HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/16/1974 145 went., Washington December 1G, 1974 Reclular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to .order at 8; 00 p.m . Present: Councilpersons Baffaro, Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett., Finance Director Winkle . Also present: Fiie Chief Foster, Traffic Engineer Olsen, Planning Commissioner Long, Hill , Ingman & Chase representative :Ramsey. Approximately 25 people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES MASTERS MOVED that the minutes of the meeting held December 2, 1974 be approved as printed, Storment seconded . Motion carried . HOUSING & It was pointed out that two public hearings COMMUNITY would be held tonight , one on the 'three Year DEVELOPMENT Community Develo ment Plan and one on the ACT OF 1974 Housirz. Assistance Flan. The public hearing was opened on the 'three Year Community D vq opment Plan. Betty Kelley, Grants Project Coordinator, explained the requirements necessary for Ken.t ' s appli- cation for a portion of the King County Suburban Community Block Grant . She noted tha3t. :funds will become available in January, 1975 , and that applications must be submitted to HUD by April . Of the one and one--half million dollars available in King County, Kent could be eligible for 20 to 40 thousand dollars for the first year, depending on the need . She pointed out that the money could not be used for capital developments such as libraries or new city halls, and will not replace commitments already made by local governments . Seventy--two survey forms were returned listing citizen concerns in the following areas: 1 ) Public transportation 2 ) Health care :3 ) Low cost housine,T 4 ) C:J'D reclesign and rehabl1.i.t::.aki.on 5 ) Sidewalk and sr rac t iofi'proVe2illei.'.n ofly Roses 'Duke v staUed from i he ::uo i unc u tha3't. more low cost hop sing was needed in individual homes rather than :in apartment; style develop- ments. .She also noted the need for public_. transportation,; low cost clay care; service for working mothers and for recreation pro.. grams for youngster;: which dial not require . the purchase of expensive equipment . Upon questions from the Council, it 'was explained . .that subsidized housing could be in the form . of assistance to the: individual., or the hous- ing units could be subsidized . Street explained that the: Xing County Housing Authority could lease a home from a private :i.ndividual, and in turn lease it for less .money to a low income family. 397A* Dc-ce,mber BOUSING & Upon question, it was determined I I.y with planning that we wa*uld be (,oncerned on' cOMMUNITY 'tie area inside the C_tY limits . '1�1s ' DEVEI�OPMENT for t 'Kelley pointed out irst that the f rf_quirement ACT OF 1974 for t- Ye) aPP-1Ac ation is the developMent a ` munit-y development plan which three y(-'.-a" (I10111 .is would identify community needs, demonstrate a strategy to muet those needs and specify short and long--term objectives for community development:. , ","he second re, iirement was de.scribed as a first Year community develop- ment program, which would include: A. First year activities - B. General locations of activities to be undertaken. C. Estimated costs of projects.. c av�jilable. resources for D. lnd:ical'�1011 O-J_ projects to be undertaken other than this ci I a' E . Assessments of environmental factors related to first year activities . ,,Is . Kelley noted that the survey blanks were handed out to Chamber of commerce and CBD groups, to the 11ousing Advisory committee, the Parks CoMmission$ the community Service Center, the Senior Citizens Center and to City department heads# and that the program to -L)I.e public 'through the news- was expladned S paper and Hnrc:.tugh preseritat,Lon,S . he explained further that ai- ter the Counc-il. adopted the tieS tives, the first prior4 ties,. goals, and objec year program wi.11 be developed and presented at the December ;s() workshop session, so that it could be adopted at the regular Council meeting of January 6 . Kitto and Just statec.1 that there was not enough information contained in only 72 surveys ior. the Council to set priorities, . and that.-, sirice they had just received this felt c-t-je-y were not pre- report to') iglht, they t , t was explained pared to a(jopt priorities , that tile Council was being asked 'to Supply guidelines from whic11 a first year program ' would be drafted for further Council approval, and upon Johnson ' s q1_I(-.-!stiOrI it was determined that priorities did not have to be established now. Ms . Kelley rioted that if Kent is to join with King County in the program, we will. be asked to sign. such a contrac%_ by January 15 , 1975 . There were no further comments and McCAUGHAN IVIOVED 'to cJ.