HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/01/1974 Kent, Washington ' July 1, 1974 Regular meeting n ofthe Kent. City Council was called to order at s:00 p.m. Present. : Maayor. lloga:n , Cou.ncilpersons : Baffaro, Johnson , Just, Kitto, Ma tern, McCaughan and Storrment, City Administrator. Street Public Works Director Ulett:, Planning I, F � Director Barris, Finance Director Winkle. City Attorney Mirk _ was on vacation . Also present: Parks Director Wilson,, City Treasurer Drotz , Water Superintendent Evenson, Sewer Superin- tendent Kri:�taffersan, Planning Commission member Long, Hi11 , Ingman & Chase representative Scott. Approximately 65 people were in attendance . MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting held June 1.7, 1974 be approved with the following to be added at the conclusion of the Tukwil.a-Soiathcen-ter-South discussion on. page 1.7 : i "Mayor liogan asked the Administrator if he had the original recommendation made by the Director of Public Works, the Administrator and the Mayor, and directed that .it be made a part of the record . Street determined that the paper, dated May 28, 1.974, entitled 'Engineering Department - Interoffice Memo ' listing recommendations for 'McCa.nn Property Utility Service , had been distributed to the Council, and a copy had been filed with the 'City Clerk for the record . " McCaughan seconded, motion carried . A memorandum dated .Tune 25 , 1974 addressed �I to Council President Kitto from Mayor Hogara was read, noting -the above listed omission to the Tune 17 minutes and pointing out that the original recommendation referred to has been .the administrative recommendation throughout the Counc:il ' s deliberation on this matter. This memo has also ,been filed with the City Clerk . KENT HIGHLANDS A let-te.r. from Cheri & Roger Waldow, 26410 SPECIAL USE Cambridge Drive, dated June 280 1974, addressed COMBINING to Mayor Rogan was read, supporting her stand DISTRICT in regard to the I:ent Higb1ands mining ope.r.a tion, aAad commending the Planning CominisSiOn and Council. on -the value they have placed on citizen :input. K.I:TTO MOVED to accept the letter, Storment seconded, motion carried . A letter was read fram J. F. I-Ierbst:er, 1401. West. Smith Street, noting -that he Cou]-d find nr:)t:ki:i.racl o1a jc,r.�t�.:i.raa�.'a}-,:Lr� a ra l" v:i.rac� �� well :run cjl:;::�vc�.l. rn i.ii.i nc� c.�1° ;i,i.in;.i..:L pia° r,aJ:o'l.."o l..:i,i:]�� 1.Ta I I�e7 City of Kent . MCCAl.)GHA.N MOVED to accept. the letter and make it a part of the record, 5t'orment ,seconded, motion carried . A letter from Dennis Neifert dated June 12, 1.974, addressed to Mayor Hogan was read, regarding his vote as a Planning commission member recommending denial of the: mining permit. lie pointed out that denying the mining operation does not represent a denial c7 KFNT HIGHLANDS consideration progress for the Valley lout. rather 'a PECIAL USE consideration for many other aspects of S COMBINING the City and its citizens, and was opposed to approving the permit even with conditions . DISTRICT KITTO MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a part of -the record, Johnson seconded, motion carried . It was noted that two letters had been received in the mail. today opposing the mining operation-- one from Jane E . Shafer, President., and Karen Chandler, Environmental Quality Chairman, of. the League of Women Voters of King County South, dated June 23, 1974, and one from Mrs. Clarence Nelson, 3206 East Lexington Way #220 , Mercer Island, dated June 28, 1974. It was further noted that 23 letters protesting the project were hand delivered to the office of the City Clerk at 2 : 20 p.m. on -this date . Letters from the following named parties specifically requested that the hearing be reopened : Bonnie and Marcus Mucalli, 26430 Cambridge Drive; Mr. and Mrs . W.P. Dembiczak, 41-24 Hampton Way; Mr . and Mrs . James Krofcheck, 41.30 Hampton Way; Ronald D. and Shirley Johnson, 3903 Hampton Way; Mr. and Mrs . Rein Laik, 4030 Hampton Way; Mr . and Mrs . Dan Dembiczak, Cambridge; Mrs . Myles C. Jones, Cambridge; Gerald and Ramona Kinnama_n, 3904 Hampton Way; Durwood and Cecilia E. Wilson, 26426 Cambr.idge 'Drive; David and Toni Hutton, 3518 South 268t.h; Mr. and Mrs. George Hutton, 3913 Hampton Way; and Mr., Don P . Hurwitz, 26403 Cambridge Drive. Other letters protesting the operation were received from the following parties : Don and Barbara Johnson , 3404 Hampton Way; Brian G. and Suzanne J. Holmes, 3427 South 263rd Street; Mrs . Judith D. Stiles, 3922 Hampton Way; Carl C. and Julie Den.n.ha.rdt, 4105 Hampton Way; Mr , and Mrs , A. F. Laier, . 