HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/16/1974 (� 1
Kent.. Washington
September 16, 1974
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order
at 8: 00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons : Baffaro,
Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City
Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director
Ulett. Also present: Parks Director Wilson, Finance Director
Winkle, Planning Commissioner Long, Hill, Ingman & Chase repre-
sentative Ramsey. City Administrator Street was on vacation.
Approximately 25 people were in attendance.
MINUTES KITTO MOVED to approve the minutes of September
30, 1974 as printed, Johnson seconded, motion
carried .
HEALTH & LID 275 . It was noted that the final roll
SANITATION for LID 275 was approved on September 3,
1974 and the City Attorney introduced Ordinance
No . 18820 approving the final roll for LID
275 . McCAUGHAN MOVED to adopt Ord . 1882,
Baffaro seconded . Mirk noted .that at the
suggestion of the Finance Director the interest
rate should be set at 8, . Motion carried .
Late Comers ' Agreements (Sewer and Water) .
The late comers ' agreements requested by Harold
W. Hill Construction Company at the Council
meeting of September 3, 1974 will be reported
on by the Public Works Director on October 7,
Garrison Creek Interceptor . It was noted that
the request of Joseph A. Silvestri is still
under consideration and a report will be given
by the Public Works Director on October 7.
STREETS Ring Road . It was noted that following comple-
tion of the contract for grading and gravelling
101st Avenue S .E. I. and the connecting easement
to the East Hill Shopping Center, the Kent
Street Department will oil the streets with
a two application oil mat. The cost is esti-
mated to be $1,813 and is included in the
budget in lieu of right-of-way purchasing.
The oil will eliminate dust problems and
maintenance costs .
WATER Edwall A. Rask Second Addition. It was noted
that on August 5 , 1.974, the Council had auth-
orized entering into an agreement I with Wetter
District #111 to provide temporary water service
to the Edwall A. Rask Second Addition plat. In
order to reach the plat, Mr. Rask must construct
approximately 2,000 feet of 8" water line, which
can also serve other abutting property. He has
. asked that his original request be amended to
allow Water District #111 to provide temporary
service to the other abutting properties so that
he can recover a portion of hi's costs through a
t W
September 16, 1974
WATER late comers ' agreement . Upon the recommendation
of the Public Works Department, KITTO MOVED that
the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an
agreement with King County Water District #111 "
to allow the District to provide temporary water
service to the Edwall A. Rask Second Addition
and to those portions of other properties
abutting S .E . 284th Street between 120th Avenue
S .E . and 124th Avenue S .E . within 300 feet of
S .E . 284th Street and properties on the west
side of 124th Avenue S .E . from S .E . 282nd Street
to S .E . 284th Street within 300 feet of 124th
Avenue S .E . , McCaughan seconded .
Upon McCaughan ' s question, Ulett noted that
this agreement does fit into the current policy
of the City regarding water service to areas
outside the City since this particular area is
one which cannot be annexed at this time nor
can the City itself provide the required water
service . He stated that we will sell water to
Water District #111 who in turn will sell water
to the users take care of the designd con-
struction of the wat
er line, - At such
time as the City can provide water service to
the area the lines will be in and will become
the City ' s . He noted that the Boundary Review
Board is aware of this proposal and approves
same . Motion carried .
BIDS Streets . Bids for asphalt overlays for Meeker,
Kennebeck and State Streets and for 23rd and
25th Avenues were received as follows:
Asphalt Paving & Engineering Co. $180356 . 24
Washington Aslphalt Co. ' 18, 625 .00
Associated Sand & Gravel Co. , Inc. 19, 650 .00
Ulett noted that the low bid was slightly over
the estimate, and upon his recommendation,
f Asphalt
McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept the low bid o
Paving & Engineering Co. , Johnson seconded .
Motion carried .
Water Main Replacements-. Ulett noted that the
bid opening date for replacement of water mains
on Seattle Street and on - Willis Street had been
changed to October 16 . STORMENT MOVED to
approve the change and noted that the matter
would be considered at the regular Council meet-
ing on October 21 . Masters seconded . Motion
carried .
