HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/17/1974 Kent, washiagton June :174V i974 Regular meeting of h, K,nt city Council was called to order - 1 . m8yar Councilpersons : BoFfarou at 8 :00 P M . Presen — CILY juhnscrt Just 01to mccaughan and Storm entp I V 0 ulettv City ALLorney Admiril.6trator StreeL, public Works Director k1c was Mirk. Planning Direct- or Harris . Finance Director Win ive on vacation Also presenL: Hill , Ingman & Chase representat. Jaci Leet, Parks Director Wilsono C ,ity Treasurer Dratz, AccountW-.j Supervisor Henderson, Planning Commissioners Cole and JoneS in attendance, Approximately 80 MP-te Were III e the minutes of June 3 , li MfNUTES KITTO MOVED Lo apprOv 1974, as primed, just seconded, motion carried , it ij The Director of Public Works ANNEXATION S,u.n..a ln2j, posed Sunset Manor anneKatiorl desiribla the Pr() as approximately 15 acres in the vicinity Of consisting Of elevon SE 256Lh and 116th SEV single fam,015 dwellings , The Mayor opened the lo comments from public hearing There were i the audience anO no correspondence relating to the subject and KETTO MOVED to cloSe III hearing, StormenL seconded, motion carried , JUST MOVED for the City Attorney to be directed to prepare an ordinance annexinf..1 stiris 't man')r to' Kent , Storment secondedo iuotion carried ZONING Of Sunsot Manor Annexation . KITTO On t.lTe' propose(l zoning of t S s he unet Manor a e nnxation be held on July 1 , 19 !4 and on August 5P 1974 , McCaughan seconded, motion carried . Mobile Home Comhinh-ia Districts on Underl y' I T! Mon , I t w a s n o t ed th IT— I .e T'7ia,n n i Ig .Comm.iss--a,n j,,'? Jd a hearing oq a proposed amendment to Lhe Zoning Code to eliminat(--- th, use ol "MHP Combining Districts" in B-1 zariRS9 and thp Commission has recommended that such use be rcmaved from R-1 District.; Mayor Hogan opened the pub0c hearing , Nelson, a cambridge resident, spoke on behalf of some ot the residents against permitting Mobile Home Parks In residential districts He pointed wt thyr this aroa should be kept. mtricyjy R. 1 , as ; L that tO bu f roir the time it was annexed to Kent . Rosetta Jones spoke on behalf of the Concerned Citizens of Kent group, noting that the residents had been surprised to learn that Ordinance 1827 did permit MHP Combining District:, in R-1 zones . She further noted that thvtc -Or. more mob ilo homes i.n Kent than in any oL ovir neighboring itles , She stacat L hat ON i s0- " I'l(I revidential area land should be pros-lvrd F01 this purpose and Opined L"lt dents wou 1 d be :;sod a6 t 107 III ZONING Cfon�es also stated that the developers of the proposed mobile home park had said that Kent was the only city where such a development could be put without requesting a rezone . Harris noted that this was not true--even under the present Code an application for a rezone would be necessary , He further noted that the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the proposed amendment . There was no further discussion and KITTO MOVED that the hearing be closed, Storment seconded . Motion carried . JOHNSON MOVED that Section 3 7 - MOBILE HOME PARK COMBINING DISTRICT (MHP ) of the Zoning Code, be amended as follows : PURPOSE : This combining oistrict iq designed to provide proper locations for mobile home parks . Mobile home parks may be located in any residential district, EXCEPT R-1, when MHP Combining District regAYWAns and development plans are approved for that location , Kitto seconded, motion carried . KENT HICK!.,-,ANDS Consideratbon of the Kent Highlands Special SPECTAL USE Use Combining DistricL request was tabled COMPIRING until this meeting . MASTERS MOVED that the DISTRICT matter of Kent Highlands Special Use Comb i.ning DisLrict be removed from the table, Just seconded . Motion carried . MASTERS MOVED that the application of Kent Highlands for a Special Use Permit be approved with the considerations submitted by the applicant, with the approval of the City Engineer and Planning MrecLor Just seconded , KittO asked if the intent of the motion was for the conditions to be brought.. back before the Council at the nexL Coincil meeting , Masters stated that the approval of the conditions was an administrative matter and could be handled by the Public Works and Planning Departments Kitto disagreed, and opined that approval should be subject to approval of the conditions two weeks from now at the next Council meeting after being reviewed first at a workshop sespion , KITTO MOVED to amend Masters ' motion that passage of