionv it was determined that
the City had initiated the rezone action .
McCaughan questioned whether the increased
assessments across the road from the pro-
posed rezone was due to the business
development at that location and Harris
opined that this was possibler and that
he thought taxes would not increase unless
the property was developed . Mrs . Geary
pointed out that she had been advised by
the Assessor ' s office that all taxes in
the County would go up. Upon specific ques
tions, Harris determined that wrecking yards
were not allowed in GC zones , but that ser-
vice stations, motels, hotels, restaurants
or car dealerships were permitted . Mrs .
Geary contended that if rezoned the taxes
will go up as a result of the potential use
of the property and questioned why the change
should be made . Mayor Hogan noted the rea-
son for the rezone was to do away with spot
zoning and bring continuity to the area.
On McCaughan ' s question, Harris noted the
area had previously been zoned C-3, with
perhaps some residential zoning. He noted
that as a result of the adoption of the new
Zoning Code in 1973, all C-3 zoning was
changed to commercial designations. He
further pointed out that HC zoning was
disappearing on the West side of the City.
There were no further comments and JUST
MOVED to close the hearing, McCaughan
seconded . Motion carried . McCAUGHAN MOVED
that the City Attorney be directed to pre-
pare an ordinance approving the zone change
from HC to GC as recommended by the Planning
Commission, Just seconded . Upon a roll call
vote, the motion carried , with Baffaro,
Johnson and Storment voting nay.
ZONING Drake-Ri lam- Annexation . In accordance with
the Zoning Ordinance, it is necessary to
hold two public hearings on the zoning of
a newly annexed area. It is the recommenda-
tion of the Planning Commission that the
newly annexed Drake-Ripley area consisting
of approximately 48 acres be zoned R-1-9 ; 6.
Planning Director Harris explained that this
would require 9 , 600 square foot lots, which
would result in about 4.5 dwelling units per
acre, basically the same as in Highridge and
Kent Scenic Park . The Mayor opened the
public hearing. Mr. Drake noted that five
of the lots were smaller than 9600 square
feet, but had 'been accepted by the County.
Harris agreed that these five would be
acceptable to the City also. Drake stated
that a portion of the area was suitable
for a Planned Unit Development and he would
January 6, 1975
Of th- s t
like to a,n a PUI) 2C),4"
zONING open . lie PD-i-1.1ted out v. that i�_ must
and t -1
,[,ore Ulit.s we. lie
re ailowedi, basi-q -
be approved or, ja contract zonincj_ would
further noted that as zoning of R
al.low seven units per ac and re Ugg(:�sted that
the ordinance to_o zone thisannexation could
on ul -
provide for 7 .2 zoning if a pUD was approve aa later. . Barr.
for a portion Of the area lat .
explained that the "extras" allowecj�, for a
PUD could be approved by -the Planning Com-
Rlissi.on if certain criteria were met . He,
t the
-as- would n,
pointed out that ]- .9
of the additiOna- 1 20% ali-owed under R..
t, a request :for a PUD 6
zoning only: and that, nning COV0 ssion
should be submittedto the Pla
later .
esident in the area, was In
Mr. Keyes Dut was not -n favor
a r
1 .6 zoning
.favor of R .-9 1.1owed under this
.of smaller lots than a
J on about sewers, Harris
Upon. Mlasterss '_ quest.I_ in the area and that
noted that _cewers , were
he assumed that since the area had now been
connection to the sewer would be
annexed, conr designated under the Subdivision
required, as ed further that concern with
Code . lie not had been a part of the Plan-
the environmentrecoMmendation Of the
ning C01T1mss'Orl1s
It was noted that two hearings are required
for zoning annexed a-reas and STORMENT MOVED
I -uary
to continue the hearing to F�:.,_by .1 1-8
Johnsen seconded . Mot lion carr:iea .
Star Lake
,LTlett reported that a meeting
� at 7
would S��_ held or, W ednesday ev ening ol: 30
D.M . in the Star Lake Elementary Scho
ding annexation plans.
Library regar representative 0 1 f the King
noted that a County Health Department would
be in attend-
ance to discuss the matter of septic -tank
failures in the area.
GREEN RIVER A letter was read from King County Councilman
Mooney addressed to the mayors and -
FLOOD CONTROL Dave Kent, Auburn Renton ano
Councilpersons of Ke I
`Tukwila $ regarding a meeting Of the Green
River p,i-ood Control Zone District to be held
on Thursday, January 9, 1975 at 7 : 30 p.m.
-L Council it-, the Renton City Ha" I Coun( Chambers.
L MASTERS iiOVED to a.ccept the let-ter and make
,ord illst seconded .
it a part of the rec - ,
Motion carried . Several Council members
indicated that they planned to attend .