()sE` the Public hearing, Storment seconded . motion carried . Ms . Kelley pointed out that responses were received from the senior citizens, represent- ing the only minority group in Kent, as well as from knowledgable citizens, and that the six :items listed expressed the main concerns of the people . Harris stated that this type of response was congidered good citizen in volvement and noted that the CouncIL'I could prj.o:cjtize t4 December 161 1974 HOUSING & I' McCAUGHAN MOVED to adopt the six items COMMUNITY as listed, but in no particular order. DEVELOPMENT Johnson seconded . Just stated that he ACT OF 1974 would not support the motion as he felt riot enough time had been given for study - of the proposal considering the expenditures involved . Upon Kitt.o ' s question, Ms . Kelley noted that storm sewers were included in the CBD drainage proposal but'- that sidewalks were not included with the street improvements. Upon Storme'nt ' s question as to what would happen to the other concerns which were not listed among the six, Harris stated that if this program continues beyond the three years, these items will continue to come up for consideration. Betty Kelley noted that the tally of the surveys showed a considerable drop in the number of people who were con- cerned with the items not listed within the six. Kitto said that he was not willing to prioritize the items but was agreeable to listing the six as items of concern.. Street explained that we are talking about a three year program which may be amended immediately, and a one year program involving a contract with King County. He noted that a three year community development plan must. be adopted in order for the City to participate in the pro- gram, and that amendments could be made as necessary. It was determined that the items would be further discussed at the December 30 workshop so that the programs could be drafted and presented at the January 6 Council meeting. McCaughan asked if, when they talked about street improvements and sidewalk improvements if they would include in the program the storm drainage programs so this could be prioritized at a later. o ate. Betty Kelley stated that this could be done, and McCaughan suggested that more input would be received by then- Motion carried, with Just and Storment voting nay. (Masters was not present for this action. ) Housing Assistance Plan. Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing on the Housing . Assistance plan and explained that the objectives were reviewed by a ten member, citizen group, then referred to a joint policy committee . The policy committee then met with 'the citizens group and that which is presented tonight is a compilation of the thoughts of both groups . Lyn Johns, Associate Planner, explained that the third application requirement for the Housing & Community Development Act of -1974 is a Housing Assistance Plan, consist- ing of 4 parts: a survey of the condition of the community ' s housing stock; a survey of the housing assistance needs of the com- munity' s -low and moderate income persons (basically consisting of a family of four with an .income of under $10,000) ; a realistic G Li December 16 1974 HOUSING & annual go`a.l for the uUmber of dwelling units COMMUNITY or ,ersons~ to be assisted; and .the general � T b census tract) of proposed new DEVELOPN'i�al�'1' location A&T OF 1974 housing cohst.ruc�t ion pro�er<:t and substantial rehabilitation projects for lower income persons , Ms . Johns pointed out that after approval by the Council the recommendations and maps would be .forwarded to King County to be included in the King County Housing Assistance plan and submitted to HUD . It was toted that if z: s apply jointly with King i '.r'j cx Kent chose got t 1 � y .l Y County for funding in future years; the inior.-- mation and maps prepared for this presentation could be used for our own Housing Aspistance plan. a A su4.'�'t?�_ t���con Cil.Z:. tf)1i_C3 �X.E.ezt:.I,'11C�}1{ill�ci:n�t stack was pa �, , nt.c t:a, siaowi.ng the housing conditions by census us tract with respect to e.i.clht va.r. i.r.:bl.es, which has been 'made a part of the record ,, it was pointed out that the Kent Building Inspection Department had made an exterior inspection of all single family ' and all duplex dwel.l.i.ngs in the City. Housing in each census tract was labeled in one of four sing County designated categories: 1 ) good condition; 2 ) needs maintenance; 3 ) needs rehabilitation; 4) poor, and may require demolition . Ms , Johns explained that the .Advisory Committee a data . on the e st.:im.at.f� chi_ 'housa . � r i c.v�.e w e u c e�3.