HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/18/1974 119 Kent, Washington November 18, 1974 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order. at 8: 00 o 'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons: Baffaro, Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Public Works Director Ulett, Assistant Planning Director Lyn Johns, Finance Director Winkle . Also present: City Treasurer Drotz, Parks Director Wilson, Traffic Engineer Olson, Hill, Ingman & Chase representative Ramsey. Approximately 25 people were in attendance. MINUTES STORMENT MOVED that the minutes of the meeting held November 4, 1974 be approved with the following addition: Railroad Crossings , on page 12, it should read as follows : "Storment concurred with McCaughan ' s obser- vation, noting further that in order for a driver to be able to see if something was coming on the tracks the front of the vehicle would have to be about 2 ' over the tracks if railroad cars were parked on the siding at the time. McCaughan seconded . Mirk concurred with the motion that the correc- tion should be made . Motion carried . REZONE Davis Rezone . It was noted that the Planning Commission held a hearing on the - proposed Davis rezone from Highway Com- mercial to General Commercial, on October 221 1974. Assistant Planning Director Johns described the area as being bounded by the Valley Freeway on the east, James Street on the north, and, West Valley Highway on the west and consisting of approximately 3 . 7 acres . Ms. Johns noted that when the new zoning code was adopted in 1973, the original proposal was -to have a Highway Commercial zone at the Willis Street inter- change; however, due to the delay in this project the Highway Commercial zoning is no longer logical . The Planning Staff and the Planning Commission have recommended that the rezone request be approved . The Mayor opened the public hearing on the rezones There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence. JUST .MOVED that the hearing be closed . Kitto seconded . Motion carried . MASTERS MOVED for the City Attorney to draft the appropriate ordinance to change the zoning to GC from HC, Storment seconded . McCaughan questioned whether the Highway Commercial zoned area immediately south of the property in question would be left as HC . Ms . Johns noted that the Plan- ning Commission had recommended that this area also be rezoned to GC and that the Council take steps to initiate such action. It was determined that this would be covered under a separate hearing. Motion carried . MASTERS MOVED to direct the Planning Commission to hold a hearing on the proposal to rezone the balance of the HC property to GC . Johnson seconded . Motion carried . 1 ?� November 18, 1974 A letter was read HEALTH & Green River Watershed • Count Con- SANITATION from Ralph V, Backstrom y , King rther clari- fyingservation District Chairman, fu his letter, of October 25 to the ggestion Council . In addition to the su that a moratorium be placed on further land fill operations in the valley, contained in the October 25 letter, the following pro- posals were made for consideration: 1 ) Encouraging retention of agricultural land by cur rent use assessment for taxing purposes, agricultural land use zoning; acquisition of development rights and in some instances outright purchases . 2 ) Favorable assessments for agricultural land which will benefit from the proposed small watershed project. 3 ) Progressive controlled development of commercial industrial land , MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Planning Commission, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried . Flood Insurance . Notification has been received that Flood Insurance is now avail- able for property owners of valley floor and mudslide designated areas . It was 'I noted that .maps will be filed in the offices - of the Building Inspector and the Planning Director . KITTO MOVED that receipt of Flood Insurance approval be made a part of the record, Masters seconded . Motion carried . LID 276 - Sunset Manor Sanitary Sewers . KITTO MOVED that the final hearing on LID 276 be held December 16, 1974 at a regular Council meeting, Storment seconded . Motion carried . Upper Mill Creek . Ulett reported that a ' meeting had been held with the property owners in the Upper Mill Creek Holding Basin area and that there were no objections voiced to going ahead with the appraisals but that no date was available as to when that would be completed , STREETS Handrail Installation and Repair - Willis Street and James Street. It was noted that the bids on the handrail installations and repairs for Willis Street and for James Street were opened on November 15 , 1974. The Director of Public Works has recommended that the bids be held 'for two weeks to deter- mine the cost of materials, to consider hav- ing the City personnel do the work, or to negotiate a contract . He pointed out that the low bid of Peart Sign Co. in the amount of $4,815 . 