HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/03/1974 3
Kent, Washington
September 3, 1974
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was celled -to order
at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hiogan, Councilpersons: Baf-fa:r.o,
Johnson, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and .St.orment, City Admini-
strator Street, City Attorney klirk, Planning Director flci ris.
Also present: City Engineer Wi.cks•trorn, Parks Director Wilson,
Hill., Ingman & Chase repre.sentat:ivc s Ramsey and Scott.
Council.person Just, Public Works Director Ulett and .Finance
Director Winkle were absent. Approximately 30 people were in
attendance .
MINUTES MASTERS MOVED to approve the minutes of August:
1.90 1974 as printed, Johnson ,seconded. Motion
HEALTH & LID 275 . It was noted that LID 275 was formed
SANITATION to extend a. sanitary sewer west from the Last
Valley Highwz� y at. approximately South 203rd
to serve three property owners. At the public
hearing on this matter held July 15 , 1974, Mr .
Df:nsussen, attorney for. Stuart Wattles, protested
the assessment, , and the validity of the hearing
on the basis of improper notice because a portion
of the property had not been segregated after
it had been 'sold. The public hearing was
subsequently scheduled -to be reheld at this
The public hearing was opened by the Mayor.
`.['here were no comments from the audience. A
letter was read from Buffalo Sanitary Wipers
Co. protesting the assessment for reasons that
the lane was inadequate for their purposes and
that it would not benefit the said property.
MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part
of the record, Kit-to seconded. Motion carried.
The Clerk noted that the letter from Edward
M. Ben.sussen on behalf of Stuart Wattles,
originally introduced at: the July 15 hearing,
protested the assessment for reason that the
property would not be especially benefited
by the project. MASTERS MOVED that: the letter
be cnade a part of -the record, Ki.t:to seconded.
Motion ca.T:':a:•].E.d . S',-_.s:eet ;7u9g(-'. ite6 t1. at -these
protests should be reviewed now at this public
t• hearing . Kitto noted that the Wattles ' protest
ewed and at his request already been revi
Street: expla.-Lned that the Buffalo Sanitary Wipers
Co. -property wcaS formerly pi-.ir.t: of tka�� Wat:t:a.e
property. lie pointed out: that L•.hE, s(:.wer is
designed d to handle.. the properties, and in fact
is basically the saute design and location as .
the plan proposed by Wattles originally. He
noted that: the property has been improved in
accordance with the amount of the assessments
and that if the parties wished to prote:st
furthero i.t must be done through the courts .
DAFFARO MOVED that the, hearing bc-+ r_.lo.sed,
Masters Secorac:e,c:, . motion carried . X11".1'0
7 4
september 3 , 1-974
IWID 275 be
MOVED that the fina ro or
1-JEALTH & approved as presented and that the Attorney.
SANITATION be directed to prepare:' -the necessary ordinance
in accordance therewith. Baffaro seconded .
Motion carried ,
mer ' s Ag eement Water) .
Late Co )-- —-------- Sewer and
Letters were read from i'larold W. H111 Constr uc-
tion Co. requesting :i,ate, Comer ' s Agreements
for any future connections to the sewer line
installed' from 4-th Avenue South, to serve -the
Reynolds' Aluminum Buildi , at 7416 S . 228th,
Kent, and for suture connections J to the water
line sout
h the 1 _1.1.1y CorporatJ_on . Enclosed
ntleS and bilis
were wart:a L of sale to the City
and breakdowns of tile cost~; involved for
installation of both the Sewer and water
lines . KITTO MOVED to accept the letters
and enclosures and refer them to the Public
Works Department, Storment- seconded . Motion
carried .
pr a i IjLa Le. It was noted that the request of
Rov Hunter for a catch basin in Russell Road
haa been discussed at the last work session
and that the City wi.1.1 install. a manhole in
accordance with -the directions of -the Direc-
tor of Publ,.I.c Works as to location.
Garrison Crdesk Interceptor . It was rioted
Director is still.
that the Public work.
working with Mr , Silvestri arid that a
report on the matter vvou.]_-J probably be
available for the next Council- I'leeting-
Borden Sewer Reconstruction , Upon the reCOM-
mendation of the Public Works Department,
KITTO MOVED to approve C.hange Order #1 for
Frank Colucci,01S contract on the Borden Sewer
Reconstruction project, Baffaro seconded ,
'It was rioted that -this is a reduction in
cost of $1 ,500 through a change in design.
