HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/04/1974 lUJ i
Kent, Washington
November 4, 1974
Regular meeting of the Kerlt City Council_ was called to order
;,. 8: 00 P.M. Present: Mayor Rogan, Coi.z.r•1c:ilpersons : Baff aro,
iJohnson, jus-L, Ki tip, I�lasters , McCaughan and Storme?nt, City
Administra'L.-.::x: Street, City Attorney M.i.rk, Planning Director
Harris, Public Works Director Ulett, Finance Director Winkle, .
Also present : Ci.ty Treasurer Dr.otz, Planning CommissiOnE:r Long,
bill, :Ingman & Chase .r<.?presentative Ramsey. Approximately 40
people were in attendance .
MINUTES K:ITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting
of October 21, 1974 be approved as printed,
Stor_ment. seconded . Motion carried .
SPECIAL USE Paul St 27, 1974,7 � � . t
COMBINING the Planning C'oimm:rS.Sion considered a request
DISTRICT of Paul C . Ste:phanus :for. a Special. Use Cotn-
'i.)ining District to pe.rmlit the mining of: 90 ,000
cubic yards Of e.a:rtb material ial_ in preparation
for expansion of an existing apartl'nent. com-
ple!x. The Planning Commission recomme?ndec.1
denial of the application and a public hearing
is ,scheduled L:or t-bis 'meeting to re�view the
smatter. The Clerk noted that Mr . Stepbanus
had tel,�phoned today to r.equest that: the
matter be wi.thdr.awn., and had stated that he
would forward the request in writing. Upon
the suggestion of City Attorney .M;.rk 2 JUST
MOVED that the recommendation of the Planning
Commission be: upheld, denying the application.
McCaughan seconded . Motion carried .
GAMBLING A. letter was read from Martin Eckfeldt,
Minister, First:. Christian Church, expressing
his objection to the allowing of commercial
gambling in Kent and noting that bingo and
raffles were acceptable to him due to the
fact that they were, sponsored by non-profit
organizations . MAS'J'ER S MOVED that the letter
'be accepted and made: a part: of the, record ,Just seconded . Motion carried .
A letter was read :f:rorrs Mrs . Haze']. F ourn i(:.�r
asking that the, Council prohibit gambling
i.rl Kent . MASTERS n1OVi"'t7 t:.hrzt t.klr:
accr:'sp ted anc:i rll.;a; e; of -:J)e
Just seconded . Motion carried .
A letter was .read from Irs. IT. G. c,oedeckf
stating her opposition -to allowing gambl.irig
in Kent . MASTERS MOVED that. the letter be
accepted and made a part of the record,
McCaughan seconded . Motion carried .
A letter from they Kent Ministerial Associa-
tion was read, noting that. the Association
had unar::i.nlously voted to noti.A.y the Mayor
and Council of their strong opposition to
legalization of: commercial. gambling in Kent: .
MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted
and made a part of the; record, L'Yu.s t seconded .
Motion carried .
November 1.974
GAMBLING A letter WZIS read from Merton R . John�()n,
r(., addressed try
Past,orX z.-j.ox�j Luthe:ralri Church,,
A-'Javor. Hogan and thanking her for the stand
which she has taken on the gambling iSSue .
,tA,ASTERS MOW;,J) that the letter be accepted
and made a part of the record, Just seconded .
Storment noted that the Church is outside
the City Motion carried .
A letter from Niforwood Cunningham, was read,
noting _s oppc)s.i-tion to allowing legalized
commercial gambling within the City.
,4,7-'iiSTEBS MOVED that the letter be accepted
ayjd parL of record ,
Motion ciarrir.-_,d .
The Clerk re;�d a letter signed by four-teen
t-avern ownclrS in Kent; urging the COWIC:i]
fl d (-:�
d 'k�ffi _� -I- '(..1a
ai.s of (jambI.Lng
to pa-,:;s A J..
by the Washi.ngltori S11--ate Gambling CoffliniSS1011 .
PIASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted
and made a part of the record, Just seconded .
Motion carried .