13 was 66% over the engineer 's estimate . Upon Kitto ' s question, it was determined these two projects required handrails to protect pedestrians from falling, and that the project was to be financed by the Street Department budget..._ . MASTERS MOVED that the bid award be delayed for two weeks, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried . 1l� 1 November 18, 1974 WATER Seattle and Willis Streets Watermain Replacement. T'he Dired'tor of Public Works reported that bids were opened on November 18 for watermain replacements on Seattle Street and on Willis Street. He pointed out that Bert Robison, low bidder at $50,033 .43, was 14% over the engineer 's estimate, and 14% over the amount budgeted . It was further determined that this item is covered in the Water Department budget request for 1975 and will include funds carried over from the 1974 budget, and in order to determine whether or not the project survives expected budget cuts, Ulett has recommended that this bid award be delayed for two weeks . KITTO SO MOVED, Just seconded. Motion carried . Upon Johnson 's question, it was explained that the bids were always checked for mathe- matical errors and these were noted in the bid tabulation, even though the amount was small . Street pointed out that in the case of the King Construction Co. bid award for j the Kent Des Moines Sewer Interceptor, an entire item was omitted from the bid . Mirk noted that he had advised the attorney for DiOrio Construction that the City had awarded the bid to King Construction at the October 21 Council meeting. ANNEXATION Plemmons. It was noted that at the last work session the matter of the Plemmons ' proposed annexation was discussed and that Mr. Plemmons was not present at the meeting. It was pointed out that the Director of Public Works had recommended that the bound- aries proposed in the petition not be accepted; that the area should be enlarged to the west to abut with the City boundary line west of i lllth Avenue S .E. A letter was read from Mr. Plemmons stating that an attempt had been made in the past to annex the area in question but had failed for lack of support. He asked that Council action Pe postponed until the next Council meeting. KITTO MOVED that the report of the Director of Public Works be accepted and the peti- tioners so notified, Storment seconded : Motion carried. i PLANNING Appointments. McCAUGHAN MOVED to confirm COMMISSION the Mayor ' s appointment of Irving Hamilton. j 23921 - 100th Avenue S.E . , Kent, Washington, and William Holmer, 26408 - 136th Avenue S.E . J. Kent, Washington, to the Planning Commission, Baffaro seconded . Upon Masters ' query, Mayor Hogan noted that the appointments were made on the recommendation pf the Planning Director, based upon the nomineeof participation in community affairs, and background . Upon Storment 's query, the Mayor noted that Mr. Holmer '$ address is within the sphere of interest of the City. Motion carried, with Masters voting nay. November 181 1974 PARKS & Wallace Murray Property. The Park Board has RECREATION considered the proposal that the City consider purchasing the Wallace Murray property located at Fourth and James . The Board has determined that the purchase could not be made unless the owners are willing to contribute one ( 1/4) of the appraised value, and the other three-fourths ( 3/4) is eligible for, and receives State and/or Federal financing. The owners are to be contacted with this proposal . Icy Creek Property. It was noted that the Park Board .has requested a meeting with the Parks & Planning Committee of the Council MASTERS concerning the Icy Creek property. noted that the Committee would meet on Decem- ber 2 and MOVED that the Park Board meet with the Committee on December 2 at .7 : 00 p.m. , Just seconded . Motion car ried . Milwaukee Park. It was noted that the pro- ! posed lease of the Milwaukee Park property was discussed at the last work session and the City Attorney has been directed to negoti- ate with the railroad concerning portions of the lease . HOUSING & King County Agreement. Upon the recommendation j COMMUNITY of the Administration, JUST MOVED that the DEVELOPMENT Mayor be authorized to sign a letter of intent to enter into an agreement with King County --- under the block grant provisions of the Housing & Community Development Act of 1974 and to I submit same to King County. Masters seconded . Motion carried . CLAIMS FOR In accordance with the request of the City DAMAGES Attorney, a change in the manner of handling claims for damages against the City has now been made to the effect that each. claim filed will be read by title, name of the claimant, and describing the incident which caused the alleged claim, and that each such claim be presented to the Council before referral y to the Cit ' s insurance carrier. It was further determined that if the insurance carrier should determine that the claim is not covered by insurance, the claim will then be returned to the Council for direction to the Attorney. The following claims were pre- sented to the Council: 1 ) Alfred Stewart, in the amount of $1,000 for alleged damage to -his automobile while _ . crossing the Milwauke e Railroad tracks on Smith Street, filed November 11 . 