Motion carried .
KITTO MOVED that -the contract of Frank ColucciO
for the Borden Sewer project be accepted as
complete and for the retainage to be released
when it is legal to do so, Masters seconded .
Motion carried .
Bids - Horseshoe Acres .Lu Ep.L!cLStation and
Bids were opened on Wednesday,
August 28, for the construction of the
Horseshoe Acrets__2,1 Station,. Calhoun
Construction Co, Inc . was the only bidder
at $139, 230 , 82J, including tax, which was
60% above the Engilleer ' s estimate . I-t has
been recommended that this bid be rejected .
The Engineering De-partment has been reviewing
the matter with the firm of Hill , Ingitkan &
Chase, conSLI.Iting and a new call.
for bids has, be(.�n for Sept-embOY7 1.6 .
September 3, 1.974
Bids were olso (.?pened or, Auqu.st 2-3 on Eumps,
HEALTH and Enciines for the Forseshoe Acres PumpingSANITATION Station Only one bid was received on the
RI4�1 )s, as f 01.1-ows :
Byron Jackson Pump Division,
Borg-Warner Corporation $321544.020
including tax.
Street stated that this is an acceptable aid
and that we have a 30-day hold on -the bid .
It was pointed out that if a bid on the pump
station -J's accepted at the next council meet-
ing on September 16,, this bid on the pumps
could also be accepted at that time . It was
further pointed out that it will take 300
days to have the eng .nes del.-Lvered and 200
days to hzive pum ps cue livc;.Nred . McCAjGHAN`
MOVED that the bi.(1 of Calhc)tun Construcv.ion CO. ,
Inc. on the pumping station be rejected, Kitto
seconded. Wickstrom noted that the recall for
bids for the pumping station has already been
advertised a-,nd pointed out that. -the entire pro-
ject was divided into three phases:
1) punq-,s aric'I motors; 2 ) Construction Of the
building; 3 ) Tnstallation of the controls,
with a -total estimated cost of $250,000 -00 .
The call for bids for -the controls has not as
yet been issued . He pointed out that the entire
project- is expected to be operable by the end
of 1975 . Motion carried .
WATER Miles Drake Exten.slon. The City Attorney has
prepared a contract for consideration at this
meeting covering the proposed Miles Drake
ion of as 12--i� nch Water Main which was
discussed at the last, work session. The follow-
ing items are included in the contract:
A) If the property :is not annexed within -the
next nine months, Drake will pay the entire
Cost; installation of
B) Drake will. get bids for i
8" and 12" water mains and the difference
between the two costs will be recoverable
by Dj, akc? from thc--' revenue derived from the
LjSors irl eXCO.SS of -the minimum charges,
C) Should the difference not be 'recovered
within five years from the date of con-
tract, the City will pay the difference
in a lump sum;
D ) Should Drake extend this line into side
streetst the excess of the revenue above
the minimum will be credited -towards City
E ) No interest will be paid by the City.
NITTO MOVED tlia:t- the Mayor be authorized to sign
the said contract, Baffaro seconded . Miles
Drake noted that if the annexation proceedings
extend beyond nine months it wit not be due
to any fault of his . Mirk noted that the
agreement was drafted in terms of "the Drake
Annexat.ion, jl so the Ripley portion could be
deleted if the B,:-)unda-.1ry Review Board would
September 3 , 1974
WATER not accept the combined area. Motion
carried .
DRAKE-RIPLEY It was noted that the City Attorney has
ANNEXATION approved the s1jgg,, C the -last
.�stjorj made, at
work session that the 75% petition covering
-the reduced area_of LqE,,. Dr.ake-Riplev Ann-exa- .
4 be submitted LO the Boundary Review
I Seconded . Motion carried .
Board, Masters
STREETS Sunstedt - South 250th Street Improvement.
It was determined that the adjacent property
owner has completed the paving of South 250th
Street from S . 38th -to Military Road . Upon
the recomaqend at ion of the Engineer, KITTO
MOVED that the following items be approved :
a) Acceptance of the Bill of Sale for
b) Release of the $500 cash bond
c) Release of the $15 , 000 performance
bond .
Johnson seconded . It was noted that a one
year maintenance bond has been filed with
the City. Motion carried .
LID 272 -- East ValleftyL
- Jj_iE1-1waV - S . 226th St. BAF-
ta S . 212th, St � uipon Street ' s recommendation,
FARO _R_O�F�_D_that the contract of Bellevue
Bulldozing, Inc for the LID 272 project be
accepted as complete and for the retainage
to be released when -the proper releases have
been received . McCaughan seconded . Motion
carried .