The City Attorney introduce d No .
levy-ing taxes on gambling as follows:
.1.0% on bingo, ra.lcfles and amusement games,
5% on punchboards or pul.1tabs, 5% on social
cardgames, and 5% on public cardroorris. The
ordinance further provides for the administra-
tion and collection of said taxc-'�s . STORMEFT
MOVED -to adlopt Ord . No. .1.888, Johnson secon,,*Ied ,
MASIPERS MOVED 11.10 AMEND the Knot.l.on to delete
items No . 2 and 4 from Section Just
seconded the proposed amendment . Mirk noted
that these j.tems covered the -tax on punch-
boards, pul.1tabs and public cardrooms, and
deletion of the items would only delete the
tax on them. He stated that if the intent
was to prohibit these activities, it must
be expressly sLated in the Ordinance -that they
are prohibited .
deny punchboards, pulltabs and public card-
rooms, Masters seconded . Storment stated that
the intent of this ordinance is to tax
gambling , not to pE( -,ibjt it and if in fact
some -forms of gambling are, to be prohibited,
there should be some provision for a cut--off
date as some businesses had money invested
in inventories - MASTERS STATED T14AT SHE
Mirk said that this could riot be done, as an
amendment had been proposed to her amendment.
A roll ca.11. vote was taken on Just ' S amendment:
to deny punchboards, pi.111tabs and public card-
as follows : Baffaro just Masters and
McCaughan, AYE ; Johnson, Kitto and - Storment,
NAY. Motion carried .
November 4s 1974
upon Masters ' and NittO ' S questippy hie At city
GAMBLING ined that MasyAl" proposed
Attorney determ amendment to delete items 2 and 4 from Section I i
was now unnecessary since these items had now
been prohibited . The Mayor then stated that
the motion before the Council was now. . . "tO
adopt Ordinance No. 1888, as amended . " Mirk
clarified that this now consists of the
Ordinance as it was presented with items 2
and 4 deleted, and with the specific statement
that punchboards, pulltabs and public cardrooms
would be prohibited . McCaughan agreed with
Storment that there should be some time allowed
to permit operators to dispose of any equipment
relating to the gambling forms now prohibited .
STORKBNT MOVED to amend the Ordinance to
establish a cut-off date as one year from
today. Johnson seconded . Masters asked why
Storment did not propose a cut-off date c0n
,i,tent with other leveis of qovernwent
. t mt -d that the CouOU ' s cuL.off date
Soormen . ouw -
was may; and noted that we have not received
any tax on any forms of gambling as yet.
McCaughan noted that he knew of no punchboards
in Kent, and thought that there were only pull-
tabs . Just, Baffaro and McCaughan opined that
one year was too long The amendment pro-posed
by Storment failed, with only Storment voting
in favor .
BAFFARO MOVED to amend the Ordinance to estab-
lish a cut-off date of May 1, 1975 . just
seconded and asked if there was any way to
prevent new licenses from being issued during
the interim. Street replied that there was
not. Kitto stated that he would vote against
this measure and that if. the Council wanted to
ban these types of gaiiabling it should be done
now, and should not be allowed to continue
until May. He further pointed out that the
city would collect no taxes during this interim
period . Baffaro ' s motion to amend carried.
upon the following roll call vote: Baffarof
Johnson, McCaughan and Storment, AYE; Just,
Kitto and Masters , NAY.
Street suggested that if the gambling is to
be allowed until May, that it also be taxed .
NITTO MOVED for an amendment to tax punch-
boards, pulitabs and public cardrooms at the
rate of Wo of the gross receipts, McCaughan
seconded . Street noted that there were no
cardrooms existing and sug 'stud that if this
was deleted from Kitto , s motion , it would
keep this type of gambling out of the City.
Kitto and Mirk pointed out. that this wag
v 1975 . Kitto' s
pow- approved until &"M
proposed amendment carried$ with Just and
Masters dissenting .
The motion to adopt Ord . No. 1888, a,,--, amended ,
� I � , t,rs votin nay .g
carried w! Alo M,,
11 -
November 4, 1974
ANNEXATIONSi astri.dac The Annexe" ol"f Committee met wA tb.
the property owners In, the proposed Eastri dge
annexation and upon the Committee ' s recommenda-
tion, jUS111 ;M).GVED to a it:.horize the circulation
of the 75/"O� 7 wb11.C'h 413
.�. that
. r C.. La L r
the proper t-les ea`A7nf>xf`d will a Ssu-ME! the present
outstanding ey,sting G. U. Bond indebtedness .
McCaughan seconded . It was noted that C.Z.A. 1.er
acceptance of the 75/'0 petition the matter
will be considered by the Boundary Review
Board . Tiotion carried .