401.4 .Hampton Way; Richard and Susan Roland, 41.31 Somerset Lane; Don and Karen Landreau, 41.32 Somerset Lane; John and Anne Reagan, 4124 Somerset Lane; Ruth M. Moran, 4262 Carnaby Street; John and Sharon Ragan, 3407 South. 255t:h Street; Ann Justham, Cambridge; Mr. and Mrs . John kern, 3424 Hampton Way; and Edwin arld Elizabeth A. Nelson, 3525 Canterbury Lane. KITTO MOVED to accept the letters and make them a part of the record, Just seconded, motion carried . McCAUGHAN .MOVED to reopen the public: hearing, Just seconded, motion carried . KITTO MOVED to accept the petition, and all correspondence received in relation to this matter and for same to be filed as part of the' record . Just seconded . Motion carried . Norwood Cunningham spoke against the proposal , stating that t tle Valley had sower gravel ;p,i.t m now, and that: past experience had shown that the property way; usually riot restored to the " 2 conditiorl required by the permit. Dwayne Nikulla:, Of Green for Tomorrow note that SPECIAL USE people who had attended the last council COMBINING meeting had not been permitted to speak and DISTRICT suggested that since the hearing had now% been reopened, that it be continued, so that interested citizens could be advised to attend and be heard . just pointed out that the public hearing was well advertised and that representatives of Green for Tomorrow had been heard . John Mercer stated that the petition against the project was circulated and the 5 all over the City 50 signatures showed that the project was unpopular with III that the citizens . Mayor Hagan pointed out now that the petition had been accepted and cord, the preamble made apart of the re to the III should be read . Tbi ,-1 s wa s then read in record by the Clerk . Aubrey Bryant note'd that the residents of Kent did not want Kent -to be known as "the City Of gravel pits . " Jane Thatcher pointed out that .the earth removal site on the East hill had never been replanted or contoured, although these things were required by the permit. Christine Dembiczak stated that the people assumed that the Council. would deny this application since the, Planning commission and the Planning Department had recommended denial, and therefore had not -thought it necessary to come -to the public hearing to protest . Hazel- Fournier reported that of the 45 people she presented the petition to, to sign, and she pointed out no one refused that the City should listen to the recommenda- the tion of the Planner . Jane Shafer of League of Women Voters asked, on behalf of the League, that the Council conserve natural resources and respond to the will of the people in reconsidering this project. James P . Curran pointed out that -the firm Of Kent Highlands was a reputable firm which had' a heavy investment in this community and had been doing business here for more than 15 years, and should not, therefore, be compared with the firm which had failed to fulfill their obligations on the East hill . Curran stated further that it was the City 's responsibility to enforce the conditions, and that if the proposed conditions were unsatisfactory, the City should change -them. He noted that any development which required removal of trees, even building a house, destroyed green areas . Merville Bishop stated that he owned two houses in that area which overlooked the Valley and -that he war not. oppo.,.,ed to the gravel, inininq loll . lilt (11)1llocl [111,111ol tileo I fill I I III lll,i V111 If ", 11,111 I'lo livf"(A ()I1 alld tliiil-1 the mining site is just a knoll. and lie could see no reason to object to its removal . A woman who also lived on South 216th pointed out that the knoll. protected residents from the noise from the motorcycle club . and that the knoll was also a, bird sanctuary. She stated further that the gravel. pit opera_. tion would cause incr e easd truck traffic, which would be liazar(30US to those using the 33 KENT HIGHLANDS bicycle trail• SPECIAL USE COMBINING Dwayne Nikulla stated that it was necessary to DISTRICT have some planning for the future growth in population so that some green areas will be preserved . He noted further that a U.S . Depart- ment of Agriculture report stated that within five years one-fifth of the agricultural land will be going -to commercial or residential. use and within 25 years, this is a figure would increase to one-third . He suggested m 01-1 this type of land use and for more considera- tion to be given to planning ahead . James P . Curran clarified that there was no intent on -the part