2 ) Norman See, in the amount nterference i filed for damages described as ective with contractual relations and prospective economic advantages . It was noted by Mirk that Mr. See leased property on the corner of Railroad and Meeker Street from the rail- road and placed a building on it . Since the I it l )3 November 181 1974 CLAIMS FOR building was in a state of disrepair, the DAMAGES railroad did not renew the lease. Mr. See claims that the City is responsible for the railroad 's action in refusing to renew the lease . Mirk pointed out that Mr. See demolished the building about eighteen months ago, and that under State law claims must be filed within 120 days . for i l_,E%g u daoLa�{e�iO � is &"L i71�s1c u intersection of the Kent-Kangley and Summit . It was noted that Bellevue Bulldozing is the State ' s contractor on this project. -.J -1=11�'. .:-il::il: uxiC;c-' l:ui:Y.i`:1� LiC� ,iL.i(_jil�:,ll : E�1:V111w(�i_'• . Motion carried . METRO PARK It was noted that Metro will conduct a & RIDE LOTS community meeting on November 21, 1974 in the Council Chambers at 7: 30 p.m. to discuss the proposed Park & Ride locations . CITY Fire Station #1 Addition . Upon the recommenda- BUILDINGS tion of the architect, KITTO MOVED that the Robert Miller Construction Company contract for additions to Fire Station #1 be accepted as complete and for the retainage to be paid upon receipt of the necessary releases. McCaughan seconded . Motion carried . CITY POLICY The Finance Committee has requested that a change be made in the City Policy Manual concerning the hiring of relatives of either elected or appointed officials or employees . The following changes are suggested : "In order to assure equal employment opportunity to all persons seeking employment with the City of Kent, the following policy is in effect for hiring a person related to an employee of the City. "A related person may be employed by the City as long as he or she does not work under the direct supervision of the related employee. Direct supervision means the same department or organization. "In order for a related employee to be hired into any permanent full-time or part-time/ temporary position of the City, authorization must be granted by motion of the City Council . Each applicant for employment who falls in the related employee classification must be approved by a separate motion which defines his proposed scope of employment. " G1 _} 'November 188 1974 CITY POLICY The balance of the City Policy Manual entitled "Employment of Related Individuals (B-3 ) " will . remain the same . JUST MOVED to adopt the pro- posed changes,, Johnson seconded . Upon McCaughannIs query, Mirk determined that an ordinance would not be necessary to cover the adoption of the proposed change, as the ordinance which adopted the Policy Manual allows for its amendment by motion of the Council . Motion carried . FEDERAL Bu_ dctet• A letter was read from John L. REVENUE Gretz, Chairman of the Park Board, request- SHARING ing that the Park Board be advised of the date for the public hearing for considera- tion of the use of federal revenue sharing funds for the balance of 19740 and that the Park Board further receive adequate notice of any Finance Committee meetings regarding their request for revenue sharing funds in for projects desired ethe completed letter be 1971r. MASTERS MOVED that made a part of the record, Johnson seconded . Motion carried . FINANCE Consolidated LID 257/258/275 Bond Issue . Upon -the recommendation of the Finance Director. McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept proposal of Foster & Marshall to purchase the combined bond issue for LIDsion c257, 258 d . and 275 , Just seconded Se re ons . The City Attorney introduced __..- q g Resolution No. 774, approving segregations of cert ain assessments levied under ULID N o.- 1 , and LIDS 246, 252 , 255 , and 2581 as requested by Sun-Mark, Inc. MASTERS MOVED for the adoption of Resolution No. 774, Kitto seconded . Motion carried . i Sectregations . Resolution No. 775 wasy, approving introduced by the City Attorney app g segregations of certain assessments .levied under ULID No. 1 and LID 264, as requested by Safeco Title Insurance Company. MASTERS MOVED that Resolution No. 775 be adopted, Storment seconded . Motion carried . JUST MOVED to pay bills received through November 201 1974, after approval at the Finance Committee ' meeting to be held on November 27, 1974 at 8 a.m. Storment seconded . Motion carried . TRAFFIC South Central . Upon the recommendation of CONTROL the Director of Public Works, McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Attorney be directed to pre- pare an ordinance setting the speed limit -- on South Central from the Green River to Willis Street at 40 miles per hour and for the same to be submitted to the Highway Commission for concurrence . Mast.era seconded . Upon Masters ' query, it was noted that the speed limit at the present time is 35 miles per hour . Just noted, on Mayor Hogan ' s question, that he had obsE;rved no violations of the No Parking" restric- l . Motion carried. tions on South Centra I 1, November 181 1974 TRAFFIC MilLtary and Reith Road Intersection . Sandy CONTROL Kucera, 4231 South 261st, spoke from the audience requesting that consideration