the motion be subject to the Council. setting can diti.ons at the next Council meeting. Baffara seconded . Upon Masters ' question, Kitto noted that he wanted Mirk and Harris to have time to consider several of the condi- tions, and possibly to suggest additional conditions, all of which would be brought. back to the workshop s ass ion� Mayor Hogan noted that at We workshop on June 10, Mr , Mercer had spoken of a petition and he had been directed to file it with the City Clerk . Mirk stated that . in order to have a petition or anything else made a part of the record, the Public Hearing would have to be reopened The Clerk noted that she had recNvOd a Wit ") earlier in the day containing 496 signatures , McCaughan stated that the intent of the peti-tior', Could be 1)y the Public Hearing J j Gl then the same Motion CGUld be made, if SPECIAL USE desired . Kitto arid Baffaro w1thdX'eW the motign COMBT N I and second to amend Masters ' motion . Just .I.NG stated that he did not feel that the public hearing should be re--opened, and McCaughan _-.tated that t.h(--) intE.nt_ of i:be peLit'jon should be noted . Just. arid Masters withdrew the original motion and Second , It was determined that if tht, hearing was re(-)pen%,,(1, input would riot be limited to the pk�tlticjn, and that tAIe matter would be again OPEM for' comments from the and ience BAPPARO MOVED to reopen the hearing, Ki L to seconded Just stated that lie was riot in favor of having hearings reol..)ened after.- once having been closed . Ki.Lto 3'tatec.l that while he concurred with Just , Ivis intent was to accept: the petition and have :i..t read and noted , Masters que.3ti.oned .101111 MerCe'r- as to why he had waited unt-A.1 this time to .present the petition and he noted that they petition was menti.oned at the last workshop session and that it was not. completed at that. He pointed out that had gone over the fully and Lhat when the' rest of. the petit i (7n wals Citr ] ivered to the City, Lhe Lot.Al wr..)uld bo appcox-jmat.,:)ly 600 signaturc.-�s. He Pointed out t.hat of all the people who had been shown the ptittit.i.on only 1.4 refused to sign. The City Attorn(-.�y n6)teA that the comments of Mr . Mercer vvere out of order since the hearing had riot been reol.,)ened and that the motjori on the floor Was 01..)EM for discus- - ion by comicil members only. Upon ..i roll. call VOLes the moi. i.on failed, with Baffaro. Kitto and Stormorj (_ vot.lng aye an(.] Johnson, Just, Masters, arid McCaut.-Ilian voting nay. KITTO MOVED that. the application Of KenL Highlands for Special Use Permit be approved subject: to conditions to be --;e L. forth by the Council. at, its next regular meet-Ang . Baffaro seconded . Motion carried Hall Coivrt ard. 11Lds on the City ..................... ........... hail CourLyard were, received as follows. Ru.sc.h N I 1 1.ea.r. East val.l.e.y Con'sIti:uct,ion Cojir-.vtruction Constrk..Iction _� 3 _ Basic Bid $381985 .00 $3t")1376 .00 4 I_232 .00 Alternate 1 211107 .00 20200 .00 20107,00 Alternate 2 1# 342 .00 .1.0542 .00 1. 342 .00 Alternate 3 80523 .00 80200 ,,00 70069 .00 Al.t(_z!rn ate 4 560 .00 650 ,.00 743 .00 Alt.ernate 5 895 .00 .15o .00 530 .00 It is the recommendation of the administration that the best bid of Miller Construction be accepted in the amount of $36, 376 .00,, plus tax. JUST MOVED that the mat:ter. be referred to the F,i.nance Committee for further consideration, Johnson seconded . Kitto stated that he could see no reason for not accepting the bid at this time its the Til0ney bas been al -I o(..,atedl is within Ifie amount agreed up(mi and L_haL H'W shoul-d 1)e und(yrway by this time. McCaughan rioted that: lie did not understand 'the alternates as, presented in the bid tabulation . Motion carried, with Kitto and Baffaro voting nay. Street asked what information the Finance Committee would need and Just stated that IlEi needed more information on the alt-.ernates and spocifically, why t.tie Cit.y couldn ' t do somc-, of the YN-Ioik I a.lt:k.,,rnato.-3 . 19 Waterline in —-—------- The f011owing bids were, received for i I's ta.Ilation of a waterline in James Street. James Biggar, Kent incl- t,.Ax Bert Robison,, Seattle 17 1 784 - 33" Charles Fournierf 'Kent 17' 309 ,90 111 tax " Grant ConstrucLion, Renton 18 ,A07.5 .1,5 f inc.1 t rtx It S „E- Swinney CO. , Wauna 19 956 . 38 ific I tax .It was noted th.