T e ,tv1 t J Annexation . Notice has been received
that. the Westview Annexation special election
will be held on December 101, 1974. Mirk noted
re of th
e opinion that the
"r-1y a t some residents a � Y
caxz vote in favor of the ann.exati-on and against
assuming the ex.isti.ng bonded indebtedness and
still be annexed and that this should be:� clari-
fed for property owners .
Plemmons . A 10% petition containing the sig-
natures of property owners .representing 25`!
of "the assessed value has been received and
certified by the Engineering Department .
JOHNSON MOVED that the Plemmons 10% petition
for annexation be accepted and for a meeting
to be held with -the property owners at 7: 30
p.m. , Novemberr. 1.1 , 1.974. McCaUglian seconded .
Ulett noted that the proposed annexation is
north of SE 256th and east of 116t:h SE and
includes the Kent F i..c:hlands platy together with
some additional_ property . Motion carried .
BIDS Police Cars. The following bids were received
for police cars :
( Price for 'three units, including tax and
less trade-in)
Strain ' s Auto $1-1_, 612 . 29
y g
Tom Matson Dodge 12 .099 .59
Renton Dodge 1203.1.0 .42
It was noted that the amount is within the
1974 budget. K I.TTO MOVED that the best bid
of St:rain ' s Auto be accepted, Storment seconded .
Motion carried .
PARKS & Milwaukee Park . A proposed .Lease for the
RECREATION property known as the "Milwaukee Park" was
received from 'they Chicago, Milwaukee Rail.-
road on October 30 . It was noted that the
lease received contains new section a wn.ic h
the City Attorney recommends be discussed at.
at a Council work session . Mirk, pointOC', Out
that the City had signed a lease in 1971 and
it has just now been returnee with revisions .
MASTERS MOVED that receipt of the lease be
noted and that, it be referred to the next
Council workshop session for consideration..
Johnson seconded . Motion carried .
November 4, 1974
;;.ARKS & ; _ _ �: A letter was
C�ecarc c� S Stc;.r :r �i emf,_r:i.<x _ P -k .
RECREATION read from Mrs . Robert j . Heiberg, enclosing
a check in the amount of $25 .00 to be used
by the City to purchase a tree to be planted
:in the George S . Stoner Memorial Park.
MASTERS MOVED for acceptance of the letter
and for an appropriate acknowledgment of the
gift to be made to Mrs . Helberg, McCaughan
seconded . Motion carried .
HOUSING & A letter was read from Jack P . Lynch addressed
COMMUNITY to all Suburban Mayors or City Managers, not-
DEVELOPMENT ing that a meeting was held on October 24 to
discuss joint participation in applying for
funds, program planning and execution under
the block grant provision o3_ the Housing &
Community Development Act of 1974, and setting
forth those items on "which tentative agreement
"d i''`t pointed C'.:il: that
fi<>.tl ;:�f`E::ii. .Y``.'tlCi;i.. x.t_., letter r.
each jurisdictionha.s beenasked to send a
l.etter. stating its intent to participate . The
County is to assume the major responsibility
for the planning necessary to prepare the
application for funding, and a cooperation
agreement would be: executed between the County
and each participating jurisdiction.
it: was noted that a workshop would be held
at 1 : 30 p.m. on Wednesday, November. 6, in
Room 854 of the County Administration Build-
ing. It was also noted that Chuck Dean., the
Housing & Community Development Coordinator,
and Mr. Lynch would attend the Suburban Mayors '
Association meeting on Wednesday evening to
discuss the matters more fully. Public meet-
ings will ai o be held to obtain the views
of citizens on Community Development needs,
and one is scheduled for 7: 20 p.m. at the
East .Mill. Elementary School on November 7 .
S'].'OP.MEi^T MOVED to accept the letter, Kitto
seconded . It was noted by Harris that the
Planning Department. is concerned about C{Jli'ie
of: King Count::y ' s proposals on housing develop-
ment. He stated he thought that local citizens
should be more involved in the plans and that
the Council should discuss the matter more fully
at the next workshop.
Mayor Mogan noted that the Suburban Mayors group
will appoint three elected officials to the
policy committee . She .further noted that Mrs .
Birge had withdrawn as the community representa-
tive and that Mrs . Rosetta Tones had agreed to
take her place . Motion carried .
MASTERS MOVED to confirm the appointment of.
Rosetta Jones as the citizen representative
of Kent to the Housing & Community Develop-
ment meetings, McCaughan seconded . Motion
carried .