Horseshoe Acres Storm Water Pumping Station - --
Building and Equipment. Ulett noted that at
the last meeting a 30-day hold had been placed
on a bid for pumps, submitted by The Byron
Jackson Pump Division of Borg Warner. Only
one bid on the engines was received today from
Instrument Laboratory, Inc. , in the amount of
$310716 . 361 including tax. Ulett pointed out
that this was an acceptable bid, 'although it
was about $1600 over the engineer ' s estimate .
September 16, 1974
BIDS Bids on the pumping station were also received
today in the following amounts, all including
Alternate I Alternate II
Calhoun Construction
- Company $1148122 .03 $1051,965 .50
O'Leary Construction 1220779 .80 No Bid
Austin Construction 1378637 .63 133,604.64
Ulett noted that if the Council was ready to
award bids, he would recommend acceptance of
Calhoun ' s low bid on Alternate II . He summarized
the approximate cost of the project as follows:
Pumps & Engines $ 651000
Building 1060000
Electric Controls &.
Installation 401000
Engineering (City & Hill,
Ingman & Chase ) 101000
Rights, of Way 40P000
Contingencies 109000
TOTAL $235 ,000
He noted that a year ago the estimate on this
project was approximately $175 ,000, and pointed
out that this was the amount set aside for the
project in the Revenue Sharing Fund budget. He
stated that a 30-day hold could be placed on
the bids for the engines and the building which
wcce presented tonight, but that the hold on the
bid for the pumps would expire 30 days from
August 28 (the date of the bid opening) . He
had contacted the pump company, and they had
agreed to accept a further delay on the bid
award, but would expect a 12% increase if the
date was further extended . Upon McCaughan ' s
question as to what alternatives the City has
if the pump station was not built now, Ulett
and Ramsey concurred that to do nothing would
expose the area to possible floods and pointed
out that portable pumps had to be used to pump
water over the dike last year . it was determined
that at- that time the Corps of Engineers had
not notified the City that they had the river
saturated to full capacity. It was noted that
it was impossible to estimate how often a ten
year flood might occur; that it could happen
ten times in one year, or not at all . KITTO
MOVED for discussion of these bids to be
referred to the workshop meeting on September
23 at 7:00 p.m. and for the Council to hold a
special council meeting on September 23 at
8: 00 P.M. for the purpose of considering the
bids only. Johnson seconded . Kitto explained .
that he wished to consider alternatives, and
if the project was to be approved, considera-
tion must also be given as to the source of
the additional funds needed . Ulett determined
for McCaughan that the portable pumps were
adequate last year, but noted that at that
time they were not dealing with a heavy rain-
fall . The cost of using the portables will
be considered at the workshop meeting along
with the figures of the actual rainfall during
that time . McCaughan noted that the King
County Division of Hydraulics had advised
September 1� , 1974
BIDS him that they would notify the City 12 hours
in advance as to when the river would be
filled to near capacity because of the Corps
of Engineers ' activity. He noted that this ,
could occur six times a year. Motion carried .
REZONE iris Anderson. It was noted that the Planning
Commission held a public hearing on August 271
19741 on the request of Jens Anderson, et al,
for a rezone of property on North Central (north
of Kent Memorial Park ) from Highway Commercial
to "0" (Office District) zoning. The Planning
Commission has recommended approval of the rezone.
Planning Director Harris pointed out the area on
the map and upon Kitto ' s question, it was deter-
mined that the proposed Bogard rezone was included .
The Mayor opened the public hearing. Mel Kleweno
noted from the audience that he represented the
_ applicants and was prepared to-answer questions .
'ORRECTED • REFER T4 There were no further comments from the audience
and no correspondence concerning the matter.
MINUTES OF 0--7- 7 BAFFARO MOVED to close the hearing' and for the rezone
rlll��ii v ..L:. of Jens- Anderson, etal, to be approved. Storment.
seconded . Motion carried .