-IL- the original e s t'M a tE� 1.cI.St year was $16,080 . These bid's are subject to ad j ii s 1:q, .tent Of cost of pipe on date of delivery and the mated tot.al cos-,,: is now $20,000 -00, which would include engineering services. KITTO MOVED th�it the low bid of Charles Fourr-cier be accepted, McCai.i,ghan. seconded, motion carried . PARN-�'S & Parks De_oartmen.t P (.)_JE?Ct Coordinat:or. The Pja.rj�.&, r 1N1.ECR]"A­1'X0N Depar Lmeri t 1 13 presente� a reqt.iest to the Fill,iric-e Cofllmittf`?e and' to the Parks & Planning Cojnrrtittec for permission tO trans;­-Fer f(.inds within the Department to fund it position of "Project Coordinator. " Ft is bEIieved that such. a person woLildi be alble to aLtract iriatching funds for park ac.quisit-,Lorik Shoreline properties and parks develo,pm(-��nt , JUST MOVED that -the propos,:'1 of creating a 1)("'Sitl t, on of "Project Coordinator'-, and funding same froi-ii within the fUnd and its unbu.dgeted U1nex1..-.,ended balance be approved. Johnson seconded, I-tiotion P()11'TCE & A letter has been rec(�.ivf}d Prow King County FI R F, Executive John Si--)ellwan concerning Law Enfor('-E�-- me ss meant Aista.nCE` Administration (LEAA) funds fo'r the fiscal year 1,975 . It was noted that the AcIministrator J'A)s been oil the deVelOp- ment of the agreem(,.:�nu '--,o alioc::'.t(.­ thelse fund,,:.,, which nia.y be for iLeais as KAYR,, Attorney ' s fees, where -it iS DeC( S'Sary for tl,,ie City to furnish an attorney, and c(-.�rtairl other programs . Tnis pro:frarn wi.11 z.-illow tjh(,.--� suln of $18f000 - $20 , 000 for Ken-t,, providing that the City develops innovative plans for such prograirts . Upon Street , s y..-er .1 T'A.-0 MOVED that K I after review of the LEAA �igreeiiient for .1975 by the C,ity At: i.orney, the Mayor be hut-.ho.r! z(.'(.I -to sign the saic.';' Stor"Ient seconded , MoLlon carrie:_�ci . 'D lil",.T Jf.JST MoVk,11) i. direel ik/f,:-i 1A. f-hcl( "_I. Q.F FU]NDS H)e 1-.)o S t orm i.­,n t s cl c o n .4 1 U K i j- St.reet tf.iat_ Sharing regulat.loris 0 CiLy tut.)sLal aL (-.Aii .s. ti.T.iie, present anticipatt..,d expenditures for 'the fiscal year startin(j July I., to cover the amount anticipated to be received , Ile pointed ir tAme�13 a. year out that this is clai .if J.- -ed Ela L by 3L "IiYIE: iteii," butckje:st. 1f:.or Federal Revenue Sharing Fund,,, Street explained fur-Hier that in June of 1.973 we agreed that up to the .1.17um of one and a half mi,]1.1ion dollars should be set aside for storfn drainage projects,, 'and we have set aside abOL)t $400,000 for it to the preqc.-,!j.,it tlme! � Decisiof.is, On specific storm drainage !A-effi-S Tfl,, Y 1-.)E' Blade tour times" throughoiat the year, dl(_Iring the actual budget period for FE0,111',al Sharin(j Funds .. M 0 t i 0 ri C e C-1 The City Attorney has presented Codification . law students to reviPw FBOURAT, REVENUE a proposal to hiret' wo d prepare them for cO61- SHARING the City ordinances a" , Ost of hiring was noted that the c FUNDS fication . It ns would be $3 ,000 , and .the two such pefsO recommends approval . MASTERS FAnance Committee -_ f Federal Revenue MOVED that the sum 01 i30000 01 J ty to Sharing funds be used to prepare Ci . lotion McCaughan sec,WW8 for codificat"ion I CBD carried C It w, as noted that each council 3 in at or oor(.- ndum from the j�7 �:i a memora Ii member :Is reCelve ewing a request being City Administrator revI ntral Business submitted to EDA to fund the Carat- - resent tion of Coordinator - At P District POA y 04 000 left of the oximatol r since, there is UK cation :tor this position , original allO as now been WoPted, the the CBD Plan I sting permission to Administrator is reque requesting inte, Lai hire immediatelY and a , 'FDA funds Or oLher similar financing until I It is requested that grant s are avajlable � -u-h purp ose JUST , 000 be all.ocated for $6 s C F.d.rai Revenue $6 v 0000 MOVED that the suds. of be utilized if necessary to tOo Sharing funds ition hit fund the CBD Coorddnator POS k, secandedo motion carried .II A letter was read Inc . ng the C 0 1),1'C, Sp 0 ND 1",NL C E I D.C thanki 'E'Sipment (10 - 0 city of Kent and var.ious Departments for the he. j_p and cooperation g:tven t jew in regald 10 opening Of a business :in the thei.r recent OVER to accePt the letter and City . j ki S T K le recordy Nitto seconded, make it a part of t! mot'jon carried - ' Duane Peak announcing A letter was read from reappoint­ COMMLSSIon when his WET'' be would not be a candidate for COMMISSIO he Planning — for the ment to t3a - - d thanking the CIA an expires 11 july, C,Mmjssion� "ITTO e on the opporLunitY to sery et Masters mo\= to accept the jet rer with reg' 0 - se conded k motion carried . Aneer at A report was made by the Traffic Engi, TRAFFIC Lon regarding the statu-s the last work sess, Left:--turn signals in response tot a letter of Left:--turn rguson , it was noed Wat from Ms , Connie F03 : - t the workshop ms - Ferguson was in attendance a report It Is recommended that the session. rt of the record , JOHNSON I MOVED , be made a Pa that the Traific Engineer Q,--3 Masters seconded'? report entitled "Warrants for Left Turn AKYOWS" be made a Part A the record, mot"01A carried as noted Protection. It W a r o ad C r o s s j ng, STREETS -k seSS.,6r, Ulett 9j,1ve a. last wOx "tie that t t t e e CrOsslng- report On the status Of Railroad Grad MCCAUGHAN MOVED that the written protection� part Of the record, Master-,; report be made a stated that the rQPOrt seconded. McCaughan should be rioted in the local newsPaPer , motion carried 21 STREETS Gowe Street Overlay Upon Ulett 's recommenda- tion, KITTO MOVED that the contract with Asphalt Paving & Engineering for the overlay of Gowe Street be accepted as complete, and for the retainage to be released upon receipt. of the necessary clearances, Storment seconded . Street explained that some additional sand would be placed on the street to eliminate the soft tar problem,, Motion carried . 1973 Highway Safety Act. It was noted that a letter has been received from H. R. Goff, State Highway Department, reviewing the 1973 Highway Safety Act, Section 209, High Hazard Locations . The City is requested to submit accident data and i.t has been suggested that: this might be a good source of funding for traffic signals at the intersection of Kent- Kangley and 102nd S .E . KITTO MOVED that receipt of the letter be noted and for the Engineer 's office to submit the requested data by August 154, 19740 Storment seconded . Motion carried . Six Year Improvement Program. The Director of Public Works noted that Public Hearings were held so that the public could review the City ' s major street construction programs planned for the next six years . He pointed out that two separate hearings would be held 1 ) to consider revisions to the City 's Six Year Comprehensive Street Program, for which funding would be from other than State Arterial Funds, and 2 ) to consider the City' s Six Year Comprehensive Arterial Street Program (U.A.B. ) . Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing on the Six Year Comprehensive Street Program. Ulett noted that there are twelve projects proposed under this program and described each project, giving the anticipated completion date and the expected cost. Mrs. Don Hurwitz spoke from the audience regarding item No. 91, the proposed improvement of 42nd Avenue South from 262nd to the Reith Road. She noted that there were two schools on this street and im- proving this road would increase the traffic in the vicinity of the schools, where there were no sidewalks . Mary Jordan pointed out that the schools ' playfields would also be on this route . K:i.tto .inquired as to the status of the Reith Road/Military Road inter- section, and Ulett noted that the County, will share in the cost of this project and that the contract should be approved soon, as the project is expected to be under contract by the end of 1974. Upon K.itto ' s question about the possible completion of Reith Road, Ulett pointed out that there would be no U.A.B. funds for this project, so :it should come under this hearing. Ulett noted that Reith Road was not listed because the road was to be straightened as well as being :improved, and stated that this project could be added to this program at any time . It was pointed out that there were side- walks in the immediate vicinity of the schools only. Kristine Demb.iczak stated that traffic would be increased in the school ary a during the time that the Reith Road would be under STREETS construction. Rosetta Jones commented that an extension of 42nd Avenue South would put a corridor through this residential area and increase the traffic . Garth Jones stated that he could see no reason for the extension of 42nd Avenue South. There were no further csorment and KITTO MOVED to close the hearing, seconded, motion carried . JOHNSON MOVED that Item No. 9 (extension of li 42nd Avenue South) be deleted from the list of projects until further study can made of the area Baffaro seconded . p projects Hogan ' s question, , Ulett determined that pro J could be added or deleted at any time . Motion carried . I' KITTO MOVED that the completion of Reith Road be added to the list, to be completed by 