BIDS Covered Stalls at C:it.v Shops . Bids were
received or, August 29 f
, 1974 ;:or covered stalls
at the CJ.ty Shops, as follows:
F.R. Bourgault Construction $67f899 .00 + tax
Wes Busch Construction 86$ 61,6 .00 + tax
Calhoun Construction 800950 .00 + tax
Clements, Baight & Carico 60 ,960 .00 + tax
Miller. Construction + tax
Morrison Construction 770800 .00 + tax
Howard Peck Construction 680970 .00 + tax
2 9 (10
Pro(, (:.",tion 770
.1 6 6 0") 0 0
R . (".. . W t E�C'
McCAVJ(..aHAN MOV1,31) to c(xCq t1he bco, � bid of
kta.i.ght & Car-ico in they amount of $60 960 .00 plus
tax Masters seconded . Motion carried .
ZONING Sunset Manor . The City Attorney introduced
Ordinance No. 1.881." providing for RI-9 .6 (Single
Family Res idei.-�T-Lal ) zoning for the Sunset Manor
annexation. STORMENT MOVED to adopt Ord . No.
1881, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried .
PARKS Upon Baffarols -question, Parks Director Wilson
stated that the wading pool at Kent Memorial Park
had been removed and -the area' filled with sand
for a play area because of the potential danger,
the State requirement for filters, and the fact-
'that the, pool haO 11-)c_en lower than Mill Creek,
cau.s,iroj back up probl .ms -
September 3, 1974
P u 113 L'I C Councilman Baffaro note d that. he planned to have
SAFETY il jreeting of the Public Safety Committee on
October 7 prior to -the council meeting to discuss
-the proposed ordinance against leaving children
in parked automobiles .
POLICE & Detox Centers . A letter was read from Alva C .
FIRE; Long stating that -the fight for decentralized
detox centers has been lost for now but noting
that in his opinion the plan could be approved
within two years MASTERS MOVED to accept the
letter and for it: to be made a, part of the
record, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried .,
Stormen- pointed out that the new addition to
Fire station #1 had now been completed .
Stori-Lient stated tha.t Fire Department Secretary
Shiriey ParenLeau had died of injuries received
in an automobile accident in Maine and noted
that Memorial Services were to be held on
Thursday evening at 8: 00 P.M. at St. James
Ch ape_1
PARKS & Parks Director Wilson introduced Betty Kelly,
RECREATION -the new projects coordinator for -the Park
CITY HALL it was noted the City will interview three firms
to select an architect for the completion of the
City Hall. project.
ADMINISTRATIVE City Administrator Stree-IC requested that the
Council meet in execut-ive session immediately
after the Council meeting to discuss a personnel.
GAMBLING It was noted that Mayor Hogan has vetoed Ord .
No . 1880. Covering which forms of gambling will
be allowed in the City and levying a tax on
each form allowed,, and that the veto message
will be presented at the next Council. meeting
on September 16 . In response to questions by
the Council, Mirk noted -that there is no set
time for the Mayor ' s veto message to be brought
back to the Council . In answer to Storment ' s
and Johnson ' s questions,I Mirk clarified that
since the ordinance has been vetoed, that any
type of gambling is presently allowed for
anyone having a State license. lie pointed
out further that in order for a City to prohibit
a certain form of gambliing, it must be specifi-
cally prohibited ."L.n the City ' s ordinance .
FINANCE Se at"on on - LID-253 . The segregation
request of Elazar LA&I-1-ar has been reviewed
by the 1, inance Co-mraittee and it is their
recommendation that the requested segregation
be made . McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Engineer
and Treasurer prepare the necessary informa-
tion and submit it to the City Attorney,
Kitto seconded . Motion carried .
September 3 , 1974
The segregation request
of John Arvey has been reviewed by the Finance
FINANCE Committee and they have recommended that said
segregation be made , KITTO MOVED that the
Engineer and Treasurer prepare the necessary
information and submit it to the City Attorney,
McCaughan seconded . Motion carried .