of Kent. Highlands to discontinue the operation of the Little League field . He pointed out that Mr. DeBoer, General Manager of. Kent: Highlands, had answered Planning Commissioner Neifert. ' s letter, and he supplied a ropy of De[3oer ' s answer to -the Clerk . The letter was read, and JUST MOVED to accept it and -to have it made a part of the record . McCaughan seconded, motion carried . Upon Norwood Cunn:i.ngliam ' s question, Curran determined that Kent Highlands had been in operation about ten years, but that they had owned the property much longer than that.. Cunningham expressed concern that after the knoll was removed the corporation could be dissolved without the improvements having been accomplished . DeBoer answered CunninghI s further question about money alreadyspent by Kent Highlands, .Mating that in the last: two years $74,000 had been spent on shaping and planting' of grass . IIe pointed out that the program was on schedule, noting that they have six years in which to finish the project, in accordance with Hoard of Adjustment require- ments , and that -they still had over a million yards of dirt to remove . John Mercer. ,suggested that if there was still a million yards to be removed from the existing site, that the City should not approve another project, and further, that this would allow the City an opportunity to see what kind of a restoration job was done , Alex Thornton noted that large quantities of fill. had been, used for City street projects, and much more would be needed in the future and he asked where the City would get t.he .till. if not from a pro ier.t:. such ns this . that the removalo the knoll wou. not l e detrimental to the environment . Mr . Bryant: stated that be understood that, there were 900 acres of unused filled land in the Valley so there i.s no urgency, and he further sug-- gesteld that a moratorium be declared on gravel pits until the revised Comprehensive Plan has b6en, approved . He further stated that Curran 's client had indicated that if this project was not approved, that they should ask the City to buy the land for open space use . Bryant indicated that he owned some open space land and he neither expected they City to buy it , nor would he seek a permit to operate a gravel pit on III P 1 t K.ENT HIGHLANDS Curran clarified that material contained on SPECIAL USE the other site . was not available for removal the site and that no such removal was COMBINING from DISTRICT intended . question, In response t� Christine Dembiczaks Mayor. Hogan noted that she would not further enlarge upon her statement which was in hearing the Kent News Journal, as this was a p and she had no vote on the matter . McCaughan noted that he had asked Ulett to — prepare a progress report on all the gravel pits in the area to be presented at the next li workshop meeting. He stated that he would vote to approve the permit, as, after actual inspection of the area, he considered it to be a knoll and not a grave]. pit, and the hillside would not be affected . Street reported that the City had received attorney fo notification that Mr . Br ad� r. seeking a temporary Green for Tomorrow, was se g injunction on this matter. The Judge, however, approving ordinance had stated that until the app g was actually passed , the City had not of_'ficiallly agreed to approve the special use permit. Street pointed out that if the ordinance was passed at t his meeting, the Judge would consider the temporary injunction on Tuesday, July, `L, at 10 :00 a.m. Johnson asked who had the responsibility of checking on the performance of firms operating gravel pats in the past, and why was there so i much reference to the poor "track record" on these 'pro jer_ts . . Street stated that he had met with Mr . Goldsmith, the engineer for Kent Highlands, and with Mr . DeBoer and the former manager, and that: the promises had not been kept. He pointed out that the City probably should have gone to Court in the past, as schedules have not been met on . the part of Kent Highlands as far back as five years ago. DeBoer stated that he had met with the. Planning Commission and also with the Board of Adjustment planned and that. he was operating on the schedule Upon, and would be through in 5 years with a completed hillside . i KITTO MOVED that all ].enters, including minutes of the Planning Commission, the petition, and any other correspondence not yet admitted to record be now accepted and admitted to the record . Just seconded, motion carried . KITTO MOVED to close -the public hearing, Masters seconded, motion carried . BAFFARO MOVED to deny