1975 , Ki.tto further noted that Johnson seconded , project kept he would like that particular P at the top of the priority list. Motion carried . STORMENT MOVED that the Six-Year Com.prehensi.ve li Street Program be adopted as amended, McCaughan i seconded . Motion carried . McCAUGHAN MOVED that Resolution No. 765 , together with support- ing data, adopting the Six Year Comprehensive Street Program be adopted, Storment seconded . Motion carried . Six Year Urban Arterial Street_Program, The Director of Public Works descr.i.bed the projects which make up the Six Year Urban Arterial Street Program. He noted that funds for such projects are now limited and therefore the number of' projects has been reduced to six. Ulett described each project, giving the probable cost of each and the scheduled year for comple- tion. The Mayor opened the public hearing . Rosetta Jones commented that there is a slope problem on Titus Street and Ulett noted that the State Highway Department is to take care of this problem. It was also .p.ointed out that. the slo e on Willis Street will be taken care p on Storment ' s of by the final overlay. Upon question, Ulett noted the difficulties involved in programs for improving 104th S .E . (Benson Highway) . Portions of this road are in the City and portions are in the County, which has resulted in a 2-lane stretch of road 4 lanes and then returning widening into , to a 2-lane road again. Street noted that some City funds will have to be utilized :for some of the projects because the urgency of the situation may not permit. waiting for UAB funds to become available . Upon .a question from the audience regarding the plans for the intersection at Meeker and West Valley Highway, Ulett noted that the contract had already been awarded and the work, including a new signal , should commence soon. KITTO MOVED that the hearing be closed, Motion carried . i Stormentt seconded . I I it I 23 STREETS• KITTO MOVED to adopt the 6-year Urban Arterial Street Program, Just seconded, motion carried . JUST MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 766, together with supporting data, adopting the 6-year Urban Arterial Street Program, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried . s read from Jean Des ain Chairman, RIBCO A letter was p , , . River Basin Coordinating Committee, announcing that draft reports on RIBCO basin-wide plans for water quality, water resources, urban drainage and solid waste management have been under preparation for some time, and inviting Kent to review the reports at a regular council meeting or at a workshop or committee meet.ing� Copies of summaries of the plans were dis- tributed to the Council . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Just seconded, motion carried . The Council agreed that the RIBCO presentation should be made at a workshop session. GREEN RIVER A notice was received from King County Council-- FLOOD man Dave Mooney, advi.s:ing that a meeting of. CONTROL the Joint Council Committee of Green River Flood Control Projects would be held on June 261 1974 at 7 : 30 p.m. at Kent City Hallo JUST MOVED to accept the notice, Storment seconded, motion carried ° It was noted that Len McCaughan was the Ci.ty ' s representative for this project. MEETINGS Regional Tax Base Sharing. A memorandum has been received from the City of Seattle annouric- ing a meeting to be held on Wednesday, June 19, at 7 : 30 p.m„ at the Seattle Center, for discus- sion on applicability in King County of regional tax base sharing. Street explained that this is known as the "Minnesota Plan" under which all commercial. and industrial property tax is spread throughout the State for schools, etc Street noted he would attend and requested that a member of the Finance Committee also attend . Just volunteered to go. HEALTH & Borden Property - Emergency Sewer Repair , SANITATION At the last Council meeting it was determined that the condition of the sewer line crossing the Borden property required immediate repair which would not allow for the required time for advertising for bids . The Director of Public Works explained that further investiga- tion revealed that the st.ivat:ion did not constitute an emergency and the usual Call for Bids process will be utilized . It was determined that bads could be accepted approximately four weeks .from- now, Mayor Hogan noted that the City had planned to use the field for recreation purposes :immediately° Mirk pointed out that: the regular Call for Bids process required this amount of time . I II