BARS . On September 51 1974 at 7 p.m . , a repre-
sentative of the State Auditor ' s office will
present an explanation of the Budgeting,
Accounting, Reporting System for Counties
a to The
and Cities and other Local Governments .
it is to be held in the Kent City Council
Chambers and all elected officials and depart-
d neighboring Cities
ment heads from Kent an
are urged to attend
NORPAC It was determined that the Planning Commission
ompleted its hearing on the Norpac Pre-
PRELIMINARY. had c 23 1974 and has provided
PLAT liminary Plat on July 0
each Council member with a copy Of their. recom-
mendations , Harris noted that the Final
Environmental impact Statement has been completed
and is on file , He pointed out the proposed
plat on the map, noting that it consisted of
approximately 180 acres between S . 180tb and
S . 196th? West of the East Valley Highway.
Harris pointed out that Burlington Northern
had agreed to the seventeen conditions set
forth by the Planning Commission , including
that a cul de sac on South 192nd be shortened
to 600 feet and that a fire lane be added .
Harris further noted that Condition No. 16
covered a requirement of one acre open space
and for the Planning Commission to inventory
the site to consider recommendations for
additional open Mace . He distributed a
report on the zabsequent inventory, suggesting
that four acres be allowed for open space An
the Northwest corner of the plat. He presented
slides showing the proposed open space area,
noting that this is a natural habitat for wild-
life . Upon McCaughan ' s question, Harris
determined that Springbrook Creek would be
moved to flow into the channel and that this
was a good area for open space even if there
was no water flowing through. It was pointed
out that the existing drainage channel might
be relocated , Masters noted that in the past,
industry had not lived up to requirements
covering pollujon of streams . Harris noted
that in the future the City will have to make
certain that rules and regulations regarding
pollution are followed, particularly as more
industry comes to the valley. He pointed
out that Federal regulations will become
more stringent a5 the EPA starts looking
into these matters - Street Pointed Out that
September. 3, 1974,
NORPAC storm drainage problems should be handled on
PRELIMINARY ' each site so that large amounts of storm
PLAT water will not have to be dealt with. Masters
noted that a requirement for a catch basin
had been ignored by a north end firm and
Street pointed out that such problems would
be covered by the EPA requirement that drainage
problems be controlled at the source .
The Mayor opened the public meeting . Mr -
Gordon of Burlington Northern stated that
they were in accord with the Planning Com-
mission conditions and Mr, Scholes, consulting
engineer for Burlington Northern, presented
an overlay of the area showing a slightly
different open space designation which also
was approximately four acres . It was deter-
mined that this alternate was satisfactory
to the Planning Department . Upon Mayor. Hogan 's
question, he noted that Springbrook Creek
would be moved into the P1 Channel . Upon
McCaughan ' s question, Street noted that the
alignments were agreed to by the City and
SCS some years ago with allowances to be made
for straightening lines and for consideration
of fish and wildlife . He further noted that
Norpac would deed the open space area to the
City, which would be accessible from S - 180th
by foot only, McCaughan questioned whether
it was common practice for open space areas
to be deeded to the City and Street commented
that this was the best way of handling it
and would afford some small tax break to
Burlington Northern, he recommended that
we accept the proposed preliminary plat .
Both Kitto and Baffaro commented on the
excellent cooperation of Burlington Northern
throughout the consideration of this
proposed plat:. , KIT TO MOVED that the Norpac
Preliminary Plat and the requirements of the
Planning Commission be approved, Masters
seconded , Motion carried .
PROCLAMATION A proclamation was read by Mayor Hogan
declaring the week of September 15 - 22,
1974, as Learning & Language Disability
FINANCE McCAUGHAN MOVED to pay bills received
through September 4, 1974 after approval
by the Finance Committee at its meeting
to be held at 8 a.m. , on September 11 ,
1974, Storment seconded . Motion carried .
Claims approved by the Pinance Committee
at their meeting of August 28, 1974, are
as follows :
September 3, 1974
FINANCE Current Expense $ 31$ 321 , 46
Parks & Recreation 30466 . 33
Library 662 .43
City Streets 6, 682 .18
Federal Shared Revenue 628 . 20
Library Construction Fund 198419 .16
212th Ph 3 Construction 6,057 .92
E . Valley Construction 4028608
EVH - Willis to ter Rvr 723 .00
Central/Smith Intersctn 28.96
Gowe Street East 36. 32
Reith Road Military 115 .84
Equipment Rental. 3076703
Firemans Rei & Pension 10762 .12
Leff Disability 453 .54
Sewer 344098. 75
Water 4,583 . 26
Garbage 309 .84 -
$1180403 .42
MEETING . ADJOURNED: 9 : 15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marie JADen
City Clerk