HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/02/1974 Kent, Washington December 2, 1974, i Regular meeting of -the Kent City Council was called to order. at 8: 00 p.m. by Council. President Kitto. Present: Counciipe:r.sons Baffar.o, Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, City .Attorney Mirk, pub it Works Director Ulett, Planning Director Barris, Finance Director Winkle . Mayor Hogan arrived at 8: 40 p.m. Also present: Parks Director Wilson police Chief McQuery, Eire Chief foster, , ill , Ingman & Chase representative Ramsey. Approximately H 30 people were in attendance . MINUTES JUST MOVED that the minutes of the meeting held November 1.8, 1974 be approved as printed, Johnson seconded . Motion carried . PROCLAMATION A proclamation was read by Council President Kitto declaring the week of December 1 through 8, 1974, as Civil Air. Patrol Week . HEALTH & Garbage__ I=(�;ul.i�'cc� f3irl�a , It was no t.ed that one SANITATION bid was received today for hauling garbage for the next four years. Upon the recommenda- tion of the Administrator, JiTS7' MOVED that the bid be referred to the Public Utilities Committee for review at their next meeting on December 91 Masters seconded . Motion carried . Green River Flood Control. . it was reported that Councilman Dave Mooney has requested that a meeting be held in the Renton City Hall at 7: 30 p.m. on Thursday, December 12, 19741 to discuss the: Green River. Flood Con- 'trol- projects . Representatives of Renton, expected to attend and ex Tukwila and Kent are p Just, Johnson, McCaughan and Masters indicated they would attend . STREETS Handrail Installation and Repair - Willis and Tames Streets . In accordance with the recom- mendatioon of the. Engineering Department, McCAUGHAN MOVES) -that all bids for instal.la- :i.on and rel.)air of hand.r.ai.ls on Willis and St.reet: be r:ejetct::e:d .for the re'.-i:,on that :i..s (-.-;Xce.s:sive . B a.f is Caro seconded . r.a:r3_--ied . JUST MOVED that the Director ai Public Works be authorize(-] to negotiate ra corai:tact for the work within the budget figure o:t:-: $2,900, John ,on seconded . In res- laonse, to Ma.st:ers' I query, U:l.et:t noted that it was hoped that the contract could be negotiated with a contractor who did not bid *and who would do it for the budgeted price . Motion carried . WATER Seattle and Willis Street Water Main Replace- BIDS ment = The Director of Public Works reported at the last work session that he would recom- mend acceptance of the low b:i..d of Bert Robin lion c. . Ll',i.:rr t ;i ;i 1" Lhe iiiUrle y i �a.vr:a i l ;)Id e .,crl'a.'; care C:'f)I11�;i�.IT]1/ i.i► t..lic� i':)'/'.; bl.ad(je t•. . 11 :�'c c:;r.:ruuirc�iir: tXt:;,i.ut"c c. a�►rac.rt be given until after completion of the budget hearing and a report will be made at the next Council meeting, which will still be within the time frarpe of the call for bids . ZONING Davis Rezone. . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No . 1.889 :rezoning a portion of cer- t�a �ri p 'opetrty :from HC to Gt,. MASTERS MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No , 1689, McCaughan seconded . Motion c�arr. i..(.)cl . December 21 1974 TRAFFIC �R 0—t-23—L�im it,s S—outh Central Avenue - The ___ _ City Attorney introduced 1890, so as to increase amending Ordinance 1-811 , the speed limit from 35 mph to 40 mpi-,* on South •Central. Avenue from Willis Street to t B he Green River ri STORMENT dge . j.u seconded- MOVED that Ordinance No, 1890 be adopted, Just motion carried . thern Crossin Smith Buri goon Nor RA RAILROAD read from John L. Fournier, Jr. , CROSSINGS A letter was President Of the Kent Chamber of Corrimerce, recommending that additional warning signals be installed that ,stop" be painted on the ,verrient, and pa I that the Ci (. ty ,or1sider install- irig curbing to prev(�!nt cars from qo1r.1g through closed gates , The Chamber also requests s that the City study all. railroad crossings from the standpoint of safety, and for the Chamber to be advised of such findings . MASTERS MOVED he letter and make it a part of to accept %_the record, and for it to be referred to the Public Works Department. just seconded, motion carried A letter was read from Ellen Nesbitt Stating that the stop signs at the Smith Street crossing will not help the situation as the sight distance is not adequate . She suggested that the solution