SPECIAL USE Paul Stephanus Request. It was noted that the
COMBINING Planning Commission completed a public hearing
DISTRICT on August 271 1974 to consider the request of
Paul Stephanus for a Special Use Combining
District to permit the removal of 901000, cubic _
yards of earth material at the Lake Fenwick Road
south of South 254th. It is the recommendation
of the Planning Commission that the request be
denied . A public hearing on the request was
scheduled for this Council meeting. The Clerk
read a letter from Ann Forest Burns, attorney
for Paul C . Stephanus, dated September 161 19741
requesting that consideration of the application
be deferred and postponed for sixty days to
enable Mr. Stephanus to consider alternate
suggestions as presented by the Environmental
Impact Statement and to meet with interested
citizens of the community regarding his appli-
cation. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and
make it a part of the record, Just seconded .
Motion carried . KITTO MOVED to continue the
hearing to November 41 1974, Johnson seconded .
Motion carried, with Baff aro voting nay.
STREET KVIP Plat . It was noted that on April 1, 1974
VACATION the City had approved vacation of a portion of
2nd Avenue North in the KVIP Plat . The City
�RRECTED • REFER TO Attorney noted that the conditions of the
approval had now been met and he introduced
UTES A1A OF Ordinance No. 1833 providing for the vacation
Y1t1��+ of a portion of 2nd Avenue North within the
KVIP plat. KITTO MOVED for the adoption of
Ord . 1883 , McCaughan seconded . Motion carried.
POLICE & Signs for Police Department. It was noted that 4
FIRE the matter of signs for the Police Department
was reviewed at the Finance Committee meeting
on September 11, 1974 and upon approval of, the
design and costs
, it isanticipated.., ., g that the
signs could be installed within two to three
weeks .
September 16, 1974
PUBLIC Councilman Baffaro noted that a proposed
SAFETY ordinance prohibiting leaving children under
e o g y
the ag
f eight ears unattended in parked
cars would be discussed at the next workshop
GAMBLING The veto message of Mayor Hogan of Ordnance
No. 1880 was provided to each counci.lperson,
covering the Gambling Tax Ordinance . McCAUGHAN
MOVED to accept the veto message, Baffaro
seconded . Motion carried . KITTO MOVED that
reconsideration of Ordinance No. 1880 be post-
poned until October 7, Just seconded . Motion
carried .
PARKS & It was noted that at their next meeting on
RECREATION September' 23 the Park Board will review Mr .
Wesley Johnson ' s proposal that the City
acquire a 36 acre vacant tract on 108th S.E.
for park purposes .
PARKS & Parks Director Wilson noted that the appraisal
PLANNING on the additional 35+ acres of the Benaroya
property has now been completed and that
matching funds will be sought in the next
budget year. He pointed out that Benaroya/
Consolidated Beverages had donated property
worth $1001000 towards the completion of the
project .
Wilson further noted that a one mile strip
consisting of approximately 4% acres of land_ ._ _..
along the Green River had been donated to the
City, with formal dedication to take place
on September 27 .
LIBRARY Library Board. KITTO MOVED to confirm the
reappointment of Florence Cunningham to the
Library Board, Baffaro seconded, motion carried.
CIVIL Civil Service Commission . Upon Mayor t-iogan ° s
SERVICE suggestion,,_ McCAUGHAN MOVED to confirm the
reappointment of Warren Bell to the Civil
Service Commission, Kitto seconded. Motion
carried .
METRO PASSENGER It was noted that Metro is requesting permission
SHELTER to provide a passenger shelter in the off-street
parking lot at West Smith and North 4th Avenue ,
It was determined that the proposed site is owned
by the City and that.--the portable structure was
approximately 51 x 10 ° . JUST MOVED that the Mayor
be authorized to sign the permit for location
of the bus shelter in the off-street parking lot
at West Smith and North 4,th Avenue. Johnson
seconded . Motion carried .