�,�tu.s �.....�..�..� -- cz:t' iow��r 7.rzco"mc�Ez:r wc�n:�, which indicated that approximately 9 . A of Kent area householdsare now inadequate.l_y housed by census def;init-!wns . it was not j expected that Kent:. woul-d"le: receiving an. influx of low to moderate income families in the aba:r future . it was pointed out that ling County will develop a realistic annual. foal for _the r,p be cif nits or yersonS to be__aasis_t::ed, and no specific number wil1 be identified tor i{ent . The requirements of the law with egard to 1cocat On of P , 20sed new housing r n s truc"t: i()n rc2~a. =t s aa±_ ;_ub-- �i�`::t_3.!'it�,a,� - :th. xi i A't'e'.'�:,_gr )roJC, Jt;£`s iv�e're e xp ��F"E?C� by Ms . Johns and it�was noted that the Advisory commit-.tee foupd that there were only two areas in which new assisted housf g should be located . The multi•-family area of O&IIi.s Street would be appropriate for new construction of multi- family units, but would require demolition of much of the existing housing. ' Also, the North :earl: residential area has many homes in good condition aQ would t.herefoxn be suitable for a mixture of rehabilitation at,i,on and now construc- tion . The Advisory C:ommi t t ee concluded also that there was E?::i.c.ient;ial...l.y no undevelC)})Od land in Kent now a"?<.: il.,:abl-e for new c onst.r.uC a.on of � assisted �1 1'�c}�:x>�:i..z'g. 149 December 161 1974 HOUSING & COMMUNITY The final conclusions of the Advisory Committee DEVELOPMENT were enumerated as: ACT OF 1974 1) More residential land should be made available for development (e .g . extend necessary utilities, transit lines, etc . ) to accommodate Kent ' s housing needs. 2 ) New large residential developments should contain a mixture of incomes . 3 ) Existing residential neighborhoods should be stabilized . and preserved when at all possible (this may involve some rezoning) . 4) Assisted housing should be dispersed throughout the community as much as pos- sible. Ms . Johns noteci that these four items did not have to be included in the acceptance of the plari, that tha_,y were really a report from the Commit-tee to the Council . Storment asked the Fire Chief for more detailed information as to the number of buildings which. the Inspec- tion Department had recommended for demoli- tion, and was told that detailed information would be supplied promptly. It was pointed out that the difference in figures could be attributed to the on-going inspection program and to -the fact that some of the demolitions had been accow.plisheld . There were nr.-P (-,,,omriients from. the audience and and no correspondence on the matter, and BAFFARO MOVED to close 'the hearing. John- son seconded . Motion carried . BAFFARO MOVED to accept the information provided on the Housing Assistance Plan and to trans- mit same to King County, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried unarilLutously. (Masters was absent for this action) . It was rioted that. -the handout materials supplied by Ms. John, and Ms . Kelley have been made a part of the record . ANNEXATIONS Drake-Rinlev Annexation . It was rioted that the Boundary Review Bloard has approved the Drake-Ripley annexation. The public hearing on the annexation was declared opened by the Mayor . Jim Dunn spoke from the audience, noting that he had recently purchased a home immediately adjacent to the area proposed for annexation.. at 26713 - 1.04th S .E . it was determined that the former owners of Mr. Dunn 's property were not in favor of the annexation, and were therefore not in- cluded . Mayor Hogan noted that there have been a series of annexation attempts in this area and the Boundary Review Board had approved the 48-acre tract as described in tonight 's presentation. Upon Dunn ' s query concerning the present water service., Ulett noted that the property would continue December 16, 1974 ANNEXATIONS to be served by the City of Kent. Uletz further note::.: thcjt if more peOPle Were interested in annexatioll, another petition would be required to initiate the annexation. procedure . There- were no further Comments and McCA13GHAN 'ROVED that the hearing be, c JUSt seconded . Motion carried . .,I o,,:;e d® No. The City 1- ttorney introduced L)r_dinansl�(__ IC91, approving the the "Drake-Ripley" annexa- tion.tion. to the City of Kent . KIT 1891 MOVED Stor- for the adoption of Ordinance ment seconded . Motion carried . Westvi.