the proposed ordinance approving the Special. U,>e Combining District for Kent High- lands . Motion failed for lack of a second . KITTO MOVED that the matter be tabled for two ry weeks, until the next Council meeting, Storment seconded . Kitto stated that time was needed �i by the Council to review the new material presented tonight, including examination of the petition, and further that he had some questions of the City Attorney regarding the proposed conditions . Upon the Mayor ' s ques- tion as to whether this would be discussed at i �I r .. K.ENT HIGHLANDS the workshop session, Kitto pointed out that SPECIAL USE the public hearing had been closed and it was COMBINING the intent of his motion that the council.persons DISTRICT.' have an opportunity to discuss this among themselves . It was noted, however, that work- shop sessions were open meetings. McCaughan pointed out that the report on the status of the gravel Pits to be presented by Ulettt at the workshop would give the Council gu:ic-lance also. U1ett noted that in some cases the records are incomplete . It was pointed out that City Attorney Mirk would be back from vacation on Monday, July 8. Motion carried over Baffaro's nay. BIDS Library :C.i. ,y T3�I Cc�ar I r 3 . The Finance Committee has recommended acceptance of the base bid of Miller Construction Company in the amount of $36, 376 plus tax for the City Hall Courtyard improvements . BAFFARO MOVED to accept the best bid of Miller Construction Company for courtyard improve- ments in the amount of $36, 376 plus tax, McCaughan seconded, motion carried, 4th _ Storment voting nay. CENTRAL Saturday Market. A letter from James P . Curran BUSINESS was read, noting that plans are underway to DISTRICT inaugurate a weekly Saturday Market in downtown Kent on Meeker Street, and asking the City to approve the project, to contribute $500, supply a clean-up crew each week, and to make City Hall .rest rooms available for vendors and patrons. KITTO MOVED to refer the letter to the next workshop session, Baffaro seconded . Motion carried . FINANCE Segregations - LID 2_61. and LID 264. A request from the Jack A. Benaroya Company was noted, requesting segregation of assessments in LID 261 and LID 264. KITTO MOVED to accept the request and for it to be forwarded to the Finance Committee for consideration, Just seconded, motion carried . JUST MOVED that all bi.11s received through July 30 1974, be paid after approval of the Finance Committee which will meet a.t H a .rn. Wednesday, tlu ly 10, 1974 , motion TV Cable Franchise . A letter addressed to Council~ President. Kitto was read from the law firm of Davis, Wright:., Todd, Riese Jones, representing TelePrompTerCorporation, noting an increase in rates to $7 .95 per month, effective July 1 , 1974. KITTO MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a part of the record, Masters seconded, motion carried . CENSUS It was noted that a report has been received from the State certifying that Kent 's official population for 1974 is 17,000 . I .... ....... .. PUBLIC A letter was re ad d from Mrs . Rose Kay of SAFETY Bellevue, noting that Bellevue had recently with chil dren dealing w'� pass ed an or_c:linance 9 p eight ears old being left e of e3, y II r the a g uncle g unattended in automobiles, and suggesting that Kent consider adopting a similar OVED to accept ce t the letter. ordinance . JUST M and 'to re fer it t0 the Public Safety Committee, McCaughan seconded, motion carried . AME'.RICAN Mayor Hogan reported that Mrs . Paul Bailey, -- REVOLUTION Chairperson for the Bicentennial Committee, BICENTENNIAL has appointed the following nine people to II . Pat n Fournier, M .x John COMMITTEE assist her. : M r• Cummins, Mr. Fred Clark, Mr. Irving Hamilton, Mrs . Warren Reed, Mrs . Albert Rhodes, Mr . Dave Hillemeyer, and Mr. and Mrs . Ed Reiten. Mrs. Bailey has requested that an additional seven persons serve on the Committee, and o h council person on t • Hogan has asked each p Mayor g were name a person to serve . The following w named : Lloyd Hooker, named by Billie Johnson; John Long, named by Jeanne Masters; Mrs . Bill Elliott, named by Gary Just; David Grant, named by Lien McCaughan. It was :further noted that Mrs . Bailey has � submitted an application to the National ARBC for designation as a Bicentennial community. A state and national repr.esenta- tive will present a flag and certificate to Kent at an appropriate time, either during Meeker Days or at the convenience of the City. HEALTH & Metro A . reemerlt. A certified copy of Metro 's SANITATION Resolutl.on No.