was to install arms on the crossing , JUST MOVED to accept the letter and make it a part of the record, Kitto seconded . Motion carried . Street noted that Mrs . Nes- bitt ' s letter had already been answered . Public Works Director Ulett reported that Mr . Wallace, Trainma.ster for Burlington- Northern, had expressed the concern of the legal. department over the changes at the crossing, and will advise if they think council action is necessary. Wallace had also noted that cars are being kept off the siding as much as possible . Ulett noted that he would report on whether a slight realignment of Smith Street could be made to provi.de sufficient space for installation of bumpers . He noted further study would be given to removing one or two tracks and that rubber "stop" signs had been, ordered . It was pointed out that no word has been received regarding the Fbderal grant application. City Attorney Mirk noted that Police Sgt. LaBelle estimated that 3500 verbal warnings had been given for failure to observe the newly installed O,C o signs and t - t lj�jt cj.tza.ions were. being ) J_sstied a,,.-, of- toei�jy, McCaughan commended Ulett and 'Traffic Engineer Olsbn for their comprehensive reports . TRAFFIC Public Works Director Ulett noted that there CONTROL would be a demonstration on December 3 at 1 : 00 p.m. at 4th and James of a new OPTICOM traffic system, which would change traffic signals to allow emergency vehicles to 90 through. December 2, 1974 POLICE & FIRE h0a County C,�Ommisslon card.s The City Attorney noted that the County had agreed with him on his objection to the wording of the agreement covering police commissions issued to Kent Police officers by King County, and had agreed to the addition of certain phrases . Bids - Breatbing Air Com Street noted FIRE ------jbin2_ :Lc� that bids were received today on a high pressure air compressor for respiratory air as follows: Polson Co. $4498 -00 + tax New England Divers 2, 685 - 00 + tax it was pointed out that New England Divers did not submit the required bid bond and upon the recommendation of the Fire Chief, STORMEN" MOVED that all bids be rejected due to the great difference in the amounts, and that a call for bids be reissued as soon as possible . Just seconded . Upon Masters ' query, Foster noted that this is emergency equipment and could be delivered within about three weeks after the bid award . Motion carried . CIVIL SERVICE read from Don Bell , announcing COMMISSION A letter was December 31 from the his resignation as of Civil Service commission after more than 20 years of service on this commission . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter with regret and for a letter of commendation to be sent to Mr. Bell for his many years of service, McCaughan seconded , Motion carried . PARKS & Councilperson Masters noted that the scheduled PLANNING meeting of the Parks & Planning Committee had been postponed until December 16, 1974. PLANNING A letter was read from Willis Calhoun, COMMISSION announcing his resignation from the Planning Commission . JUST MOVED to accept the letter with regret, Storment seconded . Motion carried . that.. the Boundary ANNEXATION Drake-Ri2l 1 it was noted t _2y. Review Board has approved the Drake-Ripley annexation. McCAUGAAN MOVED that a public hearing on the Drake-Ripley annexation be held December 16, 1974, Baffaro seconded . Motion rarric!d - MOVJ` I) 01,11 iftc' P "n- ning QUM0;.,tJ0r1 con,­ii,tlor lho /,ol-lilig (4anni .- j.'..'Icarion ior Lhis arpa in accordance with the zoning Code, and to make a recommendation to the Council, Johnson seconded . Matiur, carried . puhiic Wotk.,a Int.l.,oduced a 10% wnnoxal,joit petition for the Star Lake Elementary School property, plus 33 residences, consisting of approximately 20 acres, located between South 268th and S . 