(:,.w Ann-exi-j.tion . it was noted that the election for the proposed annexation of the Westview area fail.c--�d .. M<3sters, noted that o )e probl(-,-m wiLh people there to D -� S H the electiOl-i - involved �.aving knowledge of the, area had Street y1oted tj-,at. cji.t-izens :Lxl volL _jtcere,.j to publicize t-ie e ection t was determined that there was no official information as to the actual. number of people voting but 'Ulett st ated that he understood that the voter turnouit was exceptionally good . Upon Storment ' s query, it was deter- mined that -maybe the Boundary Review Board would consider a smaller area for those h V4 -ider the petition a J.ng a sewer problem,,Oui method . It was noted that the drainage problems would continue to exist and that the only recourse the City has is to be sure the County is aware of 'the problem. A further rej)ort will. be made to the Council when the official. election results are avail- able . A meeting with the Star 1 ake School - 1974. Take School Annexa- initiators of the &a Star 1.974 at which time Lion was held December 9, it was found that the proposed boundaries are acceptable and that assumption of exist- ing City indebtedness will be required . JUST M61ED that the circulation of a. 75% annexati.on petition which includes assump- tion of existing City indebtedness be authorized for the Star' lake School 1974 annexation area, Johnson seconded . Motion carried . ZONING Subdivision Code Exception Request . It was noted that on November 26, 19741 the Planning commissi-on heard a request from Jerry Prouty .for an exception -to the [ninimum lot width requirement in an R-1 single family residen- tial zone as provided for by Section 4.1 of the city of Kent Subdivision Code . The Planning commission has recommended denial of the request. The Mayor opened the public hearing. 111here were no comments from the audience and it was no-Led that Mr . Prouty was not in attendance at the hearing . Harris k, pointed out that the subject property is located at 1006 Chicago Street, and that the parcel of property in question is approxi- mately 16 , 200 square feet . lie explained that the minimum lot requirement in an R-1 family residential zone is 7, 200 square 151 December 160 1974 ZONING feet and that Mr._• ProutY 's request to make two lots 66 and 54 feet wide would not meet the minimum requirement of 70 .feet in width. Kitto noted that: in his opinion the City conditions could be met if the exception is granted . 'There were no further comments and BAFF'ARO MOVED to close the hearing, Just . seconded . Motion carried . JUST MOVED that the recommendation of the Planning Commission to deny th.e requested exception be upheld, Johnson seconded . Motion, carried . HEALTH & L.ID 276. The final hearing on L.ID 276, the SANITATION extension of a sanitary sewer to serve: the Sunset Manor Addition, is scheduled for this meeting . Public Works Director Ulet•.t des- ribed the project, noting that the: completed i cost for the project was $38,050.00 and that the engineer 's estimate: had been $47,000 .00 . The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. A .Letter was read from Randel D. Price, re- questing .review of the method of assessment, and suggesting that the assessments be figured upon the number of users rather than upon -the square footage . MASTERS MOVED to accept: the letter and refer •it to the Public Works Director, Storment seconded . Motion carried . There were no comments from the audience and BAFF'ARO MOVED that the public hearing be closed, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried . JOHNSON MOVED that the individuals .protest- ing the assessments be invited to meet with the Public Works Committee can Monday, Decem- ber 30, 1974 at 8 :00 p.m. , McCaughan seconded . Motion carried . Alcoholism Treatment Faci.l. ty. A letter was read from Ctiarle s H. Kester, Administrator, Department of Public Health, announcing the opening of a temporary 60-bed Alcoholism Treatment Facility on December 3, 1.974 at the former F'irland Hospital. in North King County. The letter further noted that the location of the permanent facility will. be at .Building #10, U.S . Public Health Service it Hospital , with opening expected to take place in April, of 1975 , and pointed out: that screening of })at:ients will be through the Department of Public Health. McCAOGHA.N MOVED to accept the letter, Johnson seconded. Motion carried . Garbage Contract. It was noised that a bid for garbage collection service has been received from General Disposal, the present contract holder. The bid was reviewed in I ' -detail and it is recommended that the pro- posal be accepted . KITTO MOVED that the proposed garbage service contract