HEALTH & Metro Auburn Trunk Sewer Line . Ulett noted
SANITATION that during the past: week EPA has asked Metro
for additional information on the Metro Auburn
Trunk Sewer line and that as a result of this
request the bid opening has now been postponed
until December 4. He noted that it was hoped
that the concerns expressed by EPA in this
matter would be taken care of to their satis-
November 40 1974
4-e r c c:�n t.o r A
;ia r t in i-ISALT i & letter was read from BaroKas
SANITATION for DiOrio Construction, Inc . , one of the bid-
ders on the Kent---Des Moines Road Sewer Inter-
ceptor project . rp11e, letter noted that DiOrio
Construction would protest the award of the
to King Construction Company for any amount
bid 72 .82 .
other than their original. bid of $329 , 3
MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it
to be referred to the City Attorney, Just
seconded . Motion carried .
RIBCO. A let-ter was read from Shirley M.
Farley Chairman of the Task Force for Citizen
Parti(,,ipation, noting that a RIBCO Environ-
mental Fair was being planned at the food
circus building at the Seattle Center on
November 14 and November 16 . It was noted
that the Fair will_ feature displays about the
env iron-men t and 'the RIB-0 studies . MASTERS
MOVED to aC-CEIPIC the letter and for it to be
made a part, ref.,. the record , Storment seconded .
Motion carried .
Green River Watershed . A lotter was read from
i 1Cijjg county Con-
Ralph V. Backstrom, Ch�_aJrmai .
ion District, regarding land use and
servat resources in the valley, and proposing that
a moratorium be placed on all valley land fill-
ing operations utti'L. an adequate land use plan
is deve.Loj.�ed and ap,,:)rov it to be referred
accept the letter and for seconded .
to the Planning Department, Kitto
Harris noted that the Planning Col-timissiOn is
II working on a Comprehensive Plan for the City
j. hich directly y I o the contents of the
,c�.I.ates L t.
letter. Mayor Hogan suggested that a copy
of the letter be sent- to Mr . Long of the Plan-
ning Comm scion,
Sewers - 1.00th Ave:nur-_-� S .E ./S .E . 224 Late Coirciers
c - -that' requests have
Lr e e in(�n t,��j Street noted 100t1l Avenue
been, received to connect to -the
SE or to the SIE' 224th Street sewers and that
j_t will be necessary to have payments in 00%
of assessments, since the City financed I
of -these p3:ojects . He pointed out that -the
people making the re I
quests cannot buy or
in homes in the area without assurance that
-they will have sewer service . He further
noted that while they can connect to the sewer,
the assessment would be approximately $7 .41
per lineal foot plus the $200 side sewer charge,
to extend the side sewer to the property line .
The property owners have asked for an agreement
with the City whereby they may Pay this off
over a period of time . Street pointed out that
this has been ( one in the past, and suggested
that the City be authorized to enter into a
late comers agreement under the following con-
ditions :
1 ) That the interest- on the unpaid balance
be 8%, since this is the approximate rate
of interest on current LIDs .
2 ) That any assessment of $300 or less must
be paid in full .
--; not run for longer
3 ) That 1,1"ie -
than a of yoars .
It �
November fix, 1974
y_ - -nt with the I
HEALTH & KITTO MOVED to approve the agreement
SANITATION conditions stated . Johnson seconded .
McCaughan :staged that he would :Like the Council
to review each request as it comes in . Street
noted that the only request that is material
at this time is that of Mr . Brandon, which the
Council has already considered and approved .
Motion carried .
Sunset Manor sani:. Sewe��rtis . Upon
LID D 2 7 6. _ _ __ ____-------t a�--------- --
the recorr�zitc_nifati.on of the Public Works Depart-
iraent McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept the O 'Leary
Construction Company contract as complete for
LID 276 and for. the retainage to be paid upon
receipt of the proper releases . Just Seconded .
it was noised that the original estimate was
$4410:.5 .94 and that the final contract price
was $33,076. 29 . Motion carried .
i3 i 1.l� o f Sale .wt General
55 Sale,
lt, :C
an xcfi(T ;nt, aLd a one -year guE i . :
3361 of sanitary sewer lines and two manholes
located near the new Post Office site in
Benson Crest Subdivision #3 . Upon the recom-
mendation of the .Public Works Director,
MASTERS MOVED to accept the Lill of Sale
0 cash
anandEa.`f mC.S'at and toreleasereleaseththe $5.�0
bond . Just seconded . Motion carried .