2704h, went of 4217d Avenue South He noted that the annexation was sought because lv December ; 2, 1974 ANNEXATION of the failure of septic tanks in the area. On Masters ' query, it was noted that annexa- tion proceedings could take about six months to complete. JUST MOVED to accept the 10% annexation petition and for a meeting to be held with interested property owners on December 9, Masters seconded � ' Motion carried . CLAIMS FOR In accordance with the policy previously DAMAGES established, STORMENT MOVED that the claim of Frank W. Huhta in the amount of $54.06 for alleged damage to his automobile, filed on December 21, 1974, be forwarded to the Ci.ty ' s insurance carrier . Just seconded . Motion carried . EMPLOYMENT A letter was read from the Auburn offices SECURITY of the Employment Security Department extend- DEPARTMENT ing an invitation to an open house on December 61 1974 between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Just seconded . Motion carried . HOUSING & King County 1974 Housing and Community COMMUNITY Development Act . MASTERS MOVED to hold a DEVELOPMENT public hearing on Kent '$ input into the King County Housing and Community Development Program on December 16, 1974, McCaughan seconded Motion carried . BUDGET Contract Negotiations. It was noted that a contract has been negotiated with Teamsters, Driver Salesmen & Warehousemen Union Local 117 on the following changes to the existing contract: 1 ) Maintenance of membership 2 ) Pay increase of 11% , 3) A ,$10 per month payment to each employee, who may either take- it in pay or direct the City to use it toward paying the dependent ' s health and accident insurance . Street noted that this contract is in line with similar contracts now being negotiated and has recommended acceptance . JUST MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the above described union contract, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried . A memo was read by Finance Committee Chairman Just regarding the budget reviews conducted by the Finance Committee and outlining the actions taken to balance the 1975 budget as follows: ^1 ) Basic service levels provided in 1974 will be maintained in 1975 ; 2 ) Requests for additional manpower would be considered individually; 3 ) Capital outlay items generally were removed from the budget, to be considered from Federal Revenue Sharing funds or from the capital projects reserve; 4) Wherever possible, Park program revenues must support the costs of such program. 1 n December 2, 1974 BUDGET The Public Hearing on the 1975 budget was � opened at 8: 40 p.m. Printed copies were made available to the public. Street pointed out that no adjustments to wages had been shown as yet as so me were still under negotiation. He gave a summary of the anticipated revenue, by fund, noting that the revenue for 1975 was approximately $324,000 over that of 1974. There were no questions from the audience . Street itemized the proposed expenditures by fund and by department. Department heads answer an n attendance to a Y questions were i which might arise . Street noted that the only salary increase shown .in the budget as presented at this time was one for the Mayor, increasing her salary from $600 to $700 per month. He noted that the figures presented for salaries included only periodic step raises for employees who had not yet reached the final step in their classification . Street pointed out that the salary figure for the Planning Department appeared to in- clude more than step raises because it included the salary for a position which was paid only for six months in 1974. The Police Department provides for the addition of a jailer, which will be under Federal fin- ancing for at least six months . The Fire Department budget reflects the addition of one clerk, one firefighter financed under the PEP program and increasing a clerk from part-time to fulltime . It was pointed out that under the new law, volunteers must now be paid at least $2 .00 per hour instead of being paid on a point system as has been done in the past. The Building Maintenance budget has been transferred into the Park Department budget. The City Clerk ' s budget includes costs of codification of ordinances and for election services . Street pointed out that the Contingency fund must be kept intact until all negotiations for wages have been completed, and until classifications for certain, posi- tions have been evaluated. The Park Depart_- ment budget includes the transfer from the Building Maintenance budget, increasing a clerk from part-time to fulltime at the Senior Citizens Center, one employee funded by WIN last year, and the grants coordinator. It was noted that part-time salaries were up $4,000 over the 1974 figure, and that purchases would include a dishwasher for - the Senior Center. The proposed program for street improvements Mr. Street was outlined by , who noted that the Arterial