Upon just ' s inquiry, Street indicated he
would ask Mooney wl-'Y these meetings were
always held, in Renton.
january 6. 1975
PAR'P�S & Iry Creek Pro :It:. wa I s noted that the
RECREATION 'arks azrd Pl.anni.ng C0111111ittee has met and
has requested that a value be established
on the ICY Creek property and that the Steei-
headers be contacted to determine what. type
of lease and what lease fee they would con-
sider. A report will be made to the Council
as soon as the information has been compiled ,
A resolution authorizing application for
-funding assistance for an outdoor recreation
project -to the Interagency Committee for
Outdoor Recreation, as provided by the Marine
Recreation Land Ac.11--, was presented . It was
noted -that this resolution was in relation
to the 35 acre Benaroya tract, which was
to be purchased by State matching funds,
donation and S0111e City funds . MASTERS MOVED
for the adoptiol.) of Re- so" U 4-
2i_ 1A_on No. 77'11
Johnson seconded . Upon— McCaughan 's 1
it was determined that the City presently
has about $20 ` 000 to $26.1000 allocated for
acquisition of the land and further deter-
mined that. the Benaroya donation amounts to
approximately $1001000 . Motion carried.
PARKS & PLANNING Masters noted that a committee meeting, w-:j;3
CO'NIMITTEE held to discuss her memorandum relative -to
creating an appointment selection committee
for the purpose of having a list of people
willing to serve on the Planning Committee .
She noted that the Committee had taken no
action as yet .
POLICE & FIRE Bids - Breathinq Air Compressor. It was
noted that bl7ds�for a B--re ---
athing Air Com-
pressor -1--or. the Fire Department were
received on December 30.1 as -Follows :
Incl . L�atag. & freicrt
New England Divers $20866 .51
Hyper Air Engineering
Option 41 (does not meet
specs) 2.? 713 . 74
Option -?Lr'2 4, 439 . 73
Poison Company 4946 .99
L.N. Curtis Company 41168 .56
MASTERS MOVED that -the best bid of New
England Divers be accepted' Johnson
seconded . Motion carried .
BIDS Street Sxwf'e . in Bids for street sweeping
2_2 -
were received on December 22, 1974 for 1975
as follows:
Clean Sweep Sweeper Service
Core Area Sweeping
( 3 times per week ) $651 per month
Residential Sweeping
(twice monthly ) $448 per month
Extra Sweeping
(Two Parking Lots ) $ 40 each time
Sales tax 2 . 12
Cost for extra sweeping $ 2i per. hour.
January 6, 1975
BIDS It was noted that the nua.f.b,,,r of miles of
street in -the core area an-,`i �-..n the rel3ide- ntial.
area have been increased, and considering
these factsV it is recommended that the new
proposal be accepted . McCAUGHAN MOVED that
the City enter into a contract with Clean
Sweep S,:,,eeper Service '1'or 1975 , Storment
seconded . [jpc1,n Masters ' question, Street
noted that the City could not pul-c-hale equip--
mentand do the job for this amount . Mot:i,on
carried .
TREE PICK-UP Street reported that Chirstmas trees would
be picked up on the following schedule :
West Hill Monday, January 13
Valley Tuesday,uesday, January .1.4
East and
Scenic. Hills Wednesday, January 15
He also noted that tree branches broken during
the recent storm would also be picked up if
they were placed at the curb.
PUGET SOUND In accordance with Resolution No. 740 of the
GOVERNMENTAL City of Kent, it is proposed that Kent have
CONFERENCE a delegate and an alternate to the Puget
Sound Governmental Conference$ which auth-
orizes one voting delegate from Kent . JUST
MOVED that Mayor Flogan be appointed delegate
and Councilperson Masters alternate, Baffaro
seconded . Motion carried .
BOARD OF AD-)ointment . It was noted that an applica-
ADJUSTMENT Lion has been received for consideration to
serve on the Board of Adjustment from R. N.
Samuelson, 3502 So. 262nd Street. Mr .
Samuelson is a retired Army criminal investi-
gator and has also served in law enforceruent
at the Municipal level . In accordance with
the Mayor ' s recommendation, KITTO MOVED -that
the appointment of R. N. Samuelson to the
Board of Adjustment be confirmed, Just
seconded . Mayor Hogan noted that -there was
also another vacancy on the Board which had
to be filled . It was determined that Mr .
Samuelson would frill -the Position vacated
by Hal Cline. Motion carried .
PROCLAMATION Human Relations Day. A proclamation was
read by Mayor Hogan declaring January 15 ,
1975 as Human Relations Day in the City of
Kent .
MEETING Suburban_l%la,,22L.s . The Mayor announced that
there will. be a Suburban Mayors' meeting on
Wednesday, January 8, at the Ebb Tide and
that the speaker will be .from the Central
Alcoholism Agency. The Police Chiefs and
City Attorneys have been especially invited .