�2109 determining the total monetary requirements for sewage disposal for 1975 has been received, in accordance with Metro ' s agreement with Kent. KITTO MOVED that Metro Resolution No. 2109 be recorded as received, Storment seconded, motion carried . Water and Sewer Services - 180th and West Va1le ji�hwa A letter was read from Donald L. Anderson, Vice--President, Allpak Container, Inc . , noting that Allpak has acquired a 5-acre site inside •Kent City limits at the old O.r.il.lia School site . They have apj�lied to the City of Renton under a late comers agreement for water and sewer service, since Renton e available and are asking Kent for. a has servic , statement setting forth its position in regard to such action. KITTO MOVED to accept the letter and rester it to the Public Works Committee and to -the Public Works Director, Just seconded, motion Carr d Des Moines Sewer District. The Des Moines Sewer District has submitted Resolution 1974-14 outlining proposed additions to the District . The Sc.�lc:r Superintendent: and the Director of puts:,.l.ic War.kS have reviewed the resolution and recommend approval, KITTO MOVED that Des Moines Sewer Dist.:r;i.ci - tion 1.974--1.4 be notr!d a.�; r.'e;�c:es:�vescl r�ri<i .apY,rc:,�.rrrl ;i.r� t.`:i oti C :,r r princ.'iple# MC(''iAi.ac:ali;�r'� I 37 HEALTH & Water .Main Extension - 203r.d Street . Pacific SANITATION West Realty has submitted a Bill of Sale for the 203rd Street water main extension and the Director of Public Works has' rerommended accept- ance. S`.I'ORMENT MOVED that the said Bill of Sale be accepted, Kitto seconded . Ulett asked if, it would be proper to allow for release of the bond, if applicable. Storment and Kitto agreed to include "this in the motion. Motion carried . Request for Water. Service . It was noted that at the last work session Mr. Alfred C. Armstrong had requested water service for two building sites east of 22604 - 94th Avenue South. After consider- ing the matter, it is the recommendation of the Public. Works Committee that the request be denied for the reason "that adequate service could not be given without the extension of the 6-8" main from the intermediate service area, and for -the reason that the area is close enough to be considered for annexation . JUST MOVED that Mr. Armstrong be noti- fied "that his request has been denied for the above reasons, Baff_aro seconded . Mr. . Armstrong spoke from the audience, noting that a 16" water line ran through the back of his property on a 30-f-oot: water. easement. Street noted that 'there had never been any promise made of water service from the existing 16" line on the easement, as this is a balancing line between two reservoirs and would not: have ade- quate pressure for fire protection. He further stated "tha.t 'the, existing line was never intended "to be used for private service and pointed out that Mr. . Armstrong had service already from a, line on 94th Avenue South.. Motion carried . Water Main Extension -- 2.03rd Street. Pacific West Realty has submitted a Bill, of Sale for the 203rd Street water main extension and the Director of Public Works has recommended accept- ance . STOR.MENT MOVED that the said Bill of Sale be accepted, Kitto seconded . Ulett asked if it would be proper to allow for release of the bond, if applicable. Storment and Kitto agreed to include this in the motion. Motion carried . Request. for Water Service . It was noted that at the last work session Mr. Alfred C . Armstrong had requested water service for two building sites east of 22604 - 94th Avenue Soutb . After consider.-- in.g the matter, it is the recommendation of the Public Works Committee that the request be denied for the reason that adequate service could not be given without the extension of the 6-8" main from the intermediate service area, and for the reason that the area is close enough to be considered for annexation . JUST MOVED that Mr. Armstrong be noti- fied that his request has been denied for the above reasons, Baffaro :seconded . Mr. Armstrong spoke from the audience, noting that a 16" water .lane ran through the back of his property on a 30--foot water easement. Street noted that there had never been any promise made of water service from the existing 16" line on the easement, as this is a balancing Line between two reservoirs and would not have ade- quate pressure for fire protection. lie further stated that the existing lines was never intended to be used for private service and pointed out t:.hat. Mr . Armstrong lizid service a.].rr�ady from a line on 94th Avenue South. Motion carried . c OPEN SPACE It was -noted