GA Hills #3) . HEALTH & Charles And��rsc?n Chasm (Kent I submittedd a report SANITATION The City Attorney Charles. Anderson regardingthe claim of opinion that against the City and :it is his rt there is no liability on the part of the the claim. It is his recom- City regarding aim be ected and mendati,on that ththelrecommendat:ion Of the KITTO this City Attorney seconded . xMotionlcarrried , claim, St ,. It was noted that Lakehaven Sewer District. pro osing to Lakehaven Sewer District is p p I' annex an area West of I-5 and South of Star Lake . The Department of Public Works has reviewed the proposal and it is theirests of op ti that it is to the best 1nMp,STERS MOVED that encourag e such service . the Boundary Review Board be notified of such a recommendation, Storment seconded, motion carried . LID 275 . Upon the recommendation of the Works McCAUGHAN MOVED Dim for of Public for LID 275 be held that the final hearing Motion on July 15 , 1974, Storment seconded . carried . es Inc . Bill of Ulett has recommended tes Sale from Rentoni acceptance of a Rentonit , Inc. for a sanitary sewer located between I� from 102nd Ave 239th and SE 2Of 1 approximately 334 j 308 feet east of 102nd and ITTO MOVED that feet north of 240th Street. desried sewer the Bill of Sale her$5�0 cash the abovebondcbebreleased# be accepted and t Storment seconded, motion carried . - McCann PropertY. . Tukwila - Southcd terfrom South Frank Todd of A letter was read from Y Bruce McCann the City of Tukwila addressed to Councils, and to the Kent and Tukwila City dated May 20 , 1974, containing Proposals � concerning the sewerand water utility ques- i tion in connection with the Bruce McCann It was noted that the proposal Development . Bruce McCann and by the had been signed by President of the Tukwila City Council . KITTO MOVED for acceptance of the letter for the record, and to reject the proposal . M sters seconded . Motion carried . a M Cann addressed dated June A letter was read from Bruce 1974, advising to Joe Street, the City that since the development of his was now well underway property consider regulations he was unable to f Tukwila. deannexation from the City KITTO MOVED to accept the letter and for oseit to , be made a part of the record , . Masters motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the City of Kent. exl:r_�nd to the: C i.ty c,f' `Pi.�k wi 1 a sewer and water services property wi th t.hf� for the Southcent-er Sou.t.h pro p following three conditions: li it I i 25 HEALTH & 1 ) That the sewer charge of $274. 36 per acre SANITATION j be made in lieu of assessment the same as the rate assessed in ULID 41 . 2) That the water payment be at the late comers rate to be determined by whether it is connected to the Cam or Uplands property, and that is to be determined by the Public Works Director. 3) In add:it.i.on, this City of Kent Council go on record of not servicing any more Tukwila property on the east side of the Green River and that the City of Tukwila Council make a resolution of intent not to annex property south of the McCann plat east of the River. Kitto seconded . Ki.tto asked Ulett if he would suggest any additions to the motion. Ulett noted that the first two items were conditions which he had suggested . He pointed out that his other suggestions were standard developer extension policies which have been used before and that City ordinances specify the rates to be charged for property lying outside the City limits. Storment stated that he would like to have some specific amount of acreage put in the motion, noting that he had heard references to 80 acres and to 72 acres. Street stated that the figure had not been determined by the engineering staff. Al Blaine, represent- ing Mr. McCann, noted that this was approxi- mately 80 acres but. only 72 acres were building lots; the rest would be for roads . Upon McCaughan 's question, Mirk noted that the developer of the plat has to pay all assess- ments on any portion of the plat which :is being dedicated :for public right of way, and that area assessment should be based on raw acreage . Mirk questioned the Council as to the reason for the third condition. McCaughan stated that in his opinion the thing they were working toward is that the Railroad property should be properly annexed to the City of Kent . He noted that the City has gone through all of the necessary channels to get McCann to annex to the City of Kent; that all of our questions have been answered; and that they have declined to annex. He stated that he -thought