of General Disposal for the years 1975 - 1978 be approved, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried . i I � I I f 152 December 16, 1974 REALTB & i0o) le S2 itar, Sewer nterce or. �L I- SXNITATIODI Yt-was noted that the sewer contract for the 100th Avenue Sanitary sewer projedt provides for completion of the project by December 16, 1974. It has been deter- mined that delaying the final street sur- facing until Spring will give better and more lasting results and is acceptable to King County as weil as the Public Works Department . The contractor has requested a time extension until April 1 , 1975 for thil purpose . McCAUGHAN MOVED that the time for the completion of the sewer con- tract on 100th Avenue be extended until April 1 , 1975 , Baffaro seconded . Motion carried . Pr dosed Sewer LTD. it was noted that a petition requesting installation of a sani- tary sewer within South 222nd from East Valley Highway to SR 167 has been received and reviewed by the Public Works Committee . McCAUGHAN MOVED that receipt Of the petition be noted and forwarded to the Engineering Department for preliminary processing, Masters seconded . Motion carried . Central Aynn"y Intersecti2on . STREETS Smith Stleet_±14 Cantral - Bids were opened on December 6, 1974 for curb replacement at the Smith Street and Central Avenue intersection, It was noted that the only bid received exceeded the estimate by 73% and upon the recommendation of the Public Works Director , McCAUGHAN MOVED that the December 6, 1974 bid of Valley Cement conszruction, Inc. for improvements at the Smith Street and Central Avenue intersec- tion be rejected and that a new call for bids be authorized, Storment seconded . Motion carried . Intersection. Rf�it' R d Military Road It was noted TT-at _ri`g­_C'ountyhas a-p—pro-ved an agreement with Kent to improve the inter- section of Reith Road and Military Road at joint expense, using U.A.B. funds and local funds . Total costs are estimated to be $189, 650 and Kent ' s portion of $40, 750 is included in budgeted funds . MASTERS MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to execute the agreement with King County for the jointly financed Reith Road - Military Road intersection improvement, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried . Traffic Control . Mirk noted that an ordinance prohibiting parking on Central. Avenue from Titus to the Green River and on portions of the East Gowe/Titus Street pro- ject will. be presented at the next Council meeting . t53 16, 1974 STREETS Rent2n-* read from 'L -c rLc_ : A letter was_L ___L Vice .President of Renton- Richard Lucotcho ites, Inc. , requesting that a portion of land deeded to the City for road purposes on 102nd Avenue S .E . from James Street to S .E . 236th now be quit claimed back to Rentonites, Inc. due to the fact that the strip has not been improved by the city for roadway purposes . MASTERS MOVED that receipt of the letter be noted and that it be for- warded to the Public Works Committee for con- sideration, just .seconded . Motion carried . RAILROAD Smith Street Crossin2a Public Works Director _CROSSINGS Ulett reported that the state Highway Depart- ment had advised that Kent ' s request for funds for the Smith Street Burlington-Northern crossing had received favorable recommenda- tion from the State to the Federal Highway Administration . ulett further noted that Burlington-Northern had installed the high intensity lights on December 13 and that the 30" diameter stop signs had been replaced by 36" signs with improved reflector quali- ties. He further reported that some of the engineering work and right of way acquisi-- tion costs might not be available from Federal funding and that Burlington-Northern was starting on the engineering work, with the matter of rights of way to be further discussed . Upon Storment 's question, Ulett noted that the matter of removing the two tracks has been discussed by the City and Mr . George of the Railroad and that it was hoped that this could be accomplished soon . John Long asked if consideration had been given to installing a parabolic mirror to allow visibility down the tracks . Ulett noted that the City would be willing to try it but as yet had not seen such a system which worked satisfactorily. Milwaukee - Meeker Street Crossinq. Johnson rioted that because of Christmas decorations and a large neon sign at the laundry it was very difficult to observe the signals at night at the Milwaukee - Meeker Street cross- ing. WATER Water. Main Replacement - Willis and Seat-le StreOO It was noted that awarding of the bid for the water main replacements