HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/21/1974 Kent, Washington October. 21, 1974 Regular irteeting of the Kent- City Council was called to order at 8: 00 p.m . Prest-. nt-: Mavor Hogan, Councilpersons: Baffarol Johnson$ 1_11, Kitto, McCaughan and Storment, City Attorney Mirk, City Administrator Street. Planning Director Harris, Pub-lic Works Director Uiett . Also present: Captain Grant of the Police Departmcnc, Parks Director. Wilson, Hill, Ingman & Cli-iase, representative Ramsey . Councilperson Masters and Finance Director Winkle were absent . Approximately 40 people were in attendance . MINUTES jOHNSON MOVED that the minutes of the meet- ing of October 7. 1974 be approved as printed, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried . HEALTi-1 & Xent-Des Moines Road SanitarV Sewer Interceptor. SANITATION It was noted that bids were opened on October 16? 1974 on the Kent-Des Moines Sanitary Sewer Interceptor and the Department of Public Works has reCorrimended acceptance of the low bid of King Construction as adiusted in the amount of $375 , 297 . 20 , including tax, subject to EPA, and DOE approval . I L_m4ja_de t.e. r- mined King Construction ' s original bid contained an error and that the City Attorney had advised that it would be acceptable to adjust the bid to correct the error provided that documented proof was furnished by the bidder that the error existed . L Such proof has been received by the Department of Public Works. STORMENT MOVED that the best bid of King Construction Co. be accepted, Just seconded . Motion carried . STREETS East Gowe - Titus Street Improvement Pr2it—OL. A change order on the above project has been submitted by Lundberg Concrete Pipe Co. I the subcontractor of City Transfer, in the amount OZ $1, 527 cc­)veri.ng an additional. 15-foot sec- tion of concrete retaining wall which was not figured in the amount of the original. bid . Upon the recommendation of the Engineering Departme-:nt, McCUGHAN MOVED to approve the ch.,.,,inge ordei_­, Daf-taro seconded . Storment. c:.,on(..,u.rrod wit.h the approval_ and stated that he woutd likn the matter referred to the next Public Works Committee meeting. Motion carried . Water. Pipe -- "lest ValieV Higftway and Meeker Street ln.ters-�__,tiqn i�roveffient . Bids were received on October 16 to furi-iish either cast iron or ductile iron pipe to be installed in Meeker Street at West Valley Highway prior to the street iraproveraent . Due to the fact that time. is a material factor in considering the bids, and the low bid of Pacific States has' a 1.0 to 1.2 week delivery time and an e.scalation clz-iuse which could incroase the actua] cost of the pipe, the Department of Public Works lias rucoifflaended acceptance of tho best 'bid of United States Pipe. and Foundry for ductile pipe in the amount of $2,970 .50 including tax, the second low bidder . U. S . Pipe is able to deliver the pipe immediately. JOHNSON MOVED that the best bid of U. S . Pipe and Foundry be accepted, McCaughan second(.'d . Mc)tion carried . 1U0 October 21 , 1974 WATER Bill of Sale. The Director of Public Works i has recommended acceptance of a Bill of Sale from Kent School District #415 cover- ing 35 ' of 6" waterline in S.E . 256th approximately 1600 , east of 116th Avenue S.E . J. and for the $500 cash bond to be released . KITTO SO MOVED, Storment seconded . Motion carried . ANNEXATION Eastridge . A 10/ petition with the signa- tures of property owners representing 49% of the assessed value has been received and certified by the Engineering Department for the proposed annexation of Eastridge. KITTO MOVED that the Eastridge 10% petition for annexation be accepted and a meeting with the property owners be held on October 290 1974 at 7 : 30 p.m. , McCaughan seconded . It was noted that this was also the date of the Council work session. Motion carried . PARKS & Garrison Creek Park - Tennis Court. It was RECREATION noted that the Frank Cohan Company has completed the Tennis Courts contract at Garrison Creek Park and the consulting engineers have recommended that the contract be accepted as complete . McCAUGHAN MOVED for the accept- ance of the Frank Cohan Company contract at Garrison Creek Park as complete and for the final payment and retainage to be paid upon receipt of all necessary clearances, Storment seconded . Motion carried . Senior Citizen Center. It was noted that the Federal funds which support the Senior Citizens Center are now being paid to Kent from the City of Seattle Department of Human Resources rather than from the State, and that it is necessary to enter into a contract with Seattle for the last half of 1974. The City Attorney has reviewed the contract and' recom- mends acceptance . BAFFARO MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the said contract, Storment seconded . Motion carried . Wallace Murray Property. It was noted that Sam Parker, representing the owners of the Wallace-Murray property at the intersection of Fourth and James Street, has requested that the City consider purchase of the prop- erty now being utilized as a soccer field . The proposal has been referred to the Park Board and a recommendation will be made . CITY Icy Creek Property. It was noted that Andy PROPERTY Matelich of Northwest Steelheaders has asked the City to consider selling the Icy Creek property to h-s organization. It was deter- mined that: 1 ) The Council, approximately 3 years ago, directed the Administrator not to consider sale of this property; 2 ) The property belongs to Che Water De- partment and is surplus to them; 3 ) The City of Enumclaw may be interested in acquiring the property as a water source; 4) If the City desires to retain this property, the Water Department should not be the owner. Administration suggests the request be given to the Public Works and Parks Committees for Lf)eLr c:on:,ldcration . KI`I"1'o SO MOVED, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried . 104 October 21, 1974 ALTERNATIVES The Clerk noted receipt of an invitation to the Council from the Kent Junior Woman ' s Club to a FOR WASHINGTON meeting in progress at this time elsewhere in the City Hall, on Alternatives for Washington. HOUSING & A letter was read from John P . Lynch, Director COMMUNITY of Budget and Program Planning, regarding DEVELOPMENT mutual participation by King Counyndcor- porated Areas in planning and applying for funds under the block grant provision of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. He further noted Char a meeting 00would be held on Thursday, and asked that the City of Kent send a repre- sentative . STOR MENT MOVED to accept the letter and make it a part of the record and to refer it to Street, McCaughan seconded . Street noted that meetings were being held at the Seattle Center on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 22 and 23, which he and Harris would attend . He further noted that Mayor Hogan would attend the meeting on Thursday, October 24. He stated that Chuck Bean had requested that a Kent citizen be delegated to attend housing meetings at 9 a.m . each Fri- day for about six week s . It was de termined that Betty Kelly, Grants Coordinator, had represented the City at the October 18 meet- ing. Street noted that Mrs . Birge o f Kent has offered to serve on this committee and to attend the Friday meetings. Storment and McCaughan agreed to include in the motion j the appointment of Mrs . Birge to represent I the City. Mayor Hogan noted that Mrs . Birge was a resident of the West Hill and was well-qualified to represent the City. Barney Wilson objected to the County asking for a volunteer for this . Mayor Hogan noted that in addition to Mrs . Birge the City will have staff members attending. TOPLESS It was noted that consideration was given at DANCING the last work session to prohibiting topless dancing in any business place ;which serves alcoholic beverages . McCAUGHAN MOVED that this matter be referred to the Public Safety Committee, Storment seconded. . Motion carried, with Baffaro voting nay. I TAVERNS A discussion was held. at the last work session on the possibility of limiting the number of taverns in the City. The City Administrator ' s report stated that the State Liquor Board has the final determination in the number of licenses allowed . The Police Chief has reported that it might be effective if the City adopted a resolu- tion requesting the State Liquor Board to deny i any more licenses in Kent until the population has materially increased and for the Mayor to protest each information request received from p new licenses . the State Liquor Board for propose d JUST MOVED that the matter be referred to a Committee designated by the Council President, Storment seconded . Kitto, in turn, referred the matter to the Public Safety Committee. Motion carried . I I I 105 October 21, 1974 from SIXTH withStreet reported that about 20 women City the CHAMBER Cambridge Women s Club had representatives and o had re cemthedSaxthaCham- the City continue support of the ber . It was noted that the Sixth Chamber is part of the Law and Justice request of King county for and at the present time appears to be on the priority list for financing. Street explained that the funding for this was $27,000 to $30,000 Federal funds, and hat $217 to $3,000 local funds, and would the matter of contina�d financing would year ' s be considered as a p budget. GAMBLING The Clerk noted that two petitions had been received, one on October 18, 19Oc bercon 21 , ing 247 signatures, and one on October posing 1974 containing 569 signatures, each opposing the banning of legal bingo by charitable organizations in the City of Kent. KITTO MOVED that the petitions be accepted and made a part of the record, Storment seconded . Motion carried . In accordance with the i action taken b Attorney Council on October 71 the an ordinance prohibiting all gambling in the City. JUST MOVED to adopt the said ordinance . Motion failed for lack of a second . STORMENT MOVED that e all State types taxed gambling Kent deemed legal by th as follows: Bingo, raffles, punch boards and pulltabs to be taxed at the full legal limit as prescribed by the Sate Legislature and for cardrooms to be taxed at 5% of the gross revenue received . Johnson seconded . BAFFARO MOVED to amend the motion to delete cardrooms . The pro- posed amendment failed for lack of a sec- ond . Storment noted that under State law gambling is legal in the State of Washing- ton and that a tax should now• be levied on it. He further stated that if at any time there is a report from law emblem orce- ment officers that there is any of gambling with any particular type within the City he would introduce an