at this time the City should try to make sure that Tukwila will not come down further south into the City of Kent territory. Mirk noted that that particular condition would not be enforceable . McCaughan conceded that this might be true, but he felt that such a resolution 'of intent on the part of the City of Tukwila will weigh heavily with the Boundary Review Board at such time as the situation might arise. Mirk stated that Mayor Todd ' s proposal, which Kent rejected, sounded like the one the Council was now considering. HEALTH & It was pointed out that utility rates were . SANITATION determined on whether the property is inside or outside the City. Street stated that when figuring square footage utilities you do not include the public rights of way, but if the utility LID goes in before the streets are dedicated, then you would . Mr. Blaine determined that the --- streets will be dedicated to the City of Tukwila. Mirk clarified for Blaine that the "per acre charge should cover the I entire acreage and there should be no con- sideration for a charge in lieu of assess- ment for the fact that some streets would be dedicated to the City of Tukwila. McCaughan stated that if they have dedicated the streets to the City of Tukwila already then they should be considered public property and should not be counted in the j acreage charge . Just stated that he wanted to go on record as opposing this motion as it violates present City policy, in extending services outside the City limits and stated that while III he knew it could mea n .income to the City, it was income that the City had never had or intended to have at the time the utility lines were installed . Johnson concurred with Just Kitto stated that if people were against this j proposal because of "policy" then perhaps it is time to examine the policy. He noted further that he agreed with McCaughan ' s motion and to oppose it by just standing on present policy would not make much sense . Storment noted that in the past we have not permitted people to connect to Kent sewer lines because they do not live in the City, and questioned how the City can justify considering taking an opposite stand now. McCaughan pointed out that the City would be losing utility customers by not accepting this plat outside the City limits. He asked what the income would be for utilities to this plat but the information had not been compiled , The Mayor noted that the Boundary Review Board had advised that this extension of service outside of the City be granted, which is not the usual stand they take and that this should lend some weight to the decisionA Street advised that the reason the Boundary Review Board did this was because this is a request from one municipality to another and they encourage such cooperation. He pointed out that the Boundary Review Board ' s stand on j the issue of supplying utilities to a private developer outside the City is another matter entirely, and stated further that the Boundary Review Board said there is no question but �I. that this is the logical way to get the service from the standpoint of the public utilities . Baffaro concurred with Street. I I hety of TukwMcCaughan noted that if the Shoreline 'HEALTH & in obtaining t SANITATION US successful o bring a sewer line Managementt Permit y would have the across the Ri he ver# tn the vice South of the freedom to extend that ser d Into the Railroad property McCann property an He pointed Out, however, if they so desire ,° :vice as re,,-pleSted , w(�: wol.1 that if we give mcCaughan staled have c0ntr" ovor ?,-he lines further t to deny hat he wOvIld b e the first one r� .,S without annexatjon Just .�rv].c,e any furthe . S, a request could be ton or stated that such s in the future, and would be i twenty Year other Council - He Ponted decided upon by an cil must make a decision out that this Coun e would provide now as to whether or not w which tilities service to a development is u City limits of Tukwila,, within the Storment Pointed taut that at the Council meeting this ev"l Yng an annexation was approved who needed sewer servi ce but had been denied th for peOPIO o Lhey were out- e service bect — that, side the City limits ' Street clardfied the Boundary Review Board did not change its mind--they have consistently stated that incorporated communities should be working together. They are saYing that this property lies within the boundaries Of the City Of Tukwila and that the only logical way for this property to be serviced is through the I of the City of