on Seattle and Willis Streets was delayed to allow time for consideration of the proposed expenditure . Upon the recommendation of the Finance and Public Works Committees, KITTO MOVED to accept the best bid of Bert Robison Construction Com- pany in the amount of $50,033 .43 for Schedules it II and III . McCaughan seconded . Motion carried . BIDS Surplus Egjjpm2nt_Salj. The sale of several items of surplus equipment was conducted on December 13 , 1974. A minimum price accept- able to the City was placed on each item of equipment and bids were received on each item in excess of the minimum prices as set by the City" Upon the recommendation of the Administrator, MASTERS MOVED that the best bid for each piece of equipment for 54 December 16, 1974 BIDS sale be accepted# - Baffaro seconded . Motion carried . A tabulation of the bids received was distributed to the Council and has been made a part of the record . LIBRARY Upon the re(_,ommendat-iorl of Don Bogard, CITY HALL architect JUST MOVED that the contract of COURTYARD Robert M. I Kiiier for the City Hall - Library Courtyard project be accepted as complete and that the retainige be released upon receipt Kitto seconded . of- the necessary Clearances Motion carried ,, CITY PROPERTY offic,e Space Lease J_or State Electrical ors . t. was noted that. the �tate ral Ad has Department of Gene f space in proposed to renew their lease o the city Warehouse for the State Electrical moved from a room ctors . The office was In s pe with 270 square feet to one with 200 square feet on December 1 , 1.974, with the rent remaining the same at $75 per month. It was determ'Lned ti-iat having the State Electrical Inspectors so located is a definite advall-tage to the City and it is recommended that the lease which runs froiii March 1., 1975 to February 28, 1976 be approved . JUST MOVED that the said lease be signed by the Mayor, Johnson seconded . Motion carried . II Icy Creek W�:,ter Source . Masters reported '___an_dPlainning Committee is it that the Parks -ind out what type of a .1ease, attempting to .'L be irterested in and the steelheaders would n also the present value of the 20--acre Icy Creek property. She noted that there- might be a possibility that the Steellheaders would be- interested in purChasing the property. mccaugnan ' s question, 3.L was determined that the City has no , � 11 pl,an, to use the prop- tarty as a water source . street noted that t the matter of ownership ofhe property ' . by_ t h e W a t e r t me rn t wOu. .9 scussed 1 . I-je po ritod outs steelheaders were t - part of TrOu IV 0 organi a na ional zation with funds available . Street noted that at one time there was a commercial fish hatchery at that location and that the Steel- headers were using the site nowt to raise fish. Upon Baff aro s Ke .nt--KanL _y Ben on lighway- TRAFFIC CONTROL inquiry, it was noted that the construction project on the Kent-Kangley Road had contribu- ted -to the traffic problems a and Benson 1lighway intersection . It was noted that there would be a new traffic signal for this intersection. PLANNING Mayor Hogan has recommended the appointment COMMISSION of James P . Rasmussen, 1267 Canyon Drive, a real estate broker with Bell-Anderson, to the Planning Commission. It was determined Ii that with Mr . Rasmussen ' s appointment, the Planning columission would be made up as fol- lows : t 5 5 Dec,.­,-i,,kbE,r i97 PLANNING 4 living on the -west side, inside the City limits COMMISSION 1 living on the west side, outside th I e City limits limits 3 living on the east side, inside the City outside the City 1 living on the east side, limits . It was determined within that a 1.1. members live w.1 -the Sphere of Interest and that the occupa- tioj-,,,:; of the various individ-aals are as follows: 2. Boeing engineer, 3 businessmen, 2 housewives, 3. architects 1 economist, and I civil engineer. KITTO MOVED that the appointment of James Rasmussen to the Pla.nning commission be con- firmed, Baffa-ro ,�t.