Street Funds were all pledged to bond interest and redemption . With refer- ence to the Egu%ipment- Rent-al P and , S tree C noted that consideration was being given to the possibility of leasinq some vehicles .. �I December 2, 1974 BUDGET Requirements of the law were explained with i reference to the Fi.remens Relief & Pension_ Fund, which must be maintained as long as we have firemen who were covered under this system before LEFF came into existence . It was pointed out that this was used a fund for medical expenses not covered by insur- ance. Foster explained that the fund must be kept .for 40 years from the passage of the i LEFF act, which was in 1970 . It was noted that the LEFF Disability Fund was used to cover an insurance policy to protect the City because policemen and firemen who were ill or disabled must be paid full wages by the City for a maximum of six months before they were, eligible to take disability retire- ment under the LEFF system. Hal Cline spoke from the audience on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, complimenting the Council and the administration on the excellent job done on presenting a comprehen- sive budget . Winkle noted that there might be some slight changes in some of the figures and that a line item budget would be available within five working days . Masters asked if there was to be an increase in the Planning staff, and Street pointed out that the Planning Director had just returned from vacation, and was preparing a report on the work load assignments for his staff Upon Masters ' further question, it was determined by Street that the $100 increase in the Mayor' s salary was justified by the work load Masters commented that the Council had gone on record as establish- ing the Mayor ! s position as part-time, which allowed the $200 tax free payment to the Mayor from Metro, and that this made the total earnings for the position more than some Kent citizens earned in full time posi- tions . She noted that if the job required full time work, perhaps the Council should establish this and allocate a suitable full- time salary. Street noted that it was the Counc.il ' s prerogative to increase the hours and salary for the Mayor by ordinance,' but that the salary could riot be decreased during the term for which a person has been elected . He stated further that some council- persons had asked about changing the form of government from Mayor/Council to City Manager, and that this could only be done by the vote of the people . Just stated that the majority of the Finance Committee had been in favor -of the $100 increase and that there was no doubt but that this is a part-time position . He pointed out that the purpose of the addi- tional payment made by Metro was indeed for part-time elected officials who attended various Metro meetings . 4 140 December 21 1974 BUDGET Upon Johnson ' s and McCaughan ' s questions about the effect of, annexations on the load that the Police Department, Street pointed out the Council could check into this after the annexations were accomplished and after May when the revenues from the annexations should appear on the tax rolls. Kitto, McCaughan, Just, Masters and Storment complimented the City staff for the presentation of a most comprehensive budget, and Kitto pointed out that the Finance Committee had spent many hours in deliberation in order to balance the budget. Street reiterated that changes made in connection with salaries will not change the total figure of the budget. There were no further comments to closeotherres- pondencep and BAFFARO MOVED public hearing. Johnson seconded, motion carried . JUST MOVED to adopt the 1975 pre- liminary budget as presented and for the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance . Baff aro seconded . Motion carried, over Masters ' nay. FEDERAL REVENUE Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing on SHARING proposed expenditures of the Federal Revenue Sharing funds at 10 : 30 P.M. Street read a letter from Reverend dth) fora asking 1975 for the 2100 ($175 p $ It was pointed Community Service Center. out that funds had been provided for this service for part of 1974 at $125 per month. den of A letter was also SerdvicesmandbJimnBauman Kent Valley of the Sixth Chamber requesting $5 ,400 (the er month) for the period equivalent of $900 p covering January 1 to June 30 of 