that under recently enacted State VALUATION law,- property owners applying -for 'Open Space valuation of stheir property for tax purposes must appear before the Kent Planning Commission and then before, a committee consisting of three King County Councilmen and three City of Kent Councilmen. Council President Kitto has appointed the following three Kent City Council representatives : Billie Johnson, Pete Baffaro and Robert Kitto. It was noted that the first meeting of t1ii.s group will be in late July. McCAUGHAN MOVED to approve the appointments, Just seconded, motion carried . TRAFFIC Parkin Restrictions - East Valley Hi hwa . CONTROL Street introduced Ordinance No. 1875 , restricting parking on a portion of the East Valley Highway I and Ulett pointed out the area on the map. JUST MOVED to adopt Ord . No. 1875 • Johnson seconded . Motion carried . STREETS Gowe Streee't. Overlay . Upon the recommendation of Ulett, McCAUGHAN MOVED to approve Change Order 01 of the Gowe Street overlay contract with Asphalt Paving & Engineering Company, providing for a reduction of $700 . StUrmen seconded . Ulett noted that the reduction in cost: was due to a change in the equipment used . Motion carried . PLANNING ointment . It was noted that Mrs . Rosetta COMMISSION Jones, 4?1.6 Catria.by Street, Kent, has been selected by the Mayor to replace Duane Peak on the Planning commission. It was also noted that 'the terms of R. E . Bodvin and Samuel. Edmondson expire this month and that both have consented to Nerve another term. JUST MOVED to confirm the Mayor ' s appoint- ment of. Mrs . Jones and the reappointments of R. E . Bodvin and Samuel Edmondson to the Planning Commission. Kitto seconded, motion carried . PARK BOARD Mayor Hogan noted that Berrie Biteman "s term on the Park Board has expired and he has agreed to serve another term. JUST MOVED to confirm the Mayor ' s said reappointment of Berne Biteman, Kit-to seconded, motion carried . GREEN RIVER Supplement Ell. Letter A regiment. It was noted EAST AND GREEN that on Wednesday evening, June 26, 19471 RIVER WEST Councilman Dave Mooney held a meeting with WATERSHED representatives from Auburn, Renton, Tukwila and Kent concerning the matter of. 110 acres of wetlands and a suggested method of paying CORRECTED • REFER TO for Hie wet:l.ands and the ncce ;:;ary lands for MINUTc +rt,Ct�"1( • al l ti 1.1C{C{t!' t:7.gl"1 hs bid` od Ll�')on ES OF -- �:•�'" """ "••• t' 1C! .f.c)rilliit:iorl ot; ;l St.:orw Watct.i' Uti.a .� 1:Y District which would then sell revenue bands and pay for the bonds by a charge to the contributing lands . Those areas in the valley floor would pay a higher rate, but in return could utilize the ditches in lieu of side drains . A supplemental letter agreement dated June 3, 1974 was presented for consideration . BAFFAR.O MOVED that the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to sign JJ C7APEN RIVER 'the supplemental agreement, McCaugharf- EAST AND GREEN seconded . McCaughan noted that it will RIVER WEST be necessary to have the signatures of WATERSHED all cities ' involved in order to proceed with the project . .. Motion carried . PARKS & NeWburn. Pr2pe,!LLZ- Upon Mayor Hogan ' s RECREATION request, MASTERS MOVED for the City to enter into a permissive park use agreement for the L. L. Newburn property at the inter- section of Kennebeck- and Kenosia Streets. Kitto seconded . Motion carried . Loan. Upon Street' s recommendation, MASTERS MOVED to authorize the Parks Department to borrow $268050 of Parks funds for approxi- mately 90 days for Forward Thrust projects, until- Federal. and State reimbursal monies are forthcomirig- just seconded . Upon Just ' s question, Wilson determined that this acquisi- tion would complete the U e - Mill Creek Canyon project . Motion carried . REZONE Chuck Adams . The Planning Commission conil-c—leri-d--a rezone request from Chuck Adams and has recommended approval . McCAUGHAN MOVED that a public hearing be held on, July 15 , 1.974 to consider. the Chuck Adams , request for rezone, Storment seconded, motion carried . ANNEXATION Westview. An interim report from the Public Works Director has indicated that an analysis of the costs of providing City services to the proposed Westview annexation area and of anticipated revenue to -the City from the area would be presented at the Council workshop on July 8 . A memorandum from the City Attorney requested that a discussion on the proposed annexation be held in order to enable the City Attorney to prepare a resolution calling for an election for the annexation. The Attorney ' s memo pointed out that it must be determined that the proposed annexation is in the best interest of the City before such a resolution is passed . McCAUGHAN MOVED to discuss the petition for an election for annexation of the area known as Westview for directions to the City Attorney, Baffaro seconded . Street has suggested that some of the reasons could be: 1 ) That this area is within that approved for annexation in the . Council ' s adoption of the Sphere of Interest Report in 1972; in character and 2) That the area is- urban oriented to Kent; '3 That the area is West of 106th and prior planning of 11-tijities anticipated annexa- tion and resultalit util,ity revenue to cnj.pport the utility. 