-!corj.ded . Street noted that the information given as to the make--up Of the Planning commission was furnished at the request of the CoUncil - Upon Storment ' s ques- tion, Harris noted that there are still three or four names of people left on the list who had expressed a desire to serve on the Planning Commission. Motion carried . CIVIL SERVICE Upon the recommendation of Mayor Hogan, COMMISSION McCAUGHAN MOVED that the appointment of Kenneth "Mahn to -the Civil Service comlijission be confirmed, j3affcjro se^.c,.orlded . It was noted that Mr- Yaht I i. is a partner in the Edline--Mahn Funeraj_ 11-Iome and has served in a similar capa-Citv in another community. Upon the Mayor ' s question, Fire Chief Foster noted that the Commission meets at least once a month and more often if necessary. Motion carried . BOARD OF Resig. ..nation. A letter was read from Bob t of Adjust- i<uvar 1�e�iiber of the Kent Board ADJUSTMENT ment, stating that he no longer wished to serve on -the Board after December 31, when his term expires . J IUST MOVED that the letter be accepted with regret, Masters seconded . Upon Masters ' query, it was determined that -there are now two vacancies on this Board and Mayor Hagan noted that perhaps two people who had expressed an interest in serving on the Civil. Service Collimission might be willing to serve in this Capacity instead . Mirk noted'. in response to McCaughan ' S question, that the Board does meet infrequently, only when a matter i.,s filed which must, by State law, be heard by the Board Mayor liogan suggested that recomiaendat,j,ons be -made as soon as possible, for filling the vacancies . Motion carried . CLAIMS Stuart '01att le's C l lia" - It was noted that. a --, claim Tar $6�3 O has been filed by Stuart Wattles in connection with a Late Comers charge for a water main, McCAUGJHAN MOVED that receipt of the claim be recorded and that the claim be forwarded to the City Attorney for determination of validity, Masters seconded . December 16, 1975 iedW. il CLAIMS Another claim was receAlbers in the amount ofv$94t84mforCalleged damage to his automobile on the Kent-Kangley Road . The City, Attorney determined that the contractor on this State Highway project is Bellevue Bulldozing and that the claim should be forwarded to the State Highway Department for their action. -McCAUGHAN AMENDED his motion to include referral of the claim of Cecil W. Albers to the City Attorney also, ' Masters concurred, and the amended motion carried . FEDERAL The continued public hearing on. Federal REVENUE Revenue Sharing is scheduled for this meet- 5HARING ing u for additional input from the public, department requests or Council member re- quests. ' It was noted that after completion of the hearing, all requests will be evalu- ated by the Finance Committee and a report made back to the Council for official adoption. The Mayor opened the continued public hearing. Street noted that a report must be made by February for the Federal Revenue Sharing funds. John Long spoke from the audience, indica- ting that there were two items which he wished to submit for consideration. One item covered free Metro transportation for the elderly, suggesting that 1% of the revenue sharing i funds for 1975 be set aside for this purpose to be used as long as it lasts. The second item was for the sum of 1/2 of 1% of the revenue sharing funds for 1975 to be set aside for the use of the Bicentennial Com- mittee for an operating budget. City Attor- ney Mirk noted that he was requesting the ap- proximate roximate sum of $5 ,400 for Kent Valley Youth Services rather than asking for any revenue sharing funds for his department. He commented on the excellent job being done in the community by KVYS, noting that this was the only place juvenile offenders could be assisted . Street noted that a written request had • been received from the -Traffic Engineer regarding funding in the amount of $331, 350 for the new OPTICOM system for .signal con- trol for emergency vehicles . Baffaro opined that this should be a priority item for con- sideration. Public Works Director Ulett submitted a written report of explanations of drainage ' items, which had previously been submitted to the Finance Committee. Upon McCaughan' s question, Ulett stated that the items were listed in the order of priority. The City Clerk introduced a request from the Property Manager asking for approval II 157 December 16, 1974 t of FEDERAL of a $5 ,000 expenditure for payment oposed A2P ._s and reA-ated c k- I REVENUE a i . a os.,-s of the pr SIIARII�G l- C Cee kHolding Pold . 'It was noted - that on June3, the Council had authorized the firm of Conger, Schueler and McKown to be used for appraising the land for the hold- ing pond area , The City Clerk, noted receipt of a. report from the Kent Valley Youth. Servic __,es giving a sumjjjary of November ' s counseling and statist.ics on the evaluation of City Of Kent counseling cases between July and Nov- ember, 1974, as well as future goal.s . it was noted that the written requests have been made a part of the record . councilperson Johnson requested considera- tiori of installatIOn of a traf17sc li(Aht ., at the West Valley flighway_a`n(j South 277th Street intersection. McCaughan agreed with Johnson that since completion