be given to installing a traffic light, or at least a 4-way stop sign, at the intersection , of Military and Reith Road . She pointed out this request has been made before but that nothing has been done as yet and that the crossing is very dangerous . Ulett noted that plans for this improvement have been completed, as a joint City-County project, and that as soon as the signed agreement from the County was received they would go ahead on the project. He be thether bettertpartned probably that it would p Y of a year before the project can be com- pleted . Upon Mrs . Kucera° s question as to whether a 4-way stop sign could be installed, Street noted that this would take both State Highway Commission approval and County approval . Street noted that all of the governments agreed that this is a problem area. Upon McCaughan ° s question, Ulett determined that there are UAB funds left over from the Reith Road project which could be applied to this project and tte balance would be funded 50% by the County and 50% by the City. Mrs . Kucera noted that she would contact the State and the County about a stop sign for the interim period . RAILROAD Burlington Northern - Smith Street Crossing. CROSSING A letter was read from Henry Towneugagest- ing that the City install stop signs Smith Street railroad crossing rather than II consider closing the crossing. He suggested further that advisory signs be placed at the nearest cross street, and that tickets be issued to those who failed ,to stop. MASTERS MOVED for the letter to' be accepted and made a part of the record, Just seconded . motion carried . Ulett introduced. a written report, analyzing the eleven suggestions which had been made in an attempt to reduce the hazards at the Burlington Northern - Smith Street crossing . Copies of the report were distributed and a copy was filed for the 'record . Ulett pointed out that closing of the crossing, even as a temporary measure, would result li- in a loss Of federal funding for which appli- cation has been made . The eleven suggestions are as follows: . 1) Temporarily close crossing. 2 ) Permanently close crossing. 3 ) Install stop signs. 4) Provide crossing guard . 5 ) Signs advising against crossing use . 6 ) Reduce train speeds . 7) Proceed with gates without financial aid . 8) Grade separation. 9 ) Upgrade present signal . 10) Selective enforcement of crossing stops . 11 ) Sight distance- improvement. �I 12 November 18, 1974 Ulett noted that the following recommendations RAILROAD CROSSING were made by the Department of Public Works and the Traffic Engineer: 1 ) Implement Suggestion No . 11 . Improving the sight distance to the extent that the railroad will permit, by removing or cover- ing with asphalt the two most easterly sets of tracks. He noted that the railroad has indicated that these tracks are scheduled to be removed at the time the funds come through for this project. 2 ) Implement Suggestion No. 4. Provide crossing guards to the degree necessary to protect against eastbound vehicle con- flicts with train movements when sight distance to the north for those motor vehicles is restricted because of train cars on the westerly set of tracks . 3 ) Discuss with Burlington Northern the possibility of relocating the spur track which serves Stokely-Van Camp, to determine if it could be connected from the south to eliminate conflicts at Smith Street . .It was further noted that written reports from the Police Chief and the Fire Chief have been received and made a part of the record , Traffic Engineer Olson reported that a -- traffic count showed that approximately 6600 vehicles had used the Smith Street crossing on Thursday, November 141 and that a video tape had also been made . Masters asked if this was a natural pattern or if it was possible that some' of the cars had used the Smith Street crossing because the gates were down at other crossings . Ulett stated that this was impossible to determine unless a count was taken when all of the crossings were ungated . It was pointed out that a count of approximately 6,000 was made at the Smith Street crossing during the summer, after the gates were installed on Meeker Street. Street pointed out that all of the safety measures such as gates could not be placed on every crossing at--the same time, and that State funds were allo- cated in accordance with the ratio of acci- dents on a given crossing. Masters opined that the Smith Street crossing should be temporarily closed until the safety devices could be provided . Ulett referred to a 1969-70 Valley Regional Planning Commission report which stated that the average daily traffic at the Smith Street crossing was 4,983 and at James Street the count was 5 ,890, when there were no gates on the crossing. The current count for James Street is approximately 9 ,800 . Upon Johnson ' s question, Ulett stated that we should know about the funding for the safety devices for Smith Street in December, and that the crossing must be open in order to be eligible for funds . 1 ,4,- Novembe,r 18, 1974 RATLROAD Mr. Wallace and Mr. Sch.rum.of of Burlington CROSSING Northern were in atti,,n(J, and upon, McCaughan ' s question, about suggestion I-To . 