1975 . It was explained by Street that money had been j allocated during 1974 to Kent Auburn Youth Resources, which funneled the money through to the Kent Valley Youth Services and the Sixth Chamber. Bob Landen noted that the connection with Kent Auburn Youth Resources had been terminated, and explained that the LEAA (Law Enforcement Assistance Administra- tion) funding period would not start until March or April, and that the support was re- quested for six months to avoid a gap in the services, and to allow programs to be developed . Jim- Bauman supplied information to the Council including that of the people counseled in 19731 70% lived outside the Kent City limits, but that in 19741 60% were City of Kent resi- dents . Upon Just 's question, Bauman noeted Tian-the LEAA funds were committed to "City, and that the City would not be asked for Federal Revenue Sharing Funds after June, 1975 . Bauman pointed out that LEAA funding required 10 ° matching money which could not � come from Federal sources, and that this would amount to approximately $20100 . It was deter- mined that since this amount could not come from Federal Revenue Sharing funds, it was not included in the request for the $5400 . II ` 141 December 2, 1974 FEDERAL Upon Just ' s question he noted that they REVENUE would be looking to the City for the $2,100 . SHARING Street pointed out that this was so and that the City had that money earmarked, noting also that about $11500 of LEAA money would go to supplying attorneys for indigents. Bauman stated that it could be documented that "direct services" would be provided . Kent Police Captain Grant clarified that the Police Department was well satisfied with cases which they had referred to this organization. Dave Johnson stated from the audience that support for this organization would be funds well spent . Street noted that items deleted from the City budget from various departments would now be introduced to be considered for Fed- eral Revenue Sharing funds . The Police Department request was noted as follows: Police Department 1. Telephoto Lens/Video $ 187.00 2 . Telephoto Lens 35 mm 369 .00 3 . 3 Replacement Radios• 30000 .00 4. New Compact Vehicle 30791 .00 5 . Radio for New Vehicle 10000 .00 6. 3 Portable Radios 3# 317 .00 7 . Trade-in 2 Detective Vehicles #86 and #89 9 ,056.00 $ 20, 720 .00 Police Chief McQuery prioritized the list, and explained the need for the various items. Upon Storment ' s question he determined that seven officers were assigned to the swing and graveyard shifts, less any who were on vacation, ill, or attending school . Street noted that the Finance Committee had tentatively authorized use of Revenue Sharing funds for the Fire Department in the amount of $161500 to match a similar amount funded by Fire District 37, to purchase radios for the department . Additional requests for the Fire Department were listed as follows: Fire Department 1 . Radio for New Car $ 1, 225 .00 2. Training Tower 40,000 .00 $ 410225 .00 Street noted that the training tower was also used for drying hos6, .and could be funded over several years. Upon questions, Chief Foster noted that the radios requested were replacements and that the few existing radios which could be repaired could be utilized-by volunteers . He pointed out that the radios could not be used by other departments as this band is only used by Fire Departments . Street read the request From the Parks Department as follows: 14-9 December 21 1974 FEDERAL Parks and Recreation REVENUE $ 1#000 .00 SHARING 1 . Greenhouse 1 200 .00 2 . Senior Center Floor 3 . Bike Underpass - 259th 4 000 .00 and Valley Freeway 8�000 .00 4. Bike Underpass - Meeker , 5 . 2 "Super Secur" Comfort 100000 .00 . Stations 6. Basic Development - Linda 10 000 .00 Heights Park 7. Russell Road Park ' Parking 15 , 000 .00 Lot 8 . Design and Plannii:ig Costs for Matching Fund Projects 50000 .00 9 . Two Mowers and Yardman Tiller (replacements) 1 . 