WATER Street Water Liam Public
Works Director ulett reported that a meeting
would be hell Wednesday, November 61 at: 7 : 30
p.m. with property owners involved in the
Willis Street water main replacement project
to explain the project and resolve the prob-
lems .
PUBLIC S�SAFETYIjanc,ya, A letter was read addressed
Toz�l.ess.� _ _
COMMITTEE to I?e to r3af .L to U, Chairman of the Public Safety
committee, from Wallace Carlson., Secretary,
Kent Ministerial Association, noting the
Association ' s objections and concerns regard-
ing the performance of topless dancing and
urging that the Council vote against such an
issue . MASTERS ERS MOVED to accept the letter
and make it a part of the record$ Storment
seconded . Motion carried .
Councilman IIaf afro noted that his
y y8�4 oCommit.t:ee�
w t,.' s not. re i�dy too .1.epor 4 at this time n he
question of allowing topless dancing in
business places which serve, alcoholic bever-
ages .
POLICE & It was noted that an agreement: has been pre-
FIRE ,sente:d wherein the Kent police Officers will
have police authority outside the City limits
of Kent . The City will , in turn, hold King
County harmless, indemnify and defend the
County .from any liability caused by rent officers
when exercising police authority outside the
City. The Police Chief has advised that Kent
Police: officers have, been issued County commas
Sion cards for years and recommends that the
agre.'ement be approved - Miry noted that t:herc'
have been no problems over the Past five Yea:ar.-::,
November 4. 1974
POLICE & under this arrangement, but expressed his con-
tern that the agreement would provide that if
Kent officers responded to a King County request
for assistance outside the City, the city would
be responsible and liable, and the County could
sue . He opined that this was not the intent of
the agreement and that he bad an appointment to
discuss the possibility of having the language
of the agreement changed . He noted further
that the liability of the City should be con-
fined to a situation under which City officers
were operating in the County On Kent business .
Upon questions from McCaughan and Baffaro,
Mirk stated that the changes could be worked
out with the County, and the Council could
proceed to authorize signing the agreement,
even though he disapproved of the way it was
written . McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Mayor and
Clerk be authorized to sign the said agreement,
Just seconded . Motion carried .
RAILROAD Ulett noted that the November. 3 car/train
CROSSINGS accident at the Smith Street Railroad crossing
had resulted in a fatality and a serious injury.
He noted that on June 3 he had reported that
the city would be asking for funds for improve-
ment of such crossings as Smith Street from
the Washington Grade Protection Fund and also
from the Washington Traffic Safety commission
which administers funds available under the
Highway Safety Act of i973 . He advised that
in June the city met w4h Railroad representa-
tives and that four projects were proposed ,
all on the Buriington-Nortbern line : Smith
Street, James Street, South 228th and South,
212th. He pointed out that improvements to
James, South 228th and South 212th would be in
addition to the gates . Ulett noted that Smith
Street was Kent ' s first priority and that
application had been made for $145 ,800 of
federal funds, to go with $16, 200 of our own
funds, for relocating the crossing, installing
dates and resurfacing. He further advised
that the State Aid Engineer had stated that
there are more applications than there are
funds availableo but that he thought that each
agency applying would be funded for one project.
He further noted even if funds were granted
for the Smith Street project, it would be from
one to two years before the work could be com-
pleted . Ulett further noted that there had
been five accidents at the Smith Street cross--
ing since 1967, resulting in three fatalities .
He noted that there were three possible courses
of action which could be taken until the
crossing is completed :
rinva the Smith Street Grossing . He noted
that this is the busiest crossing the City
has and if the street was closed, some 8, 000
vehicles would have to use other crossings .
2 ) 1nsta11qYQ,,y,LtgR,yAnR, This procedure
__--mire all vehicles to stop, before
would req
crossing, even if the red lights were not
flashing. This, of course, would cause
traffic to back up.
3) Selec _fj_qL&. rcemqn_t pr-ogram. This would
invol ve po1ice concentration at the crOss-
ing, to be sure that all vehicles stopped
when the red light is flashing .
1 �
November 4, 1974
RAILROAD Ulett noted further that additionalter and study
t dywould
CROSSINGS would be given to the
report again at the next workshop session.
Upon Baff aro ' s question as to whether a man
would be placed at the crossing at all times,
Ulett noted that the crossing numberould
to red frequently enough for a o would become
citations to be issued so drivers
aware of the necessity for tpp g
light is flashing . Upon Johnson ' s question,
it was noted that it was legal to cross the
tracks when the lights were flashing after
coming to a stop to observe the situation .