4 ANNEXATION Upon Johnson 's question, Ulett notes that the matter would be discussed at -the workshop next Monday night. lie pointed out the area on the map, noting that it was in excess of 80 acres . ' Street noted that if an election was to be considered in November, the timing requires considering the Resolution now. Ulett pointed out the health hazard in `- Westview, noting that of .300 homes, 90 were known to have septic tank problems. He pointed out: another potential health hazard was the fact that -both septic: and k storm drainage goes into Harrison Creek and eventually ends up in Kent. He further noted an have that the. only way we could h a y control over these situations would be if the area was a part of Kent— Ulett noted further that the' kjoundaxv has acl�,nowledged that. the City ha,,, for this area, and that the only way the plans can be implemented ted is for -theses areas to be annexed to the City. Upon Baffaro 's question, Ulett noted that the Seattle--King County Health Department is putting up with the bad septic tanks in hopes that sewer lines will soon be installed . Charles Martell noted that in a bad problem area, the Health Department red- tagged a house when it became vacant . Upon McCaughan 's question, Ulett noted that a pets- ' tion ' for an LID for sewers had already been filed . The Mayor determined that it was the intent of the Council to submit the items suggested _ by Street as well as those set forth by Ulett to be used in preparing the Resolution. Motion carried . Sunset Manor. Street introduced Ordinance No. 1874, providing for the annexation of that certain land contiguous to -the City known as Sunset Manor. KITTO MOVED for the adoption of Ord . No. 1874-1 Storment seconded, motion carried . I ZONING Sunset Manor Annexation. At the last meeting, the hearing dates set for the zoning of the Sunset Manor annexation were approved for July 1 and August 50 1974. '.),'he City Attorney has requested that these dates be changed to r Jul 1� 19 74 and August 19 19 7 M CAUG�iAN y , a ugu,. t , 4 c SO MOVED, Johnson seconded, motion carried . Mobile home Combininq Districts . A -letter was read from Donald P . Hurwitz, Chairman, Concerned Citizens of Kent Committee, thanking the City for giving the group the opportunity to express their views concerning the Mobile Home Combining District matter, and for -the efficient manner in which the amendment to the Kent Zoning Code resolving the problem was handled . KITTO MOVED to accept -the latter, Baff aro seconded, motion carried . I I ICI 41 I PRESENTATION Mayor °g SrecialistaIII Certi.ficatertoorks Associationp Larry J. Rif.enberick of the Water Departme�•t and commended him on completing the MARTEL'L SHORT it was noted that; Charles Martell is "'appe-Ling SUBDIVISION of the conditions under which his' play, APPEAL was approved . The Short Subdivision Committee met on June 7; 1974, and passed Resolution SPC-74-5 approving the plat subject to four conditions. Mr . Martell ;is appealing, condition No. 41 which reads as follows: ""S .E. 236th Street shall be a cul-de-sac with a fifty (50) foot right-of-way, with the turn-around being designed in a manner acceptable to the Kent Public Works Department with Tung County design standards approved under resolution #33864 being in force for improvements of S .E. 236th Street, and with a light bituminous treatment for the street surface . " The Administrator has submitted the following information: 1) This is the only item that was atppealed; therefore, according to the City Attorney, the only item to be discussed . 2) This same street was on the original plat which the Council required a year ago. 3 ) The platting of lots to be served from a substandard ingress and egress only creates problems :for the City in the future . 