INTERMEDIATE A letter was read from James P Curran rega.rd-i.ng
PARK AND RIDE the location of the Park and Ride sites, suggest-
LOCATION ing � that the site for Park and Ride should
be in locations which permit easy access to
existing railroad facilities as well as exist-
ing freeways. STORMENT MOVED to accept the
letter and make it a part of the record,
McCaughan seconded , Motion carried .
8 t)
September 16, 1974
KENT ESTATES It was noted tnat on August 21, 1973 , the
PLAT VACATION Planning Commission had considered an app
for the vacation of the Kent Estates Plat and
had recommended to the City Council that the
following streets in the plat be vacated :
1 ) 109th Place SSE .
2) 108th Place S .E .
3 ) S nE . 255th Street
In addition, the Planning Commission
reco mended
be created along
that a new right-of-way.
westerly sterl boundary of the plat, consisting of
sixty feet as the extension of 108th Avenue S .E . ,
as called for by the East Hill plan, It was
the vacation application had
t �h
ed out that _
been withdrawn before having been heard by the
Council and had recently been resubmitted .
Harris noted that in a memo dated July 19, 1974
the Director of Public Works had made the follow-
ing recommendations :
1 ) That the City require a north-south
right-of-way be deeded before the
present streets are vacated;
2 ) That the City retain an easement for
utilities across the northerly 30 feet
of the plat,.
Harris pointed out the location of the plat as beinc
on the nor
th side of S .E . 256th o 1200 ' east of
104th Avenue S .E . , consisting of approximately
18 . 7 acres .
He not
ed that a street on the west
side of the plat running from north to sout was
necessary to complete the circulation system of
the East. Hi.l.l plan and po:-,nted out that the
present right-of-way .for 101st S .Eo is now being
constructed . This plat, as originally laid out,
eluded a streetgoing P
oin u within the plat, and
the vacation would make it easier to put a street
through this area.
It was noted that a letter from Mr . Burrows,
attorney for the owners, Pacific National Bank
of Washington, was written to the Council which
was part of the record of the July 15 , 1974
Council meeting. Harris pointed out that the
plat ' s easterly boundary is also the eastern
City limits line and ascertained that the pro-
posed street would be 60 ' 'in width.
The Mayor opened the public hearing. Mr. Burrows
reviewed the history of the area starting with
its annexation in 1968 by two developers who have
since gone through bankruptcy. He stated that
the Bank had taken over the property through
foreclosure . He pointed out that the area was
originally approved as R-4 contract zoning which
was subsequently changed by the City to MR-M
under the Comprehensive Plan. Mr . Burrows
pointed out that he concurred with Harris '
letter stating that the plat as it stands is
actually a detriment to good land use planning
on that site . He stated that the Bank does
not want to develop the land, that their purpose
September 16, 1974
KENT ESTATES is to sell the land, and further, that they
PLAT VACATION would propose to have the plat vacated, and
submit a new plat to the City, and at that time
to discuss the cond]-tions which the City is
now proposing. The Bank has no objection to
the 60 , road but does not want to have to put
in a road prior to the time they sell the property.
He clarified that the plat is raw acreage and
that there are no existing streets , Mr. Burrows
referred to a $35 ,.000 bond for streets and
opined that it would cost over $100,000 to
put the streets in, and pointed out that the
request- is to vacate the plat and that he
objected to the recommendations of the Planning
Commission and Public Works Department concern-
ing streets , He noted that State statutes for
vacations of streets and for vacationSof plats
were under different titles of the RCW. He
further questioned the reference to the 601 on
the west, pointing out that this might not be
consistent with the over-all. planning and use
of this property under the proposed development
which will be submitted six months or a year
from now. Mr. Smith of. the Real Estate division
of the Bank noted that the property appeared
to be unsalable under the existing conditions .
Harris stated that after this plat is vacated
a replat would not be necessary for MR-M
zoning and for this reason he would like to
see the right-of-way acquired now rather than
trying to deal with owners and developers at
a later date. He noted 'that East Hill Trace
and Comstock Club were never plats ,
Upon Mayor Hogan ° s question, Harris clarified
that the City was not asking for the 601 north/
south road to be built but only that it should
be dedicated_ or deeded, so that the City may
follow the Comprehensive Plan for the area.