ordinance to amend the gambling ordinance to delete the activity causing a problem. Storment said that there was no specific evidence at this time which would give reason to believe there would be a prob- lem. He noted further that the State had deemed the activities legal, and if the City now prohibited it we a re take their gambling telling the voters to taxes to another City. He noted that the gambling is in operation" and the City should 106 October 21 , 1974 be getting the tax money. Baffaro ques- GAMBLING tioned whether the intent was to stop gambling activities in all locations if there was trouble in. one or two places and Storment noted that the operators of the various places where gambling would be allowed have assured him that they would be loflng to gamblinglete whichnbecomes particular type a problem. Just stated that he wished to 90 on record opposing gambling and that the idea of as pp ues- the taverns policing themselves was q tionable, and there were an equal number of taverns who have not spoken to this subject. He pointed out that permitting the gambling would force thissoperation ted that into all of the taverns . ulltabs even in Nevada punchboards and p were prohibited because of the policing problem. He opined further that he doubted that the revenue in taxes would be as sub- stantial as was claimed . Kitto noted that the Mayor has already stated her position on allowing all types of gambling, that he would vote for the motion, but that unless there are five votes to override a veto that he would change his vote and move on to a different motion. McCaughan stated that he favored bingo and raffles for non-profit organizations, but was against cardrooms and punchboards . He noted further that if gambling was to be allowed in public places it should be limited `to pulltabs . St orment reiterated that the people have told the Legislature that they want gamb ling and it is up to the Council to prohibit it or tax it. He pointed out that he was not himself a gambler but was interested in the preservation of free enterprise. Just stated that the figures show amblin hat only 21% of the people voted for gambling and that the vote in the County was 69% to 41% against gambling. He noted that bingo was not .included on the ballot. voting nay. Motion carried, with Just g Storment asked that the Finance .Director report on the income received from gambling on a quarterly basis and that the Chief roblems encountered. Police report o y p BUDGET Property Tax Levy for 1975 . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1887 fig xin the tax levy for the year 1975 .It was pointed out that the rate this year :is to be in dollars per thousand , and of full assessed valuation rather than mills. It was noted that there are two restraints, the first being the 106% of collected taxes in the last the highest three ( 3 ) years, plus new construction and annexation, and the second being that tho tax :E,or current expense cannot exceed 10 October 21, 1974 $3 .60 per thousand . The restraint estraint that is BUDGET the most restrictive must be used, which is the 106/ rule. The tax rate for 1975 is as follows: i Current Expense $3 .50 per $1000 Excess Levy for �I Fire Station .031 City Hall . 9 Library .092 McCAUGHAN MOVED that Ordinance No. 1887 be adopted, Storment seconded . Motion carried . FINANCE Loan - Garrison Creek. Upon the requVED est of the Finance Director, STORMENT the City Treasuro£r$b2 authorized make Revene temporary loan +OOO from Sewer to Garrison Creek Construction for a periodenu of 90 days at 6% interest. Baff aro seconded . It was noted that this was necessary thelcon- -order to make monthly py nts of Federal funds. tractor, pending receipt Motion carried . Utilities Bills - Adjustments. In the absence of Finance Director Winkle+ Street reported on the requests of Dean Ostler° Sr. and Rudolph J. Barber for adjustments to utility bills . The two requests have been reviewed by the Finance Committee and it is their recommendation that the request of Dean Ostler, Sr. be denied in accordance with City ordinances and that the request of Rudolph J. Barber should be approved due to a malfunction detected by the Water Department . BAFFARO SO MOVED, Johnson seconded . Motion carried . McCAUGHAN MOVED to pay bills received through October 23 , after approval by the Finance committee at its meeting to Just be held at 8 a.m. , 30o seconded . Motion carried . Claims approved by the Finance Committee on October 16 are as follows: Current Expense $ 22, 167 .45 Parks & Recreation $ 6,108.59 54.50 Library 31,052 .57 City Streets 40 418 .06 Federal Shared Revenue + 65 .81 Library Construction 16 638 . 28 City Hall Construction 8: 332 .89 E . Valley Construction 662 .76 EVH - Willis-Green River 2, 500 .00 24, 436 .43 Central/Smith Intersection 500 - East Gowe Street 40 436 .10 Garrison Crk Swr Const. ° 126.74 Kent-Des Moines Swr Intr. 6167 .16 100th Ave Swr Intr . + 15 , 295 .57 Equipment Rental 86 .00 Firemans Relief & Pension 2j336 .01 Leff Disability 363 .3.7 Utilities Clearing Fund 1341.01 Sewer 8: 790 .66 Water 26 11.0 .44 Garbage $25311490 .42 October 21, 1974 FINANCE Interest Bearing Warrants LID 276 $ 23 004.09 O'Leary Construction ' 5 .54 East Hill Hardware $ 230,009 .63 Meeting Adjourned: 8: 40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk i I Ili , I I i I