January 6, 1975
COMMITTEE A report was given on the activities Of they
.Kent-Kaibara Town Affiliation Committee for
1974 by President Allen Dorband . He noted
that activities for the year included the
Sister City banquet., held jointly with other
cities, Sister City Week, and the Student
exchange program. He noted that they are
proposing that Kent hold its own banquet- _--
for the year 1975 and invite some people
from Japan . Dorband noted that the student
exchange program has ::seen in existence
since 1966 and that Darla Dodson was pres-
ently in Japan representing the City.
He introduced Chiheru Kakizak.i, the Japanese
student attending Kent-Meridian High School,
who is living with the Dodsons . He: also
introduced George Padvorac who will be
year ' s
c oirA�vYd to Japan in March fps this
exchange student. He noted that various
groups from Kaiba.ra have been to Kant during
the past year. He presented the committee ' s
budget plans for the coming year and noted
that a financial statement will be avail.-
able within a week.
CLAIMS Claims were presented as follows:
1 ) Claim of Jerald W. Brannon, in the
amount of $130 .00, for alleged damage
to his property by the L.R. Stanley
Construction Co. , contractor for the
Garrison Creek Sewer Interceptor pro-
ject; --
2 ) Claim of Gordon Carl Arrington in the
nt of $186 .1.7 for alleged damage
to his property in connection with the
construction of the Garrison Creak
Sewer Interceptor project .
MASTERS MOVED that the receipt of the above
claims be noted and that they be dent to
_ settlement .
the C 1.t y a.> �..s.:;,.:�.�:�t'e�a<:��., carrier for
� McCaughan �',
F3 c::<:i:1 d e:.C
reported c:n �anotherc'1�:"111
The: City Attorney re.?
Mailed by Sherry Jones in the amount ol:
$20 .53 , resulting from her car being impounded
during theOM Me ekL r Days Parade . Mirk rioted
that the claimant had statements � � hgr.
witnesses that the nearest no parking"
was about one-half block awayt:fromhat the site
where the car was p uld be paid b the
Generaln his
opinion the $20 .53 oFund . BAFFARO MOVED
City from the
20 .53 be refunded to
that the amount of �< < ,
Sherry Jones, McCaughan seconded . Motion
carried .
it was rooted that the following claims by
correspondence have: been received :
1) Harold Hill Construction Co . caused
amount- of $2 ,827 .46 fordamages
the. City
by misinformation furnished by�
Engineer ' s office;
1" 3
January 6, 1975
CLAIMS 2 ) The Public Qployeesl Retirement System
is claiming that the City of Kent owes
$7* 858 .10 as our share of operating costs
of the Statewide Employees ' Retirement
System during the years 1960-1971 . Upon
Street 's recommendation, MASTERS_ MOVED
that these two claims be directed to
the City Attorney to determine the course
of action to be taken. Storment seconded .
Motion carried .
PERSONNEL It was noted that the Finance Director has
reviewed the proposed Federal financing of
P.E .P. positions and that the present amount
authorized for Kent is $91,923 . The City
has recently received preliminary approval
for nineteen full-time and part-time posi-
tions for the funding period January 1, 1975
through June 30, 1975 . This would include
sixteen full-time positions and three part-
time, such positions to be funded under. CETA
Title 11 . It was determined that the posi-
tions are primarily maintenance and clerical
positions, which will be considered training
positions to cover attrition . A target
absorption will be 50% for only those exist-
ing positions where vacancies occur , with
the funding expected to last for 18 months .
JUST MOVED that the positions funded under
CETA Title !I be approved temporary posi-
tions in the City of Kent as long as fund-
ing continues, or until bonafide vacancies
occur in existing City positions which will
allow transition of PEP employees into
regular City employment; provided , however,
that acceptance of these positions does not
imply creation of new positions in the City .
Masters seconded . Upon McCaughan ' s question,
Street noted that the City was not obliged
to hire anyone who was not qualified either
in a temporary or a permanent capacity.
Motion carried .
FINANCE McCAUGHAN MOVED that bills received on or
before January 3. 1975 and approved by
the Finance Committee at its meeting to
be held Fliday, January 10, 1975 , at 8: 00
a.m. , be paid . Just seconded . Motion
carried .
Claims approved by the Finance Committee
on December 23, 1974 are as follows:
Current Expense $ 25 ,809 . 31
Parks & Recreation 30183 .56
Library 1 , 019 . 14
City Streets 7,026 .20
Federal Shared Revenue 6,865 .83
Library Construction 5 .95
89 ,868 . 70
Canyon Drive
Equipment Rental. 40493 .65
Firemans Re l & Pension 1, 60S .46
Leff Disability 20083 .96
Sewer 33, 117 .80
Water 4 , 474 .42
January 6, 1375
FINANCE Garbage 329 .53
$179,883 .51
MEETING ADJOURNED: 10 : 40 a.m.Respectfully submitted,
Marie Jenso' ll CMC
City Clerk