Mirk noted. that such a stop must be made no
further than 50 ' from the grossing nor closer.
than 15 ' • ' McCaughan noted that when railroad
cars or engines are being switched , the red
flashing light is activated and drivers have
become so accustomed to this that many do not
stop. Storment concurred with McCaughan ' s
observation, noting furthei that in order
for a driver to be able to see if something
was coming on the tracks the front of the
CORRECTED REFER TO vehicle would have to be about 2 ' over the
track . Johnson inquired as to whether the
MINUTES OfC /g_'7c railroad deb flashingted in light whenrd to
turning offff th
switching was occurring.
BUDGET Sixth Chamber . A letter was read from the
Cambridge Women ' s Club containing t19 s of thea
tures, urging that Council support
Sixth Chamber be continued .
accept the letter and for it to be referred
_ to the Finance Committee, Storment seconded .
Motion carried .
FINANCE Washington Finance Officers Associatin.
A letter was read from Shirley K. ,
President of the Washington Finance officers
Association, noting that Kent City rr
Margaret Drotz had been elected toMA the
of Secretary of the Association.
MOVED that the letter be accepted
a part of the record, with
seconded .
ments to the City reasurer
Motion carried .
City Banking. In accordance with Ordinance
No. 1803 , the Finance Committee has recom-
mended that the Bank of the West be utilized
for City banking business for the period
January 1 , 1975 to December 31 , 1976 .
McCAUGHAN MOVED that said recommendation
be accepted, Storment seconded . Motion
carried, with Just abstaining.
LID 273 . A request for segregation of certain
assessments in LID 273 as presented by Miles
Drake has now been completed and all fees paid .
The City Attorney introduced Resolution No• 773
directing the City Treasurer to make segregations
of certain assessments levied under LID 273 .
BAFFARO MOVED that Resolution No . 773 be adopted,
McCaughan seconded . Motion carried .
November 4, 1974
FINANCE LID 275 . The City Treasurer has certified that
BOND ISSUE the unpaid balance for LID 275 is $23, 205 .
KITTO MOVED that receipt of the certification
of unpaid balance of LID 275 in the amount of
$23 , 205 be accepted and for the Attorney to be
directed to prepare the appropriate ordinance.
Storment seconded . Motion carried .
Street noted that in conjunction with this
matter, a combined bond issue could be considered
by the Council . Winkle read a letter from
Foster & Marshall proposing to consolidate the
LID 275 bond issue with LIDs 257 and 258 at
8 . 25i6. Winkle explained that the City had
issued notes in lieu of bonds for LIDs 257,
258 and 269 , and had sold them to the Firemen ' s
Relief & Pension Fund , The Firemen' s Relief
ently reviewed the pen
& Pension Board had rec
sion fund and has expressed a desire to q
the notes for LIDs 2573
258 and 269 , and to
have the money reinvested at a higher interest
rate . Winkle stated that the investor on n_
sel_or has recommended this . It was p
nted the unpaid balance on the LID 269
out that
note is onl
che about $1,400 and the interest
rate is 6 .50%.
Questions were raised as to whether it would
be financially advantageous to the City to
include the notes for LIDs 257 and 258 with
the bond issue for
that Foster & MarshalD had . stateda that ttheyned
would buy the small bond issue ($23 , 205 ) for
LID 275 without including the notes if the --
City so desired . It was further determined
that acceptance of Foster & Marshall ' s proposal
should be delayed unt
il the matter can be
more fully discussed at the workshop session.
MOVED to a the bills received
through November. 6, 1974 after approval by
the Finance Committee at its meeting to be
held at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, November 13 ,
1974, Just seconded . Motion carried .
Claims approved by the Finance Committee on
October 30, 1974, are as follows:
Current Expense $27,967 .57
Parks & Recreation 815.21 . 22
Library 710 .91
City Streets 9, 319 .05
Fed . Shared Revenue 1,557 . 13
Central/Smith Intersection 465 .90
Gowe St .-East
Equipment Rental 641 .91
Employee Retirement Fund 10080 .87
Firemens Rel & Pension 1,558 .53
Leff Disability 625 .88
Sewer 35 , 493 .56
Water 7,920 .92
Garbage 336 .92
$96 221 .95
Respectfully submitted,
Marie 4:l nsen, CMC