Xent. He pointed utilities . . - -1-1 -eeking utilities often out that other al— - - - such as police and also need other services fire protection, so annexation is the logical solution . The McCann property will receive police and fire from Tukwila. McCaughan noted that Kent had just become a participant in a sewer district LID on the West hill in an area in which we cannot pro- vide service, pointing out that .we did not -e the right to join in an deny these peopJ ict� Masters noted LID in another Sewer d'st r y Review Board decision was that the Boundar ipalities a generaiized comment about muniic V _r The Boundary Review assisting each OvAu , to the river crossing Board made no Yefcr"nce between tbesc two muni which might-, create problows fol police and fire proLec- tion. She Pointed out that it is Obvious that Kent polhce and fire departments would reach the area before Tukwila departments could . Mirk stated that, in tho event the mot: ton should pass be would bor)e that the Council position will bO yh& oil­)(_,(. rt 1 0 t: 1w ri assuming tho 011VA10 Y mainten lilt O dofl, ", V, I m , d that they Wo ! f Ind chaL W( Kent' s c0ustru"Aun sth"Q00we"'ap'prove Lhe de"Wo the engineering and and Tukwila� Upon SLorment ' s not the City Of d the jmporLanc(l Masters ' quest.0, Njyk stresse of this since Kent would have the responsibility HEALTH & of the lines , Mr . Blaine of McCann Co. asked, SANITATION if Kent would have inspectors also during con- struction and Mirk stated that. certainly was the intent� Blaine pointed out that they would already be paying an independent firm of engineers to be furnished by the City of Tukwila, and now it appeared that they were going to be asked to pay another. group Of inspectors from Kent . Upon Storment ' s question as to the number of acres, Blaine stated that the plat was in the Tukwila nowo as I- process of being accepted by 80+ acres . Mirk stated that the dedication of streets, in his opinion, did not relieve the piattor from being assessed for the entire acreage . STORMENT MOVED to amend the motion to come up with the 80+ acreage figure and to include that Kent ' s Department of Public Kitty Works would supervise We rnspectionst seconded , motion carried W Ii On a roll call vote , the original motion CD failed, with Stormont, Masters, Just and 41 X Johnson voting nay, and Baf-faro, Kitto and II McCaughan voting ayeII , FQZ-0w-N, 'TAATL0N Mayor Hogan present.ed Stan Bolen of the Water Department with a certificate for successfully completing thirty hours of instruction on Voluntary Compliance as it relates to occupational Health and SnfetY , P L 14 r-� B L�, It was noted c- bmitted TKAt the city has-"Wellived a contract sU by Pacific Northwest Bell to change the present phone system LO a Centrox syste" At budget time funds were laclud" to change from the present Series Loo to Soyies 300, at all increase of 0200 per month it was further noted that the Centrex system will cost approximately $150 a month more than the S50 less than rhe. proposec.i present system but Series 300, and that such MLOM will qive better servien and eliminate the need for one part-time persen in the communications center . KIT TO MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Centrex Contract with Pacific Northwest Bell , Baffaro seconded . Motion carried . Pension Funds . Street reported that the pension fund question was of prime concern at this time, and that elected officials in the State should be contacting the State legi t slaors to make certain the situation does not become worse . McCAUGHAN MOVED to pay bills received through June 191 1974 after approval by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at 8 a.m. June 26, d974. 29 i FINANCE Claims approved by the' Finance Committee at their meeting of June 10, 1974 are as follows: Current Expense $ 12227. 22 Parks & Recreation 22:114.54 City Streets 70131 . 35 Park Forward Thrust 218. 76 Federal Shared Revenue 190250 . 23 Library Construction 2, 381 . 75 City Hall Construction 120 .63 James Street Construction 18260 .00 East Valley Construction 4.00 EVH - Willis to Gr Rvr 28716. 75 Gowe Street - East 59 ,098 . 71 Kent-Des Moines Swr Intrcptr 4.00 100th Avenue Ave Swr Intrcptr 8.00 Equipment Rental 8, 317 .90 Firemens Rel & Pension 1,948 .68 Leff Disability 20590 . 33 Sewer 50262 .44 Water 9,400 .45 Garbage 27 ,971 . 20 $1824,026.94 Interest Bearing Warrants_ LID 275 $ 18319 .91 MEE`1'ING ADJOURNED: 9 :45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 1�- Marie Jens City Clerk J i I