90 upgrading the present signal,, Mr. Schrumof stated that the intensity of' -the�L . light could be improved by i'nstailling the newer type of light . Upon -Euri-her questions0 Mr. Schrumpf determined that the newer type lights were available now and could be utilizc�d in the existing standardsi and that this was the only suggestion they had until such time as gates could be installed . Kitto commented that in regard to suggestion No. 4, that the Police Chief had reported that placing a guard at the crossing would not guarantee prevention of an accident,. St-reef pointed out that a guard could easily be hit U111ess he had a protective enclosure surrounding "him . Mir;, noted -that in Ladd itIon, a guard would acid anOthOr el.E�i--Ient of liabLlity, inasmuch as in case of an ac(.Ade.nt, it might be said that the guard was at fau.j_t Mirk questioned as to whether consideration had been given to any conibin at.ion of warning devices other than I ahts and bells, .-1 ., such as horns., sirens, etc. Storment opined that people would pay no more attention -to .,.hens than they -do 'to bells . Mirk noted that some people were not aware of the difference i.n the sound of an approaching train and the warning device at the crossing, and that perhaps the sounds should be changed . Upon Storment ' s c!uestion as to whether the trains used horns or bells when switching, it was noted that both were used . Upon Just ' s question, Mr. Schrumpf noted that there was no poss-ibility that the equipment was r a.lfunctj oning. Li Olson stated that the Thursday traffic count includes 3419 eastbound and '32' 42 westbound vehicles . On Baffaro ' s question , he noted that the peak hours for this crossing were from. 10: 15 to 11 : 15 A.M. - 31.7 cars, an d 1 : 30 to 2. 30 P .M. ­ 396 cars, westbound only. I t wa,s a I S�o n r)t e d t h at there were no trains those s . t I.Ic)vr, 1 wa s further the peak hour is froi-n. (3 : 00 t-,o -7. Lao , Masters asked' :Lf train crews could release the signal. when -they are switching and do not intend to actualLiy go through the crossing. Mr. Schrumpf .:advised that there was no release for the flashing lights and that such release.s were. only for gates . Masters pointed out that the gates present a problem also as .p(­lople have eiti-ic.,r broken them or driven around 'themn. 129 November 18, AN RAILROAD Johnson opined that if drivers observed tickets CROSSING being given at the crossing, for those who fail to stop when the lights are flashing, that they would be cautious about obeying the law. Ulett stated that when there is restricted sight distance the vehicle spends less time on the track when he does not come to a com- plete stop first . Johnson reiterated that the law requires a full stop when the light is flashing, and stated that tickets should be issued to those who fail to stop. Mirk pointed out that there is only one crossing in Kent where we have the sight distance prob- lem . He noted that there is no safe place to stop a car and that a patrolman would have to follow the car, probably several blocks away from the track, to Pull it over to issue a ticket and at that location no one would know why the driver was being issued a cita- tion . Just contended that there was something wrong with the position of the lights, suggesting that they were perhaps located too high, and that the lights could not be seen at certain. times of the day. He noted that while observ- ing westbound traffic across the tracks, about half of the drivers would look to the south, and will be on the track before looking in the other direction. Upon Bat faro ' ques- tion, Street noted that the proposed stop sign would cause some traffic congestion and 3affaro observed that motorists might use the other crossings to avoid the stop sign . Street pointed out that he had been informed by many citizens that they used the crossings with gates rather than the ungated one because of the safety factors involved . Bill Fortune spoke from the audience, favoring the proposal to reduce the train speed to less than 40 miies per hour. it was explained that the State sets the speed limits for trains and that the City 's appeal to have the speed limit reduced has been denied . Charles Smith concurred with Just that there was a problem with the position of the lights due to the grade of the crossing. He was in favor of the new type higher intensity light as mentioned by the Burlington Northern rep- resentative . He noted that when the gates are down at Meeker Street many motorists use the Smith Street crossing, and suggested that the railroad could have the switchman stand at the Smith Street crossing to flag the cars across , James Curran commented that he has been involved in several accident cases in connection with railroad crossings over the years and that the problems with the Smith Street crossinq have always been that you cannot see W the north when travel- ling either east or west, that box cars near Burdics obscure the sight distance and Lhat the proximity of the buildings to the Lracks obstruct the sound of the' approaching engines . He stated further that the railroad should IN November 