Masters noted that if the plat was vacated no
one could say what would be proposed for the
area by a new ownar� Burrows pointed out that
this would b- controlled by permits, etc ,
which were issued by the City. He stated
that the Bank had considered deeding 601 to
the City with the idea that the City could
do what they 'wanted to do with it but the
owners did not want to be assessed for build-
ing the road also, He noted that if they
could sell the property they would include
the provis,-..on for the 60 feet. He stated
that from a technical standpoint, he felt
that the City should not make the dedication
of the 601 a condition to the plat vacation,
that to do so was a form of condemnation.
Burrows also noted that he would be grilling to
discuss the matter further with Harris- and the
Public Works Director.
Upon McCaughan ° s question, Harris determined
that the requested dedication across the North
part of the plat was for utilities . Upon
Kitto ° s question, Harris determined that the
only plan to put a road in was in the overall
East Hill Comprehensive Plan but that as the
area developed, a road would be necessary.
Harris reiterated that it appeared that the
Bank and the City were talking about almost
the same thing, namely, the deeding of .a 60 "
strip on t:. w wc•:,L , ;��! �r; c ,r:;rmr nt. ��C tU ° ; or,
September 16, 1974
KENT ESTATES utilities across t11e north, wz •oin any at any sphalt,
PLAT VACATION gation on the Bank ' s part to Put e question,
curbs or gutters . Upon Baffaro s q a
Harris stated that there was no road on the
easterly boundary but that there could possibly
be an easement for access . McCaughan inquired
about the area close to the Kent-Kangley Road,
asking who would bear the cost if a road had
to be put in north of S , 256th in the future .
Harris stated that there were several ways in
which it could be handled ° Kitto .inquired as
to the date of the letter from Burrows and
MOVED that the letter of July 5 , 1974 be
accepted and made a part of the record, Masters
seconded ° The Clerk noted that the letter
had been previously read and made a part of
the record of the July 17, 1974 Council meeting,
Motion carried , JUST MOVED to close the hearing .
Storment seconded . Motion carried , JUST MOVED to ap-
vacation of the Kent Estates Plat as
recommended by the Public Works Dept , and the
Planning Commission, Baff aro seconded ,
opinion Mr. Burrows had
commented that in her p e
a very val.td point, and if property :L going
to be given by the Bark for a right-of-way,
that some consideration should be given to
the property in the future when the street
is put in, to make- the transaction equitable ,
Kitt, stated that consideration is being given
now, inasmuch as the dedicated streets within
the plat were being vacated . Motion carried ,
Segregation - Miles Drake . The Miles Drake
segregation reauest for properties in LID 273
was reviewed by the Finance Committee on September
11 and upon their recomcrcendation BP,FFAR.O MOVED
that the City Attorney be directed to prepare a
resolution to approve the segregation. Just
seconded . Motion carried .
li Fund . In accord-
Federal or State Grant Matching
ance with the directions of the Council at its
meeting of August 19, 1974, the City Attorney
introduced Ordinance No. 1884 creating a reserve
fund in the amount of $1000000 of unbudgeted
funds for the purpose of matching Federal or
State grants as submitted by any Department of
the C.ity� JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ord 1884,
Kitto seconded . Motion carried .
Claims approved by the Finance Committee on Sept
11 are as follows:
Current Expense $16, 675 .52
Parks & Recreati.on 6, ,00
Central Business District 15000
Streets 3, 348.29
Federal Shared Revenue 267 ,00
Library Construction 11,400 .13
City Hall Construction 101013004
E , Valley Construction 1, 407 .44
E.Vly-Willis-Green River 661F942 „1.8
Equipment Rental 11,124.65
Employees Ret Liability 1,137 .05
Leff Disability 1, 272 . 39
Sewer 885 .52
Water 40,588 .17
Garbage 251334 ,00
� $161, 273s96
Respect.tully submitted,
Marie Jeca"
City Clerk