of the 4-lane highway above, traff-4,c has increased con- siderably. Street noted that part of this intersection is in the County and that sug- gestions from our Public Works Department and from our Traffic Engineer will be for- warded to the . CourLty in order to get the mat-ter stal--ted . Olson noted that no traffic counts were presently available for the intersection and that the accident reports for this Intersection were handled through the State Highway Department. Fire Chief Foster commented that the Fire Department has responded to calls for aid at that intersection, Storment- asked for consideratiop of a per IJ,.LLy Lhar�Les to centage decre�ls e Ln u ti senior citizens on fixed incomes . Street noted that while several ci,ties have a set-up of this type, it is a practice which is against State law- 'Upon McCaughan ' s question, I- stated that such a reduc- tion would not be out of Federal Revenue Sharing funds since income from utilities is a separate item. Ba-'Haro suggested that the suill Of $3,-000 be set aside for use as tor the Council . Mayor !iogan suggested that the airiount of 1% or-.L capital. improvement projects be set aside for art and cultural items, noting that on the City Hall project- , this would amount to !�� about $13,000 . She further noted -that this was an item for which matching funds are available and that the County has been utili- zing this formula. There were no further comments - BAFFA:R0 MOVED to cl-ose the hearing and for the Finance Committee to evaluate -the requests and make its recommendations to the Council, Johnson seconded . Street noted that the Finance Committee will be meeting on December 23 and January 15 , 1975 and could make A,ts report to the Council at the January 20 Cou ncil mee-ting . MOti0rI carried . December 16, 1974 BUDGET The City Attorney introduced Ordin Ice No. 1892 approving the. 1975 budget . It was determined that the ordinance includes . the items identified in the preliminary budget and a gross amount for Federal Revenue Sharing, and further, that the total budget is $13 ,879,513 less in-house transfers of $2 ,569 ,502, for a total Of $11, 310, 011 , KITTO MOVED for the adoption of Ord . 1892, Storment seconded . Masters commented that she did not agree with all the provisions of the budget and the motion carried, with Masters voting nay. A letter was read from the City of Bremerton advising that they had passed a resolution asking President Ford to impose wage and price controls, and inviting Kent to make a similar request . JUST MOVED that the and made a part of the letter be accepted record, Johnson seconded . Motion carried . UTILITY TAX A letter was read from Washington Natural Gas Company noting that due to their price increase, the city could actually lower the percentage for the utilities tax and still receive more revenue than they bad received in 1974x The letter further urged increase the utilities tax- the CAY not to the letter and make NITTO MOVED to accept it a part of the record, Storment seconded . Motion carried . AWARD Mayor. Hogan announced that the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association has honored Kent with the Safety Award of Honor for 1973 . Director of Public Works Ulett noted that Traffic Engineer Ed Olson was the Safety Chairman W accept the award for gent and asked him to on behalf of the Public Works Department. olidated Bond Issue LIDs 257 258 & 275 . FINANCE Cons The City Attorney introduced Ordinan , No. 1893 for a consolidated LID bond ordinance covering LIDs 257, 258 and 275 . STORMENT MOVED for the adoption of Ord . 1893, Just seconded . motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED to pay bills received through December 18# after approval of the Finance - committee at its meeting on Monday, December 23 at 8 : 00 a.m . - Storment seconded . Motion carried . Claims approved by the Finance Committee on December. 11, 1974, are as follows: Current Expense $ 11,875 .83 Parks & Recreation 30,854.62 60 493 .65 Library City Streets 5 , 365 .58 Federal Shared Revenue 49,927 . 31 E . Valley Construction 154.98 3-3 EVH - Willis to Green River 0492 . 17 Central/Smith Intersection 433 .72 Gowe Street - East 15 , 729 . 26 Reith Road/Military 600 .00 159 i December 161 1974 U FINANCE Linda Heights Sewer Improvement 180 . 79 l Garrison Creek Sewer 36, 302 .02 100th Avenue Sewer Interceptor 24, 151 .02 Equipment Rental 1,582 .99 Leff Disability 125 .52 Sewer 793 .99 Water 2 .619 .50 Garbage $ 27,496.55 $2550,179 .50 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10 :40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk C• i