4) Two of the lots are large enough that after 5 years, they could be split. Martell objected to the requirement of the 50 foot right-of-way, stating that there are only three residences to be served, and commenting further that some other City streets are not 50 feet . Upon Baff aro' s question, Martell stated that it would be possible to add two more lots, but thought that=, the extra traffic generated by two more homes would be irzsi.gnif.i.- cant. It was dete�;mined that the streE:t: dead--ended at the water tower. Mar,tel.l, stated he would include a stipulation that the houses to be built would be set back enough to allow the 50 foot right-of-way in case the street should ever go t1irough., and this provision would be a part: of the deed for each lot,;. Upon T i.tto ' s, question, Martell sti ted that ;zfa was not willing to 0.0 t..he work on the Street i at some future date the street sou-Id be continued t.hrc>ugh . It wa ascerta.ine d that the requirement was for a 50 foot right-of -waV, no.t for a 50 foot street.,_ and that the street requirement was a 22 foot finished street plus the shoulder . Street stated that the narrow dead end street proposed by Martell would not allow room for a fire truck, to turn ar.ozand , and pointed out further that 1110s : aoznmuzli+.ic�r� require a 50 foot r ht--of--wa,y for cu7. de silc streets . 2 ,s req on, Ki.ttt� ' uest Harris explained that MARTE"LL SHORT ! upon SUBDIVISION last year Martell had a similar request xig g Of consisting APPEAL the Council to approve ove a plat, six lots with a. 60 foot dedicated dculcause de slot and the plat was not approved would not pert. He pointed t 'out that t efootrt Plat Committee had reducerequestf right-of-way for the cut. de sac °Hethis notedf how- since it is for four. lots only . �u ever, that the four 1.at.s cauld be v ided to Harris explained make six lots in the future* a 30 foot easement that what Martell prop road for access to the lotsturr ingzzaround cul dwauld� only rovision pointed he p and t Y ' driveways. St.arment awne.r.,� turn in the to be ore space re quire m p out that fire trucks allows . Just deter- in than Martell ' s p p twzouldShort havel-to mined that in order to meet el make mittee requirements, l r.r.ris pointed out for Kitto the lots smaller. . or all plats are based overn that the criteria f a the requirements listed in SPC 74-5 a Toning, access tolats, flood or swamp condi- tions, p rox.i.mity to King County with regard to their subdivision standards, and provision for drainage . KITTO MOVED that: the Resolution e'- of the Short Plat Committee be approved, Johnson seconded . Kitty pointed out that a11, applicants are treated motion alike before ried the Short flat Committee. er Baffaro ' s nay. It was noted •that Ken Evenson, Water Department RETIREMENT Superintendents will be retiring to Oregon . AMayor. --- 1 � 1974, and will be moving to g Evenson has been employed Hogan noted that Mr . by the City for over 26 years and has reported c Water Superintendent since1..3_a4. lie has rep the we'athe?r s evc'.n days a. wt?E�� for seven ye�3Z r as well as keepi.nc t1jo w: t=.r �;tzpt�l.y worki.z•zg for the City, sometimes under adverse conditions . Mayor Hogan presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. Evenson on behalf of the City staff and the c:iti7ens . City Administrator. Street read Resolution 7677, commending Mr. Evenson for his long years OX service to the City and extending him the best wishes of the City for the future . MCCAUGHAN MOVED that Res . No. 767 be adopted, Masters seconded, motion carried . Former Mayor Alex Thornton spoke from the audienceg,wishingwshing Mr. Evenson an d d family his Y may years of happiness and a successful retirement. FINANCE Cl.a.ims approved by the Finance Committee a their meeting of June 26, 1.974 are as .follows: $ 42�684 . 26 Current Expense 6:488. 68 _-- T'az.k,:a & Recreation 60193r� .51. II Library 210602_ .89 city Streets 193 . 75 Park Forward Thrust 30057 .80 Central. Business District 2,078 . 35 Federal. Shared Revenue 977 .40 E . Valley Construction 971 .80 EVH -- Willis -to Gr Rvr 57 .92 Central. & Smith Intersection 258 .91 Garrison Creek. Swr Constrc I � II 43 FINANCE Kent Springs Chlor. . Equipment 309 .51. West Hill Reservoir Constrc 2, 265 .54 East .Hill Booster Pump 1, 288 .41 West Hill Booster Pump 656.05 116th Ave Trsmsn Main Constrc 1, 255 .49 Equipment Rental 9 ,404.17 Employees Retrmnt Liability 1 , 249 .41 Firemens Rel. & Pension 1,581 .18 Leoff Disability 1 ,854. 75 Sewer 37,9481 .87 Water 5, 770 .99 Garbage 330 .02 $2020 758. 72 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10: 50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen City Clerk