18, 1974 RAILROAD not allow box cars to be parked on the east CROSSING side of the tracks except Yben they are actually being loaded or. unloaded , Barney Wilson spoke in favor of suggestion 07 , for the City to contract immediately for insualla tion of gates without waiting for financial. aid . He opined that the City should be able to get a letter of release from the funding agencies stating that we would not be penalized with the loss of the anticipated $145 , 800 for going ahead now. jim Grad, Kent resident and employee of t&'? Union Pacific Railroad stated that the people race the trains to the crossings and noted that even at 35 miles per hour, a locomotive weighing 150 tons, plus a string of cars which could total 7, 000 tons made the engineer practicaily helpless in an emergency situa.- t ion. He spoke in favor of item No. 10 to make the public aware of the necessity of obeying the law requiring a full stop at the flashing red light . Merville Bishop noted that some crossings in the East had a stationary large flashing red light in addition to gates at crossings, which was visible some distance before the crossing . Harry Williams stated that in view of the number of cars using the crossing, it should not be closed . He agreed with Barney Wilson, in favor of item No. 7, stating that the City would not be criticized for spending $145 , 000 for this purpose . McCaughan summarized in favor of: 1 ) issuing tickets to violators on Smith Street and on South 212th as well ; 2 ) immediate priority to high intensity lights at the Smith Street crossing; 3 ) the sight distance should be improved by paving over the easterly tracks and by moving the box cars . He further asked that the newspaper coordinate a safety campaign for the public. Storment commented chat assigning a patrolman to the crossing would take away police protection from other portions of the City . With regard to the sight distance, Storment stated that the removing of the two easterly tracks would not alleviate the sight distance problem because Bardics has to unload sometime . When an automobile approaches the crossing and a box car is parked on the east side near Burdics, the automobile still has to reach that point to where he can look down the high track to see a train . He further stated that he would urge the railroad to immediately place the newer high intensity lights at the Smith Street crossing and at the same time to erect stop signs- both east and we of the crossing unt1l the new signals are in and working . 131 November .1.8, 1974 suggested that a patrol vehicle RAILROAD li BaffarO riodicallY check the crossing and CROSSING could pe e of a police car would ' the very presenc I to observe the stop siqn force the P"Ple bat we were masters stated that it app eared t trying to make sure the motorists got through the crossing with speed rather than with safety, and further, that there were no facts it was necessary to keep the presented that only con .ecture " There were crossing open, J no further comments and JOHNSON MOVED to close discussion on the matter., Baffaro seconded . Motion carried . McCAUGHAN MOVED to direct the railroad to immedi ate'l I Y obtain the high intensity lights , and in addition to check the angles of the lights with regard to the grade, and for stop signs to be installed at least on a temporary basis . Kitto seconded . JUST MOVED to refer the matter to the next workshop before any action is taken . The motion failed for lack of a second . Upon Masters ' que,-stion 0 Street stated that signs would be posted to alert the public that they were approaching a new I that he would stop sign. McCaughan stated tha like to see the City work further with the - further down the railroad on movin car--S t in use: and on any track when they were no Upon just ' s question other safety measures . about the feasibility of Barney Wilson ' s suggestion to contract for the gates now and still plan on having the funds allocated , Street pointed out that it could not be done, that the financing for railroad cross- ing improvements was based upon the number of accidents at a particular crossing. He pointed out that Kent has had three of the last four signals financed through this funding . motion carried, with Masters voting nay. FiNANCE Claims approved by the Finance Committee on November 13 , 1974 are as follows: Current Expense $ 170218 . 3 Parks & Recreation 30536 . 306 City Streets 8,038 .89 122 -50 Park Forward Thrust 52,456 .23 Federal Shared Revenue 33696 Library Construction 51872 .97 City Hai! Construction $ 76 .88 E . Valley COistruction EVH - Willif-Green River 3 , 197 . 71. Central/Smith intersctn 1 4.60 Gowe Street-East 44? 317 .60 Linda Heights Swr imp. 135 . 29 Garrison Crk Swr Const . 40,846 .60 Kent-Des Moines Swr Intrcptr 11 .00 100th Ave . Swr intrcptr 65 , 782 .53 . 20 Equipment Rental 40318 Leff Disability 10504. 21. 2, 317 .94 Sewer 6,048 . 18 Water. 95 027 . ?5 Garbage $281f650 . 20 n � ::3ave ;lbe.r tu, 1974 x I.N&NCE Interest Bearing Warrants LID 276 O 'Leary Construction $ 148 . 74 Meeting Adjourned : 9 . 45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jezz� r,; CMC City Clerk �I II jl