600 ._00 $ 550,800 .00 Just requested that the Park Department have the items prioritized by the next Finance Committee meeting date . It was noted that two other requests were made for the fourth quarter of 1974, including the lights for the Russell Road Park. Barney Wilson explained that item #6 was a 4 acre site located between Military Road and the freeway and would be developed as a neighborhood parkwhich would K not include play fields . Upon q tion as to whether this would be enough for development, he stated that there was no plan for the park, but that this amount would in- clude perhaps a small restroom, a basketball court and some play equipment. Upon further questions, Wilson explained that the bike underpass at South 259th required blacktopping, railing and fence, and that the parking lot at the Russell Road Park required completion, and pointed out that the engineers had esti- mated the cost for item #4. Street read the requests from the Street Fund as follows: 1 . Overlay of' So . 212th $ 50,1000 .00 2 . Overlay of State St . from Smith to Meeker 10,500 .00 3 . Storm Drainage - Tilden Ave . Off Woodland Way $ 260,615 .00 4. Storm Drainage ,- Reitan' Rd . at Maclyn St. 30 ,045 .00 $1171160 .00 E,xplanat-ions were given by Street and Ulett that item 44 would have a higher priority than item #3, and that the cost of overlays depended upon the thickness of the overlay required . Mr. Street stated he would check the plans for the area from Meeker to Gowe on State Street for Storment. �I Requests from the Engineering Department were noted as follows: 143 December 2, 1974 FEDERAIL, nyineering Department REVENUE SHARING 1 . Additional Cost on Horse- shoe Acres Pump Station $ 60t000 .00 2 . 101st Ave . (S .E . 256th to S .E . 260th) 17,000 .00 3 . 260th St. (Crow Rd . to 104th) 48,400 .00 4. Central & Meeker Inter- section 30600 .00 5 . Central Ave . Signals 195 ,000 .00 6 . So. 228th & Central Ave . Intersection 15 ,000 .00 7. Titus St . Railroad Crossing 20,000 .00 81 Gowe & Central Intersection 8,500 .00 9 . Additional Engineering Costs on Smith St . - Central to 4th 2,500 .00 $370f000 .00 Ulett noted that item #5 would cover upgrading and replacing the signals on Central, and that this would be eligible for FAA. funding. Ulett noted that item 48 would include improv- ing the curb radius and that item #2 would cover improving this portion in the same manner as the portion already put in. Street referred to a memo from Ulett listing estimated costs of anticipated storm drainage projects totaling over two million dollars, which were noL part of the request for Revenue Sharing funds. Street noted other requests as follows: 1 ) Stuffing machine for the Utilities Department $ 29900 .00 2 ) Additional files for vault ($2,000 already approved in 1974) 4,000 .00 Police Department Items : a) Jail Improvements $ 350 .00 b) Tile Communications Room 200 .00 W Radio Recording System 30000 .00 A Squad Room Improvements 2 ,000 .00 $ 50550;00 Street noted that he thought item A could be done along with the completion of the City Hall project and further that item & could pay for itself in just one liability suit as this item would record every radio communica- tion for Fire and Police Departments . STORMENT MOVED to make the letters from the Community Service Center and Kent Valley Youth Services a part of the record . Masters seconded . Motion carried . Fire Chief Foster requested that consideration be given to using Federal Revenue Sharing CunW.-i for providing fire protection to the computor, room and the Ad icy room. December 2, 1974 FEDERAL KITTO MOVED to continue this hearing until REVENUE December 16, McCaughan seconded . Motion SHARING carried . Winkle ascertained that hearings for Revenue Sharing funds were held quarterly,. and just noted that the Finance committee would consider all the requests after the hearing was completed on December 16 . MCCAUGHAN MOVED to pay bills received through FINANCE December 41 1974, after approval by the Finance committee at its meeting on Wednesday, December 11 , 1974 . Storment seconded . motion carried . Claims approved by the Finance Committee on November 27, 1974, are as follows : Current Expense $ 27,411 . 62 Parks & Recreation 141292 -16 Library 718 .25 City Streets 4,455 . 70 Alcoholics Rehabilitation 836 .04 3692 Central Business District 131228.0.03 Federal Shared Revenue 1,472 .63 City Hall Construction 212th Ph 3 construction 103, 771 . 32 Central & Meeker 28.96 Central/Smith Intersection 12 .00 Gowe Street East 57 .92 Reith Road Military 10 . 70 Equipment Rental 2,902 . 76 Firemans Relief & Pension 1,599 .52 Leff Disability 1P032 .07 Sewer 340110 :87 Water 8,004 . 17 Garbage 319 .13 $205 , 132. .87 MEETING ADJOURNED: 11 : 40 p.m. Respectfully submitted Marie JenKent Cmc City Clerk